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1. Although some people believe that money should motivate employees to be effective and
productive, research has proven that employees do not necessarily deem money to be a
means of being productive at work. "Money is a good mover and not a motivator"
(Herzberg, 1976). Therefore, business owners should seek other ways in addition to
salaries to motivate employees.

2. For an organization to achieve its goals, the organization's employees should be

performing at their highest. Employee empowerment, benefits, job appraisals, and
promotions are ways to satisfy and motivate employees to curb employee absenteeism,
labour unions, and employee turnover. Hence, improving employee overall job

3. Employers should also make it mandatory to educate all employees on cultural diversity
and respecting each other regardless of their background. Appreciating the background of
each other in an organization limits conflicts and maximizes motivation amongst
employees. All persons, regardless of their cultural background, should be treated with


Herzberg, F. (1976). The managerial choice: To be efficient and to be human. Irwin

Professional Publishing.

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