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Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 1 (2016) 56e57

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Successful management of granulocytic sarcoma with concurrent

hemophagocytic lympho histiocytosis in a child

Keywords: 244U/L were raised which was attributed to HLH and related inves-
Granulocytic sarcoma
tigations fulfilled the 5 out of 8 criteria to diagnose HLH [7](fever,
AML pancytopenia, high ferritin, high serum triglycerides, and spleno-
megaly). We didn't perform a bone marrow to look for hemophago-
cytosis as our diagnosis was made with clinical and laboratory
investigations and deranged liver functions also favoured diagnosis
of HLH. All possible causes for HLH such as EBV, CMV and fungal
infection were negative. There was no family history of HLH. She
was started on dexamethasone-10 mg/m2 for 28 days as per HLH-
To the editor: 2004 protocol. She improved symptomatically and her ferritin, tri-
glycerides and SGPT also improved (Fig. 1). Bone marrow at the end
Granulocytic sarcoma (GS) is rare extra-medullary tumor of induction was in complete remission (CR). The 2nd cycle was
composed of immature granulocytic cells has reported incidence modified (cytarabine-1.6 g/m2, daunorubicin-100 mg/m2,etopo-
of 3.1% in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) [1]. Malig- side-500 mg/m2) and dose was split (50% each) into cycle 2A (day
nancy associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) usu- 1e8) and 2B (day 15e22). After 2nd cycle a repeat MRI showed
ally occurs at initial presentation or soon after starting no residual maxillary mass and her AML-ETO was negative. In
chemotherapy [2]. The diagnosis is challenging due to masking of consolidation phase, she was given 4-courses of high dose cytara-
HLH manifestations by the malignancy itself or because the find- bine (12 g/m2). After consolidation, she was given oral maintenance
ings of these two processes may be indistinguishable [2,3]. Seven chemotherapy for 1-year (etoposide 25 mg/m2/day and 6-
cases of AML concomitant with HLH in children have been reported thioguanine 20 mg/m2/day for 3-weeks on and 1-week off/cycle).
in literature but none with GS [4e6]. Of these only 3 survived (stem Her HLH settled completely and she continues to be in CR at 24-
cell transplant-2 and chemotherapy-1). Here we report successful months from her diagnosis.
management of a case of GS with HLH. Nearly half of the patients develop HLH during treatment [8] as
A 6-year-old female presented with headache, proptosis of the seen in our patient. Presumably, inflammatory cytokines secreted
right eye and a mass in the right nasal cavity. MRI para-nasal si- by malignant cells play an important role in the pathogenesis [9].
nuses revealed a mass in the right maxillary cavity extending into The diagnosis of malignancy associated HLH is usually difficult.
the nasal choana. Biopsy of the mass was suggestive of GS. Bone HLH manifestations may be masked or modified by the malignant
marrow examination revealed marrow infiltration with blast cells process or therapeutic measures, so early diagnosis might be
(34%) consistent with acute myeloid leukemia (AML-M2). On frequently delayed since the condition might be misinterpreted
Flow Cytometry blasts expressed cytoplasmic MPO-66% and as chemotherapy induced myelosupression with sepsis. In our
CD34-78% with dim to moderately bright CD117-63% and they case initially we thought sepsis as a cause of persistent fever and
also showed dim to moderately bright CD33-59%, CD13-58%, HLA all septic work up was negative. It has been suggested that the un-
DR-80% and CD15-55%.Blasts didn't express CD56. Cerebro-spinal- derlying immunodeficient state due to the malignancy, combined
fluid was negative for malignant cells. Her leukemia cells were with chemotherapy, predispose to infections and defects in T-cell
AML-ETO positive. She was started on treatment as per UK-AML- and NK-cell function, which trigger HLH [3]. High ferritin, trigylcer-
XII protocol. After administration of first cycle of chemotherapy ides and SGPT took many months to normalise (Fig. 1) which again
(cytarabine-2 g/m2, daunorubicin-150 mg/m2, etoposide-500 mg/ indicated that infection was the unlikely cause of HLH in our case.
m2) on day-11 she developed high grade fever which didn't subside During 2nd induction, we reduced dose of daunorubicin and split
over next 4-weeks. She was pancytopenic (Hb5g/dl, Total leukocyte the cycle in two parts, which helped patient, recover early from
count 450/ml and platelet count 8000/ml. Initially it was thought to myelosupression. We didn't reduce dose of etoposide keeping in
be due to febrile neutropenia. All blood cultures were sterile. How- mind its proven efficacy in HLH [7]. Maintenance therapy was
ever, serum ferritin-2260 ng/ml, triglycerides-268 mg/dl and SGPT- added as her ferritin was still high although she was in CR. For
this we chose low dose oral etoposide and 6-thioguanine which
has been used as metronomic chemotherapy with good effect in
Peer review under responsibility of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Chapter of In- AML [10].
dian Academy of Pediatrics.
2468-1245/© 2016 Pediatric Hematology Oncology Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Chopra et al. / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 1 (2016) 56e57 57

Fig. 1. Laboratory parameters of hemophagocytic lympho histiocytosis during treatment of acute myeloid leukemia therapy.

HLH may manifest during antineoplastic treatment. Early diag- myeloblastic leukemia cases concomitant with hemophagocytic lymphohis-
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[6] Jinta M, Arai A, Yamamoto K, Sakashita C, Fukuda T, Miu T, et al. Acute pro-
tory to overcome this severe condition. myelocytic leukemia associated with hemophagocytic syndrome. Rinsho Ket-
sueki 2007;48(4):310e4.
Contributors' credit [7] Henter JI, Horne A, Arico M, Egeler RM, Filipovich AH, Imashuku S, et al. HLH-
2004: diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for hemophagocytic lymphohis-
tiocytosis. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2007;48(2):124e31.
YRC-wrote the case, MR-review of literature, SPY-discussion. [8] Celkan T, Berrak S, Kazanci E, Ozyurek E, Unal S, Uçar C, et al. Malignancy-
associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in pediatric cases: a multi-
center study from Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2009;51(3):207e13.
Funding [9] Janka G, Elinder G, Imashuku S, Schneider M, Henter JI. Infection and malig-
nancy associated hemophagocytic sydromes: secondary hemophagocytic
Nil. lymphohistiocytosis. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998;12(2):435e44.
[10] Tandon N, Banavali S, Menon H, Gujral S, Kadam PA, Bakshi A. Is there a role
for metronomic induction (and maintenance) therapy in elderly patients with
Conflict of interest acute myeloid leukemia? A literature review. Indian J Cancer 2013;50(2):
All authors have nothing to disclose.
Yogiraj Chopra, Mohammed Ramzan, Satya Prakash Yadav*
References Pediatric Hematology Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit,
Department of Pediatrics, Fortis Memorial Research Institute,
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