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Negotiation Styles Analysis

Name/NIM: Ayusti na Giusti /29120295

 Listed in your worksheet are 20 pairs of statement regarding negotiation behavior. For each
pair, you must distribute 5-points between two statements, corresponding to the extent to
which each statement reflects your behavior. For example:

What foods does you eat?

If you enjoyed both meats and vegetables but
If you are vegetarian had slight preference for meat you would
you would distribute distribute as follows
0 a. Meats
as follows 3 a. Meats
5 b. Vegetables 2 b. Vegetables

1 2 a. I try to help the other party, even if it means giving up my needs

5 b. I exchange information and ideas freely

2 4 a. I try to find compromise solutions

0 b. I look for and exploit the other party’s weaknesses in a negotiation

3 4 a. I prefer to avoid contact with difficult negotiators

5 b. I try to preserve the relationship at all costs

4 5 a. I try to collaborate
2 b. I will back off my demand a little

5 0 a. I am competitive and try to ensure that my needs are met

2 b. I prefer to avoid controversy

6 1 a. As a rule, I try to avoid negotiating

0 b. I look for opportunities to split the differences in a negotiation

7 3 a. I let the other party dictate the terms of the agreement

4 b. I press the logic of my position

8 2 a. I don’t give up until I get what I want

5 b. I try to satisfy both of our needs

9 4 a. I will give something up for something in return

5 b. I try to keep the other party happy
10 5 a. I seek to build trust
5 b. I avoid situations that might create tension

11 2 a. I am usually willing to settle for a part of what I want

1 b. I withhold information that might give the other party an advantage

12 0 a. I avoid open discussions of issues and concerns

5 b. I try not to hurt the other person’s feelings

13 0 a. I try to convince the other party that I am right

5 b. I listen to the other person before sharing my views

14 3 a. I focus on the other party’s concerns more than mine

5 b. I will look for an intermediate position (halfway between your expectation)

15 3 a. I try to bring issues or concerns into open

1 b. I avoid people who are tough negotiators

16 3 a. I go along with the other party’s suggestions

0 b. I use my power to influence the outcome of a negotiation

17 4 a. In every negotiation I look for opportunities where give-and-take can occur

3 b. I look for creative solutions that make both parties winners

18 0 a. I try to outsmart and outtalk the other party

0 b. I withdraw from negotiations, even when I might win

19 3 a. I try to deal with all the issues that are important to both of us
5 b. I focus only on the issues that we agree on, not those issues of disagreement

20 2 a. I prefer to postpone facing difficult negotiations

4 b. I will give up some of my demands if the other party will do the same
Scoring Key
Put your scores according to the number and sum the scores per column
0 2b 2 1a 5 1b 4 3a 4 2a
0 5a 5 3b 5 4a 2 5b 2 4b
4 7b 3 7a 5 8b 1 6a 0 6b
2 8a 5 9b 5 10a 5 10b 4 9a
1 11b 5 12b 5 13b 0 12a 2 11a
0 13a 3 14a 3 15a 1 15b 5 14b
0 16b 3 16a 3 17b 0 18b 4 17a
0 18a 5 19b 3 19a 2 20a 4 20b

7 31 34* 15 25
Competing Accommodating Collaborating Avoiding Compromising

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