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Misamis University

Ozamiz City

Basic Education Department

CERTIFIED: ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System-Det Norske Veritas, Australia
ACCREDITED: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)

Consent for Participation in Research Study

I have been asked to participate in a research study to be conducted by Eugene Jay Sevilla, Aldrin N. Abaton,Sheindy
Gonzaga,Gallilea Jean Yama, Crizelle Colcol, Ruth Andrea Cabasag, Grade 11 students in the Senior High School
Department ofMisamis University.

Introduction: Below are the description of the research procedures and the explanation of my rights as a research
participant, in accordance with the policies of Senior High School, Misamis University. I have been asked to read this
information carefully. If I agree to participate, I will sign in the space provided to indicate that I have read and understood
the information furnished on this consent form. I am entitled to and will receive a signed copy of this form.

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to know how students perceived teenage pregnancy.
Procedure: During this study, I will be asked to answer the questions accordingly.
Potential and Discomforts: I understand that there are no known or anticipated risks associated with participation in this
Confidentiality: I understand the data collected in this study will be kept confidential unless disclosure is required by
Compensation: I will receive no reimbursement for my participation in this study.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw: I understand that my participation is voluntary. I may refuse to participate or discontinue
my participation at any time; there will be no penalty for doing so. Some details of this project may not be made known to
me until my session is completed. I also understand that the researcher has the right to withdraw me from participation in
the study at any time.

I have read and understood the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my
satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

SEVILLA, EUGEN JAY _________________________ ____________________

Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
ABATON, ALDRIN N. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
YAMA, GALLILEA JEAN P. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
GOZAGA, SHEINDY MARIE D. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
COLCOL, CRIZELLE KAYE Y. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
CABASAG, RUTH ANDREA M. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Researcher Date
JAKOSALEM, JERIE M. JR. _________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Signature of Faculty Adviser Date

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