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Microsoft Access – Module 8

OKAY, it’s Practice Time!

The following exercise is a test to make sure that you understand and have absorbed the key
points we have learned so far. Read the entire assignment before you try it.

When creating a command button to open a form via the button’s properties and the Macro
Builder, the “OpenForm” Action has a property named “Data Mode” that can be set to:

 “Add” = only lets you add

new records, not see the old

 “Read Only” = only lets you

see old records, not edit or
add new

 “Edit” (or leave blank) = Do

anything to old or new

So open the CMDBTNS database and create 3 macros named “Add Customers”, “Lookup
Customers” and “Edit Customers” that open frmCustomerData using each Data Mode

Then create 3 macros named “Add Employees”, “Lookup Employees” and “Edit Employees”
that open frmPersonal using each Data Mode
Then create the following switchboard form named frmCustomersAndEmployees with
command buttons that run the appropriate macros to do what they say:

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