Discipline 4

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The Counseling setting is of extreme importance in

3. CIVIL SOCIETY - the civil society is also in
the success of the process.
need of counsellors . The civil society refers
1. It is not required to have a large, lavishly to a community of citizens linked by common
furnished office. What is of extreme interests and collective activity. Civil society
importance is privacy, which will allow quiet includes the family and the private spheres,
moment and confidentiality of what will referred to as the “third sector” of society
transpire. While privacy is important, it is distinct from government and business.
not wise to choose an out-of-the-way Example of civil society:
location where there are no humans in sight a) Youth group
for miles. A FEELING OF EMOTIONAL AND b) Social Enterprises
2. Comfort is necessary for the one seeking help d) Non profit organizations
to relax. e) Academia
3. Try to present a calm, pleasant, and prepared f) Voluntary associations
appearance. This will put your client at ease. g) Groups with special needs like the
elderly, PWD, teenage mothers and
Counseling Services in Different Work Setting: etc.
1. GOVERNMENT- the main task of these
counsellors is to give advice and help the 4. SCHOOLS – their main goal is to give
mentality of government officials and staff. guidance and counsel to students who have
Example: mental and psychological problems about
a) Social workers who are mentally school, teachers, family and colleagues.
affected by the nature of their job. Teachers can also be a clientele of schools
b) Police men and military men who are counselors. The pressure of teaching loads
in so much pressure in managing and managing classes could be too stressful
peace and order in the society. for some teachers.

2. PRIVATE SECTOR – they aim to give guidance 5. COMMUNITY – they help community to be
in some business and operational firms that intact and to resolve conflicts about their
are owned by a private corporation or neighbourhood, substance abuse and
individual. violence, marriage and family counseling,
Example: depression, parents dealing with their
a) Business Counseling – also known as children, and children and adolescent dealing
business mentoring – a growing field with family difficulties and peer pressure.
of counselors. This is a highly Counselors are available to help the
effective process that enables individuals, family and other groups or
business owners and senior managers organizations to cope with life’s inevitable
manage the pressures brought by challenges.
stresses and issues affecting their
business or businesses as well as in
making right decisions during times of
In addition it is important to note,
that counsellors are also found in Reference: Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science
areas such as psychological testing by MYLA M. ARCINAS PhD
centers, career counselling and pp. 60-70

placement centers.

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