M1:L1 Exercise.: A. What Potential Problems Do You See in Casually Changing External Output? List Them

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a. What potential problems do you see in casually changing external output? List them.
The potential problems I see in casually changing external output is it’s hard to understand always
what is the concept of your report and what is your report all about, because if you casually
changing external output there’s no pattern to previous external output you’ve made meaning
to say there’s no comparing would happen if you always change external output.

b. Discuss in a paragraph how internal and external output can differ in appearance and
Internal output uses within an organization only, example of internal output are detailed report,
summary report and exception report. This internal information are printed on hard-copy for
internal business use. While external output are business transactions printed on business forms
that conclude the business transactions. Internal information or detailed, summary, exception
are displayed on monitors for internal business use. While external information or business
transactions are displayed on business forms that conclude business transactions. Internal output
are dedicated to specific internal business functions and external output is dedicated to
M1:L1 Application

a. I suggest it’s better to use display screen output method, the reason why I chose display
screen output method because in their previous contract it was lost because the information
needed by Luke Alover was buried in a stack of paper on someone’s desk somewhere.
Meaning the paper was not handled properly so if you shift from display screen your data are
always stored in a computer or to your PC and readily available to present, and you can use
graphical output in screen design but you must have a printed output for backup purposes. It
is important that Luke Alover collaborates with the architect in choosing the correct style of
graph to communicate your meaning.

b. Systems analysts or Luke’s need the feedback of the architect to design worthwhile displays.
Once approved by users after successive prototypes and refinements, the display layout can
be finalized. Meaning it can ready to printout.

c. Does it contain detailed information?

Is there any sensitive information?
Can it be shown to those who do not belong to our organization?
Does it contain animation?
M1:L1 Enrichment Activity

a. I think the data needed to present are the product name, product code, total quantity
purchased and total costs of purchased raw materials. The best way to present this kind of
summary report is make a dashboard because it is a year-end summary report.

b. I think much better to have a meeting regarding to this plan, because possibly there is a staff
that are willing to suggest. Create a display screen for able to see by other staff.

c. I think you need to create a dashboard of the summary report of the company’s financial
situation because key decision maker needs an output that helps them make decisions
effectively and quickly. Make sure the data have context.

d. I think much better to use printed copies because only the front desk personnel will use it.
Make sure the details are listed orderly.

e. I think much better to use printed copies, make sure the details are listed orderly.

f. Appropriate to use display screen because Wallaby World needs a real-time count of people.
Display screen in an online and real-time transmission.

g. Appropriate to use display screen.

h. Appropriate to use dashboard because 22 supervisor will use it and there will be an
explanation. Keep the entire dashboard on a single screen. All the performance measures are
meant to be on the same screen. If forced to switch screens, a user will not see two relevant
measures at the same time.

i. I think much better to use email through intranet because you’re in one organization only.

j. I think the appropriate to use are audio output because you need a casual style of
conversation. And it’s good for wide distribution of information.

k. Much better to use display screen or video output that contains audio and animation effects,
because it helps to show more details about historical buildings and events.

l. Much better to use electronic output like emails, websites and televisions because it can be
M1:L2 Enrichment Activity

b. I think the appropriate way to do is to display pictures of different lipstick shades and put in
on the department store’s ecommerce site to attract more customers.


1. I think the appropriate code to use is the block sequence code to assigned sequential
numbers in the following status of the students. Since the school is a small private university
only, try to implement code 100-199 as a name list of students who apply, code 200-299 as a
name list of students who accepted, and code 300-399 as name list of students who actually
enroll in the university. And for the list of foreign students who enroll but fail to register

2. I think the appropriate code to use is the block sequence code, implement code 100-199 to
the ticket holder and code 200-299 to the fans who are not season ticket holder. By applying
this code implementation, it will help to uniquely identify each ticket holder. It will prevent
mix-ups because it is a block or separate number of code.
M1:L3 Enrichment Activity

a. I think the features that might lead to inaccurate data entry are too long code. Make code
simple and easy to remember to prevent errors. Other one thing that I noticed is the assigned
code to the plant, the code is not easy to remember and there’s no pattern, much better to
use sequence code to easily recognize what plant it is.

b. 2002HL0101

c. Reuse the 2002 sequence code, instead of placing it from the third part of the code place it
to the first part.

Instead of using Z code to classify hypoallergenic product, use the H code or the first letter of
hypoallergenic which is H, to easily recognized and classify that it is a hypoallergenic product.
Place H to the second part of the code. Eliminating Z code is better because it’s not easily
determine as a hypoallergenic product.

Reuse L code and place it to the third part of the code.

Reuse 0 code and place it to the fourth part of the code.

Instead of using 621289 mix number to plant, use sequence number 101 to indicate it is a
first plant and so on and so forth. Eliminating 621289 code is better because if you use long
mix number code there is a possibility to type the code incorrect.

* If you noticed if you will read the new code as a sentence it was 2002 hypoallergenic lipstick
without matching nail polish from plant 101, it is easier to recognize and classify.

d. 2002GG101
M1 Assessment:

1. External output is an output use to communicate business organization to customer, vendor,

supplier etc. external output must include instructions while internal output is an output use
to communicate within business organization such as summary report, detailed report, etc.

2. Example you are a student and the exam is near, students prefer to review when they have
printed copies.
If your boss or manager will plan to out of town for a month and needs a copy of some report
much better to make printed copies, wherever he went he always carried the documents.
3. Display output allow user to change output information in real time either through deletion,
addition, or modification. It helps the user to make changes easily if the manager request
changes. If you will introduce new product to your client or customer much better to use
email and websites to broadcast it easily and it can be updated very easily.
4. When you use email it’s difficult to convey context or messages. While websites need diligent

5. Display output is the best output type if frequent updates are necessity.

6. Websites

7. Constant information is information that remains the same whenever the report is printed.
While variable information is information that can vary each time the report is printed out.

8. To evaluate or to see by the user if its design, context, concept are ok, the user will give
feedback when they have something they want to change.

9. Make forms easy to fill in, ensure that forms meet the purpose for which they are designed,
Design forms to ensure accurate completion, keep forms attractive.

10. Forms should flow from left to right and top to bottom.

11. The disadvantages of the specialty forms are the high cost, and users can quickly be
strangled with the red tape generated by meaningless multiple-part forms.

12. Keep the display simple, Keep the presentation consistent, Facilitate user movement among
displayed output, Create an attractive and pleasing display.
13. The advantage of onscreen windows is quick and correct entry.

14. The disadvantage of onscreen windows is they allow the user to overcomplicate a simple
screen by including too many windows or options.

15. Text boxes – always use when you fill up forms like login form, textbox use when you input
data like username and password.

Check boxes – appropriate to use checkbox if you put a lot of options or choices to your web or
Option button –appropriate to use option button if you need to know if they are female or male.
Drop-down list boxes- appropriate to use drop down list boxes if you put a lot of choices but you
don’t have enough space.

16. If you put a lot of choice then you should use check boxes.

17. If you only put 2 choices, especially if you need to know if they are female or male.

18. Optical character recognition,

19. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, because based on what I read MICR is the only data entry
method that uses machine.

20. Mark sense form, because it only requires a little training of entry personnel but high volume
of forms can be processed quickly.

21. Optical character recognition, Optical character recognition (OCR) lets a user read input from
a source document with an optical scanner rather than off the magnetic media. In doing so,
OCR demands few employee skills and commensurately less training.

22. Keyboards, I think this is the appropriate way to enter the data correctly.

23. Magnetic ink character recognition, because magnetic ink characters are found on the
bottom of bank checks and some credit card bills.



M2:L1 Enrichment Activity

What type(s) of testing technique your group will be used to find as many bugs as possible to
your client’s system? Why? Explain your answer in a comprehensive, detailed and technical

We will use white box testing technique because if you already know how the method works,
you may already knew what those vulnerabilities to that method are. We will do a test on those
vulnerabilities if they can break or crush the method. And lastly, there are some tester skipping
other test because they are sure the method can handle that, but for us we consider all test to
make sure that our system will perform effectively and efficiently.

1. I will use gradual deployment because you can use your old database while creating a new
database design.

2. I will use Gradual Cutover because I think this is the right cutover when deploying a new
version of application, especially if the application includes a lot of separate tools. When you
already finish the application, try to move one user to the new application and thoroughly
test it. If the application works better then try to another user and so on until every user is
running the application.

3. No, they can change the database structure before deployment comes. The system can route
the old database record to user of new application while other user uses old database. And
before all the user jump into the new application the conversion of database must happen.

M2:L2 Enrichment Activity

a. I would use staged deployment and gradual deployment, I chose these two cutovers because
these process are not complicated but the efficiency and effectiveness of these cutover would
help me to deploy new application easily. These cutover can handle a large number of users
that other cutover doesn’t. These cutover helps to prevent destroying all users’ productivity
if something happen. By using staged deployment you may try the system over and over again
until all the bugs was fix, then implement gradual deployment to assure not all user was
destroy their productivity.

b. I would use staged deployment, I need to practice deployment over and over again until I’ve
worked out all the bugs because I will publish the application on the website or to the
different software store, of course the application should be free of bugs and there should
no issue will happen.
M2 Assessment: 1 APPLICATION:

1. Yes it does apply to deployment plan, you should make plan before anything happens when
you are on deployment stage because plan allows you to make action if there is something
bad happen that may cause damage or bug to your application. You must have a backup plan.

2. Better to do is to tell people right away so that they know immediately that there is a slight
problem with the saving of coordinates. You may use popup or alert once the user click save
and prompt the message “UNDER MAINTENANCE! “ There is a slight problem with the saving
of coordinates we will fix this immediately thank you.

3. I will rush out an emergency patch because it may cause inaccurate of data so that’s why we
should take an actions immediately to fix this kind of bugs.


26. A 39. A
27. B 40. A
28. C 41. C
29. D 42. D
30. E 43. L
31. F 44. M
32. G 45. N
33. H 46. O
34. I 47. P
35. J 48. P
36. K 49. Q
37. A 50. N
38. A
M3:L1 Enrichment Activity

1. Based on what I saw the project jacklope is the lowest when it comes to productivity. In the
first week Jackalope with 7 programmer got 126 line of codes and got a 5 bugs while project
Unicorn with 10 programmer got 1,107 line of codes and got 0 bug imagine that difference
while the project Griffin with 12 programmer got 450 line of codes and got 3 bugs even the
Project Griffin has the most programmer, project Unicorn proves that numbers of
programmers does not matter if without ability and skills.

2. Attributes for Project Unicorn, Pegasus, Griffin and Jackalope.

Unicorn Pegasus Griffin Jackalope

Developers 10 8 12 7
Time(weeks) 8 5 6 4
Effort 10 × 8 = 80 8 × 5 = 40 12 × 6 = 72 7 × 4 = 28
LOC 11,895 6,012 9,750 5,176
Bugs 273 104 175 88

Normalized Metrics for Project Unicorn, Pegasus, Griffin, and Jackalope.

Unicorn Pegasus Griffin Jackalope

LOC / Effort 11,895 ÷ 8 = 1,457 6,012 ÷ 5 = 1,202 9,750 ÷ 6 = 1,625 5,176 ÷ 4 = 1294

Bugs / KLOC 273 ÷ 11.89 = 22.96 104 ÷ 6.01 =17.30 175 ÷ 9.75 =17.95 88 ÷ 5.17 = 17.02

a. TOH

b. PRI

c. PRI

d. TOH

e. PRI

f. TOH

g. PRI

h. PRI

i. PRI

j. PRI

k. PRI

l. PRI

m. PRI
M3 Assessment: TEST 1.
1. Corrective
2. Perfective
3. Preventive
4. Preventive
5. Perfective
6. Preventive
7. Perfective
8. Adaptive
9. Preventive
10. Corrective
11. Preventive
12. Perfective
13. Adaptive
14. Adaptive
15. Adaptive
16. Preventive
17. Preventive
18. Preventive
19. Preventive
20. Corrective
21. Adaptive
22. Preventive
23. Corrective
24. Corrective
25. Corrective
26. Corrective
27. Corrective
28. Corrective

TEST II. Application. Write your answer on the line or space provided
after each problem.
Perfective — 50% Corrective — 20%

Adaptive — 25% Preventive — 25%

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