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Case studies for the evaluation of interoperability between a BIM based

architectural model and building performance analysis programs

Article · January 2011


29 427

4 authors, including:

Hyeun Jun Moon Sa Kyum Kim

Dankook University Dankook University


Seungho Ryu
Dankook University


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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.



Hyeun Jun Moon1, Min Seok Choi1*, Sa Kyum Kim1, Seung Ho Ryu1
Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Architecture, Dankook University,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 448-701, Republic of Korea

ABSTRACT Interoperability
One of the obstacles for the limited use of BIM in
Building performance analysis that uses Building
environmental analysis domain is the lack of the
Information Modeling (BIM) technologies has been
interoperability between BIM models and
widely studied by the research community. Using
performance analysis programs.
BIM in building performance analysis can facilitate
a more accurate and efficient analysis process. In other words, the interoperability should ideally
However, in order to perform a successful BIM- be a seamless exchange of data among software
based building performance analysis, it is necessary tools, eliminate the need for duplicate data
to secure the interoperability between a BIM based generation. It also should allow bidirectional update
architectural model and analysis programs. In this of building information, the changes in one
study, the interoperability between a BIM-based program should be able to flow between the
architectural model and performance analysis programs (Kumar, 2008).
programs (EnergyPlus, eQUEST, Ecotect, McGraw-Hill(2009) surveyed that improving
IES<VE>) is evaluated based on gbXML protocol. interoperability between software applications is
From the results of this study, this paper discusses the top way that contractors say they could increase
suggestions for improving the interoperability. the business value of BIM. Eight in ten contractors
(78%) ranked it as highly important. Thus, in order
INTRODUCTION to perform a successful BIM-based energy analysis,
it is necessary to secure the interoperability
BIM based energy analysis
between BIM and the energy analysis programs.
In the traditional building performance analysis
process, an analysis expert collects building BIM protocol
information from 2-D drawings, photos, and so on, The Industry Foundation Class (IFC) and Green
to construct an analysis model within a selected Building XML (gbXML) have been developed to
analysis program. This analysis process is usually facilitate the interoperability of building
too expensive and too labour intensive. It also takes information. The goal of IFC is to provide a
more time to deliver the results than a designer universal basis for process improvement and
expects. Moreover, due to arbitrary decisions and information sharing in the construction and
assumptions made in the definition of the building’s facilities management industries. The gbXML
simulation, these results can only be trusted under (green building XML schema), developed by Green
special circumstances and are irreproducible Building Studio (formerly GeoPraxis), facilitates
(Bazjanac, 2008). the exchange of data among BIM and energy
Linking a building model to energy analysis tools analysis programs. gbXML was first developed in
allows for the evaluation of energy consumption 1999; the newest version (0.37) was developed in
during the (early) design phases. In the design 2008. Several BIM based CAD programs (e.g.,
phases, the opportunities for reducing energy Revit, ArchiCAD) and analysis programs (e.g.,
consumption are maximized, if we can measure the Green Building Studio, Ecotect, VE) are known for
performance of the building. gbXML support (B.Dong, 2007). XML is a type of
computer language that allows software programs
Currently, BIM has been actively adopted in
to communicate information with little or no human
architecture, engineering, and construction
interaction. This approach allows building
industries for 3D-rendering, drawing extraction,
designers to focus on what they want to do most -
estimation of cost, material, clash check, and so on
design aesthetics and environmentally responsible
(Eastman, 2008). Although the application of BIM
buildings that use intelligent technologies to meet
in the green building domain is limited, it is
their client's needs at the lowest possible cost.
becoming a popular practice in the research
community. Table 1 shows all of the primary elements of
gbXML schema (version 0,37)

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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.

Table 1 The primary elements of gbXML schema analysis programs. To perform the case study, a
(gbXML, 2011) two-story office model is created from Revit
Architecture and Revit MEP (version 2011), and
gbXML is adopted as a BIM protocol. Four
The Campus element should be used as the
building performance analysis programs including
base for all physical objects. On a campus,
Campus place one or more buildings. This includes EnergyPlus 5.0, eQUEST 3.64, Ecotect 2011,
children element such as Location, IES<VE> 6.1 are selected for interoperability
Building, Space, Surface and so on. evaluation. EnergyPlus and eQUEST are not able to
Lighting These elements used for analysis of detail import a gbXML file directly. Thus, this study uses
System lighting simulation GreenBuildingStudio as an interface enabling
A Construction is a combination of layers, EnergyPlus, eQUEST to import a gbXML file
such as a wall or a roof. indirectly. Figure 1 shows the process of the
A Layer is a combination of one of more interoperability evaluation.
A material has R-value or properties such
Material as Thickness, Roughness, and Conductivity
and so on.
One WindowType should be created for
each type of window such as a Blind,
Frame and so on.
List of year schedules that make up an
entire calendar year.
Set of day schedules all assigned to a
unique particular period of the week using Figure 1 process of the interoperability evaluation
the day type attribute. Do not schedule
conflicting day types to the same week
schedule. Evaluation criteria were decided based on gbXML
Set of values that define the profile of one schema as follows.
24 hour period divided equally to the
number of values entered. a. Building geometry (surface, opening)
Zone A zone has one or more spaces. b. Space composition (space, zone)
The AirLoop element represents the c. Building construction (construction, layer,
equipment serving one path of air. material, window type)
The HydronicLoop element represents the
Hydronic d. Internal loads (people, light, equipment,
equipment serving one path of water, or
Loop outdoor air)
other liquid.
This is generalized to be able to contain e. Operation schedule (occupant, lighting,
any type of internal equipment. equipment)
This is generalized to be able to contain
ExtEquip f. HVAC system
any type of external equipment.
This is used for calculate peak load by In the case of building geometry, it is hard to check
using design day . if the building geometry is properly converted into
Description of a resource measurement. the analysis programs. In this study, the geometry
Meter Any measured data can be defined in this was evaluated through a model view imported in
element. the analysis programs.
This has various results type such as
Results Heating/Cooling load, CO2, SO2, Energy, In the case of other information, it was checked
and so on. that input values in BIM are imported to energy
Document Contains details about people and analysis programs.
History programs that created and modified this file
Objectives of this study In order to evaluate the interoperability of BIM
In this study, the research objective is to evaluate based architecture model and analysis programs,
the interoperability between BIM based architecural the case studies were conducted in this paper. BIM
model and building performance analysis programs. modeling tools used in this study were Revit
The study scope is limited to evaluating the Architecture and Revit MEP. Selected analysis
interoperability using a BIM model created from programs include EnergyPlus, eQUEST, Ecotect
Revit Architecture and Revit MEP 2011. and IES/VE. gbXML was used for the data
exchange protocol between BIM based architectural
METHODOLOGY model and energy analysis programs.
This study conducts case studies in order to BIM based architectural model
evaluate the interoperability between BIM based
architecture model and building performance BIM modelling tools have different data exchange

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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.

support abilities. Revit Architecture 2011 deals the This two-story model is used for the case study
“Campus” element in the gbXML schema. In focused on interoperability. The model is converted
contrast, Revit MEP 2011 supports additional to a gbXML file in Revit MEP and transferred to
elements such as ‘Campus’, ‘Construction’, four analysis programs, i.e., including EnergyPlus
‘Material’, ‘Schedule’, ‘Zone’ , and so on. 5.0, eQUEST 3.64, Ecotect 2011, IES<VE> 6.1.
For the case study in this paper a two-story office Case 1: EnergyPlus
model was created using Revit Architecture and
EnergyPlus is an energy analysis and thermal load
MEP as shown in Figure 2. A model created from
simulation program. It is based on the most
Revit Architecture and a model created from Revit
popular features and capabilities of BLAST and
MEP, have the same building geometry. However,
DOE-2. EnergyPlus does not provide any BIM
the model created from Revit MEP includes
interface directly, but it is possible to import a
additional building information other than geometry,
gbXML file through third party programs, e.g.,
such as building construction, space and zone,
Green Building Studio (GBS), Ecotect,
schedule, and so on. Table 2 shows building
DesignBuilder. This case study uses GBS as an
information of BIM model created by Revit MEP.
interface for EnergyPlus. Figure 3 shows the
This information is used to evaluate the
EnergyPlus model imported through the GBS.
interoperability between BIM and energy analysis

Figure 3 EnergyPlus model

Figure 2 Model of two-story office building
(Created from Revit MEP 2011) Case 2 : eQUEST
Table 2 building information of BIM model eQUEST was accomplished by combining a
building creation wizard, an energy efficiency
ZONE SPACE measure (EEM) wizard, and graphical reporting
Zone 1 Space 1, 2, 3 with a simulation "engine" derived from the latest
Zone 2 Space 4, 5, 6 version of DOE-2. eQUEST also cannot import
CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL directly gbXML file, but it is possible to import the
Roof 4 in lightweight concrete file through GBS. Figure 4 shows an imported
8 in lightweight concrete eQUEST model.
Exterior Walls
8 in lightweight concrete
Minwool batt R11 w/ 2x4 frame
Interior Walls
5/8 in gyp board
Slate or tile
No insulation
Windows Large double-glazed windows
Sensible Heat Gain : 75W
People Latent Heat Gain : 55W
Lighting Lighting Load Density : 12W/m2
Equipment Power Load Density : 16.1W/m2
Figure 4 eQUEST model
1 0 7 0 13 0.45 19 0.3
Case 3: Ecotect
2 0 8 0.1 14 0.95 20 0.1
Common Office 3 0 9 0.2 15 0.95 21 0.1 Ecotect is a software package with a unique
Occupancy 4 0 10 0.95 16 0.95 22 0.1 approach to conceptual building design. It couples
5 0 11 0.95 17 0.95 23 0 an intuitive 3-D design interface with a
6 0 12 0.45 18 0.95 24 0
comprehensive set of performance analysis
1 7 0.1 13 0.8 19 0.3
2 0 8 0.3 14 0.9 20 0.3 functions and interactive information displays.
Office Lighting
3 0 9 0.9 15 0.9 21 0.2 Using Ecotect, architects and engineers can
4 0 10 0.9 16 0.9 22 0.2 measure how fundamental criteria will affect
Equipment 5 0 11 0.9 17 0.9 23 0 building performance in the conceptual design.
6 0 12 0.9 18 0.5 24 0
Ecotect is able to import a gbXML file directly.

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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.

However, it is only compatible with information on Building geometry

building geometry. Figure 5 shows an Ecotect In this study, the geometry was evaluated through a
model imported through gbXML file. model view imported in the analysis programs as
shown in Figure 3~6. All of the four analysis
programs are able to import building geometry
information including surfaces (floor, wall, roof)
and opening (window, door) from the BIM-based
model. However, EnergyPlus showed problems in
converting openings as showed in Figure 3.
Openings (e.g., window, door) of the gbXML
model created from Revit MEP, are defined as x, y,
z coordinates. However, in EnergyPlus, windows
are defined by reference coordinates, i.e., width,
height, and tilt. This causes interoperability errors
Figure 5 Ecotect model while converting geometry information from a
BIM-based architecture model to an analysis model.
Case 4: IES/VE
It is hard to check if the building geometry is
The IES Virtual Environment (VE) is an integrated properly converted into the analysis programs. Thus,
system that generates all of its building simulations a check function of building geometry is required
from a central building model. Once the BIM before simulation begins using BIM model.
object is imported into the VE, there is no tedious
repetition of data input or multiple imports into Space composition
various simulation tools. The VE provides many Space definition in gbXML is composed of “Space”
tools such as thermal analysis, value engineering, and “Zone”. The space includes information such
cost planning, life-cycle analysis, airflow analysis, as internal loads, operation schedules and so on. A
lighting, and occupant safety. zone has one or more spaces and it is used for
VE can directly import a gbXML file, it has HVAC zoning. For the space composition, eQUEST
relatively good interoperability with the geometry automatically groups multiple spaces assigned to one
HVAC Zone into one space (due to the limitations of the
information of gbXML. In addition, VE is able to
DOE-2.2 simulation engine), EnergyPlus and Ecotect
import gbXML from interface (Revit plug-in). In convert one space into one zone. Thus, zoning
this case, VE was eavaluated on importing directly information should be imported again in each energy
without interface. Figure 4 shows the VE model programs. By constrast, VE supports both space and zone.
imported through gbXML file. Since energy performance simulations deal with zoning
information, both space and zone of BIM should be
compatible with energy analysis programs.
Building construction
Building construction composed of ‘Material’,
‘Layer’, ‘Construction’ in gbXML is compatible
with EnergyPlus and eQUEST, but not in Ecotect
and VE. However, information of ‘WindowType’
is compatible with only in eQUEST. Window type
in gbXML created from Revit MEP is not
composed of ‘Material’, ‘Layer’, ‘Construction’.
However, window in EnergyPlus is composed of
Figure 6 IES<VE> model material, layer, construction. Thus, window type
properties such as u-value in gbXML are not
RESULT AND DISCUSSION exported to EnergyPlus.
Table 3 shows gbXML support ability in Revit
Architecture/MEP, and the interoperability of the Internal loads and operation schedule
energy analysis programs based on the case studies. In addition, internal loads(people, light, equipment,
As described in the previous chapter, Revit and outdoor air) and operation schedule composed
Architecture supports the “Campus” element in the of ‘DaySchedule’, ‘WeekSchedule’, ‘YearSchedule’
gbXML schema. In contrast, Revit MEP 2011 are compatible with EnergyPlus and eQUEST, but
supports building geometry, zoning, building not in Ecotect and VE.
construction, internal loads and schedules except HVAC system
HVAC system. Finally, HVAC system is not exported from Revit
The interoperability of four energy analysis MEP, but this information is imported to
programs was evaluated by evaluation criteria, the EnergyPlus and eQUEST. This is because that
results are as follows. HVAC information are entered by GBS.

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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.

Discussion depending on user’s selection of BIM modelling

The results of this case study showed that four programs. Thus, it is important to understand what
energy analysis programs were compatible with building information is made in specific BIM
BIM models, but each program has a different level modelling tools.
of interoperability. Among the four programs, • All of the four analysis programs were able to
eQUEST showed the most compatible
imported building geometry information including
interoperabilities. eQUEST could import all
surfaces(floor, wall, roof), opening(window, door)
gbXML elements from the BIM model except
from the BIM based model. However, EnergyPlus
space composition. eQUEST and EnergyPlus need
showed some problems in converting building
an interface, to import gbXML data, e.g., GBS.
geometry such as the location of the openings. It is
Such an interface between BIM models and
hard to check whether the building geometry is
analysis programs can play an important role in the
properly converted into the analysis programs. Thus,
interoperability to facilitate low energy building
a validation function of building geometry is
designs. However, the current interface does not
required before simulation begins using BIM model.
contain functions that validate whether BIM model
is properly constructed and converted into the • eQUEST(with GBS) showed the most compatable
analysis programs. Also, default values are used in data exchange ability among four energy analysis
the analysis program for the elements that are not programs. EnergyPlus (with GBS) also imports
converted from the gbXML filewithout providing most of gbXML elements including space,
user interference. Thus, a new interface should be construction, schedule and so on. However,
developed to enable seamless data transformation EnergyPlus has problems in translating gbXML
and building simulation process. Our reseach team into IDF such as opening geometry, window type,
is conducting a study on the development of an space composition and so on.
interface focused on the validation of BIM models
and improving BIM based building energy • For the space composition, EnergyPlus, eQUEST
simulation. and Ecotect support either space or zone. By
constrast, VE supports both space and zone. Since
CONCLUSIONS energy performance simulations deal with zoning
This study evaluated the interoperability between a information, both space and zone of BIM should be
BIM based model and building performance compatible with energy analysis programs
analysis programs. Based on the evaluation results,
main findings are described below. The suggestions • So far, in order to performing energy simulation
to improving the interoperability are made as well. using BIM, additional input and modification in
energy analysis programs are needed. Thus, users
• BIM based modeling tools have different gbXML should select appropriate analysis programs
support abilities. In other words, BIM model could considering the interoperability of energy analysis
have different levels of building information programs.

Table 3 gbXML support ability in BIM modelling tools and the interoperability of energy analysis programs
(2011) (2011) (WITH GBS) (WITH GBS)
O O Building Surface O O O O
O O Geometry Opening X O O O
O O Space Space O X O O
X O Composition Zone X O X O
X O Construction O O X X
X O Building Layer O O X X
X O Construction Material O O X X
X O WindowType X O X X
X O People O O X X
X O Internal Light O O X X
X O Loads Equipment O O X X
X O Outdoor Air X O X X
X O Schedule O O X X
X O Schedule WeekSchedule O O X X
X O DaySchedule O O X X
O : compatible X : incompatible

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Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011:
12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November.

FUTURE WORK gbXML informational infrastructures for data

exchange in computational design support
The limitations and problems from the evaluation environments, Proceedings, Building
of the interoperability between BIM and building
Simulation 2007. 1530-1537.
performance analysis programs should be overcome
for BIM based design and analysis process. Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., Liston, K.
Development of an interface improved the 2008. BIM Handbook, Wiley & Sons
interoperability between a BIM model and analysis (Hoboken, New Jersey)
programs has been being developed as a future gbXML, http://www. last reviewed,
work of this study. 05/24/2011.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Huang, Y. C., Lam, K. P., Dobbs. G. M. 2008. A
This research was supported by Basic Science scalable lighting simulation tool for integrated
Research Program through the National Research building design, SimBuild 2008,
Foundation of Korea(NRF) founded by the Kumar, S. 2008. Interoperability between building
Ministry of Education, Science and information models(BIM) and energy analysis
Technology(2009-0089885). programs, master thesis, university of southern
McGraw Hill Construction. 2009. The Business
Bazjanac, V. 2008. IFC BIM-based methodology value of BIM: Getting Building Information
for semi- automated building energy Modeling to the Bottom Line,
performance simulation, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory. McGraw Hill Construction. 2010. Green BIM: How
building information modeling is contributing
Dong, B., Lam, K. P., Huang, Y. C., Dobbs, G. M. to green design and construction.
2007. A comparative study of the IFC and

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