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Answer the following questions in complete sentences
1 Where did you grow up? What is your interest? Where did you finish your high
I grew up in Lumajang I interest listen to music pop and school ?
Jazz In High School 3 Lumajang
I’m interested in listening to pop
and jazz music I finished my high school in
My interest is listening to pop SMA 3 Lumajang
and jazz music
2 Where were you born? What do you study in your college? What’s your current address ?
I was born in Lumajang Accounting I lives at…..
I’m studying accounting My current address is at…..
3 What’s your home town What year did you finish your high Where were you born?
My home town is in Lumajang school ? in 2018 I was born in Lumajang
I finished my high school in 2018
((jangan lupa is nya))
Make questions using the underlined words as the answers
4 My little sister was born in June Kelly delivered your order two days Bil borrowed your dictionary
ago Who borrowed my dictionary
When was your sister born?
When did Kelly deliver my order?
5 I have been working on this Jim failed in his final examination The express train will enter lane 2
project since August because he did not prepare himself
well Where will the express train enter?
Since when did you work for
this project? Why did Jim fail his final
6 Jack bought the blue one Cathin married Jeff last Jully Usually, dad reads The Jakarta Post
before he goes to work
Which one did Jack buy? When did Cathin marry Jeff? What did dad usually read before
going to work?
7 I think this town is beautiful We shipped the order by air Next month, we are leaving for
What do you think about this How did you ship your order? When are you leaving for brisbane?
Make your own sentences using the prepositions you have known
8 My younger brother was born in Saturday At 25
The party will be held on Saturday Jeff married cathin at 25
When was your younger
brother born?
9 ... his office Usually, train enters the station At Merdeka Utara St.23
Boss is waiting for you in his 4:25
office What time is train usually enter the I lives in Merdeka utara st. 23
((pake when juga bisa sih))
10 ... about ten years I have worked for this company ... How to Manage Business these
I have worked for this company since 2018 Days
about ten years We should attend seminar on how
to manage business these days
Make short-answer questions using the responses as the guides
11 Sure! Yes, sir! Why not?
May I borrow your ruler? Can we finished room now? Let’s go out for a dinner tonight
12 I put it on the shelf I need some information about flight Wait a second! We are was for Ben
Where do you put my books? to Jakarta
What do you need? Should we leave now?
Can I help you?
((sebenernya aku nggak yakin sama
ini, soalnya si herlina jawab what do
you need itu salah, nah can I help
you juga aku gatau bener apa engga
13 You should! Before 1 today, all did Mr.William changed his schedule Help yourself
your works have to be Can I have some crackers?
submitted to Mr.Smith Yes he did
Should i submitted my works?
???? gapaham :”)

19 = ninteen

98 = ninety eight

50 = fifty

Topic : Prepositions Translate the following sentences into English

Kami pindah ke kota ini tahun Boss datang pukul 3:50 kemarin sore Uncle Ben tinggal di Jl.Merdeka Utara
1998 No.23A,Bandung
Boss arrived at 3.50 pm yesterday
We moved to this town in 1998 Boss arrived at 3.50 last night Uncle Ben Lives at Jl. Merdeka Utara No.
23 A, Bandung
Para penonton berpikir bahwa Biasanya, ibu bangun pada pukul Aku sudah mengerjakan skripsiku
pesulap itu berjalan menmbus 4;30 semenjak 3 bulan yang lalu
Usually, mom woke up at 4.30am I have working on my thesis since 3
The audience thinks that months ago
magician walking through the
Salah satu diantara Ben atau Jim Jeff menikah dengan Marry tahun Di liburan yang akan datang, kami akan
akan berangkat ke Jakarta 2010 di Bali pergi ke Bali atau Jogja.
minggu depan
Jeff married Marry in 2010 in Bali For the next holiday, we will go to either
Either Ben or Jim will go to bali or jogja
Jakarta next week

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