Quiz 1.2

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Code: 1069L

Image Number Observed Error from Two things to be

the image done to prevent error
I. There is excess substance on the
• Clean the surface of the weighing pan and
the surrounding of the weighing balance
weighing pan of the weighing balance using tissue
• Set the weighing balance to zero by pressing
the “on” button

II. Getting a solid chemical without proper

protective equipments. Equipped with
• Always put on the gloves inside the
laboratory especially when dealing with
accessories. • Remove the unnecessary accessories when
doing an assigned task to avoid further
• Closing the chemical bottle after getting the
III. Unclosed chemical bottle and
unnecessary materials are on the
materials is a must to avoid hazardous
particle to spill or blown away by wind
• All materials except activity equipment
working area should be kept under the desk or table

IV. Overlapped labelling material and color

of the paper is confusing
• Accurate size of paper should be used when
labeling in order for the written information
to be read clearly
• Paper color for labeling should be white for
internal use and red for external use to
avoid confusion.
• The paper box should have a firm shape to
V. Deteriorated shape of the paper box
and improper location of the chemical

cater the solid materials
Chemicals should be put on the center of
the box and not on its edges to avoid

• If needed, jacket should be worn out during

VI. Improper use of lab coat and
unorganized working area
laboratories but in some other cases the
jacket’s sleeves should be hidden.
• Clean area makes the best result before,
during and after the activity.

• Glassware should be handled with care and

VII. Improper way of cleaning a glass ware the proper way to clean them is to rinse
thoroughly and storing it with the mouth
downward to prevent scratches or breakage
• Another method of cleaning it is to gently
rub the inside mouth of clean towel and
stand it on a folded towel
• Bottles to be used on lab activities should
VIII. Manifestation of organism in a bottle always be cleaned and sterilized and sealed
off completely
• Closing the lid of used or unused bottle
should be the first thing to remember when
storing for a period of time

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