Scene 1: An Awful Day

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Scene 1: An awful day

Dragging his heavy feet, Deki returned home after a disastrous day at school: no
one was willing to play with him, he got bad marks and got scolded by his
teachers. Coincidentally, it was also Deki’s birthday- a very special occasion to

Background information: Deki was a really timid and clumsy boy for as long as he
could remember. This created a great deal of obstacles in his academic work as
well as social life (he did not always have many friends and bad grades were no
longer surprising to his parents). On the bright side, this boy had a really loving
heart, a pure soul and outstanding creativity.

Since it was his 16th birthday, Deki decided to do things a little bit differently

Deki (self- talking, quite loudly): It is my one and only 16th birthday today, which
is somehow important because people were born ONCE! Deki, you cannot always
be a shy and sad teenager, it’s time to be peppier! That’s right! I’ll try to set the
negative aside and make the most of my birthday!

Some people passed by and looked at him with their concerned eyes, an old lady
reached out to Deki

Old lady (in a worried tone): Are you ok young man?

Deki: Ooh, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a bother to you.

Deki (this time mumbled): Yes, I’ll be the change myself to this tasteless life!

Passing the threshold, Deki excitedly walked up to his parents:

Deki: Mom, dad, do you know what day is it? Is there anything memorable
happening this day, said like… 16 years ago?

Dad: Hmmm, I don’t think there was anything particular taking place that day, do
you think so honey?
Mom: Yeah… Oops, I’ve forgotten to go grocery shopping today. I’ll get going
now to get the dinner on time. Goodbye my loves.

As Deki’ s mom left the house, the atmosphere became awkward. Deki then walked
to his room, whipped out his phone to text his friends messages implying it was his
birthday, but all he received was indifference from his peers.

Just as Deki was at the depths of despair, an old grey-haired person appeared out
of nowhere. Deki was mortified.

Deki: Who… Who are you? How did you get here? Are you trying to abduct me or
something? Are you a man or woman?

The man: Shhhh young man. I’m not your enemy. And by the way, you can think
of me as anything. I don’t care that much.

Deki: Where’s your proof?

The man: Proofs? I have plenty. I know for a fact today is your birthday and things
aren’t going very well, are they?

Deki: How did you know that? Are you a wizard or … a phantom, or a spy?

The man: You’ll have to see for yourself. Now, I have a solution to your sadness,
are you open for some piece of advice from this old dude, young man?

Deki: Ok, I’m kind of intrigued.

The man: I’ll teleport you to a perfect world, just like what you’ve always wanted
and you can decide which world you want to be in more.

Deki: Hmmm, that sounds sketchy, but what do I have to lose? Alright old man,
it’s a deal.

The man: Very well, it’s a deal.

(The man smirked mysteriously.)

Scene 2: What a beautiful life ~

When opening his eyes, Deki was met with the familiar view of his room. It was a
beautiful morning: the sunlight peaked through the room’s small windows. Deki
could hear the birds chirping happily and the sound of his neighborhood in early
morning. Walking downstairs, he was surprised to be greeted with bright smiles
from his parents

Mom: Good morning my beautiful angel! How did you sleep? I’ve made your
favorite breakfast, now come and enjoy with us!

Deki: Wow, thanks Mom!

(She pulled the chair for Deki, watched him eating with loving eyes.)

Dad (going over the newspaper): I believe you kid will surely have an excellent
day at school like you always do, just remember to not overdo yourself.

Deki: Thank you for the advice Dad!

On his way to school, Deki could feel the eyes of some girls and their whispering.

Random girl (to her friend): Did you see that?! It’s famous Deki from Cherryton
school. Oh, if only I could be his girlfriend.

Deki smiled to himself: It’s gonna be a great day.

School was different from usual. Today Deki was a prodigy: he could solve the
questions so easily and even help others do their work, including the cute girl in
his class- Mia.

Mia: Wow, you are so talented, Deki. I wish I could be half as good as you!

Deki: If you want I can help you study (followed by a wink)

That day went by faster than any day Deki had experienced. Then, another day,
another day followed with the same energy. He was happier than ever, but then
remembered that it was all a dream- a beautiful lie. Deki loathed the mere thought
of returning to reality, so he kept himself busy in his imaginary alluring dream life.

Scene 3: Deki’s decision

Deki’s friends and family elatedly rushed to his room with the surprise party they
had planned about a month ago. There were confetti, funny looking cone hats and
a delicious cake topped with colorful candles. Sadly, as they opened the room, they
were filled with horror when they saw Deki’s body lying on the floor with weird
symbol on the back of his hand and he could not stop babling like a maniac. They
tried shaking his body, giving him anything they thought was helpful to bring him
round, but Deki’s still the same. Suddenly, the symbol on his hand lit up and
everyone somehow got into his dream.

Takagi: (in an astonished voiced): Where are we? Is it…is it Deki’s dream? Look!
I saw him right there!

Deki’s parents: Oh my goodness, you’re right! He’s right there!

Mia: Let’s go over there to call him!

(They ran towards Deki in hope that they could bring him back. At the moment,
Deki was still indulging in his fantasy when he saw a group of people who looked
like his friends and family coming his way.)

Deki: That’s weird, I’ve just seen them here…Huh? There’s another identical
group of my parents and friends?

Real parents and friends: Deki! Its’s us!

All at once it started to dawn on Deki that they were his real family and friends
coming to get him. He quickly ran as fast as he could and screamed.

Deki: No! I’m not coming back! You guys are horrible to me! I’m sick of getting
bad grades and being ignored.
Since he was so careless trying to escape, Deki fell into a hole. without hesitation,
his family and friends all jumped in that hole to save him. They landed on a
cemetery whose grave stones were all of Deki’s failure. There was an eerie voice
in the air.

The voice: You are a disappointment! You will never succeed. Loser!

It kept repeating these words. Deki was so terrified.

Deki: No! No! This was supposed to be my perfect life!

Friends: Please, Deki, please come back! This is just inside your mind, it is not
your real life. You can’t dwell on it forever. Come on, go with us, leave this place!

Ignoring pleading words from his loved ones, Deki continued running and running
past the grave yards. Unfortunately, what awaited him was a mirror maze. Scarily,
in every mirror was a different distorted image of Deki.

Deki: No …I’m not ugly like that. This can be real! How can I get out of this

Deki’s mom: You can get out of this honey, just believe us.

Deki’s dad: That’s right, please listen to your mother!

Deki: Liars, liars! Shut up! How dare you say that after abandoning me? In real
world, no one cares about me, why should I return?

He shouted so hard that all the mirrors scattered piece by piece, making awfully
loud noise that could make ears bleed. Strange enough, Deki found himself locked
up in his room again, outside echoing the voices of his loved ones, begging him to
return to them. They were suffering from all kinds of strange phenomenon trying to
get into his room. Out of nowhere, the grey-haired person appeared.

The man: What’s wrong, young man? It is the life you’ve always dreamt of?!

Deki, now was in utter shock to even say anything. The men continued:
The man: So, do you want to let them in or not?

(He gestured to the locked door. There was a thumping and persistent voice,
wanting to get him back)

Deki: I, I don’t even know anymore. Uhm, let them in or whatever, let them say
what they need to say

The door clicked open, Deki’s family and friends finally got in the room

Deki: What do you guys want me to hear?

Takagi: Deki, you are not alone. We are friends, right? I haven’t even got the
chance to wish you a happy birthday. We intended to keep it a secret to surprise

Mia: Deki, we’ve come to celebrate your birthday! Isn’t chocolate your favorite
cake flavor? Oh, and our teacher has given you positive remarks about our latest
group project too!

Takagi: That’s right! You should wake up to hear the compliments by yourself!

Mom: Darling, how can we forget our precious child’s birthday. We’ve prepared a
surprise for you, please return and receive it.

Mia: Everyone loves you, Deki. You are the most loving and generous person l
I’ve ever meet. Please, come back, we can fix this!

(Deki then was overwhelmed many emotions. Surprise, relief and… happiness?
The look on his face told it all.)

The man: Well, now it’s up to you to decide if you want to stay in your beautiful
dream or leave this world? What will you do?

Deki: What should I do?... May be my parents, my friends, nice things they say are
another illusion in this world. This is my dream, so...
The man: You get to choose once, young man. And be quick, time’s running out. If
you don’t make a choice right now, you will be trapped in your bad memories

Deki (continue to speak to himself): If I leave, I will be a disappointment again. I

don’t even know if those kinds words are real! If I stay here, I will live happily in
my dreams. They are so sweet! I’m so talented!

The man: So...

Mia: Wait, Deki, please choose reality, I have something that I’ve always wanted
to tell you but I was so shy…

The man: Now or never young boy…

Deki: I am 100% sure that... that I will come back!

The man: As you wish!

The man waved his wand and Deki with his family and friends wake up again,
this time it was reality.

Deki: Wow, I didn’t think you guys care so much about me!

Mia: Of course we do, silly, You’re our friend! (followed by a slight blush)

Deki: It’s all thanks to that dream. If it hadn’t been for it, I would never know you
guys care about me that much! I’ve been living in a blur the whole time. I used to
think no one loves me, that I’m useless, dumb, clumsy... And you, always stay by
my side to lead me from my solitude. How can I ever thank you!

Takagi: What is he talking about? Do you understand, Mia?

Mia: No! Not a word!

(They burst out laughing)

Dad: Well, what are we waiting for! Let’s get the party started, shall we?
It’s was the happiest day in Deki’s life. He made himself a promise that he’d
always have his loved ones by his side in his growth journey and he will no longer
be shy and lazy and will enjoy every moment of life.

Deki: Dreams... they may be weird. But they may change your life for the better!

(curtain call)

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