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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos

/Republic of the Philippines
College of Sports, Exercise and Recreation
City of Malolos 3000, Bulacan

First Semester, AY 2020 – 2021

COLLEGE: College of Sports, Exercise and Recreation

FACULTY: Melvin D. Villegas

This course will provide students with basic concept about psychological factors that
affect performance in sports such as motivation, concentration, focus, confidence, anxiety,
and relaxation. Students will also be introduced to mental skills that will enhance
performance, make athletic participation more enjoyable, and learn skills that can be
transferred to other aspects of their lives. Specific skills to be covered in this class
will include: how to set measurable goals and strategies to achieve them, visualization
and imagery techniques, leadership, team-building, and how to best cope and recover
from injuries.

University Vision
Bulacan State University is a progressive knowledge-generating
institution, globally-recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and
responsive community engagements.

University Mission
Bulacan State University exists to produce highly competent, ethical and
service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic
growth and development of the nation

Core Values: SOAR BulSU!

Service to God and Community

Order and Peace
Assurance of Quality and Accountability
Respect and Responsibility
The BulSU Ideal Graduates Attributes (BIG A) reflect the graduate’s capacity as:
a. highly and globally competent;
b. ethical and service-oriented citizen;
c. analytical and critical thinker; and
d. reflective life-long learner.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
University Mission
b c d
1. Understand the key concepts, processes and
theories related to fitness and sports coaching
or management.
2. Plan, design, manage, execute and evaluate
safe, effective and enjoyable fitness and sports
programs in various industry settings.
3. Communicate fluently and accurately their
knowledge of applied exercise and sports sciences
to those they work with and practitioners, and
to other relevant stakeholders.
4. Communicate effectively in oral, written
and technology formats advocacies that relate to
the promotion of fitness and wellness, advancement
of the profession and the disciplines of exercise
and sports sciences, sports management and
physical education, respectively by pursuing and
supporting policy initiatives as well as social reforms.
5. Discriminate among the different methods of
research or inquiry, data collection and analysis; as
well as properly evaluate evidence in the context of
research methods and data sources.
6. Recognize their moral and ethical responsibilities
by acting with integrity, and a high degree
of professionalism.
7. Engage in reflective practice by identifying
personal learning goals and
professional development goals, advocating for
healthy and active lifestyle by striving to be a
role model to others.
Program Outcomes (PO)

On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

PROGRAM OUTCOMES Program Educational Objectives

PO1 – Disciplinal
Knowledge – Create and
adapt appropriate
programs and
interventions in
exercise, sports and
PO2 – Professional
Competence (Fitness and
Sports Coaching) – Apply,
concepts, processes and
theories in the organization,
administration and
evaluation of evidence –
based interventions in
fitness, sports performance
and wellness.

PO2 – Professional
Competence (Fitness and
Sports Management) –
Apply concepts, processes
and theories on the
management of resources
and operations to exercise,
sports and recreation
program and facilities, this
includes demonstrating
management capabilities
and techniques in different
context; managing oneself,
managing organizational
life, and managing others.
PO3 – Professional
Accountability and
Responsibility – Promote
advancement of the
profession through
research, lifelong learning,

adherence to work and

professional ethics, and
advocacy pursuits.
PO4 – Communication –
Communicate effectively
through oral, written and
technological format with
stakeholders, allied
professionals and various

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

After completing this course the student must be a b c d
able to:
LO1. Acquire knowledge about the orientation, I I E E
course syllabus, mission /vision, rubrics and grading

LO2. - Develop control of certain fundamental body I I E E

movement, such as stances, striking and blocking
techniques with the use of the stick.
LO3. Develop the less-dominant arm and hand with I I E E
the use of two sticks in different exercises.
LO4. Develop vitality, posture, agility, flexibility, E D D E
coordination, balance, speed, daring precision, self-
discipline and self- confidence .
LO5.– Develop courage, alertness, firmness, quickness E D D E
in thinking and full mental power.
LO6. - Develop striking measures, which call for great E E E E
coordination and timing.
LO7.Demonstrate skills on stick defenses, unarmed I I E E
defenses and arresting techniques necessary
to law enforcers and

LO8. Identify legal techniques that can be used in law I E E E


Note: (I) Introductory Course to an Outcome (E) Enabling Course to an Outcome (D)
Demonstrative Course to an Outcome

Learning Outcomes Topics Week Learning Activities
* Orientation
* Course Syllabus Online discussion thru
* University Google Meet
LO1 Vision/Mission Week 1
* Grading System

Welcome toArnis 1.Attention or formal
/Anyo. stance
*discussion/ Arnis 2.Open leg stances
LO3 Origin and History 3.Staddle stances
*Equipment in Arnis 4.Right and left forward
*Correct Grip, Stancesor fighting
5.Right and left
backward stances
6.Right and left cat
Week 2-6 7.Right and left oblique
LO4 Forward stances
Courtesy Stances,
and Body Shifting B. Body shifting
1.Stepping-in forward
right and left
2.Stopping back right
and left
*Traditional forms or
Striking Techniques
1.Up and down
LO5 2.Banda y banda
4.Abanico corto
5.Abanico largo

Single SinawaliVariation
* Single Sinawali 1.Stationary
2.Moving forward-
5.Moving in random

Double sinawali
2.moving forward
*Double Sinawali
4.Moving random
Redonda or ‘X’

Online discussions thru

Google meet.

1.left temple,left side of the

neck and left shoulder
2.right temple right side
of the neck and right
The eight( 8) striking Week 7 shoulder stgrike
LO6 techniques 3. Left knee strike
4. Right knee strike
5. al (upper & 8. right clavicles strike
A lower) groin & Hea
b genitals thrust d or DRILLS
d 6. Left eye or left crow 1. Stationary
o chest thrust n, 2. Right & Left
m 7. Right eye left Alternate
in or right chest & 3. Forward Movement

Online discussion thru

Google Meet.
1. Left sideward-upward
2. Right sideward-
LESSON 8 The six (6) upward block
Blocking Techniques Week 8 3. Left sideward-
downward block
LO7 4. Right sideward-
downward block
5. Vertical block
6. Rising block

1. Right & Left Alternate
2. Forward Movement
LESSON 9 Online discussion thru
Applications of the Google Meet.
LO8 Eight (8)
Striking Techniques
with The six (6) Week 9 & 10 DRILLS
Blocking Techniques 1.Basic Application
2. With Counter Attack

Online discussion thru

Google Meet.
1. hand-wrist Circling
LESSON 10 2. “X” Block
Disarming Techniques Week 11 3. Stick Twisting –
with counter Attack (upward/downward)
(Left Side UP &
LO9 1. Counter attack from
block No: 3 to S.T. No. 4
2. Under wrist lock
1. Butt Strike to wrist
2. Wrist Twisting
LESSON 11 (encircle)
LO9 Disarming Techniques 3. Right Arm Full
with Counter Attack Week 12
(Right Side Up & RIGHT SIDE-DOWN
Down) 1. Block No. 4 to S.T.
2. Stomach Thrust
LO11 Online discussion thru
Google Meet.
LESSON 12 Counter
Attack from striking Video Viewing via
techniques No. 8 Week 13 YouTube:
(Head or Crown) 1. Block No. 6 to Elbow
2. Umbrella Block

LO12 LESSON 13 ANYO or Week 14-15 Demonstration, practice,

Form (An Individual drills


CONCEPT PAPER: The students must be able to give the minimum essentials of physical
exercises through the basic fundamentals of Arnis leading to the mastery of different styles
of stick fighting

1. Display feeling of confidence after learning the skills.
2. Develop proper behavior, self-discipline and self-control.
3. Since Arnis employ the use of two sticks, the less-dominant arm is exercised and
developed, making one almost ambidextrous, and therefore more efficient in the use
of the upper extremities.

4. Prevent using guns in arresting an unarmed attacker.

5. Become closer to the historical lore of the country and people, immensely proud of
being a Filipino because Arnis is a genuine component of our cultural heritage and
will find an answerto what an eminent Filipino scholar learned, “ the search for
national identity”.


CRITERIA 70 – 80 81 - 85 86 – 90 91 - 95 96 - 100 RATING

Performs Perform Performs
Lack of Needs help in Movements movements with Movements
Accuracy knowledge in executing the With some minimal precision With precision
40% the skills skills mistakes
All in all Rarely Frequently Always
Organization Perform minimal Movement Performs perform Performs
of movements movement in Needs Movements in Movements in Movements in
30% proper order improvement Proper order proper order Proper order

Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates

Participation lack of effort or Less effort or Inconsistent good effort and Excellent
20% enthusiasm and Enthusiasm and Effort or Enthusiasm and Effort and
Never performs Never performs enthusiasm perform with Enthusiasm
with proper With proper And performs Proper And
coordination. coordination With proper coordination Performs with
coordination proper
Attempts to Keep Shows a basic Accurate in Shows
Difficulty in a rhythm, But Understanding Beat tempo Complete
Rhythm/ following the gets off beat and Of tempo and And rhythm Understanding
Tempo beat and tempo. speeds up or falls beat falls behind Of tempo and
10% behind often and/or speed up beat
doesn’t follow in places or
beat in music makes errors in


This course, delivered via distance learning will enable the student
to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online or modular.
Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be
made available to you. Online assignments, quizzes, and tests aredue by Sunday
evening of the week as noted. Discussions are to be conducted based on the class
schedule using Google Meet. Assigned faculty will support the students
throughout this eighteen-week course.

You are expected to submit your classroom assignments by the posted due
date and to complete the course according to the published class schedule.

Online universities promote the advance of knowledge through positive

and constructive debate--both inside and outside the classroom.

All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up

that adheres to a consistent format, which is described below:
• Double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted as a Word
Document/Google Docs inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom
access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by
the professor).
• Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman 11 or 12-point styles
are recommended.
• Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable
accommodation made for special situations and online submission variances.


Term Examinations 30%

Quizzes/Activities 20%
Project 30%
Participation/Recitation 10%
Attendance/ Promptness 10%

TOTAL 100%

Final Grade = Midterm Grade + Tentative Final Grade Period


Range Grade
97-100 1.00
94 – 96 1.25
91 – 93 1.50
88 – 90 1.75
85 – 87 2.00
82 – 84 2.25
79 – 81 2.50
76 – 78 2.75
75 3.00
74 and below 5.00

REFERENCES: › wiki › arnis › eskrima-arnis-history › sport › list › arnis › doc › HISTORY-OF-ARNIS




The Philippines is an island country wealthy in both culture and

history. The Filipino military craftsmanship of Arnis/Kali/Escrima has
contributed to the Philippines' past and differing qualities. There is a wealth of
styles and frameworks.Arnis/Kali/Escrima instructed all through the world, that
has survived and created all through the diverse locales, families, and
instructors who have protected what is now and then called a "complete" military


Arnis/Kali/Escrima initially created by the individuals local to the islands
utilizing essential effect and edged weapons such as kampilans, rattan, swords,
blades, lances, and other grouped weaponry combat and self-defense. These
weapons were moreover now and then utilized as cultivate executes. The
entry of Ferdinand Magellan's drive in 1521 was met in the fight with a gathering
of islanders, driven by Raja Lapu Lapu, who crushed Magellan utilizing as it were
a bladed weapon. Magellan's armored and flintlock bearing conquistadors were
overwhelmed by the furious warriors and withdrawn. The Spanish returned
within the 1570s, and the Philippines came beneath Spanish run the show
incapable of fighting with the present-day weaponry the Spanish utilized.
The hone of Arnis/Kali/Escrima was precluded, but proceeded and was
through the local custom move, execution, and taunt fights. In this way, the
expressions were passed down in families from era to era, sharpening their
aptitude, speed, precision, and skill.
The terms Arnis, Kali, and Escrima are all utilized to allude to the Filipino
martial art. There have been a few disarrays as to what word implies to which
portion of the martial art. It accepts that Arnis, Kali, and Escrima are all a
portion of the same craftsmanship and depending on the area, tongue, and
preparing instructed. Too, any of the three names may apply to a particular piece
of composing. One translation is that Kali is the mother craftsmanship of Arnis
and Escrima. Arnis centers on the cut, counting blade, sword, and any other
bladed weapon frame. Escrima is base on the baston or stick. It has moreover
gotten to exceptionally well known within the don angle of full contact
adhere battling. To this day, Arnis/Kali/Escrima has held a tangible Spanish
influence, not as it were within the names and titles utilized in preparing. Still,
within the effect it has had on Filipino culture. Filipino martial arts proceed to
envelop a massive run of weapons preparing and hand-to-hand combat,
enhancing Filipino society's culture.
Present-day arnis is the framework of Filipino battling expressions
established by Remy Presas as a self-defense framework. His objective was to
make an injury-free preparing strategy and a viable self-defense framework
in arranging to protect the more seasoned Arnis frameworks. The term Modern
Arnis was utilized by Remy Presas' more youthful brother Ernesto Presas to
depict his Filipino martial arts; since 1999, Ernesto Presas has called his
framework Kombatan. It is determined basically from the conventional Presas
family fashion of the Bolo (cleaver) and the stick- dueling craftsmanship of
Balintawak Eskrima, with impacts from other Filipino and Japanese military

Arnis is the Philippines' national martial arts and sport after President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo marked the Republic Act. No. 9850 in 2009. RA
9850 could be a combination of House Charge No. 6516 wrote by South Cotabato
Rep. Arthur Pingoy Jr., and Senate Charge No. 1424 wrote by Majority pioneer
Juan Miguel Zubiri with the assistance of Richard Gialogo. RA 9850 anticipates
assisting proliferate arnis as a present-day military art/sport that can compete
with well known non-Filipino expressions, i.e., taekwondo, karate, and judo. The
Act commands the Department of Education to incorporate the don as a
Physical Education course. Two sorts of arnis are WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali
Arnis Federation) - it is the foremost common framework utilized which set
up in 1989, Arnis Philippines (ARPI) framework - it is the only used noticeably
amid the 2005
Southeast Asian Recreations, built up in 1986.

After the lesson, the understudies will be able to:

1. describe the nature or foundation of arnis.

2. familiarize with the subtle critical elements or occasions in Modern Arnis history
of arnis.


INSTRUCTION: Specify whether the statement is True or False.

1. Arnis/Kali/Escrima initially creates by the individuals local to the islands

utilizing basic effect and edged weapons such as kampilans, rattan, swords, blades,
lances, and other grouped weaponry combat and self- defense.
2. The entry of Ferdinand Magellan's drive in 1521 was met in the fight
with a gathering of islanders, driven by General Emilio Aguinaldo. He crushed
Magellan utilizing as it were a bladed weapon.
3. The terms Arnis, Kali, and Escrima are all utilized to allude to the
Filipino military expressions.
4. Escrima is based on the baston or stick.
5. Present-day arnis is the framework of Filipino battling expressions
established by Romy Presas as a self-defense framework.
6. Arnis is the Philippines' national martial arts and sport after
President Ejercito Estrada marked the Republic Act. No. 9850 in 2009.
7. The term Modern Arnis was utilized by Remy Presas' more youthful
brother Ernesto Presas to depict his Filipino martial arts; since
1999, Ernesto Presas has called his framework Kombatan.
8. The Act commands the Department of education to incorporate the don as a
Physical Education course.
9. To this day, Arnis/Kali/Escrima has held a solid American
influence not as it were within the names and titles utilized in preparing but
within the effect it has had on Filipino culture.
10. Two sorts of arnis are WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis
Federation) - it is the foremost common framework utilized which set up in
1989, Arnis Philippines (ARPI) framework - it is the foremost noticeably
utilized amid the 2005 Southeast Asian Recreations.
Assemble a few pictures about the history of arnis. Provide a brief
description of each photograph. (Utilize Microsoft Word)

In this action, give a few points of interest in the history of Modern Arnis. Can
understudies expound the history of arnis?

Arnis could be a Filipino Martial Arts with a particular frame and

fashion. It employments two sticks, commonly made of rattan around 1 inch in the
distance across and 24 to 28 inches in length. Like numerous other martial Arts,
arnis, the Philippine national martial arts and wear characterized by stick-
assisted or bare-handed battling, is, as a rule, instructed utilizing strategies
frequently respected as teacher-centered.

Core Values of Arnis:

Being excited, cherishing, empowering, and regarding. You are honest and

direct and open to contact. To remain positive and to decrease

pessimism with anything around the organization of the framework. To be
proficient at all times when related to arnis. To acknowledge each other and our
contrasts, and not judge each other by making pressure or hurt. To transparently
communicate your concerns with any other individuals, be positive and helpful,
endeavor to control any negative feelings, and their impact. To not incite,
criticize, or assault other frameworks verbally but or

maybe stimulate FMA professionals. To stand up to and anticipate show.

Benefits of Arnis:
It can utilize as self-defense. It can assist you in guaranteeing your safety,
particularly if you're a girl. You can use you to adhere as a weapon. If someone needs
to hurt you, you'll be able to secure yourself from utilizing your wooden sword.
Arnis educates us, teach and control. It gives a full- body workout. It makes a
difference to move forward your stamina, muscle tone, adaptability, adjust, and
quality. It gives you a sound way of life. It makes a difference you to make strides
your physical wellness, mental and passionate well-being. It gives you positive
support and regard for values in martial arts. It helps you progress your
cardiovascular well-being since it stresses the heart if you are doing the arnis.It
makes a difference in you to center on your goals. It makes a difference in
you to have a great temperament since you're taking part in work.
Purpose of Arnis:
Arnis is the national martial arts wear of the Philippines. It
additionally is known by the title Eskrima and Kali. The wear gives
accentuation to weapon-based battling. Arnis can frequently be utilizing bladed
weapons such as blades, sticks, and other ad-libbed weapons. It, too, incorporates hand
to hand combat, hooking, and weapon incapacitating methods.

Based on the discussion about the modern history of arnis, what are the things you
have found around learning contemporary arnis' record? Type in your ideas through
Microsoft Word.


DIRECTION: Answer the following in 5 sentences through Microsoft word.

1.Write a short detail or discussion about the values of arnis.

2.What are the benefits of arnis?

3.Give three advantages and three disadvantages of arnis.

4. Cite the purpose of arnis.

5 .In your own opinion, how does arnis help you in your life?

Frank, Bram (2010).Conceptual Modern Arnis.: Lulu Enterprises, .pp. 12-15.

Jannethanders (August 29, 2019 ). What is Arnis?

JohnSardona (October 01, 2017 ). Core Values of Arnis.

Robert Wood, (April 2015 ) "Arnis the Sport.",

Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University
City of Malolos


DURATION : Two hours

The Philippines' indigenous people developed arnis. Who used baston or cane as
the primary weapon for combat and self-defense. Encompassing both simple impact and
edged weapons, arnis traditionally involved rattan, swords, daggers, and spears.

This lesson will help us identify the equipment used in arnis and to familiarize
them and their purpose.

At the end of this lesson in equipment of arnis the student should:
1. Identify the importance of equipment.
2. Learn how the athlete or participant uses arnis

is wearing equipment.
Underline the correct answer in the following questions.
1. What is the primary weapon in arnis?

a. Arnis b. Eskrima
c. Buho d. Baton

2. Size of the primary weapon in arnis?

a. 25 inches b. 27 inches
c. 26 inches d. 28 inches

3. Refers to a protection gear of the head to lessen the impact.

a. Head protector b. Shin protector

c. Mask protector d. Face protector

4. A pair of boards to see the point, either manually or electronically operated.

a. Scoreboard b. Top board
c. Blackboard d. Whiteboard

5. It is a Filipino martial art and uses as self-defense.

a. Arnis b. Cali
c. Eskrima d. Didja


Cut a picture of arnis equipment, paste it in a short bond paper, and tell something
you know about that.

With the given activity, discuss some trivia about arnis equipment. Are the students
explain what they know about arnis equipment?

● Arnis- is a stick made out of rattan that is 28 inches long. It is a Filipino
martial art use self-defense.
The game is played by using a padded stick known as baston in delivering artistic
like strikes, blows, thrusts, and disarming the opponent to gain scores.

The four lines mark or the boundary of the playing area is called free zone distance
and measured 2.0 meters long outside of the playing area.

Two lines of 1.0-meter-long and 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal match line. The
horizontal match line is 3 meters from the boundary lines
. That runs perpendicularly to the official's table and 3.5 meters from the boundary
and the lines that runs parallel to the table's official.

The padded stick is the official weapon of
an athlete and
no other similar material will be allowed to use in any local, national or international
Each padded stick shall be properly covered with foam-cushioned and shall have a
maximum grip diameter of not more than 3.81cm.
(1 ½ inch) and length of 76.20cm (30 inches for men and women). The size of the
padded stick shall be 27 inches for boys and girls.
Both padded sticks shall be color-coded, one red and the other blue.

Refers to a pair of protective headgear to include an impact of worthy facemask, the
specifications of which shall be according to the i-ARNIS standards. Both headgears
must be color-coded, one red the other blue, to match the players padded stick.

Refers to a pair of protective gear in the body and properly cushioned, the
specifications of which shall be according to the i-ARNIS standard. The male and
female player must both wear body protector and groin protector. Body protector and
groin protectors' specifications shall be following by under the ARNIS standard rules.
Body protectors and groin protectors shall be color-coded to match the color of the
player. Forearm and shin guards are compulsory. The specifications shall be by
following the ARNIS standard.

The scoreboards, either manually or electronically operated, shall be followed under
the i-ARNIS standard.
Two scoreboards per athlete shall be placed diagonally opposite of the corner.
outside the playing area and inside the competition area within the free zone, right
where the judges are position.

Two types of flag used for consultation are red and blue flags, which is 30 cm by 25
cm long. The judges used this in declaring decisions or asking for consultations.
while yellow flag
is use for time, signal, start, and end of the round and declare
a time-out and resumption of the game.

Stop-watch is used to keep the two-minutes per round. It will include interruptions
such as injury, changing of a broken stick. A gong and mallet, other similar audible
substitutes such as a whistle, Bellor, and buzzer shall provide for the timer to
indicate the start and end of the game. A table shall provide for the TIMER and
RECORDER, which is situated one meter in front of the playing area. so that time
signals are visible enough to both players and referee.

Facilities of Arnis:
Shall refer to the area which is set from the free zone.

● Dimensions

The square playing area is measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with a two (2) meter
free zone around it is clear space without any obstruction with the height of not less
than five{5} meters from the playing surface.

● Lines of the Playing Area

All lines in playing area have 5.08 cm. must be of a different color from the floor and
other lines previously drawn.

● Boundary Lines

The four lines mark the boundary of the playing area with The free zone distance
measuring 2.0 meters are outside of the playing area.

● Match Lines

Two lines of 1.0-meter-long and 2.0 meter apart the mark of horizontal match line
area. Horizontal match lines are drawn from the boundary, 3 meters perpendicularly
from the table official and 3.5 meters away from the boundary line that runs parallel
to the official's table.

● Wooden Stick-
● Wooden stick measure not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in length with a
diameter of not less than 1.3 cm and more than 3.8 cm. no sharp edges or pointed

● Wooden Replica of a Bladed Weapon

● The wooden replica measure not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in full
length in Ethnic Asian origin. no have sharp edges or pointed ends.

● Foam- should cushion material be foaming the padded sticks and shall have a
maximum grip diameter not greater than 3.81 cm.
● The Arm Guards were designed for protection but also for comfort and practicality.
They can use for both the upper arm and forearm protection.

Arnis Hand Gloves serve as a protection from strikes as the stick held in hand. Its design
and structure further ensure that a stable grip is maintained.

Body armor

Groin guard

In a sheet of paper, write your answer in not less than two hundred
words and more than two hundred fifty words {250}
Based on the discussed equipment and facilities, what have you learned
about the importance of wearing gear for every athlete who will compete in
the competition?

DIRECTION: Rearrange the jumbled letters to get the correct answer and write on
the space provided.

1. A cushion material uses to cover the padded sticks. MOFA

2. 30 cm by 25 cm, the size used by judges in declaring decisions or asking for
consultations. SALFG
3. Protective gear for the body. DOBY ARROM

4. Structure further ensure that a stable grip is maintained NAHD VESLOG

5. Primary weapon in arnis ABNOTS

6. Filipino martial arts RISAN

7. Free zone distance measuring 2.0 meters outside of the playing area.
8. Two lines of 1.0-meter-long and 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal line.

9. It is a measure not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in length

10. English term for baston ANEC

Carroll, R. (2017, April 24). Arnis: The Philippines' national sport and martial art. Culture
Arnis. (2002, December 17). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 18,
2020, from
Facilities and equipment of arnis. (n.d.).
Barrameda, L. (2019).

Title of the Lesson: Stances


This module has been prepared to provide you with knowledge and
basic stances. You will be able to execute the different stances and understand why
it is done in such pattern.

After reading this module, you should be able to:
a. identify the different basics staces in arnis.
b. demonstrate the proper way of executing the different stances.
c. demonstrate and understanding of the benefits that can be derived
from practicing the dual sports.

“the principle of battle exist and occur in combat whether you know them or

-Roberto Torres


With your current knowledge and understanding, answer the following question:

1. What do you know about basic stances in arnis?

2. What are the fundamental skills needed to perform the basic stances in arnis?

Perform the following stances.

1. Attention Stance
2. Open-leg Stance
3. Straddle-leg Stance
4. Forward Stance
5. Back Stance
6. Oblique Forward Stance
7. Fighting Stance
8. Cat Stance

After doing the given activities, describe how you are feeling from head to toe.
Explain the challenges that you experienced while doing those activities and
why some or all of those are easy for you.

Stances in Arnis as in other forms of martial arts are different body positions
basic to play of the arts.
These are the techniques which teacher a player how to maintain body
balance and the proper manner of distributing his weight on his legs. Mastery of
these techniques is essential in the perfection of the art of arnis. A player can hope
to fight effectively without knowing these important rudiments.
Proper body positioning gives one mobility and ability. Shift form one position
to another with strong foothold and with much agility. Moreover, this is very essential
in defensive and offensive fighting.

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