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Saral Notes presents in association with IIT Nepal

BSc. CSIT Entrance Mock Test -V

Time: 2 hrs. Full Marks: 100
(Attempt all questions)
Physics (25X1=25)
1. Least count of a stop watch is 0.2 sec the time of 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured to be 25 sec
the max% error in measurement.
a) 8% b) 1% c) 0.8% d) 16%
2. The axial vector is
a) Force b) Acceleration c) Linear momentum d) Torque
3. From the top of the tower of height 50m, a ball is thrown vertically upwards, if it hit the ground after
10 sec then velocity of projection of ball is.
a) 20 m/s b) 40m/s c) 45m/s d) 90m/s
4. A body of mass m falls on the floor with velocity ‘u’ and rebound back at the same velocity. The impulse
of force will be
a) mu b) –mu c) 2mu d) 2mu/3
5. A thin metal ring of mass 0.5kg and radius 0.1m rolls down an inclined plane of height 1m. The
rotational K.E of the ring of foot of inclined plane is
a) 1.5 J b) 1.9 J c) 2.5 J d) 3.6 J
6. For constant volume gas thermometer, one should fill the gas at
a) high temperature b) High temperature and low pressure
c) Low temperature and low pressure d) Low temperature and high pressure
7. The movement of Inertia of a body is I and coefficient of linear expansion is 𝛼. The temperature of
body increases by ∆𝜃 then moment of inertia changes by
a) I𝛼∆𝜃 b) 2I𝛼∆𝜃 c) 4I𝛼∆𝜃 d)I𝛼∆𝜃/2
8. The temperature inside and outside the refrigerator are 273K and 303K. The heat delivered to
surrounding for every Joule of work done is
a) 1J b) 9J c) 10J d) 15J
9. The temperature of the sun is doubled then heat energy incident on the earth’s surface will increased by
factor of
a) 16 b) 8 c) 4 d) 2
10. In the young’s double slit experiment the angular width of a fringe formed on a distance screen 1° in
𝜆= 6000A. What is the spacing between the balls?
a) 2.44 x 10-5m b) 3.44 x 10-5m c) 2.9 x 10-6m d) 4 x 10-6m
11. A light ray incident normally on a plane mirror suffers a deviation of
a) zero b) c) 𝜋 d) 2𝜋
12. Convex lens of focal length 40 cm for red color the focal length for violet color will be (𝜇𝜈 = 1.54 and
𝜇𝑟 = 1.52)
a) 39.5 cm b) 38.5cm c) 39cm d) 41.5cm
13. The magnificence produced by objective eye lens are 12 and 4. Magnificence of microscope is:
a) 3 b) 8 c) 16 d) 48
14. Velocity of sound waves in air is 330 m/sec. For a particular sound in air, a path differences of 40 cm
is equivalent to a phase differences of 1.6 𝜋. The frequency of this wave is
a) 150 Hz b) 165 Hz c) 330 Hz d) 660Hz
15. Two waves having intensities I and 9I produced Interference. If the resultant intensity at a point is 7I. 32. Squeamish (similar meaning)
What is the phase differences between two waves? (a) very dirty (b) gullible (c) easily upset (d) braggart
a) 0° b) 60° c) 90° d) 120° 33. Bramble (similar meaning)
16. A listener moves towards a source of sound emitting notes of frequency f. The apparent frequency heard (a) wild cat (b) wild bush with thorn (c) tall plant (d) wild animal
by the listener will be 20% more than the actual frequency when the listener moves with speed nearly. 34. Congruous (similar meaning)
a) 66m/sec b) 55m/sec c) 33 m/s d) 16.5 m/s (a) consistent (b) covert (c) Irregular (d) clamorous
17. The number of electrons contained in one columns of charge is 35. savior (opposite meaning)
a) 1.67 x 1031 b) 9.31 x 1023 c) 6.25 x 1018 d)6.25x 1020 (a) protector (b) destroyer (c) nurturer (d) designer
18. A charge q is placed at the corner of cube. The electric flow through all the six faces of cube is 36. Scabrous (opposite meaning)
𝑞 𝑞 𝑞 𝑞
a) b) c) d) (a) scaly (b) scabby (c) decent (d) zigzag
3𝜀𝜊 6𝜀𝜊 8𝜀𝜊 𝜀𝜊
37. un-availing (opposite meaning)
19. A parallel plate capacitor has capacitance 5 𝜇𝐹 in air 15 𝜇𝐹 in oil. The dielectric constant of oil is
(a) unavailable (b) re past (c) successful (d) rare
a) 1/3 b) 3 c) 3/2 d)2/3
Direction: Select the proper prepositions and conjunctions to fill in the blanks in the following
20. An ammeter reads up to 1A. Its internal resistance is 0.81Ω. To increase the range to 10A, the value of
shunt required is
38. He died …………… cancer but she died ………. a train accident
a) 0.9Ω b) 0.09Ω c) 0.03Ω d) 0.3Ω
(a) out, at (b) off, by (c) for, in (d) of, in
21. In LCR circuit potential difference between terminals of inductance is 60v, between terminals of
39. Divide forty ………. Eight but divide the these apples ……….. the two children
condenser is 30v and between terminals of resistance is 40v, supply voltage will be equal to
(a) for, among (b) at, between (c) in, among (d) by, between
a) 50 volt b) 70 volt c) 130 volt d) 10 volt
40. It is a lovely place to live ……………
22. In an ionosphere electron execute 1.4 x 106 revolution in a second. Find the strength of magnetic flux
(a) in (b) for (c) at (d) by
density in this region. (e/m = 1.8 x 1011c/kg)
41. Divide forty ……. eight but divide these apples ……………. the two children.
a) 4 x 10-4T b) 4 x 10-5T c) 5 x 10-4T d)5 x 10-5T
(a) for, among (b) at, between (c) in, among (d) by, between
23. An x-ray tube function at pd of 8000 volt, the wavelength of x-rays photon produced after scattering
42. It is lovely place to live…………….
through the target is
(a) in (b) for (c) at (d) by
a) 1.5 A° b) 0.15nm c) 150pm d) all of above
43. He is angry …….. and indifferent …………me.
24. The ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6cv. calculate the energy released when an electron jumps
(a) from, from (b) by, by (c) with, to (d) during
from n=3 to n = 2 orbit
44. You alone can relieve me ………………. This anxiety.
a) 3.4 ev b) 1.51 ev c) 1.89 ev d) 13.6 ev
(a) from (b) of (c) in (d) during
25. The collector current in npn transmitter circuit is 19mA. What is the base current if 95% of the electrons
45. He took the food play with your watch ……….. he breaks it.
emitted reach the collector?
(a) should (b) in case (c) lest (d) might
a) 1 mA b) 2 mA c) 0.5 mA d) 0.75 mA
Direction: Each of the following idioms an phrases is followed by four explanations. Mark the one that
best explains its meaning.
46. On the bottle
(a) teetotaler (b) vegetarian (c) drinking a lot d) avoid alcohol
47. On the rocks
English (25X1=25) (a) in great success (b) in serious trouble (c) heavy star (b) in progress
26. Government has a lot to ……………………… road accidents. 48. Call it a night
(a) answer back (b) answer for (c) answer to (d) answer into (a) stop some activity (b) feel lazy (c) enjoy the night (d) belated activity
27. He inherited a fortune and ……………. it in a year. 49. Bide one’s time
(a) ran into (b) ran over (c) ran through (d) ran onto (a) to be punctual (b) swearing frequently (c) use rough language (d) act like a soldier
28. His father blamed him but his mother …………… and said he had acted sensibly. 50. Over the hill
(a) stand for (b) stand up to (c) stand out (d) stand up for (a) high land (b) mountain area (c) most difficult part (d) rough road
29. Do you ………. me ………… a fool?
(a) take, for (b) take, in (c) take, to (d) take, after
30. The captain …………… , not realizing that the icebergs were so close.
Mathematics (25X1=25)
(a) turn in (b) turn on (c) turn away (d) turn down
31. After a month’s treatment at a hospital my brother is ………………….. 51. The range of the function |𝑥|
(a) As good as good (b) as heavy as lead (c) As gay as a lark (d) as fit as as fiddle a) R – {0} b) R – {-1,1} c) {-1, 1} d) none
Direction: Select the word/phrase which is closest to the opposite or similar in meaning of the word.
log 81 1
52. If = log x, then x= 72. ∫−1(𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥)11 =
log 9
a) log 9 b) 1 c)1/2 d)100 a) 2/3 b) 𝜋/2 c) 1 d) 0
53. A = {x: 2x +1 = 0 and x is an integer, then A is: 73. ∫ log 𝑥 𝑑𝑥
a) disjoint set b) power set c) universal set d) null set a) log x(x+1) +c b) 1/x c) x logx +2x d) x logx –x
1 2 n 74. The function f(x) = 5x3-135x + 22 is decreasing in
54. If A =[ ], then A =
0 1 a) (3,∞) b) (- ∞, −3) c) (-3, 3) d) (-∞,∞)
1 2𝑛 2 𝑛 1 2 𝑛 2 75. Area enclosed by the curve y = x2-8x+15 in x-axis is:
a) [ ] b) [ ] c) [ ] d) [ ]
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 2𝜔 a) 1/2 b) 3/4 c) 4/3 d) 7/2
55. If 𝜔 is a cube root of unity and ∆ = | | , then ∆2 =
𝜔 𝜔2
a) −𝜔 b) 𝜔 c) 1 d) 𝜔 2 Chemistry (25X1=25)
56. If = a – ib, then the value of a2 + b2 = 76. Vital Force Theory was given by
a) 2(a+b) b)1/2 c) 1 d) –1 a) Berzelius b) Wohler c) Kolbe d) Berthelot.
57. The value of in + in+2 + in+1 + in+3 = 77. Who is known as Father of Chemistry?
a) 1 b) 0 c) -1 d) –i a) Faraday b) Lavoisier c) Pristley d) Rutherford.
2 1 78. Which hybridization has highest percentage S-character?
58. One root of the equation ax + bx + c = 0 is , then other root is
1 4−3𝑖 4−3𝑖 4+3𝑖
a) SP3 b) SP2 c) SP d) None.
a) b) c) d) 79. Aromatic compounds mostly show
4+3𝑖 25 5 25
59. Non –zero equal numbers are in : a) Electrophilic addition reaction b) Electrophilic substitution Rexn
a) A.P. only b) A.P. and G.P. only c) A.P., G.P. and H.P d) A.P. and H.P. only c) Nucleophilic addition reaction d) Nucleophilic substitution Rexn
60. A system of equation having no solution is ____________ 80. Long form of periodic table mainly based on
a) Inconsistent b) consistent c) trivial d) dependent a) Atomic number b) Atom weight c) both a and b d) None
61. The value of cot-1 (tan ) is 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝐶 = 𝐶𝐻𝐶𝐻3
5𝜋 3𝜋 𝜋 8𝜋 81. The IUPAC name of | is
a) b) c) d) 𝐶2 𝐻5
14 14 14 14
62. If cos2A = sin3A, then the value of A is a) 2-Ethylbutene b) 2-Ethylbut – 2 – ene c) 3-Methylpent – 2- ene d) 2-Ethylpent – 2 –ene
a) 36˚ b) 54˚ c) 18˚ d) 72˚ 82. The formula of white vitriol
63. Slope of the line AB equally inclined to the axes is: a)ZnSO4. 7H2O b) MgSO4. 7H20 c) FeSO4 .7H2O d) CUSO4. 5H2O
a) -1 b) 1 c) 0 d) 1/2 83. Cupellation is a process which is used for
a) Manufacture of Al b) Manufacture of Ag
c) Purification of Ag d) Purification of Mg
64. The equation xy + a2 = a (x+y) represents 84. Gun metal is
a) a parabola b) a pair of straight lines c) an ellipse d) straight line a) Cu + 2n + Ni b) Cu + Sn + 2n c) Cu + Al d) None
65. The circle x2 + y2 – 8x +4y +4 = 0 touches 85. Heaviest naturally occurring element
a) x-axis b) y-axis c) both axes d) do not touch the axes a) U238 b) U235 c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d) None
66. If x2 + y2 – kx + 4y + 9 = 0 represents a point circle, then k= 86. Most poisonous metal
a) 3 b) 1 c) 4√2 d) 2√5 a) Cesium b) Francium c) Plutonium d) Iron
𝑒𝑥− 1 87. Oil of Vitriol
67. lim ( )=
𝑥→0 𝑥 a) Fe2O3 b) AgNO3 c) Hcl d) H2SO4
a) 1 b) 0 c) -1 d) ∞ 88. CaH2 is an example of
𝑒 𝑝𝑥− 𝑒 𝑞𝑥
68. lim ( )= a) Saline hydride b) ionic hydride c) Molecular hydride d d) Both a and b
𝑥→0 𝑥
𝑝+𝑞 89. Which of the following is weakest Lewis acid?
a) b) 1 c) ex (p-1) d) (p-q)
2 a) BI3 b)BBr3 c) CCl3 d) BF3
𝑎𝑥 + 5 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 2
69. The function defined by g(x) = { is continuous at x=2, then the value of a is 90. Carbon – Carbon bond distance in Diamond
𝑥 − 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 2
a) 1.54 A˚ b) 1.42 A˚ c) 1.20 A˚ d) 1.00 A˚
a) 4 b) -2 c) 1 d) 5
91. Second most electronegative element is
70. The f(x) = mx + c and f (0) = f ‘(0) = 1, then the value of f(2) is=
a) Fluorine b) Nitrogen c) Oxygen d) Chlorine
a) 1 b) -1 c) 0 d) 3
92. Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?
71. The derivative of x6 + 6x with respect to x is:
a) Na0O2 b)Mgo c) Al2O3 d) SO2
a) 6x5 b) 6(x5 + log6) c) 6x2 d) 6x5 + 6x loge6
93. The oxidation state of ‘S’ in H2SO4 is
a) + 4 b) +2 c) +6 d) 0
94. Which of the following is least reactive?
a) He b) Ne c) Xe d) Ar  What is Saral Notes?
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96. Boyle’s law states that
a) V α P at constant T b) V α T at constant P
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97. Unit of rate constant for Third order Kinetics reaction.
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