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Please READ all directions carefully before you start working.

To The Learners
The Strategic Localized Interactive Instructional Material (SLIIM ) in English
will help you understand the Past and Past Perfect Tenses of the Verbs. The varied
activities are simple and will help you master the competency. The instructions and
activities are made interactive for you to enjoy while learning.

To The Parents/Guardians
The Strategic Interactive Instructional Material (SIIM ) in English is made for the learners
to help them learn independently through guided instructions. This is composed of different
cards to which the learners should follow the instruction progressively and systematically.
Learners are not allowed to skip or proceed to the next card without finishing the prior card. To
ensure the success of this SLIIM and not to defeat its purpose, parents/guardians therefore,
should supervise the learners to follow the instructions strictly while they are answering the activities.

Guide Card
Use Past and Past Perfect Tenses of the verbs in varied contexts. EN7G-III-c-2.

Past Perfect
The past perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action took place once or many
times before another point in the past.

The Past Perfect tense is quite an easy tense to understand and to use. This tense talks about
the "past in the past".
How do we make the Past Perfect tense?
The structure of the Past Perfect tense is:

subject + auxiliary have + main verb

conjugated in Past Simple
had past participle

For negative sentences we insert not between the auxiliary verb and the main verb. For question
sentences, we exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb.
Look at these example sentences with the Past Perfect tense:

subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ I had finished my work.
+ You had stopped before me.
- She had not gone to school.
- We had not left.
? Had you arrived?
? Had they eaten dinner?

Crestina O. Doma
Master Teacher I 1
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City
How do we use the Past Perfect tense?
The Past Perfect tense expresses action in the past before another action in the past. This
is the past in the past.
For example:
The train left at 9am. We arrived at 9:15am. When we arrived, the train had left.

Look at some more examples:

I wasn't hungry. I had just eaten.
They were hungry. They had not eaten for five hours.
I didn't know who he was. I had never seen him before.
"Mary wasn't at home when I arrived." / "Really? Where had she gone?"

Past Tense
The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now.

Liza entered a swimming contest. He won the gold medal.

How to Formulate the Simple Past

Regular Verbs Regular Verbs

(d, ed)
Verb (base) Past Verb (base) Past
walk walked rise arose
dance danced write wrote
temp tempted sing sang
cook cooked eat ate
hop hopped fell fall
shout shouted break broke

Study the sentences below.

Simple Past Past Perfect Simple

1. Last night I played my guitar loudly and the 1. After Sofie had finished her work, she
neighbors complained. went to lunch.
3. She appreciated my effort last night.. 2. I washed the floor when the painter had
4.She broke her pencil yesterday.
3. Harold had known about it for a while.
5. Kristel accepted the donation. 4. I didn't say anything until she had finished
6. I maintained social distancing eversince for
my security. 5. After she had moved out, I found her notes.

Before I knew it, she had run out the door.

Crestina O. Doma
Master Teacher I 2
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City
Activity Card
Hello! This is your first activity and for sure it’s a little bit confusing.
But just keep your focus. Everything will be clearer as we progress.
Hang on! You can always go back to the Guide Card.

Supply the correct past form of the verbs. Write your answer on a
separate piece of paper. Number one is done for you.

1. I my mistake. (admit)
2. . We a lot about it. (learn)
3. The wind last night. (blow)
4. We in Prague. (meet)
5. When she heard it she . (cry)
6. . I the book on the desk. (put)
7. Sue a cat with a pencil. (draw)
8. We the postcard yesterday. (send)
9. Finally, we the address. (find)
10. I down on a chair and relaxed. (sit)
11. The teacher her temper. (lose)

Activity 2 Read the letter below. Supply the correct past form of the verbs. Write
your answer on a separate piece of paper. Number one is done for you.

Dear Clarissa,
How are you doing? I feel so sad, I must admit. Last night I (clean) my
drawer, (tidy) my things and (decide) to check the envelope. Then I
(notice) a lot of photos inside it. And you know what I (see) there? Our
photos during our activities in English. Then, tears ( run) down on my cheek.
Why? Because I (miss) my best friend. Since last March and NCR (be) in
community quarantine, I (choose) to be with my grandmother.
More than three months had passed yet we are still not allowed to go out from our
house. I (remember) the news I (watch) last month. President Duterte
(say) that there will be no face to face classes, unless vaccine is discovered. This
(make) my heart (feel) sad. I really miss you all. Good thing, we

(take) pictures everytime we had our activities.

Please, write back soon.


Wow, you made that fast! What a good

try. Just keep doing your best.
Common, let’s have another try!

Crestina O. Doma 5
Master Teacher I
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City
Hmm… This is somewhat difficult. But this does not mean you
can’t do it. You can always go back to the Guide Card to check
whether you are in the right track. Keep going!

Fill in the correct form of the verb. Write your answer on a separate
piece of paper. Number one is done for you.

A. Past Perfect Tense.

1. We had met (meet) before you moved to Los Angeles.
2. When I got to the office, they (leave).
3. By the time the spring came, the flowers (bloom).
4. I was able to pass the exam since I (study) regularly.
5. The movie (already start) when we arrived there.
6. Before she traveled to Lisbon, she (reserve) the hotel room.

B. Past and Past Perfect Tense.

1. I was (be) sorry that I had not been (not be) nicer to him.
2. Nobody (come) to the meeting because Angela (forget)
to tell them about it.
3. I know that I (see) her somewhere before.
4. Because she (not check) the oil for so long, the car
(break) down.
5. She couldn't find the book that I (lend) her.
6. . They never (never find) where he (hide) the money.
7. It was a firm that I (never hear) of.
8. When she (come ) in we all knew where she (be)
9. The lesson (already start) when I (arrive).
10. When I (get) to the park I found out that I (lose) my
11. When he (paint) the kitchen he (decide) to have a rest.
12. After I (finish) the report, I saw that it (be) too late.

Your skills really do improved.

Just keep on trying your best.
Remember there is no harm in
trying. Good luck!

Crestina O. Doma 4
Master Teacher I
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City
Assessment Card
This is it. Remember, you can always go back to the
Guide Card. I trust in you. Good luck!

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in
brackets. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Number one is
done for you.

had never gone

1. My aunt flew to Paris last year. She (never / go) on a plane
before that.
2. We didn’t need to queue because my wife (already / buy) the tickets
3. The thieves had already spent the money when the police (catch)
4. Helen (split up) with John before she met Paul.
5. We (know) her address because she (tell) us.
6. The children (not eat) for days so they (be) extremely
7. Everyone (hug) each other after they (finish) their exams.
8. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she (already / see) the
9. I (just / buy) a dress when a thief (steal) my bag.
10. My niece (go) to London three times by the time she (be)
11. My students (raise) some money after they (see) a
documentary on TV about Africa.
12.It was half past three and we still (not / eat) lunch.
13. Our teacher (give) us extra homework because we (not
finish) our essays.
14. My father (lose) his glasses and he couldn’t read the newspaper.
15. The car stopped because we (run) out of petrol.
16. He (feel) very ill because he (not sleep) well.

Congratulations! You made it. I am so

proud of you. Always remember
knowledge is power. Till next

Crestina O. Doma 5
Master Teacher I
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City
Answer Card
Activity 1 Activity 3
1. Admitted
2. learned 1. had met
3. Blew 2. Had left
4. Met 3. Had bloomed
5. Cried 4. Had studied
6. Put 5. Had already started
7. Drew 6. Had reserved
8. Sent
9. Found
10. Sat 1. I was sorry that I had not been nicer to
11. Lost him.
2. Nobody came to the meeting because
Activity 2 Angela had forgotten to tell them about it.
1. Cleaned 3. I know that I had seen her somewhere
2. Tidied before.
3. Decided 4. Because she had not checked the oil for
4. Noticed so long, the car broke down
5. Saw 5. She couldn't find the book that I had lent
6. Ran her.
7. Missed 6. They never found where he had hidden
8. Was the money.
9. Chose 7. It was a firm that I had never heard of.
10. Remembered 8. When she came in we all knew where she
11. Watched had been
12. Said 9. The lesson had already started when I
13. Made arrived.
10. When I got to the park I found out that I
14. felt
had lost my keys
15. took
11. When he had painted the kitchen he
decided to have a rest.
Assessment 12. After I had finished the report, I saw that
1. had never gone it was too late .
2. had already bought
3. caught
4. had split
5. knew / had told
6. hadn’t eaten / were
7. hugged / had finished
8. had already seen
9. had just bought / stole
10. had been / was
11. raised / had seen
12. hadn’t eaten
13. gave / hadn’t finished
14. had lost
15. had ran
16. felt / hadn’t slept

Crestina O. Doma 86
Master Teacher I
Maysan National High School, Valenzuela City

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