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Module 3.

1: Distance Learning
Video on Distance Learning

ü Distance learning is the provision of educational opportunities to support the

needs of students who are not physically in a classroom. This includes the delivery
of courses via an online modality and students have access to a variety of learning

ü Correspondence learning is a traditional form of distance learning, which involves

the use of the mailing services where students receive learning materials and

ü Online learning allows students to communicate in real time with teachers and
their peers and it facilitates asynchronous learning.

Different Types of Distance Learning

ü There are four types of distance learning that can be categorized as either
synchronous or asynchronous.

ü Synchronous distance learning means that learning is taking place at the same time
and students have the opportunity to benefit from live discussions with their
teachers and peers. This involves communication in a classroom, online discussion
or teleconferencing.

ü Asynchronous distance learning means that learning is not taking place at the
same time and it affords students more flexibility to work at their own pace in
completing and submitting assignments.

ü Four types of distance learning include open schedule online courses, hybrid
distance learning, computer-based distance learning and fixed time online

ü Open Schedule Online Courses is an asynchronous form of learning where
students are provided with textbooks, bulletin boards, mailing lists and email to
complete their assignments

ü Hybrid Distance Learning is supported through both synchronous and

asynchronous learning whereby students are expected to convene at a specific
time in a classroom or via the internet through a web chat feature. Importantly,
they are afforded the opportunity to work at their own pace and submit
assignments via an online forum

ü Computer Based Distance Learning requires students to assemble in a computer

lab or a classroom at a specific time each week and it does not affords the flexibility
of an open schedule

ü Fixed Time Online Distance Learning is the most common form of distance
learning where courses are delivered online and students are required to log on at
a specific time.

Advantages of E-Learning

ü Online learning is self- paced as it allows students the flexibility to work based on
their schedule and this increases students' productivity and eliminates stress.

ü E-Learning is considered to be student-centered as it promotes student to student

interaction and the facilitation of discussion boards and peer grading systems

ü E-Learning is cost effective as it eliminates large overheard costs that are usually
associated with face-to-face learning.

ü E-learning takes into consideration individual learning style and students have the
flexibility to select specific topics of interest.

ü Another benefit of online learning is the ability for students to customize their
learning environments based on their particular preferences. They have the option

to modify the learning space and select varying backgrounds or themes in keeping
with their tastes

ü E-Learning fully utilizes analytics and educational institutions use student data to
make informed decisions in improving course delivery and student engagement.

ü Online learning could solve teacher scarcity, as online learning does not require a
vast number of teachers to deliver content to thousands of students worldwide.

ü E-learning is considered environmentally friendly given its paperless learning


ü In an online environment, there is no need for textbooks as reading materials and

resources are available to students online. This will help to alleviate the exorbitant
costs that students spend on acquiring textbooks during their course of studies.

ü Online learning is time efficient given its self-paced capabilities and learning
solutions for both students and teachers.

Disadvantages of E-Learning

ü Online feedback is limited when compared to the traditional classroom setting, as

students who complete online assessments do not receive instantaneous feedback.

ü E-Learning can result in social isolation given its lack of face-to-face interaction
with students and teachers.

ü E-Learning requires strong self - motivation and time management skills and as
such students who are not self-directed and or not intrinsically motivated will find
it difficult to operate in this setting.

ü Due to the lack of face-to-face communication via online learning, students’

communication skills are not adequately developed, and they may struggle to
work effectively in a team setting.

ü There is the inability to prevent cheating among students in an online setting, as
students are not directly supervised/observed during assessments.

ü Much focus is place on theory rather than practice during online instruction as
students are not able to demonstrate application of knowledge through practical

ü E-Learning lacks face to face communication with the instructor and this inhibits
the ability of the instructor to provide ongoing feedback and timely reminders in
completing assigned tasks.

ü E-Learning is not suitable for all disciplines as some disciplines such as medicine
and engineering require practical sessions.

ü Online learning is inaccessible to the computer illiterate population as they are

unable to benefit from instruction enabled with a tablet or computer.

ü Lack of accreditation and quality assurance in online education has proven to be

disadvantageous due to the lack of mechanism to properly review and check
content that is used to support online learning.

This is Emergency Remote Teaching Not Just Online Teaching

ü Leaders and educators during any pandemic must communicate honestly and
frequently with all stakeholders. Communication should be open, consistent and

ü It is important that all needs are prioritized and that the necessary steps are taken
to address them

ü Flexibility is key during a pandemic, as what may have obtained under normal
circumstances may not apply during an emergency.

ü Keep things simple during emergencies.

ü Establish routines and schedule to ensure the smooth operation among staff and

ü Collaboration is key during emergencies to leverage the skills and expertise of


ü Include a wide cross section of persons in the decision-making process to elicit

buy-in and contribution to the teaching and learning environment.

ü Develop a contingency plan to support teachers and students who will become ill
as well as the technology that will fail during an emergency.

ü The well-being of everyone is paramount during an emergency and school leaders

and teachers should ensure that the model, practice and promote same.

ü Emergency situations present the opportunity for educational leaders and other
practitioners to pause, listen, learn and reflect as this will enable them to be better
prepared in situations of uncertainties.

Learning continues at this rural school via motorbike

ü Principal Keron King, of Little Bay Primary in Westmoreland, has demonstrated

much resilience and commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic. With a motor
bike, Principal King is able to deliver and collect learning materials once per week
to students in and around neighboring communities who are without internet
access during the pandemic.

ü During his community walk-throughs, he would take the register to record the
attendance of students and this enabled them to still feel a part of the learning

ü Through the establishment of partnerships with the Ministry of Education, Youth

and Information’s Region 4 office and partners such as EduFocal and RockHouse
Foundation Principal King was able to continue education through distance

Restoring Connection: Real-Life Advice on Transitioning to Online Learning

ü As educational leaders move to teaching online, they should ensure that they
assess the teaching practices or pedagogy they want to leverage. Once this is
achieved, then teachers should then select the appropriate technology they will
use to complement distance learning that allows for minimal disruption.

ü Teachers should find creative ways to engage students outside of the online spaces
for example student can collaborate using Google Apps and create a slide show to
demonstrate their learning.

ü Teachers must ensure that they provide clear guidelines for students as this will
assist with their transition to online learning.

ü It is important that teachers troubleshoot possible challenges or problems that

may arise so as to quickly respond to issues that students will face whilst
transitioning to online learning. Having a contingency plan is key and this will
also assist with navigating challenges.

ü Keep communication clear and concise so that recipients do not get overwhelmed
with the information being shared.

ü School leaders and other educational leaders must collaborate with each other and
form communities of practice to share ideas and deepen understanding of
common challenges.

Competency Profile of the Digital and Online Teacher in Future Education

ü With the advent of the digital era and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, educators
are now required to demonstrate various digital and general competencies that
will enable them to function effectively in the digital world.

ü The digital leader requires school leaders who are adaptive to change and are
amenable to the use of technology in the teaching and learning process.

ü In keeping with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, teachers must be able to engage
students in the virtual environments through the use of emerging technology.

ü Teachers of the future must learn to be comfortable using education games and
social media as innovative and interactive strategies for enhancing student
engagement during the teaching and learning experience.

ü As teachers move to prepare 21st century learners who are critical thinkers,
innovative, well-rounded and are adaptive to change, they must ensure that they
are prepared to develop the “whole learner”.

ü Due to the rapid increase in which information becomes available teachers must
ensure that they engage in continuous professional development to keep apace
with current trends to inform their practice.

ü The digital age is influenced by globalization, the Internet of Things, Big Data,
Information Explosion, Artificial Intelligence, Open Education Resources and the
Fourth Industrial Revolution among other things.

ü General competencies required for teachers during the digital age include the
ability to collaborate with students and teachers virtually, basic knowledge of
artificial intelligence, work from anywhere at any time, keep abreast of the latest
trends in education and provide support to learners regardless of their location.

ü Other competencies required for teachers in the digital age include the following:

o Ability to independently learn how to use new technology and software

o Explore emerging technologies for learning

o Troubleshoot basic technology problems

o Integrate technology into the curriculum seamlessly

o Develop learning materials to meet specific learners

o Use different strategies for varying learning situations

o Encourage innovation and creativity

o Model good virtual behaviour

o Encourage social interaction between learners

o Provide individual feedback to learners to support their learning

o Encourage learners to learn independently

o Act as a mentor and coach for learners.

o Support learners using digital technology

o Engage learners during the learning process

o Use interactive strategies such as serious games and simulations to motivate


o Use appropriate pedagogical approach to match the technology.

o Suggests additional learning activities for learners who need them.

o Use virtual assessment strategies to assess learning

o Show empathy by maintaining humanity virtually

o Consider privacy issues and keep learner information

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