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Question 1

Castaway Found Alive!

CARIBBEAN - A pirate called Selkirk was founded on a remote island. He was part of a crew
sailing the South Seas. He was abandoned and became a castaway by the captain, Stradling.
It all started when Selkirk gave advice to the crew members to stay due to broken oak timbers of
the ships, which would make the ships sink. However, Stradling mocked him, which makes Selkirk to
heat up, hit him and say that he will choose to stay on the island. None of the other crew members
dared to go against Stradling. As they prepare to leave the island, Selkirk begged for forgiveness, but
the captain refused it, saying that it would be a lesson to the other crew. Selkirk was left there, and
started to find ways to survive.
As days passed, Selkirk felt depressed due to his loneliness. Unfortunately, he was lucky that
Stradling asked the crew to leave Selkirk’s belongings on the island. He was able to change his clothes
and rest on the bedding that was put ashore by them before they left. To ease his depression, he
made himself as busy as possible. For food, he was able to find fish and grill it with pimentos and
watercress. There’s also a clear stream which allows him to drink water. He also gathered woods to
build shelter. Luckily, the island had so many resources which enabled him to survive.
“I knew that the ship won’t be able to stay any longer. Now, I’m happy that I was left on the
island,” said Selkirk. The ship sank in the Peruvian coast. Only the captain and thirty one men was
able to stay alive. Stradling was wrong in not listen to Selkirk. Stradling also seemed to care more
about himself than the crew members since only a small amount of crew survived. He also didn’t take
care of the ship, which cause this accident. The crew members also made a mistake by not
considering Selkirk’s advice.
Selkirk’s incident showed us that his survival skills saved his live even if it was an isolated island,
and being abandoned by his captain could have save his life.

Question 2
a) -The phrase “sea stretched out endlessly” explains about the sea that is indefinitely huge,
which seems like there’s no end. The writer is showing the effect of how isolated Selkirk was,
since he was alone with no one in the island, and there’s no way for him to find another land
that has human being inside due to the size of ocean.
-The phrase “beckoned freedom and fortune” explains about the sea that used to be
something that he love, now trapped him because he was unable to get out of the island. The
writer is showing how something that he loves might also hurt him by giving loneliness.
-The word “prison” is a metaphor. It explains about the island that made him sad and
depressed of being alone. The writer compares the word “prison” to show that they have the
same characteristic, bring loneliness, depression and no freedom.
-The phrase “a man without a voice” explains about Selkirk who have no one to talk and share
with. He is very lonely there. The writer shows the effect of his feeling of helplessness.
b) –The phrase “mountain darkened” explains about the sky that is no longer bright, which affect
the mountain to look dark. The writer shows how the night gives the feeling of anxiety for
-The phrase “monsters of the deep” describes the seals who howled, which makes Selkirk
scared and feeling of being terrorized. The effect of this word is to show how noisy and how
creepy the sounds are at the night in the island.
-The phrase “dancing shadows of night” explains about the shadows that is moving. His fear
and feeling of being terrorized made him think that there is someone who make shadows. The
writer is creating the effect of his nightmares of being isolated in the island as if he was being
mocked by the night.
-The phrase “hostile presence” explains about Selkirk who feels like there were unfriendly
creatures around him. He feels like someone want to threaten and terrorize him. The effect of
this word is how the night affect his feelings of being terrorized and having nightmares.

Question 3
a) 1. They tear apart with bare hands.
2. They don’t allow outsiders to enter anymore.
3. The ship can explode and kill workers.
4. The owners thinks more about profit than safety.
5. To maintain the ageing ships is expensive.
6. The steel of the ship contains value.
7. The ship parts can fall to man.
8. The only way to dispose ships.
9. It is hard to broken up because of the design that withstand extreme forces.
10. It has toxic materials.
11. They can recycle more than 90% of ship.
12. They can resell the remaining diesel fuel and engine oil.
13. The machinery and fittings are stripped.
14. They use unskilled workers to cut steel and haul.
15. They have lots of injury like missing finger, blind, and scars.

b) Afterusing the ship for 25-30 years, the ship must be broken up. The workers usually only use
their bare hands to tear the ships, which is very dangerous. This could lead to explosions of
ships and death of workers, which is why the outsiders are not allowed to enter the ship-
breaker anymore. Maintaining ageing ships is also very expensive due to its insurance, so they
break it up, and take the steel since it contains value. During they tear it apart, the parts of the
ship may fall to other people. It is also very hard to broken up the ship due to its design that
can hold extreme forces and the toxic materials in the ship. They also usually use
inexperienced workers to cut steel and haul, which give lots of injury to the workers like
missing fingers, blindness, and big scars. However, they can recycle 90 percent of the ship,
resell the diesel fuel and engine oil that remains in the ship and strip the machinery and fittings
of the ship, which is why they broken up the ships. From this case, we know that the owners
makes prioritize profits more than safety of people.

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