Williams Press Release

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Press Release

Contact: Rachel Friedman (727) 443-7115 x 206

Environmental Education for Our Children:

The Solution to Planetary Survival?
Venice Beach, CA – One of the ironies of the environmental lobby is that it
seems sometimes that they want the inmates to run the asylum.

They push and push for Congress to enact new programs to protect the
environment, as if any kind of government-run program is going to be efficient
enough or effective enough to actually help the environmentalists achieve their

Francis T. Perry Williams, author of “Pollen and the Ring of Harmony” (Greenleaf
Publishing, www.pollengreenarmy.com), knows better. He believes that if we are
going to make any significant impact toward preserving the environment, it’s
going to come from independent individual action. People, not government, will
make the difference. Perry takes the “Gandhi approach” to ecology – showing the
way rather than legislating or protesting for it. In his book he shows the
desirability of kindness and caring about the environment, with special attention
to the younger generation.

Here are some tips to parents can use to get their kids interested and active in
saving the environment:

• Identify Which Environmental Issues Interest You the Most. Figure

out what you want to do to help save the planet (if you haven’t already.)
Decide what area you most want to improve, whether it is global warming,
energy waste, recycling, or hugging trees. The Internet is full of ideas –
see which ones you agree with. Take a look at what you can contribute:
time, intellect, money, or just willing hands.

• Now That You Have “Talking Points”, Talk! Education takes many
forms; help spread the word. Find a group with similar interests, and start
contributing! Sort out good data from bad and forward it to friends, family,
local media – and don’t forget the children. They communicate
incessantly, so give them information worth spreading.

• Don’t Just “Talk the Talk”, “Walk the Walk”, Too! We can’t all convert
our homes to solar, or buy a hybrid car, but there are many simple ways to
help. Turn off lights when not in use. Use power strips with a button you
can easily push to shut down devices such as computers, cell phone
chargers and entertainment equipment – they all use a lot of energy even
when their “on” button is “off”. Most power companies will do an energy
home-audit to advise you of simple improvements you can make to save
both energy and money.

• Invest Your Vote to Help Improve the Environment. In this political

season you can find plenty of information about which candidates (local,
state or national) feels pretty much the way you do. If you like a candidate,
but are not sure of his or her viewpoint about the environment, check their
voting record.

Perry wants to start a whole different movement addressing this task of getting
people to care about our planet. He dedicates his book to the “Army of Green
trying to protect our world,” Perry says, “Awareness leads to beauty, and beauty
leads to harmony.” As an eco-advocate, Perry is actively teaching the younger
generation to be more eco-friendly so they can live in harmony with nature and
the world around them.


About Francis T. Perry Williams

Francis T. Perry Williams attended San Diego State University for a degree in
drama with minors in art and music. He wrote, directed, and acted there. Upon
graduation, he appeared in several sitcoms, including “Happy Days”, “Bosom
Buddies”, “Laverne and Shirley”, and “MASH”, writing one of the “Laverne and
Shirley” episodes. A certified personal trainer with twenty-five years experience,
Perry keeps it “all natural, no steroids,” for himself and his celebrity clients.

To interview Perry Williams or request a review copy Pollen and the Ring of
Harmony”, contact Rachel Friedman at (727) 443-7115 ext. 206 or email
Rachel@NewsAndExperts.com Please include your name, publication, and
mailing address with your request.

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