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Microsoft Access – Module 4

OKAY, it’s Practice Time!

The following exercise is a test to make sure that you understand and have absorbed the key
points we have learned so far. Read the entire assignment before you try it.

In the Crosstab.accdb database, we need to see how much each department has spent on
hardware and software. The raw data is in the table named Crosstab Table

 First, create a query named qryHWTotals that lists the Department Code, the Dept
Name and Hardware fields, then a field named Investment that multiplies the Unit Price
by the Quantity
 Then use the Crosstab Query Wizard to create a query based on the fields from
qryHWTotals that shows how much each Department has Invested in each Hardware
 In the query’s datasheet view, show sums at the bottom of each numeric field.
o If you need a refresher on how to get a total at the bottom of a table or query’s
datasheet view, look for that lesson in Module 1

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