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Paper ID-607

Paper Title Study of Copy-Move Forgery Detection

Techniques in Images

Ankita Bansal Aditya Atri

Division of Information Technology Division of Information Technology
Netaji Subhas University of Technology Netaji Subhas University of Technology
Delhi, India Delhi, India

Abstract— With the evolution of tools used for image editing in in which a retoucher focuses on adjusting various other
today's world, the images can be manipulated with ease. elements of an image [2].
Resizing, cloning, cropping, etc., becomes easy and fast while on • Image splicing: This forgery technique [3] is more harmful
the other end, a great challenge in front of the world is than the one mentioned above (Retouching) and is simple to
determining whether an image has been tempered or not. A very
do. The image is forged by using elements or objects from
popular manipulation method for tempering images is Copy-
move forgery in which a part of an image is duplicated and different images to form a single image i.e. multiple images
pasted in some other location of the same image. Major research are selected and in a way merged together.
has been going on in detection of copy-move forgery. A detailed • Copy-Move Attack: This forgery technique is a difficult
review and analytical discussion has been presented in this paper and a commonly used forgery technique. The image is
along with pros and cons of each of the detection techniques used forged by extracting a specific region of the original image
for copy-move forgery detection. and using it again in nearly matching area in order to hide a
particular part of that image or add extra feature to it. Thus,
Keywords—image forgery, Principal Component Transformation, it changes the information conveyed by the image
active detection, passive detection, SIFT, DCT
completely [4].

Various different techniques have already been devised, so

I. INTRODUCTION (Heading 1) that we can easily distinguish the forged image from the
original ones. These detection techniques can be broadly
In present day, digital media has become an important part
divided into following two types:
of our lives. Also accessing and sharing information is very
Active detection: It requires prior information about the
easy with digital media nowadays, thus it plays a significant original image [5]. Digital watermarking and digital signatures
role in a variety of fields and various technologies. Similarly, are commonly used under active detection.
various image processing software and tools are available in
Passive detection: It doesn’t require any pre-processed image
the market to enhance or edit these images to look as required.
information to detect whether it’s forged or not. It is based on
As Software for image editing are easily available nowadays,
assumptions that even though we cannot spot the tampered
image forgery has become a very common thing. Amongst
image from the original image with naked eyes but it would
many forgeries, “Copy-Move Forgery” is a forgery technique likely to alter some other statistics, which then are used to
in which a region of image is copied and pasted in nearly identify the real image [6]. Copy move forgery, image splicing
matching area in order to hide a particular part of that image. detection, retouching detection are some of the commonly
This might be done in order to hide or add certain feature or used techniques under passive detection.
object in the image which changes the integrity of that image.
It is very crucial to identify forged images from the original
In this paper, we performed a survey on various Copy-
ones as one of the most important fields where digital images Move forgery detection techniques. The authors did a
are used are forensic studies [1]. The various image forgeries thorough study and tried to explore the recent papers from the
types are: years 2013-2019. A systematic approach is conducted to carry
• Image Retouching: This forgery technique is less harmful out the survey which is explained in section II. Several
than other techniques since the final forged image is not very research questions are designed to focus on some key
different from the original one but have just minor perspectives. The research questions are answered in a
enhancements. It is used to make the object look more thorough and unbiased manner. Focus is laid on some of the
attractive. Thus, retouching is just like polishing of an image
8TH International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2020), March 5-6,2020
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida, INDIA
key perspectives such as the most common technique used in
copy move forgery, the popular performance measures used
B. Identification of the Search Strategy
etc. The answers to each of the researchers will be helpful for
the researchers and practitioners to have gainful insight in the The initial research is done in the following scientific
concerned area. The review would also be help to find and fill databases: IEEE Xplore, Springer, ScienceDirect. The papers
up gaps (if any) in the Copy-Move forgery detection field, published in reputed journals and international conferences are
which then would help us to give suggestions on the areas searched using the keywords such as forgery, SIFT, SURF etc.
where further investigation can be done. In other words, the In addition to this, the search strings are also formed using the
review may be helpful for suggesting new directions in the “OR” , “AND”. For example,
related field. “Copy move forgery” OR “SIFT” AND “DCT”
In this way, we collected approximately 200 papers from
II. METHODOLOGY the year 2013 till date, which constitute the primary papers.
The next step is to have a secondary set of papers which are
In this section, we briefly explain the steps (figure 1) followed more relevant to the field. For this, the abstracts of each of the
to conduct this review. collected papers are read and the paper which is found to be
not related to the field is dropped. This helped us to obtain a
smaller set of papers. To obtain the final set of the papers
which are included in the review, full papers are downloaded
and thoroughly read. In addition to the authors, the papers are
also read by the senior faculty members of the same domain to
judge the actual relevance of the paper in the field. After this
careful selection, the final set of papers to be included in this
Fig 1: Research Methodology review constitute 36 papers.
Copy-Move forgery is a very crucial problem nowadays as
most of the things are turning digital now and thus, this makes III. REPORTING RESULTS
its detection a very important topic to be researched upon. This section explains the answers to various research
A. Identification of Research Questions questions designed in the previous section.
The review revolves around research questions which
ANS1. Different datasets available and used for Copy Move
present the intent of the review. Thus, the correct formulation
Forgery Detection are as follows:
of research questions is very important. To answer these
research questions, a thorough study of various research
▪ MICC-F220: This dataset works for images having
papers is required. We have designed the research questions
Rotation, Translation, Scaling or mixture of all.
keeping in mind the different types of readers like students,
▪ FAU: This dataset works for images having JPEG
researchers and practitioners. The answers to these questions
compression, Rotation, Scaling.
can be used to draw important conclusion and inferences.
▪ MICC-F600: This dataset works for images having
Following questions are formulated and will be addressed in Rotation, Translation, Scaling or mixture of all.
this review: ▪ MICC-F2000: This dataset works for images having
1. Different data sets used for Copy-Move Forgery Rotation, Translation, Scaling or mixture of all.
detection: shows different data sets available and ▪ CoMoFoD: This dataset works for images having Rotation,
used to check the integrity of the detection technique Translation, Scaling, Distortion, JPEG compression.
used in various papers. ▪ GRIP: This dataset works for Rotation and Scaling.
▪ SBU-CM16: This dataset works for Rotation, blurring
2. Popular performance measures used to evaluate the noise addition, JPEG compression.
results: shows which all parameters are used and ▪ CASIA: This dataset is used for splicing forgery detection.
adopted by researchers to check quality of different Its latest version CASIA v2.0 is a widely used dataset for
forgery detection techniques. CMFD

3. Comparison between SIFT and SURF technique: Table I briefly describes each of the popular datasets used
shows how these two techniques are different than in this field. In table II, the papers which have used these
others and which technique is good for what purpose. datasets are given.

4. A performance analysis on key points and block- ANS2. Different performance measures used to evaluate
based techniques: tells how working of techniques different techniques in copy move forgery detection are
are different when based on key point search and precision, recall and accuracy. While precision refers to the
bock-based search algorithm. percentage of the results which are relevant, recall refers to the

8TH International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2020), March 5-6,2020
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida, INDIA
percentage of total relevant results correctly classified by the • SURF is 3 times faster than SIFT because of the usage of box
technique. Accuracy is defined as the ratio of correctly filter and integral image.
predicted results by the total results. Mathematically, • SIFT and SURF both are good in illuminating changes in the
a. Precision= TP/(TP+FP) The tables III and IV show time taken by SIFT and SURF for
feature extraction respectively. In the tables III and IV,
b. Recall =TP/(TP+FN) following notations are used:
c. Accuracy =(TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN) E stands for Extraction points
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h denote different images as shown in figure 2.
Where, TP= True Positive Rate (TP), TN= True Negative Rate,
FP= False Positive Rate, FN = False Negative Rate
TABLE I. TYPES OF DATASETS Image a and b 3001 3043 5235.25

IMAGE ATTACKS Image a and c 3001 823 3511.85

SIZE Image a and d 3001 862 3626.46
MICC- 722x48 ; Image a and e 3001 823 4075.62
Translation, 220
F220 800x60 Scaling Image a and f 3001 2164 4368.75
420x300; JPEG compression, Image a and g 3001 1567 4263.84
FAU Rotation, Scaling
Rotation, Image a and h 3001 3315 5223.4
MICC- 800x533;
Translation, 600
F600 3888x2592 Scaling or
2048x1536 Translation, 2000
F2000 Scaling or
COMOFO 512x512;
Translation, 260
D 300x200 Scaling, Distortion
Rotation and
GRIP 768x1024 Scaling.
Rotation, blurring
SBU-CM16 800x580 noise addition, 240
CASIA 240x160;
Translation, 5123
v2.0 900x600 Scaling


Name of Dataset Papers

MICC-F220 [1],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11]
COVERAGE [1],[12]
MICC-F600 [13,[14],[15]
MICC-F2000 [13], [14] Fig 2: Different types of images
CoMoFoD [13],[2],[12],[16],[17] ANS4
CASIA [9],[11],[18] 1. Key point-based CMFD techniques
GRIP [12],[18]
SURF [21] key point features and SIFT introduced by Lowe
ANS3. Feature matching and detection are used in object [22] are used in various CMFD. The following steps are
retrieval, object tracking and image registration. There are followed for SIFT computation:
various approaches which are used to match and detect features • Key point descriptors.
such as [19] SURF (Speeded up Robust Feature), SIFT (Scale • Orientation Assignment
Invariant Feature Transform), ORB and [20] FAST. SURF and • Key point Localisation.
SIFT are most useful approaches to match and detect features. • Scale-space extrema detection
In this paper, the comparison between SURF and SIFT are Matching speed is faster in SURF technique when compared to
discussed. The following points demonstrate the comparison: SIFT due to integral image and Hessian matrix’s
approximation. An image is formulated by the addition of the
• SURF is better in blur; rotation invariant and warp transform as
values between the origin and points.
compared to SIFT and SIFT is better in different scale images

8TH International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2020), March 5-6,2020
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida, INDIA
1.1 SIFT and integrated CMFD methods based on SIFT used in [28]. Writers of the report claim that this algorithm
Key points from SIFT are derived and used for CMFD (based on FMT) can easily identify forgery in the
[23].Various images were collected from various sources tempered images even if the tempered image is highly
(majorly internet) for this experiment. SIFT descriptors are compressed, scaled or rotated and it also takes less time in
first derived and then Euclidean distance is calculated detection since instead of lexicographic sorting, counting
between the descriptor vectors for matching extracted SIFT bloom filters are used.
descriptors. It is then observed that due to properties of
SIFT (of rotation and scale invariant), the method is also 2.2 Methods based on Dimensionality reduction
robust for forgeries in which scaling and rotation was done. Paper [29] used two robust features based on kernel PCA
Although it still isn’t robust for detecting forgeries against and DWT. Various natural images were used in order to
small-size smooth regions and low signal-to-noise ratio and test this method. From the quantitative analysis it was
needs to be improved. observed that in the uncompressed domain and noiseless
domain, features based on PCA/ kernel PCA (KPCA) are
outperformed by DWT in terms of recall and average
1.2 SURF and integrated CMFD methods based on SURF precision. Features based on KPCA, perform well in JPEG
In [24], “SURF” we first extract descriptors from the compression and noise. In [30], extraction of singular
duplicate or tampered image. Then the descriptor’s subsets valued features is done with the help of SVD by applying
were matched. It was noticed that this method can prove to it on each overlapping block. Also, K-d tree approach is
be fast and reliable in case of images that are small in size. used for feature matching. However, this method isn’t
Although localization of forgery in the image is not done. suitable for images with JPEG compression because it
In [25], SURF can also be combined with Discrete Cosine results in loss of image details in SVD. In [31], geometric
Transform (DCT) for “CMFD”. This method is then applied and algebraic invariant feature vectors are also obtained by
on “Uncompressed color images database” (UCID). Co- using SVD. For identifying similarities between each
efficients of DCT are then checked for double JPEG block pair, “Chebyshev” distance measure is used. It was
compression effect. The extraction of features is done in the then concluded, that this method proved to be robust
same manner by using SURF and it was noticed that this against Gaussian noise (AWGN), additive white, blur and
method also is able to locate and detect the forgeries in the JPEG compression. However, rotation and scaling
tampered image. Although, the experiment was performed operations were not detected by using this method. In
on a particular dataset containing very few images only. In [32], for dimensional reduction DWT was applied in the
[26], SURF was combined with Fourier–Mellin Transform image. And then, SVD is applied to the fixed-sized
(FMT) for CMFD. In this method image is divided into flat overlapping blocks of a low frequency wavelet
regions and non-flat regions. Then, afterwards, in flat
regions FMT is applied and in non-flat regions SURF is 2.3 Methods based on Local binary pattern (LBP)
applied to find duplicate regions. It was then observed that LBP is a grey-scale texture operator. Image texture’s
the method cannot be used for images that are large in size spatial structure can be easily described by this method. In
as time taken by FMT for processing is greater when [33], before dividing the overlapping circular blocks a low
compared to other techniques. pass filter is applied on the image. Rotation invariant
features are extracted from each block using uniform LBP
2. Block-based “CMFD” techniques and are also compared in order to decide whether the
image is forged or not. For testing, Photoshop tool was
In block-based method we start by dividing the duplicate/forged used and various images were collected from the Internet
image into non-overlapping or overlapping blocks. After to perform “copy-move forgery”. And the result told us
division of the image we do a robust extraction of features from that this technique is strong in opposed to rotation, noise,
each and every block and then features are divided or arranged compression and blurring. However, due to interpolation
with the help of appropriate forgery pairs and data structures. In error it failed to identify forgeries in the case of random
this report, block-based methods are divided on the basis of, region rotation. In [16], local binary pattern features of
extraction of block features into six different categories. multi-resolution with two, three and four types of LBP
operators are used. A database of 100 images is used to
.2.1 Methods based on Frequency domain test this method. Database was created from [32] and by
A coefficient based quantized DCT process is shown in personal collection. To speed up the algorithm k-d tree and
[27]. In this report, forged regions are identified by sorting Lexicographical sorting are used in block matching.
the DCT coefficients lexicographically and by using shift However, the time taken to process high resolution images
vectors. Due to the “DCT coefficient matching”, this came out to be more in the method. In [17], Center
process becomes robust against retouching, compression symmetric LBP (CSLBP) and Hessian points are
and noise. However, for images that are tempered/forged combined. MICC- F220 images were used to test this
by Rotating or Scaling the copied blocks, aren’t detected method. This method proved to be invariant to
by this method. FMT for forgery detection is stated and illumination, translation and scaling, because of

8TH International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2020), March 5-6,2020
AIIT, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida, INDIA
combination of CSLBP and the Hessian points. However, based techniques are robust against various transformations
images with forgeries done by rotation or blur degradation and prove to be better in computational complexity too. In
weren’t detected by this method. Although, by using blur- “key point-based technique” features size is relatively larger
invariant and rotation features, these limitations can be than those in “block-based techniques”, but the key point
eliminated. In [33], LBP is combined with steerable derived from the features vector are generally small in
pyramid transform (SPT). CASIA v1.0 dataset is used in magnitude when compared with a block of the image.
order to test the process. SPT is applied to the However, detection of forgeries in highly uniform areas are
chrominance component of the image and extraction of not possible with methods based on “key point techniques”.
features from each SPT sub-band is done by LBP. Finally,
to classify or check the integrity of the image SVM is
used. Selection methods, namely, LOGO and feature
discriminant ratio are used to reduce the dataset IV. CONCLUSION AND INSIGHTS DRAWN
dimension. However, in this method localization of
forgery is not done. This study conducted a review in the field of copy move
forgery. Several research papers in reputed international
2.4 Methods based on Texture journals and conferences are evaluated and thoroughly read.
In [34], from each block Texture features are found and We have worked on the recent papers in the field of copy
matched. In terms of precision versus execution time it is move forgery techniques and collected all the papers to the
noticed that the best way is using statistical texture best of our knowledge from the year 2013 till date. Through
descriptor. Also, in the case of images with forgery in this review, we intent to provide a broad overview of the work
small regions, edge histogram performed better. In [35], in done in this field. For this purpose, various research questions
order to produce the Gabor feature descriptor of each are carefully designed and answered. The review will be
block, a Gabor filter with different rotation angles, scaling beneficial for the students, practitioners and researchers
factors and frequencies is used. However, tempered images working in this field to have a basic idea of the work already
in which forged regions have undergone different conducted. This will further allow them to work upon new
geometric transformations, resulted in under-performance research directions.
of this method.
Following important inferences can be drawn from the review:
2.5 Methods based on Moment invariant 1. It is found that only few papers have worked on the forgery
Moment invariant methods are set of attributes that are having multiple forged regions and in real, life a forger will
uniform to a geometric modification. A blur moment perform multiple forgeries in a single photo which in result
constant is used in [36]. In the procedure used in the will fail most of the techniques that are developed. The HSV
report, the image is first separated under overlapping Histogram based approach extracted features successfully
blocks and then 24 blur constants are used to represent detects multiple duplicated region in the image but have some
each block up to seventh order, for creating attributes limitations in it which can be worked upon.
vectors of 72 dimensions. To reduce the dimension of the
block features, Principal component modification (PCM) 2.SIFT and SURF are iterative methods which are itself very
is introduced in this process. Finally, with k-d tree, time consuming Hashing techniques can be applied to get the
matching among the blocks is performed. This technique is result in less time. Like in [28] Coherency sensitive hashing is
strong in opposition to JPEG compression, noise and used for identifying and matching image patches. This method
presence of blur in images that are smaller in size. This is is faster than other iterative methods but if the derived level of
because of presence of PCT and blur moments. However, error is still not stable enough, the entire process is
because of large number of block features in images which implemented again. So the researchers’ community should put
are larger in size, computational complexity increases more emphasis on this type of methods.
whenever we will use this method.
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