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Trochanteric Bursitis: The film ‘Black Swan’ pulled

Inflammation of trochanteric
bursae is a common cause
the curtain back on the physi-
of hip pain in dancers. The
greater trochanter of the cal and mental toll ballet can
femur is a broad, flat section
of bone that serves to anchor have on a dancer. Here is a
several large muscles at the
outer hip. The trochanteric closer look at how dance
bursa lies underneath the
attachment of some of these affects the body and the mind.
muscles and serves to cush-
ion and reduce potential fric-
tion between bones, tendons,
and muscles. Posture
Ballet dancers always move with such grace,
elegance, beauty and softness.
Yet there is so much strength, control and dis-
cipline of character that goes on behind it.
It is rated on a measure of physical
endurance, skill, physical demands, stamina,
flexibility and a number of other scales to be
the number two most difficult and challenging
sport in the world. (Soccer is number one).

Muscle tone
Ballet comes with a number of physi-
cal benefits, from stronger muscles
and increased flexibility to better pos-
ture. Muscle tone gets more refined --
the muscles are strong, but they're
still lean. Ballet training produces
strength without increasing bulk.

It's amazing to do
something you're so
passionate about and be able
to call it your job at the same
time. I feel very fortunate.

Genu Recurvatum (Hyperextension)

The knee can sometimes extend
“beyond straight”, creating a
convexity of the leg posteriorly
(towards the back). This hyper-
extension of the knees is
thought by some to complement
the aesthetic of the leg with a
pointed foot. In dancers, this
often indicates a general predis-
position towards ligamentous
Trigger Toe/FHL Tenosynovitis
Trigger toe occurs most commonly in
female classical ballet dancers. It results
when the flexor hallucis longus (FHL)
tendon on the inside of the ankle moves
irregularly through its anatomical pulley
— Holly Lynn Fusco, member
of the Pennsylvania Ballet

laxity. The dancer may notice mechanism around the ankle.
other joints of the body with Sometimes, the tendon actually locks dis-
similar hyperextension. tal to the tendon canal (near the big toe)
and prohibits a dancer from using the
strength in her big toe when en pointe.

Achilles Tendinitis
Benefits of a dancer’s body

Performing teaches organization,

Develops poise, timing, focus and responsibility. As
creative and well as how to work with others
artistic expres- and learn non-verbal communica-
sion, grace, and tion.
the ability to
perform easily
in front of oth-

Achilles Tendinitis
Tendinitis can occur in any of the tendons about the ankle,
including the flexor hallucis longus tendon (the dancer’s Promotes fitness and cardiovas-
tendon), the peroneus brevis tendon, and the peroneus cular exercise. Teaches healthy
longus tendon. It most commonly occurs, however, in the respect for one’s body and mind. Strengthens back and
body’s longest tendon—the Achilles tendon. Able to with- Helps channel energy construc- abdominal muscles.
stand forces equal to and greater than 1000 pounds, this tively. Develops strong and
tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone (calca- flexible bodies, sculpts
neus) and is responsible for plantar flex- your body and tones
ion of the foot to achieve releve and per- your muscles without
forming jumps. Due to its’ heavy work- bulking and a knowledge
load in the dancing population, it is of the correct way to
prone to inflammation (tendinitis). It exercise.
unfortunately is also the most fre-
quently ruptured tendon in dancers
and non-dancers alike.

Sources:;;; Barron’s Atlas of Anatomy Photos by JOSE F. MORENO/Courier-Post,
photo illustration and design by SHELDON L. SNEED/Courier-Post

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