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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Measure, evaluate, review and improve

WHS performance
Submission details

Student’s name Phatcharin Inthanin Student no.

Assessor’s name Vladilena Zmyslinskaya Phone no.

Assessment site Lloyds International College

Assessment date/s 09/09/2020 Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date as told to you by your assessor. Any changes to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence/proofs attached. See specifications/details
below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to measure, evaluate/assess,
review and improve WHS performance.

Assessment description
Using the scenario /situation information supplied in this task, and planning materials developed
in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2, you will undertake/do a number of monitoring/checking and
evaluation/review tasks. You will consult with managers to gain input into and support for
implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities to measure WHS performance against
organisational outcomes/results and individual performance. You will then analyse and evaluate
WHS performance data, present a draft/sample report to senior management, and provide a final
written report containing results of analysis and recommendations/suggestions for improvement of
the WHSMS.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

1. Review the simulated/pretend workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd. Review planning
materials you developed for Assessment Tasks 1 and 2.
2. Arrange with your assessor to consult with managers (in role-play) on implementation of
performance monitoring and audit/checking procedures. Prepare to discuss:
a. the measurement and evaluation requirements of the WHS plan
b. setting targets and KPIs1 for managers and employees in accordance with
organisational objectives for the WHS. Consider outcome and management KPIs
c. audit and reporting process for managers. Consider schedule for audits, content of
audits, and tools such as checklists which may help in implementation.
Note: If you have not already developed or considered performance measures, performance
management, and reporting and audit procedures, you will need to prepare or source draft
procedures as the basis of consultation with managers.
3. Consult with managers on implementation of performance monitoring and audit procedures.
Remember to seek input, defend your processes when necessary or appropriate, and explain
the most practical ways possible for managers to implement the procedures you have
developed. Stress/emphasise the benefits to the organisation and benefits to managers where
4. Following consultation, amend targets and KPIs, performance management, audit and
reporting procedures based on the information you have gathered through consultation.
5. Using data provided, analyse information and data for the 6-month period post-
implementation/after the implementation. You need to:
a. consider the relationship between the data and the WHSMS targets and performance
indicators2. What are the gaps?
b. consider possible causal relationships between data and aspects/pieces of the
WHSMS implementation
c. consider possible improvements to address root causes 3 of performance issues
d. consider existing procedures and ways to improve them
e. develop draft recommendations for improving the WHSMS.

KPIs - A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a type of measure that is used to evaluate the performance of
an organization against its strategic objectives. KPIs can be used to track the operational performance of
departments, projects or individuals against targets or goals. They can provide a management tool for
gaining insight and decision making.

Performance indicators - A performance indicator or key performance indicator is a type of performance


Root cause - A root cause is an initiating cause of either a condition or a causal chain that leads to an
outcome or effect of interest.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

6. Arrange with your assessor to consult with the board of directors and senior management
(in role-play) to present WHS performance data and recommendations.
7. Present data and recommendations. Begin your presentation with an explanation of the
review process. Stress the importance of the process for continuous improvement of health
and safety outcomes. Refer to appropriate standards.
8. Based on your analysis and consultation with the board of directors and senior management,
prepare a 3–4 page report containing the following elements.
a. Executive summary (briefly summarise the report).
b. Body (analyse data from scenario; discuss possible causes; explore possible
solutions; explain your reasoning and support with evidence).
c. Conclusions (make conclusions based on analysis; determine root causes of
performance issues).
d. Recommendations (at least 4 recommendations to improve performance based on
analysis). Refer to standards and legal compliance where relevant to support
9. Submit your report to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy
of all work submitted for your records.

You must:
● participate in two consultation role-plays:

○ meeting with the store managers on monitoring and reporting

○ meeting with the board of directors and senior management to review performance of
WHSMS and make recommendations
● submit amended targets and KPIs, procedures for performance management, audit and
reporting as a result of consultation
● submit a written 3–4 page report containing recommendations for improvement of the WHS
management system.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● analytical skills 4 to identify areas for WHS improvement

● communication skills to:

○ conduct effective formal/official and informal/relaxed meetings and communicate

effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation

Analytical skills - Analytical skills refer to the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve,
and make decisions.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

○ prepare reports for a range of target groups, including health and safety committees,
health and safety representatives, managers, supervisors, and persons conducting
businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers
● consultation, facilitation/arrange, make easy and negotiation/cooperation skills to
implement and monitor designated/selected actions
● information technology skills to conduct research into WHSMS systems, create
documentation and present information
● numeracy/numbers, figures skills to analyse workplace information and data

● organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe/deadlines

● knowledge of barriers/blocks to WHSMS implementation and strategies to remove them

● knowledge of documents relating to WHSMS standards

● knowledge of the nature of information and data that provide valid and reliable measures of
WHS performance and WHSMS, including positive performance indicators
● knowledge of relevant Commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations, codes
of practice, standards, guidance material and other relevant publications
● knowledge of WHS management systems.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Simulated workplace scenario – Pitstop Pty Ltd

It has been six months since the implementation of the WHS management system across all stores
at Pitstop. The implementation has been carried out concurrently/alongside with the expansion of
the business, which, over the course of two years, has grown from a single store to 30 stores. The
number of employees has grown from 20 to 160 over the course of the implementation of the
Signs are that the rollout 5 has been moderately successful in about half the stores. Initial feedback
from store managers and employees has been positive; however the implementation seems to have
lost momentum/energy.
It is now time for a review of the WHSMS. You have been asked by senior management to
provide a written report on the performance of the system. The report should contain
analysis/understanding of the data, and recommendations for improvement based on your analysis.
The original objectives/aim for the WHS management system appear below.

1. Minimise illness and injuries in the workplace:

○ ecogniz incidents
○ reduce number of days of lost work.
2. Provide effective risk management6:
○ establish risk management process.
3. Provide effective WHS management and leadership:
○ ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS.
4. Build a culture of safety in the workplace:
○ ensure employee buy-in across the organisation.

The CEO has asked you to prepare a 3–4 page report for directors on the performance of the WHS
management system. The CEO has explained what the directors will require in your report.
● In your executive summary, you should summarise the main points of your report.

● In your analysis, you should relate the information about the WHSMS to targets and
performance indicators. You should explore possible causes for poor performance and
explore potential solutions.

Rollout - to introduce (something, such as a new product) especially for widespread sale/intoroduction to
the public.

Risk management - Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an
organization's capital and earnings. These threats, or risks, could stem from a wide variety of sources,
including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

● In your conclusions, you should summarise areas of poor performance and determine root
● In your recommendations, you should provide solutions to poor performance and explain
how your recommendations will work to improve the system.

The directors look forward to your report.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Strategic implementation plan

A strategic implementation plan for the organisation has been developed from the WHS Key
management system objectives and appears below.
IR Incidence Rate

LTIFR Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate


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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Objective Target Implementation Indicator/monitoring Person

To ecogniz injuries IR=<4 Skills assessment of workers. Number of reported injuries and Store Managers
near misses in 6-month period.
Specific training on
equipment and job roles. Data from incident reports.


Modified July 2020 Page 1 of 21
Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Objective Target Implementation Indicator/monitoring Person

To reduce number of LTIFR=<6 Skills assessment of workers. Number of lost days in 6-month Store Managers
days of lost work period.
Specific training on
equipment and job roles. Data from incident reports.

To establish risk All employees aware of Documents developed and Percentage of managers who have Store Managers
management process procedure. distributed in policies and completed process over 6-month
procedures manual to all staff. period.
All managers have
initiated one safety audit Safety audits.
and implemented
Project management report.


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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Objective Target Implementation Indicator/monitoring Person

To ensure managers All managers have Training for managers on Percentage of managers who have WHS Manager
implement WHS policy performed a skills audit process. performed a skills audit.
and WHSMS and conducted or
Manager’s report.
initiated appropriate
training for employees. Percentage of employees who have
completed training.
Management reports/training

To ensure employee buy- All employees have Managers to conduct monthly Percentage of employees who have WHS Manager and
in across the organisation attended a WHS sessions with employees to attended sessions. Store Managers
information session run explain WHS issues,
Management reports.
by managers in 6 consultative process, etc.
months. Employee feedback survey on


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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Data collected
Using the approved data collection plan, the following data and information was collected for
use in the six month evaluation of the WHS management system.

Incident report

Incident type Number Description
days lost

Fuel spills 38 Some customers and employees 0

with spilled fuel on clothes.

Fires 3 3 small fires due to employee 1

and customer cigarette butts,
quickly extinguished by
customers or staff; one day lost
due to smoke inhalation by
employee with asthma.

Slipping on floors 2 Employees slipping on wet 1

floors while mopping.

Falling stock 10 Employees hit on head. 10

Lifting injuries 12 Employees injured while 5

receiving and storing stock.

Tripping 8 Employees tripping on exposed 8

pipes and wires.

Burns 60 Pie oven burns. 15

Fatigue from standing 10 Employees complaining of back 4

and foot aches from standing
and serving customers all shift.

Breathing difficulties 40 1 employee cleaning pumps 20

with strong solvent.

Eye irritation 2 1 employee splashed fuel in 1


Overall IR = 6
Overall LTIFR = 12

Additional information
Using the approved data collection plan, the following information was collected from various
sources for use in the evaluation.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Source Information and data

Employee data report from 160 employees

General Manager – Finance
20 stores
and Operations
20 Store Managers

Safety audits 10 audits completed.

Wide variance/changes in approach to risk taken by
various managers. For example, some managers have
initiated the use of nozzle guards and automatic pump
shut-off systems to reduce small and large spills. Other
managers have chosen to post rules for customers in more
visible locations.

Project management reports 13 managers have completed a skills audit in the 6-month

Incident reports7 Incident reports are not always completed by managers.

Risk of serious incidents not being considered in review;
risk of serious incidents not being reported to relevant
WorkCover authority.

Managers’ reports Managers report 250 weekly safety audits of premises

Nearly 500 expected.
The ability of designated staff to understand and follow
written risk assessment processes is impeding progress.

Training records 80 employees trained in job role.

Employee feedback survey Employees generally like the idea of training sessions, but
feel sessions are often ecognizes n and incompetently
run by inexperienced managers.
Some stores have highly popular and informative
sessions. Managers run regular sessions based on
employee WHS concerns and WHS issues showing in
management reports. These same stores have very few

Incident reporting is the process of documenting all workplace injuries, near misses and accidents. An
incident report should be completed at the time an incident occurs no matter how minor an injury is.
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Source Information and data

Feedback through HSRs and Employees feel that there was a lot of initial managerial
informal consultation enthusiasm/interest for the new WHSMS; however,
recently not much attention has been paid to maintaining
the system.
Employees at some stores complaining about recent
introduction of strong solvents/thinners; managers at
those stores dismiss concerns.
Also, at some stores, job roles and performance indicators
set by managers don’t mention WHS. Employees feel that
this send the message: WHS is not genuinely important to
role at store.

Industry reports and Barriers and engineering controls 50% more effective in
independent scientific studies; reducing incidents than signage.
advice from WHS experts
Stable causal/connected link between increased frequency
and repetition of safety messages and reduced injury
Strong correlation/association shown between smoking
rates at stores and fire incidence.
Strong correlation shown between smoking rates at stores
and willingness to promote a safe working environment.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Policy and procedures documents (retained from ISS buyout stores)

ISS work/life balance policy

ISS aims to provide a flexible and family-friendly workplace that reasonably
accommodates external commitments and carer responsibilities.
As a flexible and family-friendly business, ISS ecognizes that its staff members have
responsibilities and commitments extending beyond the working environment. ISS is aware
that these responsibilities and commitments can have a significant impact on employment
opportunities, and ISS is committed to providing an accessible, supportive and flexible
environment for all staff.
In responding to requests for arrangements relating to work/life balance, management will
need to consider work requirements and the current and potential needs of others in
responding, keeping in mind that ISS seeks:
● ecognizes n of disadvantage/s that may result from competing commitments
● an environment that is supportive and accepting of the responsibilities of caregivers
and staff with cultural obligations.

Promotion and support of the balance of work and personal needs for staff will position ISS
as an employer of choice, initiate a high level of commitment from staff to the work and
ideals of ISS, and provide high levels of job satisfaction and a strong collaborative and
collegiate culture, while at the same time reducing stress and turnover.
Staff will be provided with a positive work climate where supervisors strive to meet
expectations in accommodating life and personal responsibilities.

ISS smoking policy

As an employer, ISS has a duty under WHS legislation to provide a safe working
environment and to protect the health of all employees from any illness and injury arising
from the workplace. Areas other than those designated will be smoke-free to eliminate the
hazards of environmental tobacco smoke.
A designated area will be available where smokers will be able to smoke during scheduled
work breaks, as long as this does not cause harm or discomfort to other employees in the
workplace. Employees may not, at any time, smoke inside buildings or premises or any
enclosed workplaces. The designated areas will be away from flammable or other
dangerous activities.
A breach/break of this policy will be dealt with in the same manner as a breach of any WHS
policy, and standard disciplinary procedures will apply.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS sexual harassment policy

ISS ecognizes that sexual harassment is a serious issue and is committed to providing a
workplace free from sexual harassment.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any deliberate verbal or physical conduct that is unwelcome and
uninvited, embarrassing, demeaning, offensive or compromising. It can be experienced
anywhere in the workforce, and by both men and women.
It has nothing to do with mutual attraction or genuine affection between people. Such
friendships, whether sexual or not, are a private concern. It should not be confused with
genuine compliments or behaving with common courtesy.
Sexual harassment may include such actions as:
● dirty jokes, derogatory/insulting comments, offensive written messages (email/text
messages), or offensive/attacking, vulgar telephone calls
● leering/eyeing, patting pinching, touching or unnecessary familiarity

● persistent/all the time demands for sexual favours or social outings

● displays of offensive posters, pictures or graffiti.

Behaviour is against the law if it makes you feel:

● offended and humiliated/disgraced

● intimidated /scared and frightened

● uncomfortable at work.

ISS considers sexual harassment an unacceptable form of behaviour which will not be
tolerated under any circumstances.
ISS undertakes to educate all employees on the issue of sexual harassment to avoid its
incidence and to inform employees of procedures to deal with the problem, should it occur.

ISS alcohol and drugs policy

ISS ecognizes the value of its employees and is committed to promoting and maintaining
the health and wellbeing of every member of its workforce. Alcohol and other drugs can
influence an employee’s ability to maintain safe work practices and can endanger
themselves and others. All employees, contractors and sub-contractors have a responsibility
to present for work and remain at work not influenced by alcohol and other drugs.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS bullying 8 and harassment 9 policy

ISS is committed to providing a working environment that is free from bullying. Working
relationships and standards of behaviour between employees are important workplace
issues. The ISS code of conduct sets out principles for behaviour required in the workplace,
namely that:
● all people should be treated with respect

● all employees should develop an awareness about the impact of their behaviour on
● there is agreement about what is appropriate behaviour at work.

ISS considers that bullying in the workplace is inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour,
and those employees found to have either committed or condoned such behaviour in the
workplace may be subject to disciplinary action.
A bully is a person who uses strength or power to coerce others by fear. To bully is to
oppress or persecute, physically or morally by (threat of) superior force. Bullying is
physical or psychological behaviour or conduct where strength (including strength in
personality) and/or a position of power is misused by a person in a position of authority or
by a person who perceives that they are in a position of power or authority. While bullying
is normally associated with unequal power relationships, peer-to-peer bullying is not
uncommon and is an equally unacceptable behaviour at ISS.
A variety of behaviours and acts may constitute bullying which, over time, create a negative
workplace environment. These may include:
● threats

● verbal abuse

● shouting

● constant unconstructive criticism

● blaming

● sarcasm / mockery and other forms of demeaning/insulting language

● coercion/force

● punitive/disciplinary behaviour

● isolation/loneliness

● deliberately withholding information that a person needs to exercise her or his role or
entitlements within the organisation
● repeated refusal of requests for leave or training without adequate explanation and
suggestion of alternatives.

8 Bullying may be perpetrated/done by an individual who may be a work colleague, a

Bullying - seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce someone.


Harassment - aggressive pressure or intimidation of someone

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS performance management policy

To support ISS’s commitment to providing a high-performance and satisfying work
environment. To describe ISS’s Performance Review and Development Program (PRDP).

This policy applies to all employees of ISS.

Each Store Manager at ISS should provide support and guidance to their employees. To this
end, Store Managers should discuss performance and development. The PRDP has the
following aims:
● encouraging and facilitating high performance among ISS employees

● recognition of achievement and training

● facilitating feedback and consultation between management and staff

● identifying employee development and training needs.

To facilitate the PRDP, all Store Managers will be trained in the principles and practice of
PRDP to ensure effective implementation of the PRDP process.
Together, each employee and their supervisor will develop a performance plan and a
professional development plan. Both will then negotiate how these plans will be
implemented. PRDP should be repeated over a twelve-month cycle.
PRDP will be implemented in accordance with the principles of fairness and equity, and in
accordance with relevant legislation and various ISS policies.

Managers are responsible for ensuring that PRDP is implemented for all employees for
whom they are designated supervisors.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS induction policy

To support ISS’s commitment to induction/introduction of all new employees. To describe
ISS’s induction process.

This policy applies to all employees of ISS.

Each employee should be systematically / methodically introduced to their job roles and
should be provided with the information they require to succeed and develop. Inductions
● encourage commitment to the mission and strategic goals of ISS

● welcome and introduce staff members to the workplace

● provide any information necessary to enable new employees to perform their duties.

The induction process has two components

● ISS corporate induction

● local induction; for example, store induction.

Managers are responsible for ensuring that the induction process is implemented for all
employees for whom they are designated supervisors.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS emergency procedures

Fire emergency
All fire exits should be kept clear of obstacles.
Keep access corridors to emergency exits clear.
In the case of a fire:
1. Assess the danger.
2. Assist anyone in the vicinity of the fire away from danger.
3. Close door/s to the fire area if possible.
4. Call for assistance and call out ‘FIRE, FIRE, FIRE’ in a loud and clear voice.
5. Attack the fire with the correct extinguisher or fire hose.

First aid
1. Supervisors and managers should endeavour to have a current first aid certificate.
2. Follow CPR procedure where appropriate.
a. Check for DANGER; to you, to others, to the casualty.
b. Check for a RESPONSE.
c. Check the AIRWAY.
d. Check for BREATHING.
e. Check for CIRCULATION.
3. Call for assistance as soon as it is appropriate to do so.

Fuel spill
Fuel spills can happen when filling tanks.
When notified of a fuel spill:
1. Stop pump.
2. Wheel prepared fuel spill kit bin to the affected area.
3. Clear persons from area.
4. Place absorbent mats on the spill.
5. Clear soaked mats and place them in the discard bin.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Armed holdup
1. Stay calm.
2. Talk in a calm voice.
3. Don’t argue.
4. Press hidden alarm.
5. Always give them what they want.
6. Note as many details as possible about the person.
7. Report details to police.

ISS hazard control procedures

All staff should be made aware of this policy and procedure within several months of
commencing work at ISS.
New staff should be made aware of any hazards that exist within the workplace, and the
way ISS manages the potential risk from that hazard.
It is expected that each staff member will report and act upon potential workplace hazards.
Process for identification of new hazard:
1. Identify hazard.
2. Clear area.
3. Partition the hazard.
4. Clear hazard if safe to do so.
5. Report hazard to owner or manager.
6. Complete all documentation.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

ISS safe fuel handling – Instructions for customers

Car engines – By law you must switch off your engine before and during refuelling.
Refuelling petrol vehicles – Take care; static discharge from clothing may ignite vapours.
Mobile phones – Dropping a mobile phone can cause sparks, which may ignite vapours.
Using a mobile phone while refuelling can cause a lapse in concentration.
Smoking – By law, you and your passengers are required to extinguish your cigarettes.
Children – ONLY adults (15 years or older) are permitted to fill fuel tanks.
Motorcycles – Always dismount your motorcycle prior to and during refuelling.
Autogas (LPG) – If you detect an LPG leak, press the emergency stop button and advise
staff immediately.
Caravans and food vans – By law, you are required to extinguish all pilot lights.
Filling containers – Fill only properly labelled containers which have been stamped to say
they are approved to carry flammable liquids.
Safe fuel handling – Please be careful when handling or storing fuel for any purpose.
● Contact with fuel can burn or irritate skin and eyes.

● If your clothing is splashed with fuel, saturate the area with water.

● If fuel splashes on your skin, wash immediately with soap and water.

● Prolonged exposure to vapours can adversely affect health.

● Always label and store fuel in a cool, well-ventilated location out of children’s reach.

● It is illegal to pour fuel into drains or sumps.

Prevention of static electricity

● Discharge static electricity (e.g. by touching metal parts of your vehicle) before
● Do not re-enter your vehicle during refuelling – stay outside.

Driveway safety
● Start your engine and move your vehicle only AFTER refuelling is completed and
the nozzle has been returned to the pump.
● Pull-away of hose and nozzle may hurt people around you, damage your car, lead to
fuel leakage and possibly cause a fire.
● Service station driveways are busy places. Reduce speed and be aware of moving
vehicles and pedestrians.

(Written report) Monitor and report WHS performance

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Role-paly with the store managers on monitoring and reporting

General Manager – Good morning, Fred. How are you?


Store managers Good morning, Phatcharin. I’m very well. How can I help you for
General Manager – Today, I would like to consult with you about implementation of
Retail performance monitoring and audit procedures.
Store managers We need to monitor the achievement and performance against
Pitstop overall goals, objectives and targets developed from the
management plans as part of the continual improvement
General Manager – Performance monitoring is ensuring, monitoring and reporting
Retail on compliance with Act and guidelines

Store managers Then, let move to the topic of setting targets and KPIs for
managers and employees in accordance with organisational
objectives for the WHS.

General Manager – WHS target is the desired level of performance against specific
Retail KPIs that Pitstop must achieve in order to meet its WHS
Store managers What’s next we should discuss?

General Manager – About audit and reporting process for managers.


Store managers WHS audits include verifying:

- the level of compliance with planned arrangements, for
example as stated in WHS documentation
- whether the WHSMS has been properly implemented
and maintained
- the level of implementation is effective.
General Manager – What’s about consideration schedule for audits, content of
Retail audits, tools such as checklists which may help implementation.
Store managers Checklists are used to guide on-site observations and help the
auditor to assess whether evidence meets audit criteria.
General Manager – That’s all I would like to consult with you for today.
Store managers If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Role-paly with the board of directors and senior management to review

performance of WHSMS and make recommendations

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

General Manager – Good morning, everyone.


Board of directors and Good morning, Phatcharin. How can I help you for today?
senior management

General Manager – Today, I would like to consult you about review performance of
Retail WHSMS and make recommendations.

Board of directors and I’ve heard that the performance does not meet the target
senior management according to our objective for the WHS management system. Is
that true?

General Manager –
Retail Yes, it is. Incidence Rate and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate is
more than target. Regarding to the incident report, there are
many serious incident types should be concerned.

For example;

 The number of 10 employees face with falling stock that

cause them hit on head and lost 10 days of working.

 The number of 60 employees face with Burns that cause

them Pie oven burns and lost 15 days of working.

 The number of 40 employees face with Breathing

difficulties as cleaning pumps with strong solvent and
lost 20 days of working.

Board of directors and Right, this is very serious issue. What do you think about
senior management recommendation?

General Manager – I suppose all employees should be on training of WHS policy and
Retail procedure strictly. Moreover, PCBU obligations should include
to improve the WHS system, Develop an WHS Policy &
Associated Procedures/Programs and Talk regularly with

Board of directors and That’s really good recommendation.

senior management

General Manager – Do you have any comment?


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version: 3
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Board of directors and I think we should again collect the data for six-months
senior management evaluation of the WHS management system after completion of
WHS training. Let’s see the Incidence Rate and Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate will meet the target or not.

General Manager – Thank you so much for you time.


Board of directors and My pleasure.

senior management

Amend targets and KPIs, performance management, audit and reporting

Objective Targets and KPIs Performance management Audit and Reporting


To minimise injuries Incidence Rate < 3 To set the performance Audit compliance of
standards, including safety
SafeWork WHSMS

To reduce number of Lost Time Injury To set goals for employee to Provides an overview
days of lost work Frequency Rate =<5 follow forward. of implementation of
the WHS management

To establish risk Employees aware of risk Gathering feedback and Monitors the effective
management process management procedure reviews to workers about of risk
and there is no number their performance.
of injury.

To ensure managers % of employees and Provide further training or Monitors the number
implement WHS policy managers with education. of WHS training
and WHSMS adequate WHS training

Build a culture of safety Number of workplace Discipline workers where Monitors the effective
in the workplace inspections or scores of there is continued poor of safe work
workplace inspection performance or conduct, or
systems run by where such performance or
managers in 6 months. conduct is unacceptable.

Report for directors on the performance of the WHS management system

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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Executive summary

It has been six months since the implementation of the WHS management system across all
stores at Pitstop. The implementation has been carried out concurrently with the expansion
of the business, which will soon number 30 stores, growing from a single store two years ago.
The number of employees has grown from 20 to 160 over the course of the implementation
of the WHSMS. Signs are that the rollout has been moderately successful in about half the
stores. Initial feedback from store managers and employees was positive; however, the
implementation seems to have lost momentum. It is now time for a review of the WHSMS.

The original objectives for the WHS management system appear below.

1. Minimise illness and injuries in the workplace

- minimise incidents

- reduce number of days of lost work

2. Provide effective risk management

- establish risk management process

3. Provide effective WHS management and leadership

- ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS.

4. Build a culture of safety in the workplace

- ensue employee but-in across the organisation

The report consists of the main points as:

 In analysis about WHSMS to targets and performance indicators including possible

causes for poor performance and explore potential solutions.

 In concluding of summary areas of poor performance and determine root causes.

 In recommendation of providing solutions to poor performance and explain how

recommendations will work to improve the system.

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version: 3
Modified July 2020 Page 1 of 21
Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

In analysis about WHSMS to targets and performance indicators including possible causes
for poor performance and explore potential solutions.

Regarding to Strategic implementation plan and data collected, the performance has been
shown that Incidence Rate and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate do not meet the target.


Incidence Rate < 4

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate <=6


Incidence Rate = 6

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate = 12

Possible causes for poor performance is unconcern about WHS management system so for
the potential solutions, we should conduct the training session regarding to WHS policy and
procedure. Regarding to the incident report, there are many serious incident type should be

For example;

 The number of 10 employees face with falling stock that cause them hit on head and
lost 10 days of working.

 The number of 60 employees face with Burns that cause them Pie oven burns and lost
15 days of working.

 The number of 40 employees face with Breathing difficulties as cleaning pumps with
strong solvent and lost 20 days of working.

In concluding of summary areas of poor performance and determine root causes.

Areas of poor performance

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version: 3
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Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

 Skills assessment of workers.

 Specific training on equipment and job roles.

 Training for managers on process.

Root causes

Managers reports

Managers’ report 250 weekly safety audits of premises Nearly 500 expected.

Ability for designated staff to understand and follow written risk assessment process
impeding progress.

Incident reports

Incident reports are not always completed by managers. Risk of serious incidents not being
considered in review; risk of serious incidents not being reported to relevant WorkCover

Employee feedback survey

Employees generally like the idea of training sessions but feel sessions are often disorganised
and incompetently run by inexperienced managers.

Some stores have highly popular and informative sessions. Managers run regular sessions
based on employee WHS concerns and WHS issues showing in management reports. These
same stores have very few incidents.

Feedback through HSRs and informal consultation

Employees feel that there was a lot of initial managerial enthusiasm for the new WHSMS;
however recently not much attention has been paid to maintaining the system.

Employees at some stores complaining about recent introduction of strong solvents;

managers at those stores dismiss concerns.

Also, at some stores, job roles and performance indicators set by managers don’t mention
WHS. Employees feel that this send the message: WHS is not genuinely important to role at

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version: 3
Modified July 2020 Page 1 of 21
Assessment Task 3 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

In recommendation of providing solutions to poor performance and explain how

recommendations will work to improve the system.

PCBU obligations should include:

 safe systems of work
 safe use of plant, structures and substances
 adequate facilities for the welfare of workers
 notification and recording of workplace incidents
 adequate information, training, instruction and supervision

Meet regularly with our staff and discuss health and safety issues. Encourage them to share
their ideas and thoughts on how to improve safety in the workplace. We might even consider
providing first aid training for staff, so they are prepared to deal with emergency situations.
WHS training
Proper training is necessary for all employees, especially if there is a risk for potential injury
associated with a job. Provide written instructions and safe work procedures so they can check
for themselves if they are unsure of a task or have forgotten part of their training. Supervise our
employees to ensure that they are using their training to perform their job properly and safely.
By not providing the correct training for our employees we are not only endangering the safety
of our employees, but we will be held liable for the incident which could have serious
Develop an WHS Policy & Associated Procedures/Programs
Our workplace health and safety policy must be initiated and supported by the highest levels of
management if it is to be successful. Each manager and supervisor must then accept their share
of the responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of the store's WHS policy are met. In
addition, all employees must co-operate and not endanger their own safety or anyone else in
the workplace.
Talk regularly with your employees.
Meet regularly with our staff and discuss health and safety issues. Encourage them to share
their ideas and thoughts on how to improve safety in the workplace. We might even consider
providing first aid training for staff, so they are prepared to deal with emergency situations.

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version: 3
Modified July 2020 Page 1 of 21

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