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Pakistan’s First Monthly E-Magazine for Civil Services Aspirants Pakistan's FATE Related Constitutional Turkey's Social Media Bills 2020 Amendments in Russia 2020 Law 2020 aUey, Zin Ww . . Aug 2020 Pakistan Affairs Most Important Solved MCQs AUGUST Dey Trey Ns) ey, Buy HSM Books Online Books for Competitive Exams & Military Tests a Just while sitting at home you can choose from a vast variety, and your desired Competitive Exams CSS/PMS/PCS/NTS and Military Tests (Army, ISSB/PAF/NAVY) HSM Books will be efficiently delivered to you on the designated date. Spectacular services and satisfying our customers will always be our most significant priority. We hope you have a worthy shopping experience at . Thank you. HSM Publishers was started in 2013 as a publishing division of Ilmi Kitab Khana, founded by Haji Sardar Muhammad in 1945. Today it proudly owns: + Ilmi Kitab Khana Lahore + HSM Publishers Lahore + Ilmi Kitab Khana/HSM Publishers Islamabad F-7 Islamabad (Islamabad showroom where one finds under one roof the widest range of All kinds of Schools/Colleges/Universities educational pos Competitive Exams, ey Exam books and General Knowledge ooks ) 2 UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Pakistan Affairs 3 FATF Related Bills (The Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020, The United Nations Security Council Amendment Bill, 2020) The Senate on July 30 unanimously approved the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Amendment Bill, 2020, and the Anti-Terrorism Act Amendment Bill, 2020 The Bills include measures of freezing and seizure of assets, travel ban, and arms embargo on the entities and individuals, who are designated on the sanctions list of the United Nations and impose heavy fine and long term jails for those facilitating militancy. The three Bills passed fulfil various requirements of the FATF, which put Pakistan on its grey list after Islamabad agreed to implement a 27-point plan of action to improve its legal regime to curb money laundering and terror financing, The UN Security Council Resolution 1373 made it incumbent on the member states to implement counter-terrorism measures, especially countering the financing of terrorism through their domestic laws. The Pakistan government has prepared eight bills for legislation on anti-money laundering and terror financing with a view to take out the country from the FATF's grey list to the white list. The legislation is also aimed at empowering the federal government to direct authorities in Pakistan to implement various measures in compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions including the freezing and seizure of assets, travel ban and arms embargo on the entities and individuals, who are designated on the sanctions list of the United Nations It is worth mentioning that the UN Security Council Resolution 1373 requires member states to implement counter-terrorism measures, especially countering the financing of terrorism through their domestic laws. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, The Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020 aims to fulfil obligation of the FATF to exclude Pakistan name from the grey list while the United Nations (Security Council) (Amendment) Bill, 2020 aimed at ensuring effective implementation on the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. The FATF currently has 39 members including two regional organisations — the European Commission and Gulf Cooperation Council. ti) Psy) The Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment in sections 2, 110 and insertion of section 1L000 of the Anti- Terrorism Act, 1997) aims to fulfill the obligation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to exclude Pakistan name from the grey list. It defines 'Person’ in section an additional clauses named (pa) which provides detailed definition of individuals. Cra UM GUC UTS19) As per the Federal Legislative List provided in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, the Federal Government for compliance of international treaties, conventions and agreements and international arbitration can make legislations and rules to enforce such decisions. ne i Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Pakistan Affairs 4 The bill aims at ensuring effective implementation on the resolutions of the UN Security Council. According to statements of objects and reasons of the bill, the implementation of the obligations of the resolutions adopted by the UNSC under Chapter. VII of the United Nations Charter are fulfilled through the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1948 (XIV of 1948). Under the said Act, the Federal Government passes orders, directing authorities in Pakistan to implement various measures in the Securit Council resolutions, including the freezing and seizure of assets, travel ban and arms embargo. The Act does not contain an indemnity clause to provide protection to the persons implementing in good faith, the orders passed under the Act. Furthermore, there is a requirement to give powers to the Federal Government to make rules for carrying out the purposes of the bill. In addition, the power to issue orders under the bill needs to be delegated by the Federal Government to ensure that the orders are issued in a timely manner, within a matter of a few hours, as required by the Security Council. It is to be mentioned here that a total of six ordinances, The International Court of Justice (Review and Re- consideration) Ordinance, 2020, The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020, The Public Private Partnership Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020, The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020, The Corporate Restructuring Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020, and The Companies (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2020, were tabled before the House on July 29 for approval. For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020 US Population Reference Bureau Report 2020 Population in Pakistan Continues to Grow Rapidly Pakistan's total population is estimated at 220.9 million and it is growing rapidly with an annual fertility rate of 3.6 children per couple, says a world population report. The 2020 World Population Data Sheet — released by the US Population Reference Bureau, Washington —estimates that the world today has a total of 7.8 billion inhabitants. Referring to the Covid-19 crisis, the report warns that “population density in urban areas, household size, and population aging contribute to our vulnerability to pandemics’. The report places South Asia among the fastest growing regions in the world and within the region, it marks Afghanistan and Pakistan as the fastest growing populations. Afghanistan has a faster growth rate than Pakistan, 4.5 per couple. But because of high death rates and low life expectancy, the country's total population is still 38.9m At Pakistan's growth rate 3.6 a population doubles in 19.4 years. A country needs to bring its growth rate down to 2 per cent a year to reduce its population. The replacement fertility rate is 2.1, the average number of children a couple needs to have to replace themselves. Bangladesh's total population in 2020 is estimated at 169.8m, with an annual growth rate of 2.3. With a total of 1.424bn people, China still has the largest population in the world but has been able to reduce its fertility rate to 15. China's population is projected to decrease by 2050. With 1.4bn people, India has the second largest population in the world but has reduced its fertility rate to 2.2. The United States has a total of 329.9m inhabitants and between 2020 and 2050 its population is projected to increase, but ata much slower pace than recent decades. The US has an annual fertility rate of 1.7, which forces it to allow immigrants to strengthen its work force. In 91 countries and territories — nearly 45 per cent of the world’s population — total fertility rates are below replacement level. Middle Africa is the youngest region where 46 per cent of the population is under the age of 15 years. Southern Europe is the world's oldest region with 23 per cent of the population aged 65 or above. Asia is the world's most populous region and its overall population is projected to increase by 15 per cent — from 4.6bn in 2020 to 5.3bn in 2050. However, the pattern of future population change varies within the region from a 3 per cent decline in East Asia to a 38 per cent increase in Western Asia. Asia's total fertility rate is below replacement level at 2.0. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS International Day Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘August 2020 DC trent World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: Celebrated on July 30. Designated by UN in 2013. This year's theme focuses on first responders to human trafficking. Who are First Responders? These are the people who work in different sectors - identifying, supporting, counselling and seeking justice for victims of trafficking, and challenging the impunity of the traffickers During the COVID-19 crisis, the essential role of first responders has become even more important, particularly as the restrictions imposed by the pandemic have made their work even more difficult. Still, their contribution is often overlooked and unrecognized. Key Facts: 1. People are trafficked for sexual exploitation, forced labour, forced begging, forced marriage; for selling children and as child soldiers, as well as for removal of organs; 2. Women make up 49% and girls 23% of all victims of trafficking; 3. Sexual exploitation is the most common form of exploitation (59% share) followed by forced labour (34% share); 4. Most victims are trafficked within their countries’ borders — those trafficked abroad are moved to the richest countries. Blue Heart Campaign of UN: It has been initiated by the UN to raise global awareness to fight human trafficking and its impact on society. It aims to encourage the involvement of the governments, civil society, the corporate sector and individuals to inspire action and help prevent this heinous crime. It allows people to show their solidarity with the victims of human traffickingand increasing their visibility by wearing the Blue Heart. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘August 2020 International Day 7 What are the Constitutional & Legislative Provisions Related to Trafficking in Pakistan? There are provisions in the Constitution of Pakistan which provide safeguards against slavery, trafficking and forced labour such as Article 11 of the Constitution which provides that ‘all forms of forced labour and human trafficking is prohibited and no child below the age of 14 years shall be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment’ Pakistan is yet to sign and ratify the trafficking protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons which provides a better and broader theme for preventing trafficking, prosecuting traffickers and protecting the victims. All this is only possible if there is political will which is clearly not there as when the priorities of the state are not right, its citizens shall continue to suffer. ‘Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI): “Globally, millions are entrapped in trafficking in persons—from women forced into prostitution or domestic servitude, girls forced to marry older men, children forced to support armed groups, or men forced to work in construction or agriculture” Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | #EndHumanTraflicking A report on slavery was recently released by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) and an international anti-slavery organisation Walk Free on the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Key Findings: 11. Commonwealth countries account for about 40% of people living in conditions of modern slavery in the world. 2. Commonwealth nations are lacking in actions to eradicate modern slavery by 3. There is an estimated one in every 150 people in the Commonwealth living in conditions of modern slavery. 4, One-third of the Commonwealth countries had criminalised forced marriage, while 23 had not criminalised commercial sexual exploitation of children. 5. Out of 54 countries, only four engage with business to investigate supply chains, and all countries report gaps in victim assistance programs. For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly FSM, 5°S Times Middle East India Dropped from Chabahar Rail Project Iran has decided to proceed with the Chabahar rail line construction on its own, citing delays from the Indian side in beginning and funding the project. Chabahar Port Chabahar port is located on the Gulf of Oman and is only 72 km away from the Gwadar port in Pakistan which has been developed by China. Background: © In May 2016, India, Iran and Afghanistan signed the trilateral agreement which entailed the establishment of Transit and Transport Corridor among the three countries using Chabahar port in Iran as one of the regional hubs for sea transportation. § The state-owned Indian Railways Construction Ltd. (IRCON) had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Iranian Rail Ministry and promised to provide all services, superstructure work and financing (around USD. 1.6 billion). © The Chabahar port is being considered a gateway to golden opportunities for trade by the three countries with other Central Asian countries in the wake of Pakistan denying transit Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Reasons: ° Despite several site visits by IRCON engineers and preparations by Iranian railways, India never began the work, worrying that it could attract sanctions by the USA. § India has already zeroed out its oil imports from Iran due to USA sanctions. § The USA had provided a sanctions waiver for the Chabahar port and the rail line but it was difficult to find equipment suppliers and partners due to worries of being targeted by the USA. Another reason could be the ‘Comprehensive Plan for Cooperation between Iran and China’ which is a 25-year and USD 400 billion strategic partnership deal. § Both nations are close to finalising the deal, which will include Chinese involvement in Chabahar's duty-free zone, an oil refinery nearby and possibly a larger role in Chabahar port as well. § The cooperation will extend from investments in infrastructure, manufacturing and upgrading energy and transport facilities, to refurbishing ports, refineries and other installations and will commit Iranian oil and gas supplies to China during that period. For Free Download: The amendments to Russia's 1993 constitution came into force on July 4, 2020 after gaining the support of 77.92 percent of people who cast their ballots in a nationwide vote. Turnout was just below 68 percent. The national referendum Had asked voters to decide whether to approve 206 constitutional amendments. Both turnout and popular support for the amendments was higher than when Russians voted to adopt the current Constitution itself in 1993 (when support was 58.4 percent with 54.8 percent turnout). UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS es International Constitutions 9 i mnal - in Russia What Will Change with the Constitutional Reforms? The amendments would allow Putin to tun for two more six-year terms, in 2024 and 2030. The Russian Constitution bars more than two consecutive presidential terms. The new Constitution doesn't change the two-term limit in theory, but in practice, it resets Mr Putin's terms so that it will be the first election under the new Constitution for him, to be held in 2024. Other amendments strengthen presidential and parliamentary powers, enshrine traditional values including an effective ban on gay marriage and guarantee better minimum wages and pensions. The other changes to the constitution include measures to respect the country's heritage and the orthodox church as well as strengthen the Kremlin over local & municipal authorities. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS International Constitutions Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘August 2020 Putin's constitutional reform package Bry Gh rete Gr Brora ia) en alters ose Re CUS Rod) amending the constitution March 17 Emeric eum ca Cee Cnc tun) EUS neg atl Paras ee an ole constitutional reform vote The amendments also place strict limitations on Russians who hold foreign citizenship or residency from serving public office. Most notably, these constitutional restrictions block any individual who has ever held foreign residency or citizenship from ever running for President. Finally, the amendments also declare the importance of a belief in God, that Russia will defend the historical “truth” about WWI], and that Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union. Challenges Ahead for Russi According to the IMF, the economy hasn't expanded in dollar terms for a decad Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Ses a) ieee cuca Ero iReett er Re ae otit Preteens Lier ard SSC ect Pura haar lear Means con after the third and final reading Lars CUR cones na) Tee SSeS Eun) The Fund estimates the GDP to shrink by 6.6% this year. With the pandemic affecting local businesses and the oil price fall eating into exports revenue, the Kremlin finds it difficult to fix the economy in the near term. In foreign policy, Russia's relationship with the West remains troublesome. The sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 are still in place. Russia also faces allegations of interference in the elections of other countries. Domestically, Opposition politician Alexei Navainy and his supporters continue to protest against the Kremlin despite state crackdown: For Free Download: Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, Oa Clause for Continuation of Presidency Term: © The Russian Constitution bars more than two consecutive presidential terms. 0 The new Constitution doesn't change the two- term limit in theory, but in practice, it resets Mr Puti terms so that it will be the first election under the new Constitution for him, to be held in 2024. © According to the referendum, the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin can stay in power for two more six-year terms (until 2036) after his term expires in 2024. Five things to know about Russia's Constitutional amendments Russia has voted to change the country's constitution. The amendments shore up Vladimir Putin's power but also have serious implications for foreign policy Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS International Constitutions 1 After seven days of voting culminating on 1 July (amid allegations of vote falsification), official preliminary reports say that a majority of Russians have ratified the most significant set of amendments to the Russian Constitution since 1993. The national referendum asked voters to decide whether to approve 206 constitutional amendments, one of which allows the Russian president to run for another two terms, potentially extending President Viadimir Putin's tenure until 2036. 1, Stronger-Man Presidentialism Ever since Boris Yeltsin ordered tanks to shell the Russian legislature and pushed through a constitution in 1993, Russia's constitution has created the ultimate strongman president, placing more constitutional power in the president than most countries in the world. This strongman style of governance has been further strengthened by Putin - both in photo ops of a shirtless Putin, as well as through presidential decrees and legislation. The amendments cement this further centralisation of power. In particular, they give the President new powers, including the authority to remove judges, appoint some members of the parliament for life and name regional prosecutors. 2. The Triumph of Moscovy Russia spans eight time zones and is constitutionally a highly diverse federal state with almost 100 subnational entities including regions and cities. Since Putin's rise to the presidency in 2000, legislation and fiscal reform has moved financial and decision For Free Download: According to FPSC Revised, syllabi enirvesn ssc Wraita) ee ee baa ees Ua h iri Ce chan e c Ei canal \CcQs Wee ee ona iN ine: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, -making power to Moscow and made the regions mere transmission belts of policy. This has contributed to the impoverishment of Russia's regions as many are given insufficient money to carry out their responsibilities The amendments further entrench this situation, placing even more formal constitutional power in the federal centre. Russia got its start as a project of Moscovite domination centuries ago - it clearly remains that way today. 3. Constitutional Patriotism Russia's 1993 constitution omits references to Russian nationalism, exceptionalism, or imperialism — in fact, it is actually remarkably internationalist. The amendments change this. First, they give the Russian Constitutional Court constitutional power to nullify the decisions of international tribunals. The amendments also place strict limitations International Constitutions 13 pa residency from serving public office. Most notably, these constitutional restrictions block any individual who has ever held foreign residency or citizenship from ever running for President. Finally, the amendments also declare the importance of a belief in God, that Russia will defend the historical “truth” about WWII, and that Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union. This both reflects and attempts to solidify moves — particularly since the annexation of Crimea in 2014 — to affirm Russia's pseudo- imperial position as a strong and independent player in the international system. 4. Cementing Strongman Governance But ‘A Weak Russia These amendments seek to create the constitutional image of the Russian state with a strongman president who directs policy from Moscow and defends Russian sovereignty in an increasingly dangerous mRussians who hold foreign citizenship or world Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS The all-Russian vote itself — which is legally unnecessary — is a performative exercise in renewing popular legitimacy for this constitutional image. The attempts to re-manufacture legitimacy for constitutional strongman-ism, Moscovite power, and patriotism are necessary because the Russian state is increasingly dysfunctional. Russia's centralised and personalised constitutional system - with its singular focus on Vladimir Putin — has ultimately weakened domestic institutions and contributed to growing corruption. The dysfunctionality of this system — and its inability to deliver particularly for those Russians outside of Moscow —has most recently been made apparent in Russia's bungled response to the COVID-19 pandemic So, these amendments are meant to deliver the image of a strong state in the face of an inconvenient reality. aL) oe International Constitutions 14 5. More Aggressive Russian Foreign Policy The need to project the constitutional image of a strong state in order to mask domestic dysfunction is a clear sign that Russia will continue its aggressive, spoiler form of foreign policy. From interfering in foreign elections to annexing Crimea, this kind of foreign policy has been used to shore up the legitimacy of the Russian state in the eyes of the Russian people. One of the central messages in the campaign for the amendments was that they would safeguard Russian sovereignty and power in the world, This foreign policy aggression is likely to only increase as Russian strongman-ism continues to fail to adequately respond to the domestic challenges posed by the pandemic. EST aT performance as president Pee Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 For Free Download: “Practice Makes A Man Perfect” Solved Papers 2016-19 MeL EESS Etim Prpiation siadeg panjos Buy Online Think CSS- Think HSM HSM CSS Compulsory Subjects 2020 EDITION exam and not just gain knowledge. Here is where the previous year papers an important role. They authentic source to know the pattern of estions asked in both the \yzing these papers, you get an idea about w number of static a dynamic questions being asked over the So, solve more and more Previous Year CSS Papers for better understanding of the exam pattern and nature of questions asked UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Social Media 6 PUIAGY o NCW QULIG! WICUId Law Turkey's parliament has approved a new social media law on July 29, 2020 that gives authorities greater power to regulate social media despite concerns of growing censorship What's in the new law? The bill imposes comprehensive regulations on social media, requiring foreign social media companies with over 1 million users -- such as Twitter and Facebook -- to have a representative in the country. Under the new law, social media providers will be required to store domestic user data in Turkey, imposing fines of up to $1.5 million, as well as bandwidth restrictions and advertising bans, for failure to comply. The government defends the bill as an effort to protect approximately 55 million users in Turkey from disinformation. "The bill was prepared with an innovative approach to protect users as opposed to curtailing them,” Ismail Cesur, a presidential adviser said in a tweet. “The bill aims to protect the basic rights and freedoms of citizens and to get ahead of the disinformation," ruling Justice and Development Party deputy chairman Mahir Unal said in an interview with state broadcaster TRT. Key Provisions: 1. The law requires major social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter to keep representative offices in Turkey to deal with complaints against content on their platforms. 2. Ifa social media company refuses to Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, designate an official representative, the legislation mandates steep fines, advertising bans and bandwidth reductions 3. With a court ruling, bandwidth would be halved, and then cut further. Bandwidth reductions mean social media networks would be too slow to use. 4. The representative will be tasked with responding to individual requests to take down content violating privacy and personal rights within 48 hours or to provide grounds for rejection. 5. The company would be held liable for damages if the content is not removed or blocked within 24 hours. 6. It also would require social media providers to store user data in Turkey. Need for This Law- Govt's Arguments: The government says the legislation was needed to combat cybercrime and protect users. The law was necessary to contain cyberbullying and insults against women. Concerns: The new law is being called the “censorship law." It is because the law would further limit freedom of expression in a country where the media is already under tight government control and dozens of journalists are in jail. The law would be used to remove content critical of the government rather than to protect users. This is a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression online and contravenes international human rights law and standards. Background: In recent times, hundreds of people have been investigated and some arrested over social media posts on the COVID-19 pandemic, opposition to Turkish military offensives abroad or insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other officials. Turkey leads the world in removal requests to Twitter, with more than 6,000 demands in the first half of 2019. Social Media {1 More than 408,000 websites are blocked in Turkey. Online encyclopedia Wikipedia was blocked for nearly three years before Turkey's top court ruled that the ban violated the right to freedom of expression Why are Rights Groups Worried? Critics fear the new law will weaponize social media companies against voices critical of the government. Turkey's record on freedom of speech and expression has already been on the decline. More than 408,000 websites were blocked by the end of 2019 in Turkey, according to a report from Turkish internet freedom watchdog Ifade Ozgurlugu Platformu. In the same period, 7,000 Twitter accounts, 40,000 tweets, 10,000 Youtube videos and 6,200 Facebook content was blocked. While some companies have complied with take down orders from Turkish courts for some content, other requests have been ignored. The new law forces companies to comply with take-down orders. "The aim is to silence criticism," said Yaman Akdeniz, a cyber rights expert and law professor at Istanbul's Bilgi University. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM August 2020 S Times World Conflict 18 China, US in New Spat over Uighur Crackdown China has said it will impose tit-for-tat measures after the United States slapped sanctions on Chinese officials for their involvement in a crackdown on Muslim. minorities, raising tensions between the superpowers. The latest Chinese response followed a US announcement of visa bans and an assets freeze on three officials, including Chen Quanquo, the Communist Party chief in Xinjiang and architect of Beijing's hardline policies against restive minorities. Witnesses and human rights groups say that China has rounded up more than ‘one million Uighurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang in a vast brainwashing campaign aimed at forcibly homogenising minorities into the country's Han majority. But, China counters that it is providing education and vocational training in a bid to reduce the allure of Islamic radicalism following a spate of deadly violence. Background: The United Nations estimates that more than a million Muslims have been detained in camps in the Xinjiang region. The US. State Department has accused Chinese Officials of subjecting Muslims to torture, abuse “and trying to basically erase their culture and their religion.” Who are Vighurs? Uighurs are a Muslim minority community concentrated in the country's northwestern Xinjiang province. They claim closer ethnic ties to Turkey and other central Asian countries than to China, by brute — and brutal — force. Why is China targeting the Uighurs? Xinjiang is technically an autonomous region within China — its largest region, rich in minerals, and sharing borders with eight countries, including Pakistan, Russia and | Afghanistan. Over the past few decades, as economic prosperity has come to Xinjiang, it has brought with it in large numbers the majority Han Chinese,who have cornered the better jobs, and left the Uighurs feeling their livelihoods and identity were under threat. This led to sporadic violence, in 2009 culminating in a riot that killed 200 people, mostly Han Chinese, in the region's capital Urumqi. And many other violent incidents have taken place since then. Beijing also says Uighur groups want to establish an independent state and, because of the Uighurs’ cultural ties to their neighbours, leaders fear that elements in places like Pakistan may back a separatist movement in Xinjiang. Therefore, the Chinese policy seems to have been one of treating the entire community as suspect, and launching a systematic project to chip away at every marker of a distinct Uighur identity. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, President Donald Trump has formally moved to withdraw the US from the World Health Organization (WHO). The president had made his intentions clear in late May, accusing the WHO of being under China's control in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Despite calls from the EU and others, he said he would pull out of the UN agency and redirect funds elsewhere. He has now notified the UN and Congress of his intentions, although the process could take at least a year. Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN secretary-general, confirmed the US had notified it of its withdrawal, effective as of 6 July 2021. Senator Robert Menendez, the leading Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, also wrote on Twitter: "Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the US from the WHO in the midst of a pandemic. “Itleaves Americans sick and America alone." This comes after President Donald Trump announced on May 29 his decision to halt fundingand pull out of UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS / International Affairs 19 Why this Decision? Trump said the body had “called it wrong” on COVID-19 and that it was very “China centric” in its approach, suggesting that the WHO had gone along with Beijing's efforts months ago to under-represent the severity of the outbreak Implications: The capricious decision to withdraw from WHO will have dire consequences for global public health, The departure of the US. will be a significant blow to the WHO in terms of loss of technical expertise and an annual funding of about $450 the global health body. million Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: HSM CSS Times August 202 The WHO now will have to suspend the country’s voting rights and deny access to its services, as per Article 7 of its Constitution. About WHO: WHO came into existence on 7 April, 1948 - a date which is now celebrated every year as World Health Day. The organisation has more than 7,000 people working in 150 country offices, six regional offices and at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. How WHOis Governed? 1. The World Health Assembly (delegations from all members countries) determines the policies of the organisation. 2. The executive board is composed of members technically qualified in health, and gives effect to the decisions and policies of the health assembly. Its core function is to direct and coordinate international health work through collaboration. UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS S International Affairs Howis the WHO Funded? There are four kinds of contributions that make up funding for the WHO.These are: Assessed contributions are the dues countries pay in order to be a member of the Organization. The amount each Member State must pay is calculated relative to the country's wealth and population. Voluntary contributions come from Member States (in addition to their assessed contribution) or from other partners. They can range from flexible to highly earmarked. Core voluntary contributions allow less well- funded activities to benefit from a better flow of resources and ease implementation bottlenecks that arise when immediate financing is lacking. Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Contributions were started in 2011 to improve and strengthen the sharing of influenza viruses with human pandemic potential, and to increase the access of developing countries to vaccines and other pandemic related supplies. Whatis the WHO - and Who Funds It? Founded in 1948 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, it is the UN agency responsible for global public health Has 194 member states, and aims to "promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable" Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: We are Looking to hire writers for the CSS Subjects of English, Pakistan Affairs and General Science & Ability. We welcome new and experienced alike but preference shall be given to those who are currently teaching the above mentioned subjects to the CSS aspirants. UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS S Times Involved in vaccination campaigns, health emergencies and supporting countries in primary care Funded by a combination of members’ fees based on wealth and population and voluntary contributions Largest Contributions: The United States is currently the WHO's biggest contributor, making up 14.67 per cent of total funding by providing $553.1 million. The US is followed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation forming 9.76 per cent or $367.7 million. The third biggest contributor is the GAVI Vaccine Alliance at 8.39 per cent, with the UK (7.79 per cent) and Germany (5.68 per cent) coming fourth and fifth respectively. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | International Affairs The four next biggest donors are international bodies: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (5.09 per cent), World Bank (3.42 per cent), Rotary International (3.3 per cent), and the European Commission (3.3 per cent). India makes up 0.48 per cent of total contributions, and China 0.21 per cent. For Free Download: Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020 Armenian- controlled 100k Caspian Sea Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis Along-simmering conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan saw an unprecedented escalation in July 2020, as Azeri troops attempted an incursion into ‘Armenia proper rather than the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The move started with a failed attempt by Azerbaijani commandos on July 12 to seize a strategic hilltop in the northeastern Armenian province of Tavush, where Armenian troops were firmly stationed. Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh, is a landlocked region in the South Caucasus, within the mountainous range of Karabakh. It is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. What is the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? It is a territorial and ethnic conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts, which are controlled by Armenia in reality but are internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS World Conflict 23 The conflict has its origins in the early 20th century when the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin decided to make the Nagorno-Karabakh region an autonomous region of Soviet Azerbaijan. Background: The conflict started in 1988 when the Karabakh Armenians demanded transfer of Karabakh from Soviet Azerbaijan to Soviet Armenia. The enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh had held a referendum which was boycotted by Azerbaijan The Azerbaijan authorities organized massacres and ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population on the entire territory of Azerbaijan, particularly in Sumgait, Baku and Kirovabad. In 1992, the violence had increased and thousands of civilians had been displaced, compelling international bodies to take notice. In May 1994, Russia mediated a ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but the conflict has continued for three decades, with instances of ceasefire violations and violence instigated from both sides. Status after ceasefire: In April 2016, the region was particularly tense because of violent fighting between the two countries in what came to be known as the Four-Day War. Since then, there have been many instances of flare- ups in the region. The border between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been more tense since 2018, particularly after Azerbaijan moved troops into the area, close to its border with Georgia. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Times / Human Rights ; . a Monthly HSM Css Augu: International Covenant on Civil and Po! itical Rights (ICCPR) The independent experts on the Human Rights Committee have published a fresh interpretation of the right of peaceful assembly, offering comprehensive legal guidance about where and how it applies and also outlining governments’ obligations. Background: The committee is tasked with monitoring how countries implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which under Article 21 guarantees the right to peaceful assembly. Important observations made by the What's the Issue? Human Rights Committee: Authorities worldwide are grappling with 1. Itis a “fundamental human right’ for swelling demonstrations over issues like people to gather to celebrate or to air political rights and racial justice. At some grievances, “in public and in private places, coercive forces are being used to spaces, outdoors, indoors and online.” suppress the voices of protesters. 2. Everyone, including children, foreign - Therefore, right to peaceful assembly nationals, women, migrant workers, has come into the spotlight. asylum seekers and refugees, can Supporters believe that protesting exercise the right of peaceful assembly. peacefully, online or in person, is a 3. Governments could not prohibit fundamental human right. protests by making “generalised Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Human Rights : AS rae EA, references to public order or public safety, 3. The covenant commits its parties to or an unspecified risk of potential respect the civil and political rights of violence" individuals, including the right to life, 4. In addition, Governments “cannot freedom of religion, freedom of block internet networks or close down speech, freedom of assembly, electoral any website because of their roles in rights and fights to due process and 2 air trial. ambi sollciting a peace 4. The ICCPR is part of the International Bill of Human Rights, along with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the Universal Declaration of Human 5. It also stressed the right of journalists and human rights observers to monitor and document any assembly, including violent and unlawful ones. Rights (UDHR). Implications: 5. It became effective in 1976. The Committee's interpretation will be ——. important guidance for judges in national and regional courts around the world, as it now forms part of what is known as ‘soft law’ About ICCPR: 1. Itis a multilateral treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). 2. Monitored by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: Designed for CSS, PMS, PCS IR TuaTOretL TMT utelttsyo4 VA Buy online: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Food Security The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by: 1. Food and Agriculture Organization. 2. International Fund for Agricultural Development. 3. United Nations Children’s Fund. 4. World Food Programme. 5. World Health Organization. Objective of the report: To inform on progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition and to provide in depth analysis on key challenges for achieving this goal in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Context: The latest edition (SOFI 2020) was released on July 13”. Anew feature of SOFI 2020 is a detailed analysis of the “cost and affordability of healthy diets around the world” Pakistan Although food is readily available in Pakistan, the country’s overall food security is poor. High levels of poverty and high food prices have given Pakistan some of the highest rates of malnutrition, undernourishment and Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Key Points _ Despite food surpluses, Pakistan experiences high levels of food insecurity due to a lack of access for poor households. Women and children are particularly affected by malnutrition and only 15 per cent of children consume a minimally acceptable diet Poverty is a particularly strong predictor of household food insecurity. Daily wages have increased, but food price inflation has reduced the purchasing power of poor households. Pakistan's ongoing economic problems will make it difficult to implement the proposed food security and poverty reduction reforms. For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Food Security PP a A democratic Pakistan can certainly better cater to the nutritional needs of its citizens. "No famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functioning democracy,” wrote Amartya Sen, an economist and a Nobel Laureate. Pakistan is blessed with cultivable land and a sizeable peasant population. The information explosion and ease of connectivity have instilled high economic aspirations in the rural populace. As the world strives to curb the spread of Covid-19, efforts are also focusing on understanding the real impact of this virus. In Pakistan, a rapid assessment conducted by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations is providing both UN teams on the ground and the government with much-needed data and analysis to determine the best course of action. The assessment looked at 12 main markets across Pakistan, coupled with secondary data and studies, to determine the impact on my livelihoods, food security, nutrition, food prices, and agriculture supply chain. Results indicate that the most vulnerable groups are rural households reliant on smallholding agriculture and livestock and unskilled daily- wage labourers in both rural and urban areas. Households supported by migrant workers have already registered financial losses as lockdowns prompt workers in cities and foreign countries to return. To make matters worse, the impact of Covid- 19 comes at a time when many rural communities and smallholder farmers in Pakistan have been confronted with extreme Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: eae are Ruri Pade aa HOST el ar eco pertain Nahe aaa Ts a Mar dca (cr a mi re Mehmood Parcs Buy online: www.h Ay it emer adh ine weather ie iaigt floods, cold waves, and now locusts. These new and protracted shocks could create a food-security crisis with far-reaching consequences Three Types of Diet are defined: 1. “Basic energy sufficient” diet: In which the required calorie intake is met by consuming only the cheapest starchy cereal available (say, rice or wheat). A requirement of 2,329 Kcal for a healthy young woman of 30 years is taken as the standard reference, 2. “Nutrient adequate” diet, one where the required calorie norms and the stipulated requirement of 23 macro- and micro-nutrients are met. This diet includes least cost items from different food groups. 3. “Healthy diet”: This is one which meets the calorie norm and the macro- and micro-nutrient norm and also allows for consumption of a Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS M_CSS Times eae Food Security 30 diverse diet, from several food groups. Cost of these diets: 1. Energy-sufficient diet- $1.9 a day. 2. Nutrient-adequate diet costs $2.12 a day. 3. Healthy diet costs $4.07 a day. What Constitutes a Healthy Diet? It includes 30 gm of cereal, 30 gm of pulses, 50 gm of meat/chicken/fish and 50 gm of eggs, 100 gm of milk, 100 gm of vegetables and fruit each, and 5 gm of oil a day. In short, a balanced and healthy meal but not excessive in any way. The Pakistani recommendation for a healthy diet includes consumption of items from six groups: starchy staples, protein-rich food (legumes, meat and eggs), dairy, vegetables, fruits, and fats. For Free Download: Under Graduate 5- ey AM Pe ne ene au Buy online: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Space Science More Metallic Moon M Metallic Moon NASA has found evidence of greater quantities of metals such as iron and titanium on the Moon's subsurfa N. Lunar Reconnais spacecr. Moon's subsurfa (Mini-RF) instrument aboard the LRO. The Mini-RF findings were backed by metal je maps from the LR Lunar Prospector spacecraft, which s that lar ith their increased dielectric material were also richer in metals. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 The metallic distribution w the Miniature Ra Frequency (Mini-RF) instrument ard the Lunar Reconnaissanc fer(LRO) spacecraft Significance of the study: The servations could help in ing a clearer connection een Earth and the Moon as it after Mars-si collided with Earth breaki piece of our planet that went on mpublisher UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Lee Space Science 33 How was Moon Created? Additional Facts The most popular theory about the Moon’ . : ; creation is that a Mars-sized protoplanet anen are errnee collided with newly formed Earth around 4.5 TT eee billion years ago, breaking off a piece of our Heaton aNian planet that went on to become its satellite. Aine Peps oh maniorthe The hypothesis is also backed by foots surface fotn lunar polar substantial evidence, such as the close orbit to help identify sites with high ee Wiad scientific value, favourable terrain Cremicalicomposton.withitnato and the environment necessary for Earth. safe future robotic and human y y cence The Moon Formation Hypothesis How Was it Discovered? + The most popular theory about the LRO’s Mini-RF instrument was measuring an Moon's creation is that a Mars- electrical property within lunar soil in crater sized protoplanet collided with floors in the Moon's northern hemisphere. newly formed Earth around 4.5 The property, known as the dielectric billion years ago, breaking off a constant, is the ratio of the electric piece of our planet that went on to permeability of a material to the electric become its satellite. permeability of a vacuum. : The hypothesis is also backed by Dielectric properties are directly linked to the ine toriel SieRe= neh aeTRE concentration of these metal minerals. close resemblance between the Level of this property increased as they Monthly surveyed larger craters, and kept rising in crater sizes up to 5 km in diameter. Beyond that size, the value of the dielectric constant leveled off. The findings raise the possibility that the dielectric constant increased in larger craters because the meteors that created them dug up dust containing iron and titanium oxides from beneath the Moon's surface. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Moon's bulk chemical composition with that of Earth. However, it is also known that Earth's crust has lesser amounts of iron oxide than the Moon- a finding that scientists have been trying to explain. © Nowafter the new discovery of even greater quantities of metal on the Moon makes their job even more difficult. © Apossible reason for this could be that the Moon was created from a material much deeper beneath Earth's surface than was believed before, or that the newly found metal presence could be the result of molten lunar surface cooling down gradually. For Free Download: ETO] Mer arnTn ta ANE G IS — = FN acc. Oe i Encyclopedia Ne Knowledge Pmacacas Objective (MCQs) rs Cia So 1 _ PAs) ui Poe _— a S sz Buy Online UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020 i Implications of Latest Findings: It is known that Earth's crust has lesser amounts of iron oxide than the Moon-a finding that scientists have been trying to explain. Now, the new discovery of even greater quantities of metal on the Moon makes their job even more difficult. It really raises the question of what this means for our previous formation hypotheses A possible reason could be that the Moon was created from a material much deeper beneath Earth's surface than was believed before, or that the newly found metal presence could be the result of molten lunar surface cooling down gradually. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | Space Science About Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): It is a NASA mission to the moon within the Lunar Precursor and Robotic Program (LPRP) in preparation for future manned missions to the moon and beyond (Mars). LRO is the first mission of NASA's ‘New Vision for Space Exploration’ Metal LRO is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, Mini-RF was designed, built and tested by a team led by APL, Naval Air Warfare Center, Sandia National Laboratories, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. For Free Download: Our Andriod Mobile Application is launching soon Powerd by: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS ‘Tames ‘August 2020 Multiple Choice Questions AUGUST Mesa UCU Le Url ee for For CSS-PMS-PCS = PV Re ee ee Scu) 1 Earthquake of 1935 struck which city of Pakistan? (a) Muzaffarabad (b) Lahore (Q Quetta (d) Chitral Answer: (c) Explanation: A photograph taken on June 1935 shows survivors of a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Quetta, Balochistan. “Until the night of last May 31, this was a city of 60,000 human souls; base of the Royal Air Force and an important gateway to India. On the morning of June 1 it was a city of death and desolation. Earth tremors which shook a region 130 miles long and 20 miles wide and wiped out more than 100 villages over that terrain had snuffed out the lives of at least 40,000 of Quetta's inhabitants, including 200 Europeans and 43 of Britain's airmen. Hardly a house remained standing and, to protect the survivors from an outbreak of cholera, they were moved out of the city to adjoining plains and the city was sealed while the work of removing and disposing of the dead was carried on. This photograph is a view of one of Quetta’s main thoroughfares on the morning after the quake. It shows searching parties working in the ruins, seeking bodies and valuables. 50,000 died.” 2 Batura glacier is located in? (a) Nepal (b) China (Q) Afghanistan (d) Pakistan Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, Answer: (d) Explanation: Batura Glacier is world's 7th longest non-polar glacier and Pakistan's 4th longest glacierit lies in the Gojal region of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan. It is just north of the massifs of Batura, at 7,795 metres(25,574 ft), and Passu, at 7,500 metres(24,600 ft). The glacier flows west to east. 3 OGDCL's second largest gas fields is located in? (a) Sui (b) Sukkur (©) Qadirpur (d) Sibi Answe Explanation: Located in(Ghotki) Sindh Province. Sindh, Qadirpur ranks as the second largest gas field in Pakistan after Sui, with original recoverable reserves of about 4 Tcf. The field was developed in three phases, increasing its capacity from the initial 235 MMscfd to 500 MMscfd. In 2008, the capacity was further enhanced to 600 MMscfd. Multiple Choice Questions 3 In order to maintain long-term sales gas supply, compression project was also commissioned in 2010. Purified gas from the field is supplied to SNGPL while raw gas and condensate is sold to Liberty Power and Pakistan Refinery Limited respectively. Besides, permeate gas is supplied to Engro Power Limited since March 2010.Recoverable Reserves4,200 Bcf gas; 5.474 MMbbI NGL*PPL Working Interest7 percentOperatorOGDCLOther PartnersPPL; KUFPEC; PKPELDaily Average Production 276.47 MMscf gas; 314.34 bbl condensate**Producing Wells65*1P(proven) reserves **Daily production figures are averaged for 9 months from July 3018 to March 201: 4 Uch gas fields are located in? (a) Punjab (b) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (0) Sindh (d) Balochistan Answer: (d) : | BP RA Hie ode Explanation: The Uch gas field is located 67km southeast of Dera Bugti in Balochistan. The field was discovered in 1955 by Pakistan Petroleum Limited; however, it was not developed because of its low British thermal unit(Btu) content OGDCL reactivated the Uch gas field in the 1980s. To date the company has drilled 15 wells and is currently supplying 220-225 mmscfd to UPL via a 47km pipeline at the first mega-low heating value gas-fired S86MW. power plant. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: Agriculture&ForestryMCQs For CSS/PCS/PMS/NTS/NAT/GAT (Subject)/Lecturer Agriculture Officer/Forest Officer And All Other Se Exams 1 tf} (es Ra Ava erent Forestry MCQs in Entomology & Plant Pathology with explanation . | TaD DU sas Aggicullre Oficer& Forest Oficer PO ere nc) ore Bie ol vl] vr Sn) ee UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS S Times August 5 Attock fort built by which emperor? (a) Babur (b) Akbar (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Aurangzeb Answer: (b) Explanation: Attock Fort was built at Attock Khurd during the reign of Akbar the Great from 1581 to 1583 under the supervision of Khawaja Shamsuddin Khawafi to protect the passage of the River Indus. Attock was captured on 28 April 1758 by the Maratha Empire and became the northern boundary of the Maratha Empire. 6 Who is the current Secretary General of SAARC? (a) Antonio Gutters (b) Esala Weerakoon (0 Ajay Bisaria (d) Arjun Bahadur Thapa Answer: (b) Explanation: Sri Lanka's diplomat Esala Weerakoon is the current Secretary-General, having assumed charge on 1 March 2020. Multiple Choice Questions — 4M 7 1" Governor General of State Bank of Pakistan? (a) Zahid Hussain (b) Shamshad Akhtar (c) Abdur Rashid (d) Malik Ghulam Muhammad Answer: (a) Explanation: Zahid Husain(1893-1957) was the first governor of State Bank of Pakistan from June 1948 to July 1953.” He also served as Pakistan's first High Commissioner to India from August 1947 to April 1948 8 Longest serving chairman of senate of Pakistan? (a) Khan Habibullah Khan Marwat (b) Mir Sadiq Sanjrani (©) Wasim Sajjad (d) Ghulam Ishaq Khan Answer: (c) Explanation: The Ist Chairman of the Senate was Habibullah Marwat while Wasim Sajjad remains the longest-serving chairman. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times August 2020, Balochistan Senator Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani elected to Senate as an independent in the March 3 election, is the current Chairman of the Senate, having assumed office on 12 March 2018. 9 According to United Nations latest estimate Pakistan's population is equivalent to the world’s total? (a) 2.20% (b) 2,30 % (0) 2.40 % (d) 2.65 % Answer: (d) Explanation: The current population of Pakistan is 204,735,896 as of Thursday, July 18, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Pakistan population is equivalent to 2.65% of the total world population. Multiple Choice Questions 4 10 Taj Mahal constructed by? (a) Babur (b) Aurangzeb () Shah Jehan (d) Jehangir Answer: (c) i iat Ps fal Explanation: The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river in the Indian city of Agra. It was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan, the builder. 11 Balochistan was given the status of province in which year? (a) 1962 (b) 1970 (©) 1973 (d) 1988 Answer: (b) Explanation: In October 1955, Makran was given the status of a district of former West Pakistan province after its accession to Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download: w Buy Online Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 Pakistan. On 1st July 1970, when ‘One Unit” was dissolved and Balochistan gained the status of a province, Makran became one of its 8 districts. 12 Length of Karakoram Highway? (a) 1300 kms (b) 1600 kms () 1900 kms (d) 2100 kms Answer: (a) Explanation: The Karakorum Highway connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountain range, through the Khunjerab Pass, at an elevation of 4,693 metres(15,397 ft) above the sea level. The road has a length of 1,300 km(800 mi: Pakistan: 887 km(551 mi) and China: 413 km(257 mi). It was started in 1959 and was completed in 1986 after 27 years of corded drilling and construction. 13 Kirthar mountain range is located in? (a) Sindh (b) Balochistan (Q BothA &B (d) None of these Answer: (c) UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Multiple Choice Questions = Explanation: The Kirthar Mountains are a mountain range located in Balochistan and Sindh. The mountains extend southward for about 190 mi from the Mula River in east- central Balochistan to Cape Monze on the Arabian Sea. 14 Who is the penultimate viceroy of India? (a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Canning (c) Lord Wavell (d) Lord Mountbatten Answer: (C) Explanation: Wavell, Lord (1883-1950), viceroy of IndiaJune 1943-March 1947). Field Marshal Lord Archibald Wavell was commander-in-chief of British India’s forces prior to his appointment as Britain's penultimate viceroy of India. 15 Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity: the search for Saladin is written by? (a) Akbar Ahmed (b) Ayesha Jalal (©) Stanley Wolpert (d) Hector Bolitho Answer: (A) Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | August 2020 | For Free Download:

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