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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2

Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Chapter 2 The cell as the basic unit of life

Multiple-choice questions

* Directions​: The following two questions refer to the electron micrograph below,
which shows some white blood cells.

What is the magnification of this electron micrograph?

A ×1000
B ×5000
C ×10000
D ×50000

* If white blood cells are observed with a scanning electron microscope, how
would the electron micrograph obtained be different from the one above?
A The electron micrograph would be in colour.
B The internal structures of the cells would be shown in greater detail.
C Only the nuclei but not the granules of the cells would be shown.
D Only the external structures of the cells would be shown.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions​: The following two questions refer to the photomicrograph below,
which shows a small organism found in a freshwater stream in Hong Kong.

The above organism was observed under a light microscope with a 10X eyepiece
and 20X objective. The actual length, MN, of this organism is
A 0.1 mm.
B 0.25 mm.
C 1 mm.
D 2.5 mm.

* Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using a light microscope over
an electron microscope in observing the organism?
(1) Any movement of the organism can be observed.
(2) Preparation of the specimen for observation is easier.
(3) The structure of the organism can be shown in greater detail.
A (2) only
B (1) and (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

** A student observed some cells under a light microscope at different
magnifications. The diagram below shows the change in the image observed.

Some steps in microscopic observations are listed below.

(1) turn the coarse adjustment knob
(2) turn the fine adjustment knob
(3) adjust the diaphragm
(4) rotate the nosepiece
(5) move the slide to the left
(6) move the slide to the right

Which of the following sequences of steps results in the change shown in the
A (1) ​→​ (3) ​→ ​(4) ​→ ​(5)
B (3) ​→ ​(5) ​→ ​(6) ​→ ​(4)
C (4) ​→ ​(6) ​→ ​(1) ​→ ​(2)
D (5) ​→ ​(4) ​→ ​(2) ​→ ​(3)

** All living cells possess
A a cell wall, a nucleus and cytoplasm.
B a cell membrane, a vacuole and cytoplasm.
C a cell membrane, a nucleus and cytoplasm.
D a cell membrane, cytoplasm and ribosomes.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Some cells were observed under a light microscope at different magnifications. If
the diaphragm of the microscope was not adjusted during the observation, which
of the following images would be the dimmest?



** Peter observed a prepared slide under a light microscope. He found a small
unknown object at low-power magnification. The object did not move when he
moved the slide. He turned the nosepiece to select a high-power objective. The
object was still seen. This unknown object was most probably on
A the objective.
B the eyepiece.
C the slide.
D the mirror.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The diagrams below show a part of three different organelles in a cell.


Which of the following combinations correctly identifies the organelles?

A chloroplast vacuole mitochondrion
B vacuole chloroplast mitochondrion
C mitochondrion chloroplast nucleus
D nucleus mitochondrion chloroplast

Which of the following features helps identify a cell as a eukaryotic cell?
A absence of chloroplasts
B absence of vacuoles
C presence of cell wall
D presence of mitochondria
Which of the following statements about the Cell Theory is correct?
A It states the differences between plant cells and animal cells.
B It describes how cells divide to form new cells.
C It states that all organisms are made up of one or more cells.
D It states that all cells have a nucleus, a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following are the functions of nucleic acids?
(1) carry genetic information
(2) as a component of cell membrane
(3) determine the features of organisms
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

Which of the following statements about the nucleus are correct?
(1) It is the main site where respiration takes place.
(2) It is the site where the genetic material is located.
(3) It is bounded by a double membrane.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

Water is important to humans because
(1) it acts as a medium for chemical reactions.
(2) it helps regulate body temperature of organisms.
(3) it provides energy for chemical reactions in the cells.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1) and (3) only

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions:​ The following two questions refer to the electron micrograph and the
table below. The electron micrograph shows two organelles, X and Y, of a
eukaryotic cell, while the table shows the relative abundance of these two
organelles in four cell types in humans.

Cell type Organelle X Organelle Y

I +++++ +
II +++ +++++
III + +
IV – –
(Key: ‘​+​’ represents the presence of the organelle. The larger the number of ‘​+​’, the
greater the abundance, ‘​–​’ represents the absence of the organelle)

Cell type I is ​least l​ ikely a

A sperm.
B muscle cell.
C cheek cell.
D liver cell.
* The relative abundance of organelles X and Y for a mature red blood cell is most
likely to be similar to that of
A cell type I.
B cell type II.
C cell type III.
D cell type IV.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The photomicrograph below shows some epidermal cells of a leaf.

Which of the following statements about structure X is/are correct?

(1) It can be found in plant cells only.
(2) It contains genetic material.
(3) It controls activities of the cells.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

All living cells
A carry out photosynthesis.
B come from pre-existing cells.
C can move.
D have a nucleus.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The diagram below shows two different cells.

Which of the following comparisons of cells X and Y is ​not​ correct?

Cell X Cell Y
A genetic material is lying free in the genetic material is enclosed in the
cytoplasm nucleus
B cell wall is absent cell wall is present
C cytoplasm is present cytoplasm is present
D nuclear membrane is absent nuclear membrane is present

* Which of the following combinations of sub-cellular structure and its function is
not​ correct?
Sub-cellular structure Function
A cytoplasm provides a suitable environment for many
chemical reactions to take place
B nucleus contains genetic material
C cell wall gives shape to the cell
D endoplasmic reticulum releases energy

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following is present in the largest amount in organisms?
A water
B proteins
C carbohydrates
D nucleic acids

* Which of the following statements about microscopes are correct?
(1) Light microscopes use light to form images.
(2) Scanning electron microscopes can only produce black and white images.
(3) The microscopes most commonly used today are light microscopes,
transmission electron microscopes and scanning electron microscopes.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* A sample of organic compounds was tested and found to contain carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur atoms only. The compounds are most
A phospholipids.
B cellulose.
C proteins.
D nucleic acids.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following statements about inorganic ions in organisms is ​not
A Green plants need nitrates for the synthesis of proteins.
B Iron is a component of haemoglobin.
C Our muscles cannot contract normally if we lack magnesium.
D Some of the inorganic ions activate enzymes.

* Which of the following statements about the Cell Theory is/are correct?
(1) The Cell Theory states that all organisms are made up of many cells.
(2) The Cell Theory states that all cells come from pre-existing cells.
(3) The development of microscopes contributed to the formulation of the Cell
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

* Which of the following statements about the observations under a light
microscope is correct?
A At low-power magnification, the area of the specimen observed is larger.
B At high-power magnification, less detail of the specimen can be observed.
C At low-power magnification, the image is dimmer.
D The specimen to be observed at high-power magnification is never stained.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following statements about the prokaryotic cell is ​not​ correct?
A A prokaryotic cell has ribosomes.
B The cell wall of a prokaryotic cell does not contain cellulose.
C A prokaryotic cell has no endoplasmic reticulum.
D A prokaryotic cell does not contain genetic material.

  Which of the following sub-cellular structures controls the movement of
substances in and out of the cell?
A nucleus
B cell wall
C cell membrane
D mitochondrion

Which of the following sub-cellular structures protects plant cells from
mechanical damage?
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D vacuole

Which of the following sub-cellular structures is ​not​ bounded by a double
A nucleus
B mitochondrion
C vacuole
D chloroplast

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Robert Hooke discovered cells under a microscope when he was examining
A the cross section of a leaf.
B a slice of cork from the bark of a tree.
C a slice of beef.
D the epidermis of an onion.

Which of the following sub-cellular structures gives shape to plant cells?
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D mitochondrion

Cells that have a high level of metabolic activities most probably have more
A nucleus.
B cytoplasm.
C mitochondria.
D chloroplasts.

Which of the following structures contains a pigment that absorbs light energy
for photosynthesis?
A cell wall
B mitochondrion
C vacuole
D chloroplast

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following structures is/are differentially permeable?
(1) cell membrane
(2) cell wall
(3) the membrane that surrounds the vacuole
A (1) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

In a eukaryotic cell, DNA is present in the
A nucleus.
B endoplasmic reticulum.
C vacuoles.
D cell wall.

All animal cells have
A a nucleus.
B vacuoles.
C a cell membrane.
D a cell wall.

Mitochondria are organelles for
A absorbing light energy in photosynthesis.
B controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cells.
C respiration.
D controlling activities of the cells.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Cell wall is mainly composed of
A cellulose.
B proteins.
C lipids.
D starch.

* Which of the following is the image of the letter ‘G’ observed under a light


In preparing a temporary mount of onion epidermal cells, which of the following
substances is used as a stain?
A water
B oil
C iodine solution
D alcohol

* When a specimen is observed under a microscope with a 5X eyepiece and a 10X
objective, the magnification of the image is
A ×2.
B ×5.
C ×15.
D ×50.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following is/are the function(s) of the cell membrane?
(1) controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cells
(2) enclosing the cells
(3) giving shape to the cells
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

Which of the following structures is found in plant cells but ​not​ in animal cells?
A cell membrane
B nucleus
C cell wall
D vacuole

* Which of the following parts of a light microscope are responsible for
magnifying objects?
(1) condenser
(2) objective
(3) mirror
(4) eyepiece
A (2) and (4) only
B (1), (2) and (4) only
C (2), (3) and (4) only
D (1), (2), (3) and (4)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following structures is the ‘power house’ of the cell?
A nucleus
B chloroplast
C mitochondrion
D vacuole

Which of the following structures contains genetic information that controls
activities of the cell?
A vacuole
B cell membrane
C mitochondrion
D nucleus

When observing a specimen under a light microscope, which of the following
parts should be adjusted to bring the image in focus?
A condenser
B mirror
C fine adjustment knob
D nosepiece

DNA can be found in
A the vacuole.
B the nucleus.
C the granule.
D the cell membrane.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* All eukaryotic cells have
A a nucleus and chloroplasts.
B a nucleus and mitochondria.
C a cell membrane and mitochondria.
D a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

Which of the following are ​not o​ rganic chemical constituents of the cell?
A minerals
B carbohydrates
C lipids
D nucleic acids

* Which instrument gives the image of the human sperms below?

A hand lens
B light microscope
C transmission electron microscope
D scanning electron microscope

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following statements about the Cell Theory is correct?
A The Cell Theory states that cells are composed of organic and inorganic
B The Cell Theory states that cells come from inorganic substances.
C The Cell Theory states that cells contain nucleus.
D The Cell Theory states that the cell is the basic unit of organisms.

In which of the following structures is DNA mainly found?

A structure P
B structure Q
C structure R
D structure S

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

The diagram below shows a mature human cell.

This cell has

(1) cytoplasm.
(2) a nucleus.
(3) a cell membrane.
A (1) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* The magnification of an image observed under a light microscope depends on
(1) the amount of light passing through the microscope.
(2) the magnification of the eyepiece.
(3) the magnification of the objective.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* Which of the following statements about cells is ​not ​correct?
A Plant cells have larger vacuoles than animal cells.
B Plant cells have rough endoplasmic reticulum for the synthesis of proteins.
C Both animal cells and plant cells have mitochondria for respiration.
D All plant cells have chloroplasts.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following shows the image seen if the word ‘pod’ is viewed under a
light microscope?

A boq
B doq
C pod
D qob

* A student is observing a prepared slide of plant cells under a light microscope.
Which of the following combinations of eyepiece and objective allow him to
observe approximately the same number of cells in the field of view?
Eyepiece Objective
(1) 5X 20X
(2) 10X 10X
(3) 15X 40X
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The diagram below shows how to cover the specimen with a cover slip for
microscopic observation.

Why must the edge of the cover slip touch the stain before it is lowered?
A to make sure the stain spread out evenly
B to protect the specimen from breaking into pieces
C to keep the temporary mount tidy for observation under a microscope
D to avoid trapping air bubbles under the cover slip

A tissue is a collection of similar
A organelles.
B cells.
C organs.
D systems.

* Comparing with unicellular organisms, what advantage do multicellular
organisms have?
A Multicellular organisms do not need a special system for gas exchange.
B Multicellular organisms do not need a special system for support.
C Multicellular organisms do not need a special system for locomotion.
D Multicellular organisms can have specialized cells for specific functions.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following shows the levels of body organization in increasing
A cells, tissues, organs, systems
B cells, tissues, systems, organs
C cells, organs, tissues, systems
D systems, organs, tissues, cells

Which of the following is a correct example of the levels of human body
A epidermis → skin → breathing system
B bone → skull → circulatory system
C muscle → ovary → digestive system
D nerve → brain → nervous system

* Which of the following cells does ​not​ have a nucleus when it is mature?
A human cheek cell
B onion epidermal cell
C human neurone
D human red blood cell

Which of the following sub-cellular structures can be found in both animal cells
and plant cells?
A nucleus and vacuole
B mitochondria and chloroplasts
C cell membrane and chloroplasts
D cell wall and cytoplasm

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following sub-cellular structures is/are found in plant cells only?

A X only
B Y only
C Y and Z only
D X, Y and Z

Which of the following are organic chemical constituents of cells?
(1) carbohydrates
(2) lipids
(3) nucleic acids
A (1) only
B (1) and (2) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following statements about microscopes is correct?
A The first microscope invented was an electron microscope.
B A compound microscope consists of one lens only.
C Comparing with a light microscope, an electron microscope produces
images with higher resolution.
D A light microscope is generally more powerful than an electron microscope
in terms of magnifying power.

Which of the following statements about a chloroplast is​ c​ orrect?
A It can be found in all plant cells.
B It contains a pigment for photosynthesis.
C It is the main site for respiration.
D Its inner membrane is folded into finger-like projections.

* The diagram below shows an animal cell.

Which of the following statements about structure X is correct?

A Structure X carries genetic information.
B Structure X contains chlorophyll.
C Structure X is a jelly-like fluid consists mainly of water.
D Structure X controls activities of the cell.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following comparisons of animal cells and plant cells is ​not
Animal cells Plant cells
A generally larger generally smaller
B no cell wall have cell wall
C nucleus usually at the centre nucleus may be at one side of the cell
D usually irregular in shape have a more regular shape

The photograph below shows a light microscope.

Which part of the microscope should we turn in order to get a sharp focus on an
A W and X
B X and Y
C X and Z
D Y and Z

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following is the image of the letter ‘b’ when it is observed under a
light microscope?
A q
B b
C d
D p

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

Short questions
* Mary observed a prepared slide of onion epidermal cells under a microscope. She
found a dark ring with a bright centre at the top right corner of the field of view.
a What is the dark ring?
(1 mark)
b What is the most probable source of the dark ring? (1
c Mary wanted to move the dark ring to the centre of the field of view for
further observation.
i In what direction should Mary move the slide? (1
ii Explain your answer in ​c i​.
(1 mark)
-- answer --
a Air bubble
b The cover slip may be lowered too fast and so air bubbles are trapped under the
cover slip.
c i She should move the slide towards the top right corner. 1m
ii Under the microscope, images are upside down and laterally inverted. 1m

Complete the following paragraph using suitable words selected from the list
(4 marks)
enzymes nitrogen hormones
muscle contraction
anaemia blood clotting chlorophyll

Organisms need various inorganic ions to keep healthy. For example, plants need
nitrates, which provide the element​ a ​ ​ for the synthesis of proteins.
They also need magnesium for forming​ b ​ ​. Animals need calcium not
only for keeping bones and teeth strong, but also for​ c ​ ​, ​d
and sending messages in the nervous system.
-- answer --
a nitrogen
b chlorophyll
c muscle contraction / blood clotting
d blood clotting / muscle contraction

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

** A student observed onion epidermal cells under a light microscope. He first
observed at low-power magnification using an eyepiece of 10X and an objective
of 10X. He saw 32 cells within the field of view. Then he rotated the nosepiece to
select an objective of 40X.
a If the area of specimen observed under low-power magnification is 1 unit
square, what is the area of specimen observed under high-power
(3 marks)
b Assume all onion epidermal cells are similar in size, calculate the number of
cells that can be observed under high-power magnification. (2
-- answer --
a Magnification at high-power is four times the magnification at low-power.
Ratio of the length observed under low-power and high-power magnifications
= 1:4
Ratio of the area observed under low-power and high-power magnifications
= 1:4​2​ = 1:16
Area of the specimen observed under high-power magnification

b Average area of one onion epidermal cell

Number of cells observed under high-power magnification


* List ​three​ differences between the cell wall and cell membrane in a plant cell.

(3 marks)
-- answer --
The cell wall is fully permeable while the cell membrane is differentially permeable. /
The cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose while the cell membrane is mainly
composed of phospholipids. /
The cell wall is thick and rigid while the cell membrane is thin and flexible. /
The cell wall protects, supports and gives shape to the cell while the cell membrane
controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. (any 3) 1m x 3

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

* A student wrote some features of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells in the
following table.
Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells
Size Usually smaller Usually larger
Genetic material DNA is absent in the DNA lying free in the
cell cytoplasm
Mitochondria Present Present
Cellulose cell wall Present Present in plant cells
Rough endoplasmic Absent Present for synthesis of
reticulum lipids

a There are some mistakes in the table above. Point them out and correct them.

(5 marks)
b Give​ two​ similarities of these two types of cells. (2

-- answer --
a DNA is present in prokaryotic cells and lying free in the cytoplasm. 1m
DNA in eukaryotic cells is enclosed within the nucleus instead of lying free in the
Mitochondria are absent in prokaryotic cells.
The cell wall in prokaryotic cells does not contain cellulose.
The rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells is involved in the synthesis of
b Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are bounded by a cell membrane. 1m
Their genetic material is DNA.

What are the organic chemical constituents of organisms? Give ​one​ example for
each constituent.
(4 marks)

-- answer --
Carbohydrates, e.g. glucose / starch / cellulose
Lipids, e.g. triglycerides / phospholipids
Proteins, e.g. enzymes / antibodies
Nucleic acids, e.g. DNA / RNA

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

* The image below shows an organelle in a cell.

a State the kind of microscope used to produce the above image. Explain your
(3 marks)
b Name the organelle. State​ one​ feature that can be observed from the image to
support your answer.
(2 marks)
c State the function of the organelle.
(1 mark)
d State ​one​ kind of human cell that has a lot of this organelle. (1

-- answer --
a Transmission electron microscope
This organelle can only be observed under electron microscopes. 1m
The image is two-dimensional.
b Mitochondrion
The inner membrane of the organelle is folded into finger-like projections. 1m
c It is the main site where the energy-releasing stage of respiration takes place.

d Epithelial cells in the inner wall of the small intestine / enzyme-secreting cells /
ciliated epithelial cells in the respiratory tract / muscle cells / sperms / neurones /
liver cells (or other correct answers)

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Question Bank Short questions

The diagram below shows a secreting cell on the epithelium of the nasal cavity.

a Name organelles X and Y.

(2 marks)
b State the structural difference between organelles X and Y. (1
c What are the functions of organelles X and Y? (2

-- answer --
a X: rough endoplasmic reticulum
Y: smooth endoplasmic reticulum
b Organelle X has ribosomes attached on its surface while organelle Y does not.

c Organelle X is involved in the synthesis of proteins.
Organelle Y is involved in the synthesis of lipids.

List the important functions of water in organisms. (5
-- answer --
It acts as a reactant in some chemical reactions.
It provides an aqueous medium for chemical reactions to take place.
It acts as a medium of transport.
It acts as a cooling agent.
It gives shape and provides support to organisms.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

Complete the following table about different sub-cellular structures and their
(6 marks)
Sub-cellular structure Function
Encloses the cell and controls the movement
of substances in and out of the cell
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Contains water and dissolved substances

-- answer --
Sub-cellular structure Function
Cell membrane Encloses the cell and controls the movement of
substances in and out of the cell
Rough endoplasmic reticulum Involved in the synthesis of proteins
Nucleus Contains DNA, which carries genetic information
that controls activities of the cell
Chloroplast Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy
for photosynthesis
Mitochondrion As the main site where the energy-releasing
stage of respiration takes place
Vacuole Contains water and dissolved substances

1m x 6

* Our body is made up of over 200 types of cells. Most of them contain the same
organelles but the numbers can differ significantly. For example, muscle cells
contain a large number of mitochondria. In the salivary gland, which is a site of
enzyme production, the secreting cells have a large amount of rough endoplasmic
Explain why
a muscle cells contain a large number of mitochondria. (3
b the secreting cells in the salivary gland have a large amount of rough
endoplasmic reticulum.
(2 marks)

-- answer --
a Muscle cells contract frequently.
Mitochondria are the main site where the energy-releasing stage of respiration
takes place.
Mitochondria provide energy for the contraction of muscles.
b The​ ​salivary gland secretes enzymes, which are proteins.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of proteins. 1m

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Question Bank Short questions


* a Why should a low-power objective, instead of a high-power one, be used first
when making an observation under a microscope? (2
b Why should the body tube be raised, instead of lowering, when using the
coarse adjustment knob to bring the image in focus? (1
c When observing a temporary mount of cells with a microscope, we should
keep the microscope in an upright position. Why? (1
d What will the words ‘pop’ and ‘bob’ become when they are observed under
the microscope?
(2 marks)

-- answer --
a Using low-power objectives can avoid hitting and damaging the objective and the
slide when the slide is placed onto the stage.
Using low-power objectives allows us to locate the part of the specimen we want
to observe more easily.
b This is to avoid pressing the objective against the slide, damaging both of them.

c This is to avoid water or solution from dripping from the slide onto the stage.

d ‘pop’ will become ‘dod’.
‘bob’ will become ‘qoq’.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

The diagram below shows how a section of plant tissue is mounted for observation
under a microscope.

a Why is a very thin section instead of a thick piece of tissue used for
observation under the microscope?
(1 mark)
b Give ​one​ reason for mounting the section with a drop of stain. (1 mark)
c Give ​two​ reasons why a cover slip is used. (2
d The slide should first be observed under low-power magnification even if we
want to make high-power observation. Why? (2

-- answer --
a A very thin section consists of only a fewer layers of cells. It allows light to pass
through, thus the cell structures can be seen clearly. 1m
b Most cell structures are colourless. They can be observed more clearly after
c To prevent the specimen from drying out. /
To flatten the specimen for better focusing. /
To prevent the objective from getting dirty by touching the mounting solution.
(any 2)
1m x 2
d Under low-power magnification, the part of the specimen that we want to observe
can be located more easily.
We can move that part of the specimen to the centre of the field of view before
switching to high-power magnification.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

* The diagram below shows an organelle in a human cell.

a Name the organelle.

(1 mark)
b Why is it regarded as the ‘power house’ of the cell? (1
c What kind of substance is present in this organelle to speed up the reactions
that generate power?
(1 mark)

-- answer --
a Mitochondrion
b It is the main site where the energy-releasing stage of respiration takes place.

c Enzymes

* A student is using a 10X eyepiece and a 5X objective to observe a stained
specimen of cells under a microscope.
a Why do we stain the specimen before observing it under a microscope?

(1 mark)
b The magnifications of different eyepieces and objectives of a microscopes are
listed below.
Eyepiece: 5X 10X 20X
Objective: 5X 40X 100X
If the student wants to observe a larger area of the specimen, which eyepiece
and objective should he choose?
(2 marks)
c Give ​two​ reasons why we should cover the specimen with a cover slip when
preparing a temporary mount.
(2 marks)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Short questions

-- answer --
a Most cell structures are colourless. They can be observed more clearly after
b 5X eyepiece
5X objective
c To prevent the specimen from drying out. /
To flatten the specimen for better focusing. /
To prevent the objective from getting dirty by touching the mounting solution.
(any 2)
1m x 2

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

Structured questions

The photomicrograph below shows some ​Zebrina​ epidermal cells.

a Name structures W, X, Y and Z.

(4 marks)
b Name the major polysaccharide of which structure W is made. (1 mark)
c State ​one​ function of structure W.
(1 mark)
d Compare the permeability of structures W and Z. (2
e If the magnification of the eyepiece is 10X, what is the magnification of the
objective in giving the above photomicrograph? Show your calculation.

(2 marks)
-- answer --
a W: cell wall
X: nucleus
Y: cytoplasm
Z: cell membrane
b Cellulose
c It protects / supports the cell / gives shape to the cell.
d W is fully permeable
while Z is differentially permeable.
e 100/10
= 10X

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

The photomicrograph below shows a human cheek cell.

a Name structures X, Y and Z.

(3 marks)
b State ​one​ function of each of the structures X, Y and Z. (3 marks)
c Is the human cheek cell a prokaryotic cell or a eukaryotic cell? With
reference to the photomicrograph, explain your answer.
(2 marks)
d From the scale provided, find out the magnification of the cheek cells. Show
your calculation.
(2 marks)
-- answer --
a X: cytoplasm
Y: nucleus
Z: cell membrane
b Structure X holds many organelles / is the site for many chemical reactions /
allows the movement and transport of materials inside the cell.
Structure Y contains DNA, which carries genetic information that controls
activities of the cell.
Structure Z encloses the cell / separates the cell contents from the outside
environment / controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. 1m
c Eukaryotic cell
It has a true nucleus.
d 12 mm/10 ​μ​m
= 1200

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows a plant cell observed under a light microscope.

a Using the letters in the diagram, state​ two​ structures that are surrounded by a
double membrane.
(2 marks)
b i Name structure Q.
(1 mark)
ii Give ​one​ example of a cell that does not have structure Q. (1 mark)
c Suggest ​one​ similarity and ​one ​difference between structures P and T.

(2 marks)
d A large structure S is usually found in the cells of plants. What is the
importance of it to the plants?
(2 marks)
e Given that the plant cell in the diagram is magnified 1000 times, calculate the
actual length, X, of the plant cell in μm. Show your working. (2 marks)
-- answer --
a Q / R / U (any 2)
1m x 2
b i Nucleus
ii Mature red blood cell / sieve cell / cells in xylem vessel 1m
c Similarity: Both structures are a network of interconnected membrane-bounded
Difference: Structure P has ribosomes attached on its surface while structure T
does not.
d When structure S is full of water, the cell becomes turgid. 1m
This provides support to the plants.
e 6 cm/1000
= 60 μm

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* Read the following article and answer the questions.

In 1665, Robert Hooke made an observation with a microscope designed by

himself. He took a piece of cork, and cut a piece of it off. Then he examined it
with his microscope and observed that there were little holes on it. To make
the observation clearer, he focused the light on the piece of cork with a convex

a Hooke described his observed cells as ‘holes’. Based on your knowledge on

plant cells, explain why ‘holes’ is not a suitable term. (2
b i Why does the observation become clearer after adding a convex lens?

(1 mark)
ii Which part of the light microscope used today is similar to this glass?

(1 mark)
c Which structure of the cells did Hooke observed? (1
d Cork cell is a plant cell. Give ​three​ features that are present in plant cells but
not in animal cells.
(3 marks)
e How does the development of microscope contribute to the discovery of
(2 marks)

-- answer --
a ‘Holes’ refer to empty spaces
while cells are membrane-bounded structure with cytoplasm and various
organelles inside.
b i The convex lens focuses light onto the piece of cork. The view becomes
ii Condenser
c Cell wall
d Plant cells have a cell wall.
Plant cells have chloroplasts.
Plant cells have a large central vacuole.
e Microscopes which produce images with higher magnifications and resolution are
This enables the scientists to observe cells more clearly and in more detail. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows a cell observed under an electron microscope.

a Suggest ​three​ reasons why the cell is likely to be a palisade mesophyll cell,
but not an ox corneal cell.
(3 marks)
b Complete the table below to compare structures P and Q. (4 marks)
Structure P Structure Q
Main chemical constituents
c Using the letters in the diagram, state the structure which
i stores pigments other than chlorophyll.
(1 mark)
ii absorbs light energy.
(1 mark)
d Name the structures shown in the diagram which may also be found in a
(3 marks)
-- answer --
a It has a cell wall.
It has chloroplasts.
It has a large central vacuole.
Structure P Structure Q
Main chemical constituents Cellulose Phospholipids
Permeability Fully permeable

c i U
ii W

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

d Cell wall
Cell membrane

* The photograph below shows a light microscope commonly used in school

a Sometimes we need to rotate Q during observation. What is the purpose of

rotating Q?
(1 mark)
b How is a microscope slide held in position on R? (1
c What is S for?
(1 mark)
d How can you control the amount of light passing through V? (1 mark)
e If you have a number of plant cells in focus under low-power magnification,
how would you go on to observe one of the cells in detail under high-power
(3 marks)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

f Why should you never lower P by turning U while you are looking through
(1 mark)
g Give ​two​ advantages of using electron microscopes over light microscopes.

(2 marks)

-- answer --
a To select an objective with suitable magnification.
b It is held in position by the clips.
c It reflects light to the slide from a light source.
d By adjusting the diaphragm.
e Move the cell you want to observe in detail to the centre of the field of view. 1m
Rotate the nosepiece to select a high-power objective.
Focus with the fine adjustment knob.
f To prevent pressing the objective against the slide, which may damage both of
g Electron microscopes can produce images with higher magnifications 1m
and resolution.

** The photograph below shows a light microscope.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

a Name parts X, Y and Z.

(3 marks)
b A student used the light microscope to observe onion epidermal cells. With a
10X eyepiece and a 10X objective, the student observed 8 cells in the field of
i Calculate the total magnification of the microscope. (1 mark)
ii If the eyepiece is unchanged and the 10X objective is replaced by a 20X
objective, estimate the number of cells in the field of view. (3 marks)
c What precaution should be taken to prevent the objective from touching the
cover slip when we turn the coarse adjustment knob to bring the image in
(1 mark)

-- answer --
a X: eyepiece
Y: objective
Z: stage
b i 10 x 10 = 100X
ii The magnification becomes two times the original magnification after
replacing the objective.
Ratio of the length observed before and after replacing the objective
= 1:2
Ratio of the area observed before and after replacing the objective
= 1:2​2​ = 1:4
Number of cells in the field of view after replacing the objective

c Watch the stage from the side when turning the knob to lower the body tube.


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows the structure of a cell.

a Name the structures W, X, Y and Z.

(4 marks)
b Is this cell a plant cell or an animal cell? Based on the diagram, give ​two
reasons to support your answer.
(3 marks)
c Give​ two​ features shown in the diagram to support that the cell is eukaryotic.

(2 marks)
-- answer --
a W: nucleus
X: rough endoplasmic reticulum
Y: smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Z: chloroplast
b It is a plant cell.
It has a cell wall. /
It contains chloroplasts. /
It has a large vacuole. (any 2)
1m x 2
c It has a true nucleus. /
It has endoplasmic reticulum. / Ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum. /
It has organelles bounded by a double membrane / chloroplasts / mitochondria.
(any 2)
1m x 2

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

** Some steps in observing onion epidermal cells with a light microscope are shown
(1) The inner epidermis of the fleshy layer of an onion was peeled off.
(2) A small piece of epidermis was cut and placed on a slide.
(3) A drop of iodine solution was added to the epidermis.
(4) The epidermis was covered with a cover slip.
(5) Excess iodine solution was blotted with tissue paper.

a What is the advantage of using iodine solution instead of pure water for
mounting the epidermis?
(1 mark)
b Give ​two​ reasons why a cover slip was used.
(2 marks)
c Why was step (5) necessary?
(1 mark)
d Make a labelled drawing of an epidermal cell that you expect to see with a
(3 marks)
e Name ​two​ structures that are absent in epidermal cells but are found in most
plant cells.
(2 marks)
-- answer --
a Iodine solution stains the cells, so that the cell structures can be observed more
b To prevent the specimen from drying out. /
To flatten the specimen for better focusing. /
To prevent the objective from getting dirty by touching the mounting solution.
(any 2)
1m x 2
c Excess iodine solution may wet the objective and cause damage to it. 1m

Correct drawing
Correct title
Correct labels
e Chloroplast
Large central vacuole

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

** The diagram below shows the procedure for preparing a temporary mount of onion
epidermis for microscopic observation.

a Why is the inner epidermis instead of the outer epidermis used? (2 marks)
b What is the use of iodine solution?
(2 marks)
c What precautions should be taken when the cover slip is lowered? Give a
reason for this precaution.
(3 marks)
d Draw and label a few onion epidermal cells observed under the microscope.

(3 marks)
-- answer --
a To ensure the peeled layer is one-cell thick
and has no chloroplasts.
b It is used to stain the cells,
so that the cell structures can be observed more clearly.
c Let one side of the cover slip touch the iodine solution.
Use a pair of forceps to lower the other side of the cover slip slowly. 1m
This is to avoid trapping air bubbles under the cover slip.

Correct drawing
Correct title
Correct labels

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows an animal cell model.

a Name structures W, X, Y and Z.

(4 marks)
b Using the letters in the diagram, state the structure which provides the cell
with energy.
(1 mark)
c Give ​two​ features to support that the model shows an animal cell.

(2 marks)

-- answer --
a W: cell membrane
X: mitochondrion
Y: nucleus
Z: (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum
b X
c Large central vacuole is absent. /
Chloroplast is absent. /
Cell wall is absent. (any 2)
1m x 2

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* A student picked a leaf from a ​Hydrilla​ plant and observed the leaf under a

a Draw a labelled diagram of the cell observed under the microscope.

(3 marks)
b Name ​three​ structures that can be found in plant cells only. State their
(6 marks)
c Bubbles were released when the plant was illuminated with sunlight. Which
process did the plant carry out?
(1 mark)
-- answer --

Correct drawing
Correct title
Correct labels
b Cell wall
It protects, supports and gives shape to the plant cell. 1m
It contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. 1m
Large central vacuole
It stores water and dissolved substances.
c Photosynthesis

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* A student observed a plant cell under a light microscope and drew the diagram

a State and explain the mistakes he has made.

(4 marks)
b Besides mitochondrion and nucleus, state another ​two​ sub-cellular structures
that can be found in typical plant and animal cells. What are their functions?

(4 marks)
c State ​two​ sub-cellular structures which can be found in all or most plant cells
but not in animal cells.
(2 marks)
-- answer --
a He wrongly drew the cell wall inside the cell membrane. The cell wall should be
the outermost layer covering the cell membrane.
He wrongly drew the mitochondria in the cell. Mitochondria cannot be seen under
a light microscope.
He wrongly drew many nuclei in the cell. A plant cell has one nucleus only.

He wrongly labelled the granules as glycogen granules. They should be starch
b Cell membrane
It controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. /
It encloses the cell.
It holds many organelles. /
It is the site for many chemical reactions. /
It allows the movement and transport of materials inside the cell. 1m
c Cell wall / large central vacuole / chloroplast (any 2) 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows a plant cell.

a Name W and state ​one​ function of it.

(2 marks)
b Name X. What is the major difference between W and X in terms of
(2 marks)
c Y is a large organelle containing liquid.
i Name Y and the liquid inside.
(2 marks)
ii Give ​one​ function of Y.
(1 mark)
d Z is green in colour. Name Z and state ​one​ function of it. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Cell wall
It protects, supports and gives shape to the plant cell. 1m
b Cell membrane
W (cell wall) is fully permeable while X (cell membrane) is differentially
c i Y: vacuole
The liquid inside: cell sap
ii It stores water and dissolved substances. /
It provides support to the plant when it is full of water. 1m
d Chloroplast
It contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* Peter mounted a small piece of onion epidermis with water as in the diagram

a Why was the cover slip used to cover the specimen? (1

b Why were forceps used to lower the cover slip? (1
c The onion epidermal cells were not clearly seen under the microscope.
Suggest a stain which can be used to make the cells prominent. (1 mark)
d Draw a labelled diagram of an onion epidermal cell seen under the
(3 marks)
e The onion epidermal cells are not green in colour because they lack an
organelle. Name this organelle and state the function of it. (2
-- answer --
a To prevent the specimen from drying out. /
To flatten the specimen for better focusing. /
To prevent the objective from getting dirty by touching the mounting solution.

b To avoid trapping air bubbles under the cover slip.
c Iodine solution

Correct drawing
Correct title
Correct labels
e Chloroplast
It contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagram below shows an animal cell.

a Name structures X, Y and Z.

(3 marks)
b X encloses the cell and separates the cell contents from the outside
environment. State ​one​ other function of this structure. (1
c Y is the site where energy is released. State ​one​ type of cells in which Y is
(1 mark)
d Z contains some dense material. State the function of this dense material.

(1 mark)
e State ​three​ structural differences between animal cells and plant cells.

(3 marks)
-- answer --
a X: cell membrane
Y: mitochondrion
Z: nucleus
b It controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. 1m
c Epithelial cells in the inner wall of the small intestine / enzyme-secreting cells /
ciliated epithelial cells in the respiratory tract / muscle cells / sperms / neurones /
liver cells (or other correct answers)
d It carries genetic information that controls activities of the cell. 1m
e Animal cells have no cell wall while plant cells have a cell wall. 1m
Animal cells have small or no vacuoles while plant cells often have a large central
Animal cells have no chloroplasts while many plant cells have chloroplasts. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

The diagram below shows a compound microscope.

a Where can the lenses for magnifying objects be found? (2 marks)

b Name different parts of the microscope (P, Q, R and S) and state the function
of each.
(8 marks)

-- answer --
a Eyepiece and objective
1m x 2
b P: nosepiece
It carries the objectives of different magnifications. 1m
Q: condenser
It focuses light onto the specimen.
R: diaphragm
It regulates the amount of light passing through the condenser. 1m
S: mirror
It reflects light to the slide from a light source. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The diagrams below show two types of cells.

a Name structures W, X, Y and Z.

(4 marks)
b Which of the above is a plant cell? Give a reason. (2
c State the differences in size and shape between plant cells and animal cells.

(2 marks)

-- answer --
a W: cell membrane
X: nucleus
Y: mitochondrion
Z: vacuole
b Cell Q
It has a cell wall / chloroplasts / a large central vacuole.
c Animal cells are generally smaller than plant cells.
Animal cells are usually irregular in shape while plant cells have a more regular

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* The table below shows various sub-cellular structures of cells and their functions.

Sub-cellular structure Functions

P Contains DNA
Controls activities of the cell
Q Controls the movement of substances in and out of
the cell
R As a site for many chemical reactions in the cell
S As the main site where energy is released during
T Protects, supports and gives shape to the cell
U Contains a pigment for photosynthesis

 a Name the sub-cellular structures P to U.

(6 marks)
b Using the letters in the table, state which sub-cellular structures can be found
in both animal and plant cells.
(2 marks)
c Name ​one​ sub-cellular structure, besides those listed in the table, that may be
seen when typical plant cells are observed with a microscope. State ​one
function of it.
(2 marks)

-- answer --
a P: nucleus
Q: cell membrane
R: cytoplasm
S: mitochondrion
T: cell wall
U: chloroplast
b P, Q, R and S
c Vacuole
It stores water and dissolved substances. /
It provides support to the plant when it is full of water. 1m

© Oxford University Press ​ 9

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

The diagram below shows a light microscope commonly used in school

a Using the letters in the diagram, state the parts that are involved in
magnifying objects. Name these parts.
(2 marks)
b Describe the steps involved in observations at high-power magnifications.

(4 marks)
c When we observe a fresh specimen, why is water usually added?

(1 mark)
d State ​two​ reasons of putting a cover slip on a specimen. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a P: eyepiece
S: objective
b Focus the specimen with a low-power objective.
Move the part of the specimen you want to observe in detail to the centre of the
field of view.
Rotate the nosepiece to select a high-power objective. 1m
Focus with the fine adjustment knob.
c To prevent the specimen from drying out.
d To prevent the specimen from drying out. /
To flatten the specimen for better focusing. /
To prevent the objective from getting dirty by touching the mounting solution.
(any 2)
1m x 2

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

* A student is given a slide with cells mounted in iodine solution and asked to
observe the cells with a light microscope.
a The cells appear round in shape under a microscope. Are they plant cells or
animal cells?
(2 marks)
b Give ​two​ features that may help you decide whether the cells are plant cells
or animal cells.
(2 marks)
c There are some blue-black granules inside the cells. What are they? In which
part of the cells can they be found?
(2 marks)
d The student estimates one cell to be 0.01 mm wide. He draws the cell on
paper and used a scale of​ ​×2500. What will be the width of the cell on paper?

(2 marks)
e When observing the specimen through the eyepiece, we should not turn the
coarse adjustment knob to lower the body tube. Why? (2
-- answer --
a It is not certain whether they are plant or animal cells.
Both plant and animal cells can be round in shape.
b Presence of a cell wall
Presence of chloroplasts
c They are starch granules.
They can be found in the cytoplasm.
d 0.01 mm x 2500
= 25 mm
e The objective may press against the slide.
This may damage both of them.

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Question Bank Structured questions

Complete the following table concerning cell organelles. (8

Descriptions Organelle Functions

May be present or absent in
When present, there is usually
only one in each cell
Present in most living cells,
always exist in multiples,
Contains a pigment, only
found in plant cells but not all
plant cells have it
Large and single in plant
cells, small and multiple in
animal cells

-- answer --
Descriptions Organelle Functions
May be present or absent in Nucleus It contains DNA which carries
cells genetic information that controls
When present, there is usually activities of the cell.
only one in each cell
Present in most living cells, Mitochondrion It is the main site where the
always exist in multiples, energy-releasing stage of
rod-shaped respiration takes place.
Contains a pigment, only found Chloroplast It contains chlorophyll which
in plant cells but not all plant absorbs light energy for
cells have it photosynthesis.
Large and single in plant cells, Vacuole It stores water and dissolved
small and multiple in animal cells substances. / It provides support
to the plant when it is full of

1m x 8

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Structured questions

The diagrams below show two cells, X and Y.

a Name structures R, S, T and U.

(4 marks)
b Which cell, X or Y, is a plant cell? Based on the diagrams, give a reason to
support your answer.
(2 marks)
c Using the letters in the diagram, state the structure where photosynthesis
takes place.
(1 mark)
d i Suggest ​one​ stain that can be used to make Q more distinct. (1 mark)
ii In which colour will Q appear if the stain in ​d​ ​i​ is added. (1 mark)
e Why is it important to have U in cell X but not in cell Y? (1 mark)
f Give ​one​ example for cell X and cell Y respectively. (2

-- answer --
a R: nucleus
S: cytoplasm
T: cell membrane
U: cell wall
b Cell X
Cell X has a cell wall. /
Cell X has chloroplasts. /
Cell X has a large central vacuole.
c P

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Question Bank Structured questions

d i Iodine solution
ii Blue-black colour
e Plants do not have skeleton for support. U (rigid cell wall) provides support. 1m
f Cell X: palisade mesophyll cell (or other correct answers)
Cell Y: ox corneal cell (or other correct answers)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Essays

* Using an annotated diagram, describe the structure of a plant cell. (12 marks)

-- answer --
Correct drawing
Correct title
Correct labels
Any six structures with descriptions:
1m x 6
Cell wall:
It is a thick, rigid layer covering the cell membrane. /
It is mainly made up of cellulose. /
It is fully permeable. / It allows water and all dissolved substances to pass through.
Cell membrane:
It is a thin and flexible membrane enclosing the cell. /
It is differentially permeable. / It only allows certain substances to pass through.
It is a jelly-like fluid consisting of mainly water and proteins.
It is a spherical structure bounded by the nuclear membrane. /
It contains DNA / genetic material.
It is a rod-shaped structure bounded by a double membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER):
It is a network of interconnected membrane-bounded sacs. /
It is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane and extends throughout the
cytoplasm. /
There are two types of ER, rough ER and smooth ER.
It is usually large and located in the centre of the cell. /
It is filled with cell sap. / It contains water and dissolved substances.
It is bounded by a double membrane. /
It contains chlorophyll.

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Question Bank Essays

Describe the procedures of using a light microscope to observe a prepared slide
under high-power magnification.
(12 marks)

-- answer --
Insert a low-power eyepiece into the microscope and select a low-power objective.

Look through the eyepiece and adjust the mirror, the condenser and the diaphragm
until the light is sufficient and even.
Clip the prepared slide onto the stage.
Watch the stage from the side and lower the body tube by turning the coarse
adjustment knob until the objective nearly touches the slide.
Look through the eyepiece and raise the body tube by turning the coarse adjustment
knob until the image becomes clear.
Turn the fine adjustment knob until the image is in focus.
Move the part of the specimen you want to observe in detail to the centre of the field of
Rotate the nosepiece to select a high-power objective. Focus with the fine adjustment
Adjust the diaphragm to brighten the view if necessary.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 2
Question Bank Essays

* Compare and contrast the structure of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

(11 marks)
-- answer --
Both of them are bounded by a cell membrane.
Their genetic material is DNA.
Differences: (any 6)
1m x 6
Eukaryotic cells are usually smaller than prokaryotic cells. /
Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus while prokaryotic cells do not. /
DNA of eukaryotic cells is enclosed within the nucleus, while that of prokaryotic cells is
lying free in cytoplasm. /
Eukaryotic cells have organelles bounded by a double membrane while prokaryotic
cells do not. /
Eukaryotic cells have endoplasmic reticulum but prokaryotic cells do not. /
In eukaryotic cells, only plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells do not, while most
prokaryotic cells have a cell wall. /
The cell wall of plant cells contains cellulose but that of prokaryotic cells does not.

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