Information Systems

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1. Select an organization or business (other than Netflix) with which you are familiar.

How has it created business value using IT? Give at least two examples and apply the
course material from chapter 3 in your answer.
Remitly is a money transfer company that provides international money transfer services in more
than 130 countries and over 70 currencies. Remitly focuses on a mobile-to-mobile money
transfer system and does not need senders to go to the bank to send funds. I.T. has enabled
Remitly to create a secure phone app that allows people to send money globally by paying a
small fee, and it is entirely cashless. Remitly tackles the problem offline, and agent-based money
transfer services pose. To use the app, users have to download it from the app store on their
phone, register, and send money securely. It takes about 10 – 15 minutes to send money to
different parts of the world, charging as low as $4.99 as transfer fees instead of the bank where
money transfer could take about two weeks and charges hefty transfer fees. For example, when I
sent money to my family in Ghana through the bank, it took about ten business days, and the
bank charged $25 for their services.
Remitly transfer receivers can get their money through bank deposits, mobile money, mobile
airtime top-up and cash collection. Before Remitly, people transferred money to other countries
or developed countries through banks, which was expensive and time-consuming. For instance,
as an immigrant living in Canada, sending money to my family in Ghana has become easy,
affordable, and fast due to Remitly. Remitly partners with major mobile money services to allow
people to send money securely. Some mobile money partners include M-Pesa for Kenya, MTN
for Africa and Asia, and bKash for Bangladesh. With the help of I.T., Remitly has added value to
the money transfer system.
2. Give an example of a significant decision that you think might be made within the
university environment. Walk through the steps of the decision-making process and
give examples of potential information systems and how they could be used at each step.
With the unfortunate changes that COVID – 19 has brought, one of the significant decisions
within a university environment is going entirely remote with classes. Before COVID,
universities offered in-person classes, and although some Universities offer online classes, most
universities were not entirely remote. For this assignment, let us focus on the steps Oxford
Universty will follow to go entirely remote in these unfortunate times. The steps of a decision-
making process are intelligence gathering, alternative formulation, choice-making,
implementation, and reviewing.
After deciding to go remote with classes, Oxford Universty has to gather information, starting
from the criteria to go remote and how to get enough data on remote studies. This step can use
online questionnaires and software such as Sisence to analyze data gained. After intelligence
gathering, the next step in the decision-making process is to analyze the remote classes'
The board of Oxford Universty could use Zoom to talk to each other and analyze their
alternatives. After analyzing the alternatives, the board of Oxford Universty will choose how to
go remote. For instance, the board can decide that all exams will be in a multiple-choice format
on Brightspace. After the board has decided, they then move to implement their decision to go
entirely remote and the processes involved in going remote. An email will be drafted by Oxford
Universty to all their stakeholders, informing them about the new development. The last step in
the decision-making process is the review process.
After implementation, Oxford Universty would then review the results of their decision to go
remote. An online survey can be created and emailed to all the stakeholders to know if the
remote classes are working. The review process leads to new findings, which help organizations
to improve their services.

3. Think about an organization or business that would benefit from cloud services.
Describe how it could leverage cloud services and for what. What are the benefits and
the challenges as they apply to the organization you selected?

Cloud services are the flexible leasing of combined computer resources over the internet. Cloud
service providers provide on–demand availability of computer systems, and one of the
organizations that would benefit from cloud services is Banks Canada. Banks is a firm that
specializes in tax filing. Every year, millions of people visit BANKSoffices to file their taxes,
and some decide to make the company their official tax filing consultant. With changing
consumer expectations and new regulations, Banks needs to start developing strategies to help
them prepare for every tax year.
One of the benefits of cloud services includes enormous storage capacity, giving clients the
ability to upload pertinent financial information where a tax filer can access it whenever needed.
For instance, a student who wants to file his taxes for the first time can log into the
BANKSwebsite, register, and upload their financial documents for tax filing without having to
go to BANKSoffices. Huge storage capacity also gives clients the ability to download their tax
reports whenever they are needed. Cloud services will enhance collaboration between tax filers
in H&R, allowing tax filers to save time during tax season. Since cloud services can be assessed
through the internet, employees can be given the option to work anywhere. Cloud services
enhance a company's overall resilience to respond more quickly to physical outages and
One of the disadvantages is security concerns. For instance, tax filers compromise their
credentials and client information by accessing sensitive tax information through vulnerable
computers. Unlike on-premises data centers, BANKShas to call their cloud provider's support
team to sort out any technical issues, losing control over data location.

4. Watch the TED Talk Why jobs of the future won’t feel like jobs. Identify three specific
impacts that you think the information in this video will have on your business career.
Be as specific as possible, and link the ideas to your intended program, interests, and
career aspirations.
The TED talk "Why jobs of the future will not feel like jobs" by David Lee in 2017 talks about
various ways the jobs in the future will change because of robots and how better humans can
create more opportunities. As an entrepreneur, this information impacts my business career in
numerous ways. One of the ways is to empower employees in my clothing company. According
to David Lee (2017), empowering employees allows them to bring out their hidden talents.
Humans, in general, can be creative compared to robots. Hence, allowing employees the freedom
to express themselves will improve the company in different ways. For instance, giving the
website developer the freedom to design the website how he sees fit might change the website's
outlook and bring more traffic to the clothing company's website.
Moreover, this TED talk would allow me to design jobs that will unlock hidden talents in
employees. As the CEO of a clothing brand, it will be beneficial for the brand to create new roles
for employees to exhibit their hidden talents. For instance, allowing the sales representative,
customer service representative, accounting clerk, and website developer the chance to create
their clothing line designs could bring out their creative side.
With global technological changes, it is evident that bookkeeping will be displaced by artificial
intelligence in the coming days' duties. The TED talk proves that the clothing company would
have to rely on robots and A.I. to complete specific duties in the future. As an entrepreneur, the
information produced by David Lee in this TED talk will influence changes the company will
undergo in the future.

Kroenke, D. M., Gemino, A. C., & Tingling, P. M. (2008). Experiencing mis. Upper Saddle
River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Lee, D. (2017). Why jobs of the future won’t feel like work. In TED@ UPS. Ted Conferences
[Abruf: 2018-10-12] < https://www. ted.
com/talks/david_lee_why_jobs_of_the_future_won_t_feel_like_work (Vol. 403527).

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