Diruang Kerja Sambil Menata Berkas, Angel Dan Laura Membicarakan Delaney

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Scene: The Break room at an office

Characters :
1. Jill, an office worker 6.Angel, an office worker
2. Nathan, an office worker 7.Jhon, an office worker
3. Delaney, an office worker 8. Laura, an office worker
4. Mrs. Ford, the boss 9.OB
5. Jasmine, an office worker 10.Bella,Asistent Mrs.Ford

(In the work room at the office while tidy up file,Angel and Laura talking about
(Diruang kerja sambil menata berkas,Angel dan laura membicarakan Delaney)
Angel :laura,Let us lunch
(LauraAyo kita makan siang)

Laura :Wait me,I’m still finishing my work

(Sebentar,tunggu aku aku masih menyelesaikan pekerjaanku)
Angel :Yes I will wait you,quick finishing you’r work don’t like Delaney
(Iya aku tunggu,Cepat selesaikan pekerjaanmu jangan seperti Delaney)
Laura :What happen with Delaney?
(ada apa dengan Delaney?)
Anggel :Do you now,today she is not seen,maybe she be afraid because she not yet
finishing her work
(Apakah kamu tidak tau hari ini dia tidak kelihatan,mungkin dia takut karna
dia belom menyelesaikan pekerjaannya)
(Ob approach their place,cuting their dialogue)
(Ob menghampiri tempat mereka,memotong percakapaan mereka)
OB : Excusme,I will cleaning rubbish in here .
(Permisi,aku akan membersihkan sampah)
Laura : Oh yes please
(Oh iya silahkan)
(Ob cleaning whill earing their dialogue)
(Ob membersihkan sambil mendengarkan pembicaraan mereka)
Laura :Oh yes ,do she will be laid off by mrs.Ford?
(Oh yaa angel Apakah dia akan di pecat oleh Mrs Ford?)
Anggel : Maybe
(In the break room at the office, there’s a refrigerator –sized box by the wall. An
almost-empty tray of cookies is on the table. Jill is sitting on the table,reading)
Jasmine : What are you reading Jil?
(Apa yang sedang kamu baca jil)
Jill : I’m reading a news peaper
(Saya membaca surat kabar)
Jasmin :Oh, Yes what update news in to day?
(Oh, ya apa ada berita terupdate)
Jill : Update news in to day is flooding in Jakarta
(Berita terbaru hari ini ada kebanjiran di jakarta)
Jhon : (Jhon enters,)Hay guys, How are you to day?
(Jhon masuk, hay guys, apa kabar hari ini?)
Jill & Jasmine : Hay jhon, I’m fine
(Hay jhon aku baik)
Jhon : what are you talking about? Seems interesting
(lagi ngomongin apa? Sepertinya menarik)
Jasmine : just want to know you
(pingin tau aja kamu)
Nathan : (Nathan enters, urgently) Hey, are there still cookies?
Jiil : Go for it
Nathan : (Grabs all the cookies) Do we have anything else left?
Jhon : that’s not enough?
(emang segitu masih kurang?)
Jill : There are some apples in the fridge.
Nathan : That’s good. Hmm, any cheese cubes left?
Jhon :oh my god ...
Nathan : what the heck jhon ...
(apa sih jhon)
Jill : I didn’t see any. I also haven’t seen delaney all day
Nathan : Huh! Maybe she’s sick...
OB : She not sick,she afraid because she will a laid off
(Dia tidak sakit ,dia takut karna akan dipecat)

Jhon : Where do you now about that?

(Darimana kamu tahu)
OB : Today all staf talking about melani
(Hari ini semua pegawai sedang membicarakan Delaney)

Jill : She is better dying. Our project’s almost due, and w haven’t finished it
Nathan : (Shrugs) give her a call !!
Jill : (Jills pulls out her phone and talks to herself while waiting for the phone to
conect) Hey, Dalaney. It’s Jill. I was just wondering since you seem to think
I’m Supposed to do both our jobs,how would you feel if i got both our
salaries? Dosen’t that seem..
(A phone starts to ring inside the box. Jill stops talking to herself. The box begins to
move around. When the phone ringging stops, the box stops moving.)
(Jill slowly walks over the box. She lift up the corner. Jill crouches inside)
Dalaney : AAAHHHH!!! (screams and pulls the box back down)

Jill : Dalaney?
Delaney : ( Inside the box) Shhhhshhhhshh !
Jill : What are you doing in there?
Delaney : Quiet, quiet! You never saw me!
Jill : But i need to talk you. Our deadline is...
Delaney : Please, Jill, not now! Not today!
Jill : Listen, what are you doing? Can you just go out from that silly box?
Delaaney : (through tears) i can’t come out...
Jill : Okay, if your’e stuck, I’II call the janitor.
Delaney : No, I’m not stuct. But if I come out, I’m going to lose my job. There are
more layoffs due this month. I overhead Mrs. Ford talking about a “list”
yesterday with our PM and she mentioned my name. If she finds me, I’m
getting a pink slip for sure!

Jill : So, you’re hiding?

Delaney : Yes...
Jill : You know if you didn’t want to be seen, why didn’t you just call in sick?
Delaney : You mean lie? Wow, Jill. I guess you and I approach problems a little
Jill : I guess we do. How long are you going to keep this up?
Delaney : Well, I’ve got my blackberry and I’ve got my vitamin water. And I took
some cheese cubes from the fridge earliner.
Jill : (Accuses) oh, you took all the cheese cubes?
Delaney : Hey, I have needs, okey? I’m going through a tough time!
Jill : Okay, look. There’s got to be a better solution. We’ve just go to think outside
the box. Why don’t we... (Suddenly stops speaking because Mrs. Ford enters
with a clipboard on her hand)
Mrs. Ford : Hello Jill.
Jill : Morning Mrs. Ford
(Delaney gasps and the box moves. Jill pretends to gasp and steady herself against the
box, giving it another shake.)
Mrs. Ford Are you all right?
Jill : Yup, I’m fine, whew, just yes, I’m fine (smiles)
(Mrs. Ford examines the cookie tray)
Mrs. Ford : wouldn’t you know it? Those annoying jackals already ate the entire chocolate
chips. Do you know what i think about some of these people, Jill?
Jill : We should get raises?
Mrs. Ford : Ha ha ha! No. They should be laid off!
(The box begins to inch back towards the wall)
Mrs.Ford : If you saw who took these cookies, tell me who the person is, Jill!
Jill : Yes sir, um, I mean Ma’am!
Mrs. Ford : Is that the box for the new fridge?
Jill : What? Oh this box? I didn”t even notice it here.
Mrs. Ford ; Who would have left in the middle of the room like this ? Push it back to the
wall, will you?
Jill : Okay
(The box moves quickly to the wall, Jill hurriedly follows it, pretending to push it. Than
she stands beside the box)
Jill : Done!
Mrs. Ford : I’II call the janitor to throw it away
Asssistent : Let me call her mrs.ford
(Biar saya yang memanggilkan nya mrs.ford)
Mrs.Ford : Yes ,please
(ya ,silahkan)
Jill :Oh No need .They already now
asisstent : Why haven’t they taken it away yet? It’s an eyesore.
Jill : They’re waiting for a charity group to come to pick it up
Mrs.Ford : What charity?
Jill :Boxes for love
Mr.Ford& assist:Boxes for love?
(Delaney’s cell phone rings)
Delaney : No no,no oh God,no!
(Jill pulls out her own phone and pushes the buttons as the ring goes on and on and on,
pretending to feel shocked because of the unwanted ringtone)

Jill : No, oh no. I could have sworn I changed my ringtone! This one brings back
bad childhood memories.
(The ring then stops. Jill raises her ear as if answering a call)
Jill : (On the phone) Hallo? Yes. Sure, just come on up when you’re ready.
(She hangs up the phone)
Assistent : what happen jill
(ada apa jill)
Jill : That was fos boxes for love. They’re here for the box. So they can love it
Mrs Ford : Did you organize this charity, Jill?
Jill : Yeah, I made it up
Assistent : a progress jill
(sebuah kemajuan jill)
(Mrs. Ford smiles, She holds up her clipboard and begins writing something)
Jill : What’s on that clipboard Mrs. Ford?
Mrs Ford : Oh. I’ve got a little list
(Delaney pulis her hand out under the box and grabs Jill’s ankle)
Jill : Ughhhh!!(She is shocked and kicks the box. The hand moves back)
(Mrs. Ford looks at jill suspiciously)
Jill : Ehmm, I mean just love lists. What kind of list is it?
Assistent : pay attention jill
(perhatikanlah dulu jill)
Mrs Ford : You’re full of questions today Jill. I think I’ve never seen you show interest
in anything important before.You know what, I was going to have you laid off
but now II see you change and if you initiative about these boxes for love
really works, we might have a new partnership on our hands fromthat charity,
so congratulations Jill, you just made my nice list. And so is Sweet Delaney.
What an incredible worker she is. I tell you, Jill, nobady on this list is more
specil that her.
Jill : Absolutely!
(Mrs. Ford starts to leave when Nathan enters. He is chewing)
Nathan : Hey Jill,were there anymore chocolate chips?
(He sees Mrs.Ford She gives him an icy stare)
Nathan : Oh! Good morning, Mrs. Ford!
(Mrs. Ford clicks her pen open. She begins crossing something off, then she
leaves.Feeling guilty, Nathan follows Mrs.ford)
Nathan : Mrs. Ford? Mrs. Ford?
(Jill watches them go. Dalaney puils her hand out and grabs Jill’s ankle)
Delaney : Is she gone?
Jill : Yes, she’s gone
Delaney : (Fell excited) Oh my God… Oh my good… I can’t believe iti the whole
time I was on the nice list! I was on the nice list! I didn’t have to hide in
this box at all! ! Jill, I’m so excited!
Jill : Will you come out of there?
Delaney : (gets out from the bo, stands up and scratches) Phew! Thank you so
much jill! Did you hear that, she’s not going to have me laid off and it’s
not just me but also you!! This is exciting!
(She goes for a hug but jill refuses her)
Jill : Yeah, I heard that! Now, stop playing around! We have a lot of word to do
and remember, tomorrow will be the deadline!!
Delaney : Oh God!!! I totally forget about it! (Think) hmm… Jill?
Jill : Yes what now?
Delaney : (begs) Can you now pretend that you don’t see me so that I can hide in
that box again while you’re doing our work??
Jill : NO WAY!!!

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