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CAMBRIDGE re neared interchange Seen FIFTH EDITION Workbook Jack C. Richards OULU PLEO a cela Cg tote te cee errr} interchange FIFTH EDITION Workbook Jack C. Richards enero cal Oy Sah Oy Sole § BB 9s 510 Oy with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor 2 seis 3,8. Jott g cul US! 9 @ yb 49205 GUS GT jl syle eS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 Credi Where are you from? What do you do? How much are these? Do you play the guitar? What an interesting family! How often do you run? We went dancing! How’s the neighborhood? ‘What does she look like? Have you ever been there? Its a really nice city It's important to get rest. ‘What would you like? It's the coldest city! What are you doing later? How have you changed? 3 9 25 a a7 43 49 55 6 or 73 79 85 ” i MW Ui-te Mle Col mous | Write about yourself. My first name is__ Please call me My last name is I'm from Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions. 4. class your how English is A: How is your English cla _Ivs pretty interesting 2. name teacher's your what's: from your teacher where is A - 2 B - your what friends’ are names A B: s . classmates what your are. A: EI Choose the correct responses. 4. As Hi, I'm Diane. ‘4, A: I'm sorry. What's your name again? B: _Oh, him eter. B: * Oh, hi. I'm Peter. *PARK. * What do people call you? + Eun-ha Park. 2. A: My name is Bill Matory. 5. A: How do you spell your first name? B: 8: + Nice to meet you, Bill. ‘m Akira * Let’s go and say hello. SAKLRA, 3. A: Hello. I'm a new student here, 6. A: What do people call you? B _ B: Thanks. * It’s Angela Young, + Welcome. * Everyone calls me Angie. Look at the answers. What are the questions? lt Le aba 4. Agent: What '5 vour name? __ 4, Agent: What My name's Silvia. Silvia: His name is Gustavo. 2. Agent: What __ 5. Agent: Where Silvia: My last name's Garcia, Silvia: We're from Venezuela. 3. Agent: Who Agent: Who Silvia: That's my husband, Silvia: They're my children. Unit 1 Ga Choose the correct words. 1. That’s Antonio. He isin my class. (He / His) 2. I'm from Barcelona, Spain is a beautiful city. (It/ It’s) 3. Excuse me. What's__ last name again? (you / your) 4, They're my classmates. __ names are Jill and Tae-min. (They / Their) 5. ____ name is Naoko. Please call me Nao. (I/ My) &. This is Ellen’s husband. ‘name is Tim (His / Her) 7. My parents are on vacation. are in Australia. (We / They) 8. We have English at 10:00. classroom number is 108-C. (Our / We) L a Complete this conversation with am, are, or is. Amber: Who are __ the men over there, Ethan? Ethan: Oh, they ‘on my baseball team. Let me introduce you. Hi, Pablo, this ‘Amber Fox. Pablo: Nice to meet you, Amber. Amber: Nice to meet you, too. Where ____you from? Pablo: | from Cuba, Ethan: Marco. He ___from Brazil. Lisa: Where are you from? Hello and welcome! A Read these four student biographies. Then complete the chart below. Every month, we meet new students at the school. This month, we want to introduce four new students to you. Please say “hello” to them! Rafael isin English 101. He is from Puebla, Mexico. His first longuage s Spanish, and he aso speaks alittle French. He wants. to be on the school volleyball team. He soys he doesn’t play very wel, but he wants to learn! Fatima is in English 103. She is from Tunis, Tunisia. She speaks ‘Arabic ond French. She is on engineering student. She wants to ‘clot of new friends in her class, 4. Rafael B Write a short biography of a classmate. be an engnet. She says she doesn’ slay ony spor. She wants to make English and Chinese ‘Su-yin isin English 102. She is from Wuhan, China. She says she writes and reods English pretty well, but she needs 0 lot of proctice speokng English. Ho ist language is Chinese. She wants to play voleyboll on the school team. Finally, meet Arun. He is in Fatima’s dls. He says he speoks Eglsh wel but is wnting st very goed! Aun tom Chen ni, nhs fist language is Hind. Hes osocer “am lye, onde wont be on the om = school soce om, soccer Unit 1 I Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. [1 vou, too. Tak to you later. Hi, Stacey 'm Omar. How are you? LH treaty tke biology. [Ei ves, 1am. i'm an exchange student from Egypt. ves, he is, We're in Biology 300. Is he your friend? Stacey: Hello, 'm Stacey. Omar: _Hi, Omar. How are you? Stacey: Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here? ‘Omar: Stacey: Welcome. Do you like it here? What's your favorite subject? Omar: _ _ _ Stacey: Oh, really? Is Ben Jones in your class? Omar: oe = = Stacey: No, he's my brother! Actually, | have to go meet him now. Nice to meet you, Omar. Omar: ag ‘Complete this conversation. Use contractions where possible. =—=—=S~S~S~* Do not use contractions for short answers with Yes. Ace you from Argentina? Is he from Greece? Yes, | am. (not Yes, ™m) Yes, he is. (not Yes, he’s) Alex: Hello. im _ Alex Robles. And this is my sister Celia Hi. __ Paola Vieira ‘Are you from South America, Paola? Yes, from Brazil. Where are you both from? __ from Puerto Rico. ‘Are you from San Juan? No, from Ponce. By the way, are you in English 1017 Paola: No, I'm in English 102. Where are you from? ii 4. A: Who's Allison? Allison is my best friend. 2 Ar = B: My favorite school subject is history. 3A: B: No, we're not from Germany. We're from S 8) Look at the answers. What are the questions? LewiCinlian rerland. B: Yes, it's an interesting class. BA B: 6A __ B: Ryan is funny and friendly. rh B: No, Ms. Rogers isn’t my English teacher. She's my math teacher. f 1| Read the expressions. Which ones say “hello” and which ones say “good-bye”? 1. How are you? 2. See you tomorrow. 3. Good night. Good morning 55. Talk to you later. 6. How's it going? 7. Have a good day. 8. What's up? w ‘Answer these questions about yourself. Use contractions where possible. 1. Are you on vacation? 2. Is your teacher from Canada? 3. Is your first name popular? 4, Is your English class in the morning? 5. Are you from Asia? 6, Are you a student at a university? a Unit 1 What do you do? Match the correct words to make sentences. 4. Acashier —_d a. helps sick people, 2. Avendor b. takes care of animals. 3. Ababysitter ___ . sells things 4. A doctor d. takes money and gives change. 5. Atutor @. takes care of children, 6. Apetsitter ___ helps students with their school work. Write sentences using He or She. 4. I'ma mechanic. | fix cars. ! work in a garage. _He's a mechanic. He fixes cars, Ho works ina garage. —_ 3. I'm a math teacher. | teach math to students. 4. I'ma taxi driver. | drive a car. | take people to I work in a school. places they want to go. He = oe EI Write a or anin the correct places. ey Use a + singular noun before a consonant{gpund. Use an + singular noun before a vowel sound. aN Ho ea carpenter. Hois an accountant gry He is a. good carpenter. He is an expensive accountant. Bo not use a or an + plural nouns. They are good carpenters: They ar 2. She's office manager. She works for large company. It's interesting job. 3. He works in restaurant. He's server. He's also part-time student. He takes business class in the evening. 4. She works for travel company. She arranges tours. She's travel agent. 5. He has difficult job. He's flight attendant. He works on airplane. Write about his or her job. ED Unit 2 [EJ complete this conversation with the correct words. as Tiffany: What __does __ your brother exactly? (do / does) (do/ does) Kate: He ____for the city. He's a firefighter. (work / works) Tiffany: How he it? (do/ does) (like / Tikes) Kate: It’s an interesting job. He it very much. (like Tikes) But he long hours. And what __ you 2 (work / works) (do / does) (do/ does) Tiffany: I'ma student. |__ geography. (study / studies) Kate: Oh, really? Where you _ to school? (do/ does) (g0/ goes) Tiffany: | ‘to Matthews University. My brother there, too. (g0/ goes) (go / goes) Kate: Really? Andwhat__he 2 (do/does) (study / studies) Tiffany: He graphic design (tudy 7 studies) Kate: That sounds interesting, J[complete the questions in this conversation. Tom: Where doyouworke Ray: | work for Brady Corporation. ~~ Tom: And whet f — there? Rays I'm an accountant Tem: An accountant? How Ray: | like numbers, so it’s a great job, And what Tom: I'ma teacher. Ray: Really? What Tom: | teach accounting! What do you do? i [P77 interesting jobs if Read these two interviews. Answer the questions. tee interesting . jobs. J Job Talk: Oliver, where do you work? — ff Job Talk: What do you do, Lucy? Oliver: Well, | guess | work in the sky. Job Talk: In the sky? What do you do? University Job Talk: That sounds difficult. What is the hardest thing about your job? Lucy: I'm a security guard at Matthews Oliver: |'m a flight attendant. | work con the international flight from Miami to Recife, Brazil Lucy: Well, people break the rules at Job Talk: That's really interesting Sie oncers eae a ‘What do you like best about then your job? Job Talk: Are people unfriendly to you? Oliver: | really ike to travel and to Lucy: Sometimes, but most of the meet people. So my job is students are very nice Pens Job Talk: And what do you like best about Job Talk: Do you speak Portuguese? your job? Oliver: | speak a little. | carry my Lucy: Well, some days the university is dictionary everywhere | go! quiet: | get to read alot of books! 1. What does Oliver do? He. 2. Where does he work? 3. How does Oliver learn Portuguese? 4, What does Lucy do? 5. Where does she work? 6. What is the hardest part of her job? _ a Write questions about him using What, Where, When, and How. Meet ici 4. What does he do? ee. Mercy Hospital ectnien Patricio Cardozo Registered Nurse, Night Shift MD vit 2 og How does Patricio spend his weekends? Complete this paragraph with the words from the box. Leura Et EE before ©] cary On Diiate Everyone knows Patricio at the hospital. Patricio is a part- time nurse. He works at night on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, Patricio sleeps most of the day and wakes up alittle nine __ the evening, usually at 8:45 or 8:50. He has breakfast very late, 49:30 or 10:00 p.w.! He watches television ‘eleven o'clock and then starts work - midnight, in the morning, usually around 5:00 a.m., he leaves work, has a little snack, goes home, goes to bed, and sleeps tts a perfect schedule for Patricio. He's a pre-med student on weekdays at a local college. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 41. Avery isa tour guide. She _ takes __(answers / takes / writes) people on tours. 2. Stella (does / goes / starts) to bed after midnight. 3. Boni (answers / gets / starts) up early in the morning, 4. What (does / goes / serves) your sister do? 5. Roland answers / serves / starts) work at 8:00 Am. 6. My brother works in a bookstore. He _ (answers / sells / works) books and magazines. 7. The Havana Garden restaurant (serves / takes / writes) good Cuban food. 8. Dan (serves / does / works) his school work on his new computer, 9. Nunu (goes / sells / writes) about 30 emails a day. 10. David is a receptionist. He (answers / starts /types) the phone and greets people. 11. Miguel ___ {does / takes / works) in a restaurant. What do you do? ii 44 ~ same meat [11 He goes tothe university. she cares for people's pets LE she stays up tate. El wnat does he do? She's fitness instructor. Lite works parttime, 1. She teaches exercise classes. he's a fitness instructor. 2. What's his job? 3. She's a pet sitter. w Fill in the mi 4. Dat night Lpattime Liweekends Larry's Diner needs servers Work during the day or weekdays or fulltime or (cal 901-555-1977. Unit 2 | Choose the sentences in the box that have the J as the sentences below. ing words or 4, He's a student. 5. She goes to bed at midnight. 6, He works three hours every day. phrases from these job advertisements. 2. Dlinteresting 3. Da Dapanese On Bltours Emanager Dstudent TDi weekends: —— Help Wanted —— We need a great office language Take people on eee only. Need good English and skis, Email Brenda at rendae4@rup og. work | Monday through Friday, no Work Start 9:00 ‘the moming How much are these? Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. [on James. Thank you very much, [1] Well ike it, but ts expensive Ll wich one? Which ones? [1] Yes. But! don't really lke yellow. Look at those pants, Linda, Linda: _ : Which ones? James: This blue one, : The yellow ones over there. They're nice. Linda: —_ James: Hey, let me buy it for you. It’s a present! Hmm. Well, what about that sweater? It's Linda: perfect for you. 4 Complete these conversations with How much is/are .. . ? and this, that, these, or those. 4. A: How much is this blouse right 3. A: sneakers here? right here? B: It's $47.95. B: They're $79.99. a ___ glasses AAs ___cat over there? over there? B: They're $87, B: That's my cat, and he's not for sale! Write the plurals of these words. eneriCnier eae Most words Words ending in 55, -sh, «ch, and -x cop caps glass glasses, ‘ieLanguagesse shoe shoes dish aishes watch watches Words ending in-fand-fe Words ending in consonant + y shelf shelves country countries knife knives 4. ring ings 5. tie 9. Tshirt _ 2. glove 6. box 10. hairbrush - 3. party 7. scarf 11. computer 4. boy _— 8. blouse 12. dress What do you think of these prices? Write a response. That's cheap. That's not bad. That's reasonable. That's pretty expensive! 41. $250 for a wool sweater 4, $40 for a gold necklace Ihat's pretty expensi 2. $30 for a silk tie 5. $15 for three T-shirts 3. $180 for a cotton dress 6. $80 for a leather belt Unit 3 Wenn ~ "]) Choose the correct words to complete the conversations. 1. Shirley like __those __ earrings over there. (that / those) Clerk: Which 7 2 (one / ones) Shit The small gold (one / ones) Clerk: __ $399. (its / They're) Shirley: Oh, they're expensive! 2. George: Excuse me. How much are pants? (that / those) Clerk: - only $65. (ts / They're) George: And how much is shirt? (this / these) Clerk: Which 2 fone / ones) They're all different. George: This green (one / ones) Clerk: $47 (Its / They're) 3. Clerk: Good afternoon. ‘Qh, hi. How much is watch? (this / these) Clerk: $195. {lt’s / They're) Martina: And how much is that _ 2 (one / ones) Clerk: $9, (Wes / They're) Martina: That's not bad. I'll take it! How much are these? [a] what do you make from these materials? Complete the chart using words from the box. (You will use words more than once.) bolt boots bracelet button gloves-—halrbrush jacket necklace. pants ring shire Cotton en ie EG Wool gloves Make comparisons using the words given. Add than if necessary. 4. At Hey, look at these silver earrings! They're nice. And they're cheaper than those gold a 8 a) earrings. (cheap) vk 2. ay a i> B: Buttheyre the gold p? ‘ones. (small) A: Well, yeah. The gold ones are silver earrings eee the silver ones. (big) gold earrings But $400 is a lot of money! 2. A: This leather coat is ‘the wool one. (attractive) B: Yes, but the wool one is (warm) leather coat wool coat 3, A: This orange shirt is an interesting color! B: Yes, but the color is design. (pretty) The design isn’t bad. | think the pattern on that gray shirt is the pattern on this orange one. (good) gray shirt 4, A: These cotton dresses are nice. iat B: Yes, but the silk ones are nr) They'reaso____ (expensive) cotton dresses silk dresses Unit 3 E a Complete the chart. Use the words from the box. [rs piayer 2] tablet Looracelet EJ necklace Li television Llaes Epon Di tshire Glewia: Elena LB smartphone Electronics eae Jewelry wool gloves black sunglasses we silver ring laptop computer sneakers leather gloves _ white sunglasses 41. Which ring do you prefer, the silver one or the gold one? 2. Which one do you like more, the tablet or the laptop computer? 3. Which ones do you like more, the hiking boots or the sneakers? 4, Which ones do you prefer, the wool gloves or the leather gloves? 5. Which sunglasses do you like better, the black ones or the white ones? How much are these? (0) Great gadget: A Read these ads. Match the pictures and descriptions. a, Do you want to help the environment and do yard work at the same time? This machine knows when your lawn needs water. It waters your grass, and you don’t have to do anything! Save time, save water, and save money! Only $124.99. b. You can take this with you to the beach or on a picnic. No more uncomfortable towels or blankets! It fills with air in five minutes. Feel like you are sitting in your own living room in the great outdoors! Only $49.50. . What's a party without music? Indoors or outdoors, you can have a good time with this small item on a shelf or in a tree. Turn it down to set the mood, or turn it up to start the dancing! Only $299.99. d. What's it like to swim like a fish? Now is your chance to find out! Put both feet in, get in the water, and feel what it’s like to flap instead of kick. If you love to be in the water and dive deep, you need this! $36. B Check (¥) True or False. 1. The garden sensor waters your lawn when it needs more water. 2. The inflatable chair takes about five minutes to fill with air. 3. The Soundbook only works indoors. 4, You need two monofins, one for each foot. © What's special about a gadget you have? Write a paragraph about it. Unit 3

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