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Our Lady of Guadalupe Minor Seminary

S.Y. 2020-2021


In light of the confirmed cases of Novel Coronavirus infection in the

country and several others being monitored by the Department of  Health
(DOH), Our Lady of Guadalupe Minor Seminary (OLGMS) has undertaken
precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus. These include
intensified monitoring, strengthened preparedness, and rapid response plans.
To date, OLGMS has acquired personal protective equipment, disinfecting
solution, and thermal scanners. Disinfecting solution is available at the gate,
and masks will be provided at the Information Office to those who exhibit

OLGMS is steadfast in its role to halt the transmission of COVID-19

infection. Before the implementation of NCR Community Quarantine on March
15, 2020, thermal scanners have been installed at the entrance gate to screen
the temperature of all those who enter the seminary premises.

Disinfecting solution is available at the gate and masks have been

purchased and become available in the Information Office. Precautionary
measures have been posted for the OLGMS community to be reminded on how
to prevent the epidemic.

The OLGMS skeletal force was  regularly sanitizing classrooms, comfort

rooms, dormitories, chapel, and other areas  frequented  by people.  Sanitizing
supplies are also constantly re-stocked.

Upon cancellation of classes in the National Capital Region (NCR) last

March 11, 2020, seminarians were sent home immediately to ensure their


As a quick response to Covid 19 pandemic, these relevant guidelines are

made by the formators and faculty to ensure the safety of all OLGMS
stakeholders and to ‘protect formation’ against the threat of Covid 19 virus.


Seminarians at this time of pandemic are expected to be “EXTRA” mindful

of each other’s wellness and health. Basic care & concern are rudimentary.
Courtesy and sense of decency as well as RESPECT for one’s SPACE are
required to assist one another. It is but appropriate that each one to be more
conscious of one’s personal hygiene, neatness of personal belongings and
upkeep of ones surroundings. Every seminarian’s cooperation is crucial.

1. Social distancing by everyone is a must. (3 feet or 1 meter apart) at

all times whenever feasible.

2. Masks or gloves as necessary must be worn at communal activities.

3. No spiting is allowed.

4. Cover one’s mouth when sneezing or coughing with a handkerchief or


5. All masks/gloves are to be disposed on one communal letter bag to

safeguard our government garbage collectors from any

6. Initial signs of cold, fever, flu or ailments must be reported to the

School Nurse.

7. Washing of hands with soap, thoroughly and as often as needed,

especially before eating and serving are highly recommended.

8. Alcohol/sanitizers are to be provided.

9. Temperature must be monitored, particularly those students and

staff coming back to the seminary grounds. Security office handles
the monitoring.

10. Seminarians and staff are expected to jointly sanitize daily all public
areas of the Seminary.

11. Every student must have a VITAMIN prescribed by their family

physician to ensure a healthy immune system.

12. All students are required to have a daily 30 minute daily exercise at
the minimum. No one is exempted, everyone is asked to actively play
during sports time his preferred game while using common sense in
observing social distancing.

13. Therefore, activities undertaken by minor seminarians when on

seminary grounds whether there be in Praying, Eating, Studying,
Sleeping, Cleaning, Playing, Socializing, Performing tasks for the
community etc… must always be mindful of RESPECTING the SPACE
of others. The usual handshakes and ‘Pinoy’ touch are for now on

14. Upon coming back to seminary from a weekend, errand on a

permissible excuse, all must pass through the security for
temperature check and deposit of all gadgets and extra food packed
or not.

15. No more MANO to greet an elderly, just bow your head in attention.

16. No students must be seen in public area or elsewhere when the time
requires them to be in a particular place. NO LOITERING.


A. On Admission

1. Online platform for entrance examinations, interviews, deliberations and

enrolment are to be set-up.

2. Online tests may be conducted to view applicant’s academic ability, written

communication skills and personality instead of using standardized tests.
Once ‘physical presence’ is allowed, the applicant has to report to the
admission office to take these standardized tests observing social distancing.

3. The submission of requirements can also be done electronically for the

meantime – actual documents to follow.

4. A medical certificate is to be required for admission with specific emphasis on

being cleared with Covid 19 virus.

B. On Instructions

1. Instructional Delivery: Set of Activities where seminarians cold explore

different concepts concerning the lesson. This defines the teacher’s strategy.
This could be based from the AMT classification of the learning competencies
and the suggested activities in the DCM. This could be chunked into three

a. Seminarians’ Individual (if ECQ is extended) or Group activity (if ECQ is

lifted). At this part, the teacher may give frontal/online lessons. After
which, he/she has to give the seminarians the time to work on the activity
with questions as guides.

b. Seminarians’ Individual (if ECQ is extended) or Group (if ECQ is lifted)

Presentation. This portion could be done either on frontal, online or large
group discussion venues.

c. Teacher Conducts the Processing of Lessons. The teacher shall accomplish

the task either frontal or online means.

2. The employment of the Learning Plan shall either be frontal (if ECQ is lifted) or
online (if ECQ is extended). Online delivery could be done utilizing Google
Classroom Technology or any available school system management provider.

3. Frontal or Online delivery of instruction shall not exceed two (2) hours of
contact per week. The remaining time shall be allotted for seminarians’
activities, mostly accomplishing performance-based tasks.

4. In conducting online classes, some factors need to be considered:

a. To conduct a survey to our students with regard the availability of technology

at home (viz. desktop, tablet, laptop, mobile phone and internet connection)

b. To do the same survey to our teachers as mentioned above and also of what
alternative methods aside from frontal teaching and online classes that can
be utilized which are known today as “Distant Learning Methods” such as
modular program, home study, flipped classroom, etc.)

c. To check and improve the available infrastructures of OLGMS that are

necessary in conducting online classes

5. The report cards shall be distributed two weeks after the scheduled quarterly
examination. Hard copies shall be given to parents face to face in case the ECQ
is lifted. If and when ECQ is extended, the parents shall be furnished soft
copies via electronic mail.

6. Mid-Year and Final Evaluation of seminarians’ formation shall be done

conventionally in case the ECQ is lifted. If extended, the teachers shall furnish
the principal copies of seminarians’ evaluation. The principal shall collate the
information and shall forward the draft to the Fr. Rector. The Fr. Rector together
with other priest formators convene for the review and finalization of the

7. Extra Academic activities mandated by DepEd shall be done observing social

distancing once ECQ is lifted. Whenever extended, the seminarians shall be
given online activities in lieu of the aforementioned.

8. Deliberation of Honors as well as Moving Up and Graduation Ceremonies shall

be done as agreed by the priest formators and lay teachers. Their
implementation depends on developments concerning the crisis that confronts
the country.

C. On Classroom Management

1. Observe Covid-19 protocols: wear face mask, checking body temperature

and observe social distancing at all times.

2. Teachers and Seminarians must observe social distancing. 1-seat apart

should be set for the seminarians during classes.

3. If possible, maximum of 15 seminarians per classroom to avoid physical


4. Strictly no sharing of school materials.

5. Avoid physical contact activities during classes.

6. Seminarians are not allowed to roam around in the classroom. Stay in

proper places must be strictly observed.

7. Seminarians who are not feeling well will not be allowed to attend classes.
Unwell seminarian/s must go immediately to the infirmary and be
addressed by the infirmarians.

8. Seminarians will be required to use hand sanitizer/alcohol on the way in

and out of the room across the day.

9. Practice cough etiquette by covering the mouth and nose with handkerchief
or tissue.

10. Seminarians are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.

11. Every lavatory in the toilet should be provided with hand wash/soap to
encourage proper hand washing among students.

12. At the opening of the academic year, an orientation is to be conducted to

educate students about important information addressing Covid 19. This
can be followed up and enriched more in the PE/Health class of each level.

13. In case a student incurs Covid 19 virus within the school year and is
required to be quarantined at home or be confined in a hospital, special
consideration should be rendered in terms of their academic requirements
due to humanitarian reason.

14. Student’s violation of any oriented rules and regulations in relation to Covid
19 pandemic within the classroom setting could be subject to disciplinary


1. Seminarians entering the chapel must disinfect their hands by using

alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

2. Each pew will only seat 2 seminarians every prayer time. During big
gatherings from which social distancing cannot be properly observed inside
the chapel, live-streaming mass will be set-up in the auditorium and under
the veranda.

3. All mass servers must be seated apart from each other observing rule on
social distancing.

4. The seminarian in-charge of preparing wine and hosts for Mass needs to
wear a mask and gloves. The vessels containing the bread and wine are to
remain covered until placed on the altar.

5. Sharing of the Sign of Peace by handshake or hug is suspended.

6. If a seminarian needs to assist the priest during communion, he must wash

his hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately before and
after distributing communion.

7. Reception of communion must be by hand only.

8. Communion from the cup is suspended. Only the priest is to commune

from the Chalice. If concelebrants and/or deacons are present or if OLGMS
birthday celebrants are invited, they commune by intinction.

9. No student is allowed to use or borrow any prayer book except his own. It is
his duty to bring his own prayer book where needed.

10. All Liturgical servers are advised to wash their hands prior and after

11. Priests, deacons, lay, readers, and servers—since they will be touching
items in common—are to sanitize their hands before and after Mass, and
during Mass if their hands become contaminated.

12. Strictly no spitting and no one is allowed to leave the chapel once services
start. Movements around are discouraged unnecessary.

13. Confessions will be done in the sacristy with windows open. Liturgist will
ensure that all confessional boxes be fitted with special cloth used during
the SARS epidemic to protect both the confessor and penitent.

14. Students are mandated to be neat and clean for the service, mouth wash
use as often as feasible to eliminate bacteria are required.

15. Chapel cleaners must disinfect the area with the help of house personnel on
a daily basis.

16. After being properly purified, all Mass vessels (chalices, patens, and ciboria)
are to be carefully washed in hot water after each Mass.

17. During family mass in the seminary, collection baskets are not to be
passed. It is preferred that a collection basket or locked “poor box” be
placed at the entrance(s) of the church; alternatively, baskets with handles
may be used (in which case ushers are to wear gloves and immediately

wash their hands after the collection). The money collected is to be

“quarantined” for 3 days before being counted. Those removing money from
the collection baskets or boxes are to wear gloves and wash their hands
afterwards. The collection is not carried in procession as part of the
preparation of the gifts and altar.

18. Since breviary, spiritual reading books and song books cannot be properly
sanitized, they are to be removed from the pews. It is preferable that
familiar music be chosen so that no aids are needed. Maximizing the use of
multi-media technology is highly encouraged.

19. Every presider is requested to bring his own chalice.

20. Dedicated microphone for the presider during liturgical celebrations and
regular disinfection of all the microphones.


A. Dormitory

1. All personal belongings are to be secured on the student’s assigned locker.

Dirty/used clothes for laundry are to be stored in the student’s laundry bag.
Wet clothes for drying will be assigned to a specific room by the Prefect of

2. No one may sit or sleep or simply lie on anyone’s bed except his own.
Violation can be subject to disciplinary action.

3. No group chat/gathering is allowed in the dorms. Personal chats are

discouraged unless extremely necessary.

4. Silence in the corridors and stairwells are now mandated.

5. As a matter of rule, lines must be formed when coming up the stairs and
corridors with social distancing observed.

6. Each student may bring individual Lysol spray disinfectant for linens and
clothes protection from bacteria.

7. All sheet covers (blue), pillow cases, bed covers are to be washed weekly and
brought home and back from a family weekend. It is suggested that warm
water and anti-bac soap be used for washing this at home.

8. Extra care and cleaning for the NEXT USER of toilet/bathroom/lavatory are
to be inculcated in the mindset of every seminarian.

9. Cleaners of dorms, toilet, lavatories must come from the same year that uses
the same area. Floors are to be mapped and disinfected with Lysol, with the
assistance of seminary staff/house.

10.To effect social distancing, less talk is required and proper space be

11. All students are prohibited from ‘visits’ or staying in another dormitory.

12.No student may use toiletries personal belongings of another student.

13.No seminarians may be allowed in the dormitory during class hours and
communal activities for it will be locked. This is to be strictly observed.

14.No books and food are allowed in the dormitory.

15.Two sets of emergency kits be provided both for the dormitory and the
classroom aside from their personal supply of basic necessities (e.g. alcohol,
face mask, etc.).

B. Refectory

1. Each table must only seat 2 per bench or 4 in a table. Additional 2 on the
heads may be considered.

2. Food warmers will still be used for students as warm food keep bacteria away
but all students are to form lines with proper distance. Once seated, no one
is allowed to move around. Only the house personnel may go around with
extra rice and viand. The personnel are asked to be in proper and clean
uniform of masks and gloves.

3. Prior to the meals, it is highly encouraged that all thoroughly wash their
hands with soap.
4. Punctuality for all is essential not only to bring the community in order but
to reduce contacts due to unnecessary movements when students get in late.

5. Infirmarians may bring food to the sick only after meals. The meals are to be
prepared on a tray and covered with plastic by kitchen personnel.

Infirmarians must notify at once the head of Refectory group. Infirmarians

are required to wear masks/gloves.

6. No students during meals will be allowed to stand. There will be assigned

servers masked and with gloves who will go around to collect plates, utensils
and left overs for each table. In the evening, after supper and prayers
assigned, washers may comply with their assigned tasks. No one must touch
their eyes and mouth until their hands are thoroughly washed with soap.

7. No one is allowed to bring in extra food including packed snacks. No one may
pass on or share extra food until the pandemic is under control.

8. Kitchen staff must ALWAYS ensure that the food purchased are prepared
meeting the standards required by the DOH/DepEd. Check sanitary permit’s

9. The Refectory and Kitchen must be “TOPS” in hygiene. Staff must be in

uniform, hands washed and the place is sanitized daily.

10.Seminar on “Food Handling” is to be conducted for all kitchen staff.

11.A separate ration of food should be provided both for the security guards and
the faculty. While the other employees are to eat all together during their
lunch break.

C. Study Hall

1. Social distancing should be strictly observed in the study hall. Thus,

consultation period is to be prohibited at this time.

2. Laptops are ONLY allowed in the study hall in lieu of online learning.
But the programs/apps to be installed in these laptops are to be
regulated and checked by the faculty.

3. Daily cleaning of study tables and chairs is to be done faithfully.

D. Sports Time

1. Sports programs should disseminate information to all staff, coaches,

players, and parents about the Covid-19 risk and practices that should be

undertaken to mitigate risks. Information should be disseminated by way of

email, coach talks, and public announcements.

2. It is suggested that seminarians who are asthmatic or has other health-

related problems with compromised immune systems are not allowed to
attend sports time due to risk of infection.

3. Do not enter to the gym, recreational hall if you are exhibiting any signs of
illness such as sneezing, coughing, sniffles, have fever, or don’t feel well.

4. It is suggested that you refrain from shaking of hands, hugs, or otherwise

come in close contact with your co-seminarians.

5. Players and coaches should practice proper hygiene, wash hands frequently
with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
abstain from touching their face (mouth, eyes, or nose), and cover their
cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw tissue in the trash.

6. Facilities and sports committee should provide hand washing and hand
sanitizer stations and should schedule mandatory use at breaks. Clothes
should be laundered after sports time.

7. Seminarians and coaches should practice healthy habits including adequate


8. Sports Facility operators and team staff should disinfect on all training areas,
equipment, common areas, door handles, water fountains and bathrooms,
etc. on a regular basis.

9. Seminarians and coaches should bring their own water bottles to reduce risk
of transmission.

E. Housecleaning

1. Students are asked to be more mindful in their cleaning assignments as an

act of loving service to their brothers in Jesus.

2. Sanitize your assigned area on a daily basis

3. Clean the toilet, lavatory and bathroom you used for the next person. Your
concern may save us the trouble of getting contaminations or injections.

4. All masks and gloves are to be disposed properly.


5. All trash cans are to be segregated and are stationed in the ‘bridges’ of every
floor. Only the personnel can collect the garbage after the house cleaning


1. Anyone who attempts to enter the seminary premises but found with 38
centigrade temperature will not be allowed entry.

2. No facial mask, no entry. Also, each guest is required to have their own
supply of alcohol.

3. Anyone who exhibits external manifestations of flu (like sneezing, coughing

and the like) can be denied entry.

4. Regular disinfection of facilities (e.g. courts and rental places) especially after
its use.

5. The security guards are required to wear facial mask and/or shield and even
hand gloves.

6. Disinfecting solution (e.g. alcohol) and thermal scanners are regularly

stationed in the main gate.

7. All students and personnel who are exhibiting flu-like symptoms are denied
to report for work or school until a medical clearance is provided.

8. An isolation room (aside from infirmary) should be set-up for suspected

persons inside the seminary.

9. All guests entering the seminary premises should undergo the process of
screening, as stated above, before allowed entry.

10. Every visiting Sunday guests should be limited to immediate family members

11. No spitting around the seminary premises.

12. At the beginning of the school year, the use of gymnasium and Savio Retreat
Center is for the meantime closed until further notice. Whenever it is
reopened, a strict screening process should be observed as stated above.

13. Make an agreement form or a sort of waiver about OLGMS parental authority
in the context of Covid 19.

14. For all personnel and old timers-seminarians: make a survey of their health
status and updates for profiling. It could be done by sending email or
through phone call.

15. OLGMS Community should submit the required health questionnaires before
acceptance and/or have a clearance from their outside communities such as

16. If any in the community has fever or other COVID-19 symptoms, he/she will
be required a 14-day quarantine or force isolation to avoid transmission risk.

17. Travel History should be disclosed immediately. None disclosure should fall
to dishonesty.

18. All those who travelled to affected areas are encouraged to self-quarantine at
home for at least 14 days and to seek medical attention. Those with no
history of travel who experience respiratory symptoms must inform their
immediate superior and are required to consult their attending physician and
get a clearance before re-entering the campus.

19. Faculty, staff, and seminarians with recent travel to places identified to have
been visited by people who had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases
are advised to consult their immediate superior for signs and symptoms
including fever, runny nose, sore throat, and difficulty in breathing.

20. There should be periodic disinfection of surfaces (e.g. door knobs, phones,
microphones, keyboards, etc.).

21. “Markings” are to be placed in designated areas like the refectory, chapel, etc.
to enforce strictly social distancing.


A. Toilets

1. Features of a Functional and Clean Toilet

a. Ratio of 2-3 students per cubicle
b. Lighting and ventilation
c. Floor mats (entrance and exit)
d. Cleaning materials (mop, bucket, cleaning detergent, gloves, rag, toilet
brush with holder, etc.)
e. Maintenance Materials (pipe wrenches, toilet pump, can sealant, teflon
tapes, etc.)
f. Handwashing facility (running water, hand soap dispenser, paper hand
towels, etc.)

g. Step-on Trash bins

h. Toilet tissues
i. Bucket and dipper

2. Proper Use of Toilets

a. Enter: Wipe your footwear on the floor mat before entering.

b. Use: Follow proper etiquette when using the toilet and flush after use.

c. Clean: Throw your thrash in proper bins and not in the toilet; wipe off any
stains from the bowl; and wash your hands with soap, and dry them off
before going out of the comfort room.

d. Maintain: Inform the personnel if supplies are missing, lacking or if

something is broken.

3. Proper Maintenance of Toilets

a. Regularly check the stocks of the toilet essentials (soap, toilet papers, and
paper towels)

b. Toilets, urinals and washing facilities should be cleaned every day.

c. Disinfect the comfort room weekly.

d. Personnel should wear protection (e.g., gloves, face masks) when cleaning.

e. Everyone should be oriented on the proper use of cleaning materials and

safety precautions. Corrosives like bleach and muriatic acid should ONLY
be handled by adults.

f. Hand hygiene with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water should
be performed after removing PPE.

B. Waste Management (Solid Wastes and Wastewater Management)

1. Solid Waste Management

a. Identify the sources of solid waste in school, and identify collectors or
users of recycled or re-usable solid waste among the community.

b. Segregate the solid wastes into four groups:

i. Compostable Wastes (Biodegradable) – mainly leftover foods, fruit and
vegetable peelings and trimmings from food preparation, fallen parts of
plants and trees

ii. Recyclable Wastes – used paper, plastic containers with recyclable

markings, metals, discarded glass. Any waste that is free of

contamination and can still be converted for suitable beneficial use.

Separate bins may be used in the classrooms and faculty for papers.

iii.Special Wastes (Hazardous) – may include paints and thinners, worn-

out furniture, non-functioning electrical supplies and equipment waste
which requires safe handling and storage, and special treatment;
disposable masks and PPEs.

iv. Residual Wastes (Non-Biodegradable) - used paper towels, worn out

rags, cartons with plastic liners used for packaging food and beverages.
Solid wastes that cannot be composted or recycled.

c. Use separate color-coded and labeled containers for each type of waste. If
available, use step-on lid trash bins.

d. Segregated trash bins are ONLY AVAILABLE in the bridges.

e. Oriented everyone – seminarians, parents/relatives, and personnel – on

how to identify and segregate trash.

f. A composting facility (using compostable or biodegradable waste) may be

built near seminary garden, and designated personnel should be
knowledgeable about its operation and maintenance.

g. Use mask and gloves when collecting the trash.

h. Clean and disinfect the trash bins weekly.

2. Wastewater Management
a. Maintain functional septic tank and drainage system.

b. Inspect the septic tank and drainage system at least twice a year.

c. Follow dengue prevention:

i. Cover trash bins, and other containers.

ii. Clean and replace water in flower vases once a week.

iii.Dispose trash that collect water (e.g., bottles, tin cans, jars, and old

iv. Cover holes around the school with soil or sand.

v. Do not keep plants that collect water.


C. Food Safety and Sanitation

1. Features of Safe and Sanitary Kitchen

a. Screened windows and doors
b. Adequate lighting and ventilation
c. Proper labelling of condiments
d. Daily sterilization of feeding paraphernalia
e. Proper storage of kitchen utensils and food
f. Segregated trash bins with cover
g. Clean, orderly, and odor free kitchen
h. Daily cleaning materials of kitchen premises

2. Attire For Food Handlers

a. Hairnet – hair tucked inside the hairnet
b. Facial mask (washable mask)
c. Apron (washable apron)
d. For food servers: gloves (washable gloves)
e. No earrings, necklaces, rings, wrist watches
f. Nails short and clean
g. Wounds all covered

3. Food Safety Standards

a. Availability of potable drinking water and hand washing facilities
b. Well-maintained, clean, well-ventilated and pest-free environment;
Disinfect the area weekly.
c. Availability of food covers and containers for safekeeping
d. Hygienic practices on food preparation, cooking display, serving and

4. Food Handling and Preparation

a. Observe cleanliness and good personal hygiene.
b. Buy good quality food.
c. Store food properly. Put them in covered containers and separate them
according to its type.
d. Cook food thoroughly.
e. Use safe water.
f. Observe proper servicing of food.

5. Utensils and Dishes

a. Utensils, dishes and cups should be washed thoroughly and be sanitized
in the dishwasher regularly.
b. The silverware, metal utensils, and pots and pans should be disinfected by
boiling in water for 10 minutes.
c. Dishes should be air-dried. Do not use a towel.

d. Cabinets or containers used to store the utensils and dishes should

always be kept clean and should be disinfected weekly.


A. On Relaying Information

1. For international concern on COVID-19, everybody must refer to the

declaration of the World Health Organization: updates, vaccines and other
concerns that refers to COVID-19 pandemic.

2. For national concern, please be guided by the direction of the Department of

Health. Do not base your judgment on fake news.

3. For local concern, the municipality of Makati and its constituents: barangays
and the private sectors coordinate themselves for a smooth flow of basic
services: food, bank and social amelioration.
4. Also, for an up to date tracking of news, the major television outlets (ABS-

5. It is recommended that the seminary provide COVID-19 tracker. This is to

have a bird’s eye view on actual cases of COVID-19 in the world, in the
Philippines and in particular, in Makati.

6. A visible illustration of safety measures to help avoid COVID-19: social

distancing, washing hands, wearing mask, and hygiene discipline.

7. The guard house and information office shall be provided with hotlines in
case of emergency.

8. A priest assists the patient in case of emergency to provide details for the
medical health worker to understand the concerns of the patient.

9. Parents must be informed when one is affected by COVID-19.

B. On Taking Care of PUI, PUM and COVID-19 Patients

1. Provide a basic information form on the patient according to the law


2. Provide an area in the seminary to isolate those people who have symptoms
of the disease and those that are being suspected of the disease.

3. A testing kit is a must for the institution. Or all must be tested first by the
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), or the University of the
Philippines (UP) upon entry to the seminary. Get certification that one is
COVID-19 free.

C. Hotlines

DILG/DOH HOTLINES 02-894-COVID/02-894-26843


VIII. Other Materials

A. Questions and Answers on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

1. What is a “novel”coronavirus?
A novel  coronavirus  (CoV) is a new strain of  coronavirus  that has not been
previously identified in humans.    The  new,  or “novel”  coronavirus,  initially
called 2019-nCoV, had not been previously detected before the outbreak was reported
in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It is now known as COVID-19.

2. How dangerous is it?

Like  other respiratory illnesses, infection with  COVID-19 can  cause mild
symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever.  It can be more
severe for some persons and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.  More
rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older  people  and people with pre-existing medical
conditions appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

3. Can humans be infected from Covid-19from animal sources?

The animal source of the COVID-19 has not yet been definitely identified.  Avoid
the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products. Raw meat, milk, or animal
organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked

4. How does Covid-19differ from the flu or a cold?

People with COVID-19 infection, the flu, or a cold typically develop respiratory
symptoms such as fever, cough, and runny nose. Even though many symptoms are
alike, they are caused by different viruses. Because of their similarities, it can be
difficult to identify the disease based on symptoms alone. That’s why laboratory tests
are required to confirm if someone has Covid-19.

It is recommended that people who have cough, fever, and difficulty breathing should
seek medical care early. Patients should inform health care providers if they have
travelled in the 14 days before they developed symptoms, or if they have been in close
contact with someone with who has been sick with respiratory symptoms.

5. Who is at risk of developing severe illness?

While there are a lot to learn more about how COVID-19  affects people, thus
far, older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more at
risk of developing severe disease.  They should therefore take more precautionary

Is it safe to receive a package from China?

Yes, it is safe.  People receiving packages are not at risk of contracting the
new  coronavirus. Based on WHO  data on previous cases of persons affected by
other coronaviruses,
these types of viruses don’t survive long on objects such as letters or packages.

6. Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat COVID-19?

To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the
novel  coronavirus. Those infected with  COVID-19 should receive appropriate care to
relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized
supportive care.
It is important to maintain basic hand and respiratory hygiene, as well as safe
food practices, and to avoid close contact, when possible, with anyone showing
symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

7. What to do if anyone exhibits symptoms of COVID-19?

If sick, stay home and avoid crowds and contact with others. Consult a doctor.
Cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and disinfect  the
objects and surfaces with 70 % alcohol solution.
Anyone who experiences cough, nasal discharge, sore throat, and fever are
advised to seek medical assistance, and should rest at home. Medical clearance
should be secured before re-entering the campus.
Anybody who experience respiratory symptoms are advised to consult a doctor
and rest at home until after 24 hours of resolution of symptoms. They also need to get
medical clearance and present it for validation by the  Principal’s Office prior to
returning to the campus.

8. What to do if anyone undergoes home quarantine?

Seminarians who went on self-quarantine may secure excuse absence slip from
the Principal’s Office after returning from the quarantine, by providing medical
clearance. For faculty members who return from self-quarantine must submit a letter
informing the Principal about the quarantine and provide a medical clearance.

B. General Reminders

1. Avoid people who are sick.


Cold and flu germs pass through the air from  person  to  person. When a  sick
person coughs, sneezes, or talks, tiny drops of mucus hit the air. You can take them
in through your mouth or nose.

2. Avoid touching one’s eyes, nose, and mouth. It’s advisable to wear mask for
Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated,
hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can
enter your body and can make you sick.

3. Practice frequent hand washing often with soap and water for at least 20
seconds. Also use alcohol or hand sanitation to wash to avoid risk of
Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills
viruses that may be on your hands. Hand washing is specially advised on the following
a. after coughing or sneezing
b. when caring for the sick
c. before, during, and after food preparation
d. before eating
e. after toilet use
f. when hands are visibly dirty
g. after handling animals or animal wastes
4. Practice respiratory hygiene
This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when
you cough or sneeze. Practice proper cough etiquette includes:
a. Cover mouth and nose using handkerchief/tissue (sleeves or crook of the elbow
may also be used to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing)
b. Move away from people when coughing.
c. Do not spit.
d. Throw away used tissues properly.
These are necessary because droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory
hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and

5. Wear medical/surgical mask

Everyone is encouraged to provide for one’s personal protective equipment
(surgical mask) as the seminary has limited supply. Masks act as a physical barrier to
protect you and others from viral and bacterial particulates.

6. Avoid crowded places and stay home

Stay home if you begin to feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as
headache and slight runny nose, until you recover. Avoiding contact with others and
visits to medical facilities will allow these facilities to operate more effectively and help
protect you and others from possible COVID-19 and other viruses.

7. Practice good personal hygiene and adopt a healthy lifestyle


One personal benefit of good hygiene is having better health. Keeping your body

clean helps prevent illness and infection from bacteria or viruses. Maintaining  good
hygiene also helps you have better self-esteem.

8. Observe physical/social distancing

Maintain at least one meter (3 feet) distance between other people, particularly
for those who are coughing, sneezing, or have a fever. When someone coughs or
sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain
virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19
virus if the person coughing has the disease.

9. Seek medical attention if fever, cough, or difficulty of breathing  is

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. Stay
home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek
medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health
Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to
the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses
and other infections.

10. Stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider
Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given
by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your
employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on
whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what
people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

C. Guidelines for Using Bleach

Sodium hypochloride is the chemical compound commonly known as bleach. It is

well-known for its ability to kill many bacteria, viruses and fungal hyphae (and at
proper dilution, fungal spores).

The following guidelines should be followed when using bleach as a disinfectant to

ensure its effectiveness:

1. Bleach must be applied to a surface that has previously been cleaned

with an appropriate detergent. Bleach is solely a disinfectant and can be
inactivated by microscopic organic debris. Care must be taken to completely
rinse all detergent residues and thoroughly dry the surface prior to applying
bleach so as not to further dilute the bleach solution.

2. A 1:32 solution of regular household bleach (8.25% sodium

hypochlorite) is appropriate for daily use. Bleach solutions at
concentrations less than this may not be effective. Bleach solutions at

concentrations greater than this will cause facility corrosion and respiratory
tract irritation in both people and animals.


• 1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water

• 17 ml of bleach (1 TBSP + ½ tsp) per 32 ounce
spray bottle

3. Bleach solutions should be stored in opaque containers and must be

made fresh at a minimum of every 24 hours. Bleach rapidly degrades in
the presence of light and when mixed with water.

4. Bleach solutions require a full 10 minutes of contact time to ensure

complete disinfection. If bleach solution evaporates in less than 10
minutes, a greater volume of solution should be applied.

5. After disinfection with bleach solutions, surfaces should be rinsed and

dried. Bleach can be irritating to skin and mucous membranes, so any
residue should be removed prior to returning animals to the environment. If
using bleach for periodic deep cleaning and/or for the purpose of killing
fungal spores (e.g. ringworm), bleach should be diluted with water at a
concentration of 1:10.

This is equivalent to:

• 1 cup of bleach per gallon of water, or
• ¼ cup of bleach per 32 ounces of water.

SituationalReport-02022020.jpg -hands-properly-
23  https://
Education-Institutions.pdf -general-s-remarks-at-the-media-
briefing-on-2019-ncov-on-11-february-2020 -general-s-remarks-at-the-media-
https;// › academy › lesson › the-importance-of-personal-hygiene

DepEd. Sanitation: How to Reach the Stars

WHO. Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus
Garden-Robinson & Hellevang. Disinfecting Dishes, Cookware and Utensils

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