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Casual Conversations

What are the people in this town talking about?

Introduction: Not every conversation overheard by adventurers leads

to a quest, adventure, or mission. Dungeon Masters who want to add
depth, color, and variety to their settings, without the baggage of
coming up with yet another side-quest, will enjoy this resource.
What are the townsfolk talking about today?

A Tool for Dungeon Masters

by W. Scott Grant
IndySligo Games

Revised 8/7/2019: Added 40 new conversations, made edits throughout, changed the
name of this resource, and added links to my other products.

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The Situation
It’s a short stop during a long agency. I’m talking about giving you,
adventure. The adventurers have been the Dungeon Master, some options.
traveling for days, weeks, and
months, on their way to wherever.
Maybe they’re tracking down the Rumors – Side‐Quests 
Artifact of World Dominance. Maybe
Coming up with rumors that lead to
they’re hunting the assassin who
side-quests isn’t terribly difficult.
murdered the prince’s cat, Fluffy.
In researching this tool, I found
Whatever the reason they’re
numerous websites that list a variety
traveling, eventually they come to a
of great side-quest ideas that are
small town and decide to spend the
triggered from random rumors. The
night in the tavern instead of
players have a choice: Do they spend
camping in the wilderness.
time pursuing the side-quest or do
they stay focused on the primary
The town is unimportant. You used a
mission? As the Dungeon Master, this
random generator to name it. The name
choice is yours.
of the tavern was also random. For
you, the Dungeon Master, it’s a dot
on a map. There’s no significance to
the adventurers or the narrative
other than an overnight stop. Your other option is to say to the
players, “They aren’t talking about
You describe the scene no differently anything meaningful.” Your players
than every other generic tavern in a get the message that this town is
fantasy world: There’s a stage. A meaningless, and they move on. That’s
bard is singing a song about an epic boring. You’re the kind of Dungeon
adventure dating back hundreds of Master who wants depth, color, and
years. The details are wrong, the realism. It’s more than what the
poetry is bad, and the guy can’t townsfolk are talking about. It’s
carry a tune in a bucket. Four tough- what they are saying. You want to
looking men are in the corner playing give the impression that the people
3-Dragon Ante. A lonely man in a dark in this town are living real lives
cloak sits at the bar. The young and that they are worth saving. They
serving wench winds her way through may not have anything to offer the
the moderately-packed bar taking adventurers, but if their lives seem
orders and delivering drinks to the real, player immersion in your
patrons. setting deepens. How can you
accomplish this? That’s what this
One of the players makes the resource is for.
inevitable request: “I listen to the
people sitting around me. What are
they talking about?” Table 1: Type of Information 
First, you roll on Table 1 to
Options  determine the type
people offer. Feel
of information the
free to adjust it
What do you do? Maybe you’re good at table to suit your narrative. Roll a
coming up with side-quest adventures d20:
on the fly. Maybe you’re not. Either
way, here’s a situation where you have
nothing planned. Do you give them a
bit of juicy gossip or a rumor that
they can pursue, or would you rather
they move on from this town and stay
on course? I’m not talking about
railroading or taking away player
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Table 1: Type of Information  challenges a Dungeon Master faces is
improvising. For results 2-17, roll
d20  Result 
on Table 2.
1 Something related to the main
quest but is misleading or
false. Table 2: Casual Conversations 
2-17 Casual Conversations (roll on Table 2 contains 200 snippets of
Table 2.)
18-19 A rumor that leads to a side-
conversation a character might
quest. overhear. It doesn’t matter if they
20 A rumor that contributes or are in a tavern, in the market or town
helps the adventures related to square, or standing in line at the
the main quest. theater waiting to buy tickets. To use
the Table, roll a d10 and a d20. Find
Results 1, 18, 19, and 20, are up to the result. Feel free to adjust the
you*. If you have stuff prepared, go text to suit your adventure and
ahead and work it in. If not, be setting. If you see two dashes, it
ready to come up with something on- indicates there’s more than one NPC
the-fly. One of the most rewarding talking.

Table 2: Casual Conversations 
d8  d20  Conversation 
1 1 I swear! I was kidnapped by fairies! - - No, you old fool. You passed out drunk
and you woke up in jail last night.
1 2 I found a wonderful handcrafted doll at the market. I bought it for my daughter
for her birthday next week.
1 3 Lately, the fruit at the market hasn’t been as fresh as usual. Any thoughts as
to why?
1 4 It will be a hard winter this year, mark my words.
1 5 The barkeeper doesn’t like it when people don’t pay their tab. I suggest you
find a way to clear your debt as soon as you can.
1 6 I can’t believe it! I totally missed my wife’s birthday last week. What can I do
to make it up to her?
1 7 It was hilarious! His waterskin was leaking and it looked like he’d wet himself.
I don’t think he’ll ever live it down.
1 8 This bard has been playing here for two weeks, and he sings the same songs every
night. I wish he’d move on.
1 9 This is this bard’s first night here. I hope he’s better than the last one.
1 10 I really like how you styled your hair. Did you do it yourself?
1 11 I’m really impressed by the new hair stylist in the marketplace. She’s a bit
expensive though.
1 12 I stared at the dark figure in the corner for hours, but he never moved.
Finally, I got up and it turned out to be a hat and coat hanging on a rack. I
was so embarrassed.
1 13 I’m looking forward to the circus coming to town. It will be my son’s first.
1 14 Are you going to attend the town hall meeting tomorrow night? I plan to show up
and talk about the litter in the streets.
1 15 I wish this place had mutton. It’s my favorite dish, but they don’t serve it
1 16 On my way here, a group of boys were standing quietly on the other side of the
street watching me. It was creepy, I tell you.
1 17 I went by the apothecary the other day to get some potions. I think their prices
are way too high.
1 18 My son keeps telling me he wants to be an adventurer when he grows up. I hope
it’s just a phase.
1 19 My son is progressing well in his swordsman training. Every day he comes home
and shows us a new move he’s learned.

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1 20 I don’t know what I’m going to do about Mrs. Carethin. Every time she comes to
my shop, she complains about something. I think she’s just trying to get me to
lower my prices.
2 1 We’re having a get-together in a few days. I can’t decide if we should serve
pork or beef.
2 2 Have you tried the new malted beer this bar serves? I can’t seem to get enough
of it.
2 3 When my son got home after spending the day at the Kreutzwald farm, he told me
that he and the other boys spent the day pretending they were adventurers, and
how they went into the barn and slew the dragon.
2 4 You know, I think you look exactly like the Duke! You’re not him in disguise,
are you?
2 5 I heard they’re planning to raise taxes again. It’s like they can’t seem to get
enough of our money.
2 6 Twice this week I saw the town guards taking a break. You’d think with all this
stuff going on they’d be more vigilant.
2 7 Have you ever gone to the lake in springtime? It’s the most peaceful place I’ve
been. I plan to take the family at least once this year.
2 8 Don’t offer to buy an adventurer a drink. Next thing you know he’ll be doing a
quest for you and the only thing you can reward him with is a family heirloom.
2 9 My wife kicked me out yesterday. I’m staying here at the tavern until I can find
a place.
2 10 If you’re looking for a new wagon, I recommend the cartwright on Elm Street.
They seem to know what they’re doing.
2 11 A flight of gold dragons is worth more than a flight of red dragons. Even if you
don’t have the 13, it’s still worth more.
2 12 I’ve got my eye on a pretty girl. Do you think this is a good place to bring
2 13 I’m thinking about taking my wife out for a night on the town. Do you have any
2 14 I heard the king is going to conscript one able-bodied man from every family to
raise the army to defend the realm. Without our boys, who’s going to harvest the
crop this year?
2 15 What’s the worst curse you can imagine?
2 16 We’re thinking about moving to the west side of town. It’s closer to the market.
2 17 Did you hear what happened at the Trebert wedding? He said Pelesa instead of
Jehana. What a scandal!
2 18 I swear the rooster is crowin’ earlier every day.
2 19 Did you see the new statue the Lord commissioned? It’s hideous!
2 20 Last time adventurers came to town, they started a brawl right here in this
tavern. Seems there’s another group here now. Think we should leave and find
somewhere safer?
3 1 The last time adventurers came into town, the whole place was burned to the
ground. I hope it doesn’t happen again.
3 2 My neighbor’s cat had kittens. I think they’re selling them for a silver each.
3 3 I miss the old corner bar. Too bad that place burned down last year.
3 4 You know, all we do is sit in this bar and complain about our lives. I think
tomorrow I’m going to do something about it. - - That’s what you said yesterday.
- - And the day before.
3 5 We’re thinking about moving away from the big town. We think life in a small
village will be much quieter.
3 6 Every year the king comes up with some new laws that mess with our lives.
3 7 Why are those people at the corner table dressed funny? - - Maybe they’re going
to the masquerade ball dressed as adventurers or something.
3 8 Wouldn’t it be funny if you could listen in when the Lord is meeting with his
3 9 I heard that last year’s tournament champion is coming to town. I’m hoping to
take my son to get an autograph.
3 10 Every day that artist in the market tries to get me to pose for a picture. I
don’t have time for that, nor the money. I wish he’d just leave people alone.

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3 11 The tattoo parlor on Vine Street does great work. Let me show you my newest
3 12 Don’t let me hear you making moves toward that serving wench. She’s my daughter.
3 13 Did you see the new cart outside the butcher shop? Guess business is good.
3 14 The Berendrins dog had puppies. You should go by there if you want one. They are
as cute as can be.
3 15 Have you ever tried using a love potion? I’ve heard both good and bad about
3 16 Ziza’s favorite lamb got the bloat. She’s trying to nurse it back to health, but
I don’t think there’s anything we can do. It’s tough, but I think it’s a good
lesson for Ziza to learn.
3 17 Did they ever catch the guy who stole the bag of fruit from your stand?
3 18 I picked up this gnomish contraption for my daughter a month ago, but it quit
working after a couple days. Do you have any idea how to get it working?
3 19 Were you invited to Dralas Grillmeier’s annual dinner? I seemed to have been
overlooked again this year.
3 20 At this year’s tournament, I’m putting my money on Sir Penteen. I think he’s
much better than Sir Vyvalle.
4 1 The town guard needs to pay more attention. I saw an old lady squatting in the
alley off Main Street this morning. Not a guard in sight.
4 2 It’s a simple game. You start with three cards, discard one and draw two more.
You’re trying to make a set or a run.
4 3 Do you know what shows are coming to the amphitheater this season?
4 4 Don’t buy pipeweed from that kid on Blair Street. It’s dried oregano he got from
his mom’s herb garden.
4 5 My feet are sore! I think I need to find a new job where I’m not standing all
4 6 Don't get me started on the price of ore! Do those dwarves think we're made of
4 7 My oldest daughter is performing at the theatre this weekend. You should buy
tickets and see her. She’s really good, and I’m not just saying that because
she’s my daughter.
4 8 I hired a service to deliver a message to my brother in another town. I haven’t
received his reply yet.
4 9 It’s been a year since my wife passed away. I don’t know if I’m ready to start
looking for someone new yet.
4 10 It would be nice if we had one of those weather-controlling wizards living in
town. Some seasons we get too much rain, and others not enough.
4 11 I understand the Lord is looking for a new chef. Apparently the former one
wasn’t performing to expectations.
4 12 I had the carpenter at the house to fix the window the other day. I would have
done it myself if I had the time.
4 13 I was going to install a fence around my orchard to keep those damned kids out.
That is, until the steward told me I had to pay a zoning tax or something. I
can’t afford both the tax and the fence. I may as well let the kids have their
free apples.
4 14 I heard that Sinclair is working extra hours so he can afford a nice ring for
his girlfriend. Isn’t that romantic?
4 15 Have you been by that new church in the temple district? It’s quite a sight!
4 16 The last time the circus came to town, my son got scared by the clowns. I don’t
think we’ll go when they come this year.
4 17 I planted potatoes this year, but with the price of corn right now, I wish I’d
planted that instead. I don’t know how many more years we can keep going on like
this without a mill in town.
4 18 Every year around this time I feel nostalgic. I remember the old days when the
Lord would come through town and talk with the common-folk.
4 19 I heard that the leatherworker is selling doublets that he claims will protect
people from magic. Do you really think it will work?
4 20 I hate it when adventurers come to town. They’re always looking to do good
things. What happens when they leave? It all just goes back to the way it was
before. It never changes.

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5 1 This weather has been crazy lately. I wonder if it’s a sign from the gods?
5 2 Lilly's doing much better. Thankfully it’s not the pox.
5 3 Last year my son joined the town guard. Already, he’s been promoted twice. He’s
a natural.
5 4 My brother says he has a new girlfriend, but I’ve never seen her, and he won’t
bring her to the house. I can’t decide if he’s lying or what.
5 5 I’ll loan you the hundred silver pieces, but you gotta agree to the terms.
Interest is five percent per month and you gotta pay it all back in a year.
5 6 Do you know a good carpenter? I need to repair the roof, but I don’t have the
right tools to do it.
5 7 Did you hear about that Pinon kid? He was walking the fence-post, lost his
balance, and fell into the pig sty. I don’t think ten baths will wash the stench
5 8 I heard the princesses were arguing again over what spices the chef uses in the
broth. Those two can never agree on anything!
5 9 I think my wife is having an affair with the bartender here. I’m going to follow
him home later to see where he goes.
5 10 What should I get my wife for our anniversary next week?
5 11 I heard that Minrell and Lecia are back together. Do you think they’ll finally
tie the knot?
5 12 Did you give any money to the orphanage last year? I hear they’re doing another
5 13 Have you heard the mayor was caught out with Lady Blackmore? His wife will have
his head.
5 14 It’s a shame Baker Ramir died last fall. His bread was always the best.
5 15 Terrica Brushberry is going to get herself killed if she keeps saying what she’s
been saying about the Lord. It’s not that I agree or disagree. I just don’t
think it’s a good idea to be so up-front about it.
5 16 That commotion in the market this morning was nothing. The Dunthri boy got
separated from his mother and was crying. It didn’t take long to get them back
5 17 Did you see that fish that Old Macky caught last week? I don’t think I’ve seen
anything bigger.
5 18 My wife went to the seer the other day. Supposedly we’re going to have a
bountiful harvest this year. I think they say this to everyone.
5 19 You know, I think it would be better if the king just gave in to the bandits on
the road instead of sending out patrols to kill them. Seems the harder he
resists, the worse they get.
5 20 Have you had a chance to congratulate Uther and his wife on their new baby?
6 1 I heard that the constabulary was going to protest for higher wages. What are
they going to do, turn their backs on criminals?
6 2 Have you tried the new brew? It has a great aged flavor. If you like head on
your ale, you will love it.
6 3 My Sinclair is always busy. He says he’s at work, but I think he might be seeing
my cousin, Delana. That hussy!
6 4 I hope the locusts don’t come back again this year. Last year they ruined
several acres of our crops.
6 5 Last time I was here, I got drunk. I have no idea how I got home that night.
6 6 The next time an adventurer asks me where they can find an adventure, I’m going
to tell him to go to the old ruins to the south. - - But there aren’t any ruins
south of here. - - I know!
6 7 Krond is the laziest bastard in town. No wonder his farm is failing.
6 8 The other day some boy was standing outside my daughter’s window reciting bad
poetry. I know she could do better!
6 9 I hear that Sir Tenlee is returning to the tournament this year. I guess he’s
recovered from the injuries he suffered last year.
6 10 Did you get a chance to pay your respects to old Rederik Minthill? He may have
been a beggar when he died, but in his day, he served in the king’s army. I
think he was a hero.
6 11 The only thing I want those adventurers to do in this town is to stop by my
booth tomorrow and buy some sausage, and not haggle over the price!

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6 12 That was one hell of a roast you made the other night.
6 13 I think they’re chopping down the woods on the east side of town so they can
build a new market district. I don’t know what the Lord is thinking, because
there’s plenty of available booth space in the west-side market.
6 14 Are you planning to attend the execution of that murderer tomorrow?
6 15 The only reason the elders at our temple raised the tithe from 10% to 15% is
because they are greedy. It’s not like our temple needs a new roof or anything.
6 16 I’m told the young Baudart couple is wanting children. I just don’t see how
bringing children into this world at a time like this makes any sense.
6 17 Those missionaries came by the house again yesterday. I’m afraid my husband is
going to join that church.
6 18 Old Minty said she’s retiring so she can spend more time with the grand kids.
6 19 I’m looking forward to this year’s festival. I enjoy seeing the new fashions.
6 20 I gave my wife’s stew recipe to the cook here. He said he’d try it and let me
know. That was a month ago and I still haven’t talked to him.
7 1 The pie my wife makes is better than they make here. The only difference is that
I can’t get my wife to make pie.
7 2 I hate it when adventurers come to town. They spend a lot of gold and it really
screws up the economy for the rest of us.
7 3 I think my son’s friends are a bad influence, but he refuses to listen to me.
7 4 How are you managing with the cabbage harvest? Do you need me to send one of the
girls over to help you pickle them?
7 5 The crops are growing nicely. Old Barnes was wrong again.
7 6 I ran into Mirabella and her dog again today. She talks to that damned mutt like
he’s her husband.
7 7 With my cousin in jail, things have been quiet around the house. He was always a
trouble maker.
7 8 Do you think Sir Rendarr will do well in the tournament this year? I always root
for the underdog.
7 9 I offered the Mazerolle boys 2 coppers each to clean out the pig sty. They only
did half the work, so I only paid them half. Now they’re going around saying I’m
the one who cheated them.
7 10 Did you see Farmer Smith’s new gazebo?
7 11 The food is better at the tavern across the street, but I like the ale here
7 12 Old Tharbin’s been spending a lot of time with Mrs. Devogel. Think there’s
something going on there? I’d hate to be in Aylard’s shoes.
7 13 You know, I like that guy who prints all those fliers. I just wish he’d learn to
7 14 I bought a golden pinecone ornament from a traveling merchant that came through
a few days ago. My wife said I wasted my money and threw it in the trash. How
could I have been so stupid?
7 15 Why can’t the bandits and the patrols fight their battles on the roads? Last
week they trampled an acre of my farmland. I’ll never be able to recoup the
7 16 I think the king, the lord, and the gods are in cahoots. They’re in it together
to steal money and labor from us little people.
7 17 I hear the stable master is looking for a new stable boy. Wirt got kicked and
broke his leg. They might have to amputate. It’ll be at least a month before he
can go back to work, if ever.
7 18 Don’t let the beggar on Garden Street fool you. He’s quite capable of doing
real, honest work. As long as people throw coins his way, he’ll just keep
7 19 That’s another family packed up and moved to the big city. Damn fools, if you
ask me.
7 20 I can feel it in my bones. They always ache when the weather’s about to change.
8 1 The next time the circus comes to town, you need to be sure to get some funnel
cakes. They are fabulous!
8 2 Do you have any idea why Mrs. Pagstatia is trapping frogs? What do you think
she’s going to do with them?
8 3 Bah, those seeds just didn't take this year. It's going to be a small crop.

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8 4 I wish my daughter hadn’t gone off with those boys from across the river. I know
it’s her choice, but those kids are just plain folk and have nothing to offer.
8 5 I think I’m going to spend my bonus money on some new shoes. Which cobbler do
you think does better work?
8 6 Lad! I hear you just got married! Good on ya!
8 7 I’m amazing at apple picking. I can strip the tree in under half an hour. Old
Farmer Clive promised me a fat bonus this week.
8 8 The guards caught a peasant woman in bed with a merchant. It seems there are no
taboos anymore.
8 9 That no-good Miggletree boy finally got caught. He’s not going to like what he’s
got coming to him. I don’t think his dad can get him out of jail this time.
8 10 Times are getting so tough that I think I’ll have to sell my daughter just to
have a decent meal.
8 11 If you get a chance, go to the library and check out the new book by Channary
Harnely. It’s a great story about adventurers traveling from town-to-town
helping the downtrodden.
8 12 I had the blacksmith make a new plow for the farm. I think he really knows what
he’s doing.
8 13 Those of us who work the docks always seem to get a bad rep, but if you ask me,
it’s honest work.
8 14 I always order my steak medium, but they always cook it well done. I’ve given up
complaining about it.
8 15 Business hasn’t been great this year, but my wife doesn’t know. She’s spent most
of our savings and I don’t have the heart to tell her that if she doesn’t quit
living like royalty, we’ll be in the Poor House for sure.
8 16 I just don´t trust that darn halfling. He always has that creepy grin on his
face. I think he’s up to something.
8 17 Have you tried that new bakery down the street? Their cakes are amazing.
8 18 Shame about Brigby’s dog, though I’m not going to miss his constant barking all
night long.
8 19 I dunno mate. My kids just don’t talk to me anymore. Ya know?
8 20 My cousin wrote me from his home on the other side of the mountains. Apparently,
some adventurers came through and resolved some real problems. Can you believe
9 1 I’ve been taking care of my mother for over a year. I know it sounds terrible,
but some days I wish she’d just die.
9 2 I think life in this small town is too slow. I’m going to move to the big city.
9 3 I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard that taxes were being lowered. Some days
I think the Lord really does care about us.
9 4 I bought a love potion for my son to give to this girl he likes. He’s afraid to
use it, though.
9 5 I started a new job last week. The work’s hard, but I’m getting paid twice as
9 6 My brother’s been with the town guard for five years, but he’s never been
promoted. I’m tired of hearing him complain about it.
9 7 Let me show you how big that fish I caught was. - - Every time you tell this
story, the fish grows by a hand-span.
9 8 Even though his poetry is horrible, and he can’t play the lute, the boy in love
with my daughter stands outside her window every night trying to get her
attention. I think it’s romantic.
9 9 After spending two months in jail, my cousin came home yesterday.
9 10 I considered buying a love potion, but I want her to love me for who I am, not
because of a spell.
9 11 If the gods were to visit us in this bar right now, what do you think they’d
9 12 The last person who drank Lessia’s cider got sick. I’m afraid to try it.
9 13 I was excited when the caravan came to town from that far-away land, until I saw
their prices.
9 14 Last year, when Sir Kall lost in the final round, I lost everything. I’m not
gambling on this year’s tournament at all. I’ve learned my lesson.

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9 15 I think the picture on the Dragonslayer card looks like someone I know. You
think they might be related?
9 16 Did you hear about those kids? They were sneaking along behind Mrs. Belger’s
house right when she dumped the bathwater out the window. They got what they
9 17 I like the work the cobbler on North Street does, but I still think he charges
too much.
9 18 Last week the grocer had a sale on cherries. I wanted to get some to make a pie,
but I was too busy to get down there. Do you think he has any left?
9 19 The fletcher came by the farm yesterday to buy chicken feathers. Seems he has a
big order to fill for some adventurers. Unfortunately, I only had a few.
9 20 I have to move. Living downwind from the pig farm is just too much.
Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone will buy my property.
10 1 I heard there was an assassination attempt against the lord last week. I wonder
if those adventurers are behind it. Seems trouble only comes when they’re
10 2 Mr. Jordin put out a bounty on the guy who ran off with his daughter. What does
he think’s going to happen? The two are in love and nothing he’s going to do is
ever going to change it.
10 3 I hope that half-elf guy, Padeupar, gets knighted so he can participate in the
tournament next month. I think he has real chance.
10 4 This bard seems to only know three chords. If he’s going to perform for the
lord, he needs to learn to play better.
10 5 Did you hear about the king’s jester? He said the wrong thing and was this close
to getting executed. If it weren’t for the queen, I think his head would have
been rolling.
10 6 I couldn’t believe it. The blacksmith’s apprentice almost nailed the horseshoes
on my horse backwards.
10 7 If you heard wolves howling last night, don’t worry. It’s just a bunch of kids
pulling a prank.
10 8 I heard that a hawk flew off with one of Mrs. Veter’s cats last week. I kind of
wish she’d lose more of them. It’s not like we have a rat problem in this town.
10 9 My son and his wife are thinking of joining that caravan heading up the coast.
If they go, we won’t see them again for at least a year.
10 10 I saw they are renovating that old chapel on the south end of town. Its about
time. That place was falling apart.
10 11 You know, I think every year the barrel-wright makes his barrels just a tad
smaller, but his prices keep going up.
10 12 I can’t decide if I should drink mead or ale tonight. - - How about both? - - I
like the way you think! Yo, barkeep!
10 13 I think those people over there are looking at me. - - Of course, they’re
looking at you. They’re adventurers and they’re hoping you might have a quest
for them. - - Well, I don’t. They can just go and bother someone else.
10 14 Why do you always win this game? - - It’s easy. Whenever you get a good deal,
you smile. That’s when I fold. You need to learn to control your face.
10 15 So, if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where did they come from?
How many pickled peppers are in a peck? - - Son, you need to find more important
things to think about.
10 16 I can’t believe it. The seamstress repaired my red trousers with green thread.
Can’t she tell the difference?
10 17 I’m not buying butter from Farmer Gaston anymore. It’s always too hard. I like
the creamy butter that Farmer Avensteen makes.
10 18 It’s looking like we’re going to have a bumper crop of apples this year. I can
already taste the cider wine.
10 19 Good beer, good atmosphere, and a halfway decent bard. I like this place.
10 20 You know, considering everything, I’d say this town’s actually a nice place to


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Final Thoughts  There were several people who
understood what I’m attempting to do
When I brought up this idea in an and provided some great feedback and
online group, several people suggestions. I would be remiss if I
misinterpreted the intention and didn’t give credit where credit is due.
accused me of railroading players.
Railroading is not the intent of this Contributors:
resource, nor is it the type of game I Stephen Henri Adolf; Hash W. Brown;
run. How you run your game is up to you Kathryn Churchill; James Coppin; Elena
and your group, and I don’t want to Dominguez; Les Headley; Emil Bisgaard
influence you either way. What this Jepsen; Katherine Kitt; LeAnne Marie;
supplement does is provide you some Neil Meyer; Chuck Morris; Jak Petch;
options toward making your setting more Neal Robinson; Ursula Skeet; Toby Slim;
interesting and making your NPCs seem John Smith; Edward Still; Ron Strong;
like real people rather than clichéd Dani Sweet; Kirsten Wyatt
cardboard cut-outs.
Vicki Grant; Ryan Swingley

Check out my other titles!
uct/265907/Expanded-Wild- uct/275947/Here-Be-Dragons

Look for new titles from IndySligo Games coming soon, including “Not-So-Casual
Conversations”, “Seven Sub-Classes”, and more!

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