Words Definitions, Synonyms, Sentence or Opposites

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WORDS Definitions, synonyms, sentence or opposites

Bills Paper money

Dyed hair Coloured hair
Baggy clothes Big size
Denim 70’s jeans
Stripy Object with lines
Flat shoes Contrary of high heels
Fitted coat Not high heles
On stage Performing
Get on with Have a good relation with someone
Sign up Register
Look up to Admire
Count on Trust someone
Set up Establish
Give up Stop
receipt Something that you have to pay
Bride and groom Girl and boyo n a wedding
Wedding Celebration of marriage
gifts Presents
Career / degree / race Profession / academic qualification / competition of speed
Fees Admission
Scholarship Money for studies
Take advice Guidance
Path Way
Application form Employment request
award Prize
price Cost
Deserve Merit
Grate Scraping sound
Roast Cook meat in oven
Grill Appliance
Chop Cut into small pieces
Slice Thin portion
Spread Expand
Bake Cook in oven (for example bread)
Boíl Cook in wáter
Avoid +V.ing Stay away from
Garlic A bulb used as a flavoring in cooking
Onion Root vegetable
poison Somthing toxic
Steak Piece of beef
Tears Drop of water from eyes
Sellers Salesperson
sauce Liquid condiment
Depend on Be determined by…
Hole/ whole In the ground / entire
Dumplings Cooked flour with tunna
Dish dirty plates
Soft Not rigid
Lid Food jar
Spoon Utensil for eating soup
Fork Utensil with three tips
Knife/ knives Utensil for cutting meat
Mushrooms Wild fungus
A pan An object used for cooking
A cook / a cooker Chef / furniture to cook
Recipe Ingredients and steps to make a dish
Ticket Entrance paper
Receipt Bill when you buy a product
Stomach ache a pain in a person’s belly
A wart a growth on the skin
A sprained ankle when you twist a part of your food
A cough Sicknes s
An insect bite when an insect nibble you
A burn An injury caused by the heat
A rash An area of reddening in a person’s skin
I have a cold / I’m constipated You are always coughing / you have diarrea
Get rid of (deshacerse de) Throw away
Charge (cobrar) Ask for money
Hollow A hole in something
Raisin A partially dried grape
Snail A mollusk with a single spiral
dangerous Risky
Skin Leather
Weird Strange
Treatment Medication
mad Crazy
Appear / disappear Come into sight / go away
Be on a diet Try to slim down
Put on weight Get fat
Be out of shape When you are too fat
A rule Law
Fizzy drinks / soft drinks Wáter with gas / wáter without gas
I can afford to I can pay for it
overweight Obese
Average A number expressing the typical value
Healthcare When you take care of yourself
Unexpected Surprising
subway Underground
sick Ill
Trip Travel
Be fed up with
To be fit Go to the gym
Strenght When you can lift up everything
Loose clothes Not tight
Benefits Profits
Male / female Man / woman
Vacuum-packed When you put some food in a pressed bag
Tasty Yummy
Stamina (resistencia) Endurance
Bleach Cleaning product
plug Connector for electrical socket
Light bulb Glass object producting light
Candle Light-giving wax producto
Matches Stick for lighting fire
Remote control Device for TV
Charger Device for charging batteries
Tap Water faucet
Heater Device for heating a room
Fan Device blows air
Switch Exchange
A drop Liquid small amount
Roof Top of a house
neighbours Person who lives close by
Invention Innovative
Scientist / scientific Science expert
Bottled water Opposite to running water
stuff things
staff Workers
Catch up Go as fast
colleagues Workmates
Keep an eye on somebody Take care
Keep in touch Stay in contact
Check out Try to verify
Out of date Old-fashioned
Battery Electrical powe cell
Show Make visible
feature Characteristics
Available Obtainable
cable Wire / wireless
Fall Come down
Leave Depart
Reuse Use again
Grow Increase in size
Socks Clothing
Harmful Does harm
fields Agricultura land
Tidy up Put things in order
Get dirty Become soiled
Toys Child’s plaything
Strap Strip
touchscreen Monitor that is touch – sensitive
Develop / development Improve
To display To show
To notice Formal warning
gadgets devices

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