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Nama : Muhammad Zain Raihansyah

NRP : 03111840000129
Kelas : D
Assignment 2 : Channel Routing
1. Route the following flood through a reach for which K = 22 h and x = 0.25. Plot the inflow
and outflow hydrographs and determine the peak lag and attenuation. At t = 0 the outflow
discharge is 40 m3/s
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
40 65 165 250 240 205 170 130 115 85 70 60 54

2. Route the following flood hydrograph through a river reach for which Muskingum
coefficient K = 8 h and x = 0.25
Time (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Inflow (m3/s) 8 16 30 30 25 20 15 10

Jawab :
1. Diketahui : K = 22 h
x = 0,25
Δt = 12 h
Outflow, Q1 = 40 m3/s saat t = 0
Ditanya :
Hydrograph inflow dan outflow
Peak lag dan attenuation
Pembahasan :
−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt −22x0,25+0,5x12
C0 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 22−22x0,25+0,5x12 = 0,022
𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt 22x0,25+0,5x12
C1 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 22−22x0,25+0,5x12 = 0,511
𝐾−𝐾𝑥−0,5Δt 22−22x0,25−0,5x12
C2 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 22−22x0,25+0,5x12 = 0,467
Untuk mencari Q Outflow digunakan rumus :
Qn+1 = C0In + C1In+1 + C2Qn
Contoh Perhitungan :
• Untuk t = 12 h
Q1 = 40 m3/s, I1 = 40 m3/s, I2 = 65 m3/s
Q2 = C0I1 + C1I2 + C2Q1 = 0,022x40 + 0,511x65 + 0,467x40 = 52,78 m3/s
• Untuk t = 24 h
Q2 = 52,78 m3/s, I2 = 65 m3/s, I3 = 165 m3/s
Q3 = C0I2 + C1I3 + C2Q2 = 0,022x65 + 0,511x165 + 0,467x52,78 = 110,41 m3/s
• Untuk t = 36 h
Q3 = 110,41 m3/s, I3 = 165 m3/s, I4 = 250 m3/s
Q4 = C0I3 + C1I4 + C2Q3 = 0,022x165 + 0,511x250 + 0,467x110,41 = 182,97 m3/s
Dengan cara perhitungan di atas, maka didapatkan data nilai Q Outflow sampai t = 144 h
dalam tabel berikut ini.

I Inflow Q Outflow
No time (h) C0In C1In+1 C2Qn
(m3/s) (m3/s)
1 0 40 40
0,89 33,22 18,67
2 12 65 52,78
1,44 84,33 24,63
3 24 165 110,41
3,67 127,78 51,52
4 36 250 182,97
5,56 122,67 85,39
5 48 240 213,61
5,33 104,78 99,68
6 60 205 209,79
4,56 86,89 97,90
7 72 170 189,35
3,78 66,44 88,36
8 84 130 158,58
2,89 58,78 74,01
9 96 115 135,67
2,56 43,44 63,31
10 108 85 109,31
1,89 35,78 51,01
11 120 70 88,68
1,56 30,67 41,38
12 132 60 73,61
1,33 27,60 34,35
13 144 54 63,28

Dari data nilai inflow dan outflow di atas, maka dapat dibuat hydrograph inflow dan outflow
beserta nilai peak lag dan attenuation sebagai berikut ini.

Peak Lag = 24 h
Attenuation = Imax – Qmax
= 250 – 213,61
= 36,69 m3/s
2. Diketahui : K = 8 h
x = 0,25
Δt = 4 h
Outflow, Q1 = 8 m3/s saat t = 0
Pembahasan :
−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt −8x0,25+0,5x4
C0 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 8−8x0,25+0,5x4 = 0
𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt 8x0,25+0,5x4
C1 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 8−8x0,25+0,5x4 = 0,5
𝐾−𝐾𝑥−0,5Δt 8−8x0,25−0,5x8
C2 = 𝐾−𝐾𝑥+0,5Δt = 8−8x0,25+0,5x8 = 0,5
Untuk mencari Q Outflow digunakan rumus :
Qn+1 = C0In + C1In+1 + C2Qn
Contoh Perhitungan :
• Untuk t = 4 h
Q1 = 8 m3/s, I1 = 8 m3/s, I2 = 16 m3/s
Q2 = C0I1 + C1I2 + C2Q1 = 0x8 + 0,5x16 + 0,5x8 = 12 m3/s
• Untuk t = 8 h
Q2 = 12 m3/s, I2 = 16 m3/s, I3 = 30 m3/s
Q3 = C0I2 + C1I3 + C2Q2 = 0x12 + 0,5x30 + 0,5x12 = 21 m3/s
Dengan cara perhitungan di atas, maka didapatkan data nilai Q Outflow sampai t = 28 h
dalam tabel berikut ini.

I Inflow Q Outflow
No time (h) C0In C1In+1 C2Qn
(m3/s) (m3/s)
1 0 8 8
0,00 8,00 4,00
2 4 16 12,00
0,00 15,00 6,00
3 8 30 21,00
0,00 15,00 10,50
4 12 30 25,50
0,00 12,50 12,75
5 16 25 25,25
0,00 10,00 12,63
6 20 20 22,63
0,00 7,50 11,31
7 24 15 18,81
0,00 5,00 9,41
8 28 10 14,41

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