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The cranial suspensory ligament, which persists in girls,

regresses in boys while the gubernaculum enlarges, especially

at its distal end where it is embedded in the inguinal abdom-
inal wall. The inguinal canal forms by condensation of mesen-
chyme around the gubernaculum to form the inguinal
musculature. The mesenchyme of the gubernaculum persists
to form a solid cord, which later becomes hollowed out by a
diverticulum of peritoneum, the processus vaginalis.5 The
proximal gubernaculum, which is initially attached to the
gonad, becomes expanded by growth of the caudal epididy-
mis. The processus vaginalis grows caudad into the guberna-
cular mesenchyme, partly hollowing out the gubernaculum.
The caudal end of the gubernaculum remains solid, but the
proximal part is divided into a central column attached to
the epididymis and an annular parietal layer within which
the cremaster muscle develops. At the start of the third trimes-
ter, the caudal end of the gubernaculum bulges beyond the
inguinal abdominal wall (Fig. 77-1) and migrates across the
pubic region to the scrotum.2 The processus vaginalis elon-
gates proportionally inside the gubernaculum so that the testis
can leave the peritoneal cavity within it (see Fig. 77-1). Migra-
tion of the gubernaculum and the testis to the scrotum is
complete by 35 weeks.2,3 During migration, the gubernacu-
CHAPTER 77 lum is loose within the inguinoscrotal mesenchyme, suggest-
ing enzymatic digestion of the adjacent tissues. After migration
is complete, the processus vaginalis becomes secondarily
attached to the bottom of the scrotum (see Fig. 77-1).
Undescended The different phases of testicular descent are hormonally
regulated.4 The hormones controlling descent and their mech-
anism of action remain controversial.3 The early phase of
Testis, Torsion, abdominal testicular descent is regulated separately from
the migratory inguinoscrotal phase.5,6 Androgen controls

and Varicocele regression of the cranial suspensory ligament of the testis,

but regression of this ligament is not essential for testicular
descent.7 Enlargement of the gubernaculum testis is primarily
John M. Hutson controlled by insulin-like factor 3 (Insl3),8 which is an
analogue of insulin and relaxin produced by Leydig cells.9,10
Insl3 is made up of two peptide chains linked by a disulfide
bond, with homology to relaxin, and is a member of the insu-
lin family of growth factors.8 Knockout mice with mutated
Insl3 have high intra-abdominal testes and an abnormal
Undescended Testis gubernaculum, consistent with a role of Insl3 in stimulating
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the “swelling reaction” of the gubernaculum to initiate trans-
HISTORY abdominal testicular descent.11,12 Studies both in vivo and
in vitro show a primary role for Insl3 in stimulating early
The importance of a descended testis has been known since gubernacular growth, with secondary roles for testosterone
ancient times, but the mechanism of descent remained and müllerian-inhibiting substance.11,12
obscure until 1786 when Hunter dissected the human fetus. Migration of the testis and gubernaculum from the inguinal
He found the intra-abdominal testis connected to the inguinal region to the scrotum is under androgenic control. In ins-
abdominal wall by a ligament called the “gubernaculum testis” tances of complete androgen resistance or gonadotropin defi-
because it appeared to guide the testis to the scrotum. ciency, inguinoscrotal migration is absent.13 The mechanism
of androgenic control of gubernacular migration is unknown,
but there is substantial evidence implicating the genitofemoral
nerve. The signals initiating migration of the gubernaculum
Testicular descent into the low-temperature environment of out from the abdominal wall have many characteristics of
the scrotum in mammals is a complex multiple-stage process.1 an embryonic limb bud.14 In addition, the mammary line
Up to the time of sexual differentiation in the human fetus at may be important in triggering this dramatic change in the
7 to 8 weeks’ gestation, the fetal testis and ovary occupy sim- gubernaculum.15,16 It has been postulated that the sensory
ilar positions and are held by the cranial suspensory ligament branches of the genitofemoral nerve release calcitonin gene-
(upper pole) and the gubernaculum (lower pole). The gonadal related peptide (CGRP), which may then indirectly control
positions then diverge; the testis remains close to the future gubernacular migration by stimulation of growth of the guber-
inguinal canal, whereas the ovary moves away from the groin. nacular tip,17 as well as provide a chemical gradient to allow

Cranial suspensory ligament (CSL) Any anomaly disrupting normal testicular descent leads to
cryptorchidism.20 The complexity of the process suggests that
causative factors for nondescent are multifactorial. Most unde-
T scended testes are located outside the inguinal canal because
Wolffian 1 Testosterone CSL regression
the migratory inguinoscrotal phase of testicular descent is
duct Insl 3 (+ MIS) Gubernacular
deranged more commonly. In contrast, the passive anchoring
Müllerian duct enlargement
by the gubernaculum in the transabdominal phase is infre-
quently disrupted, so the intra-abdominal testes are relatively
uncommon, occurring in 5% to 10% of cryptorchid boys.21 In
most cases, the undescended testis is located near the neck of
the scrotum, just outside or a little lateral to the external ingui-
8 - 15 weeks nal ring, in the “superficial inguinal pouch,” which is the
misplaced tunica vaginalis. Abnormalities of gubernacular
migration may be related to defects in the migratory mecha-
nism itself or failure of genitofemoral nerve function.6,22
Defects in the nerve may be caused by deficiency of androgen
T secretion during the second and third trimester as a result of
deficiency of gonadotropin production by the pituitary or the
placenta. Recognizable endocrine disorders such as müllerian-
inhibiting substance deficiency or decreased testosterone
G synthesis or receptor function also cause failure of testicular
descent but are rare. Since the discovery of Insl3 and its role
in transabdominal descent, a search has been made for
28 - 35 weeks mutations of the Insl3 gene in undescended testes, but only
relatively rare cases have been described.23–25
Undescended testes lying well outside the normal line of
descent such as in the perineum or femoral region are rare,
2 Testosterone GFN and their cause is unknown. It has been suggested that this
CGRP release Gubernacular may be the result of an abnormal location of the genitofemoral
Dorsal root T migration to nerve with consequent abnormal migration of the gubernacu-
ganglion scrotum lum to the wrong site.6 The cause of transverse testicular ecto-
pia is also unknown, but in animal models transverse ectopia
can be induced readily by cutting the gubernacular attach-
G ment to the testes so that the gonad is no longer required to
exit the abdominal cavity through the ipsilateral inguinal
canal. Increased gonadal mobility may permit accidental
descent through the contralateral inguinal canal.26 The latter
also occurs in boys with persisting müllerian duct syn-
CGRP drome, where the elongated gubernacular cord predisposes
to accidental descent down the contralateral inguinal canal.
A number of inherited syndromes are associated with unde-
FIGURE 77-1 Schema showing gubernacular development in the two scended testes. The underlying cause is not known, although
phases of testicular descent in the human fetus. In the first (“transab- many are associated with microcephaly, suggesting the possibil-
dominal”) phase at 8 to 15 weeks the testis (T) is held near the inguinal
abdominal wall during embryonic growth by enlargement of the guberna- ity of pituitary hormone or gonadotropin deficiency.27 Some
culum (G). This relative change in testicular position compared with the multiple malformation syndromes are also associated with neu-
ovary is controlled by testicular hormones, with insulin-like factor 3 the rogenic and mechanical anomalies, for example, arthrogryposis
primary hormone possibly augmented by müllerian-inhibiting substance multiplex congenita.28 These disorders may cause cryptorchi-
(MIS)/antimüllerian hormone. The cranial ligament regresses under the
action of testosterone. In the second (“inguinoscrotal”) phase at 28 to
dism either by external compression of the deformed fetus or
35 weeks, the gubernaculum migrates by elongation toward the scrotum. by intrinsic neurologic anomalies. Experimental inguinoscrotal
This is controlled indirectly by testosterone acting on the genitofemoral compression during testicular descent is associated with unde-
nerve (GFN) in the dorsal root ganglia to differentiate the sensory fibers scended testes.29 Intra-abdominal testes are characteristic of the
to release calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). CGRP controls growth prune-belly syndrome. The cause of the cryptorchidism is con-
and direction of migration of the rat gubernaculum, and it is hypothesized
that it does the same in humans. CSL, cranial suspensory ligament. troversial, with thoughts ranging from a mesodermal defect to
transient prenatal urinary obstruction.30–33 The absence of a
processus vaginalis within the inguinal canal and the position
migration in the correct direction toward the scrotum. The of the testes on the posterior surface of the bladder are consistent
physical force for migration of the testis is probably provided with an obstructive cause. Ten percent of infants with posterior
by intra-abdominal pressure acting through the patent proces- urethral valves also have cryptorchidism.34
sus vaginalis. Recent work also implicated the propulsive force Cryptorchidism is common in infants with abdominal wall
of the developing cremaster muscle in the wall of the guber- defects such as gastroschisis (where the gubernaculum may be
naculum and its sympathetic nerve supply,18 although this ruptured), exomphalos (omphalocele), and exstrophy of the
has not been substantiated.19 bladder.35 Undescended testes occur in more than 15% of

infants with gastroschisis and at least a third of children with CLASSIFICATION OF UNDESCENDED TESTES
exomphalos or omphalocele.27,35 Whether this is caused by
decreased abdominal pressure or other mechanical effects is Classification of gonadal position in undescended testes is
not certain, although a role for abdominal pressure has been complicated by the mobility of the testis inside its tunica vagi-
determined in experimental animals.36 nalis. Undescended testis is best defined as a testis that cannot
Neural tube defects have a high incidence of undescended be manipulated to the bottom of the scrotum without undue
testes.37 When there is a myelomeningocele affecting the tension on the spermatic cord. A normally descended testis
upper lumbar spinal cord, the incidence of undescended tes- resides spontaneously in the lower scrotum even if it was
tes is greater than one third. This could be caused either by retracted when the patient was first examined. The positions
abdominal wall paralysis and lower-than-normal abdominal of undescended testes can be divided into those arrested in the
pressure or by dysplasia of the genitofemoral nerve sensory line of normal descent and those in truly ectopic positions
nucleus at the site of the myelomeningocele.38 (Fig. 77-2). The intra-abdominal testis is usually located
Separation of the body of the epididymis from the unde- within a few centimeters of the internal inguinal ring, with
scended testis is frequently observed.39–41 This is more com- the vas deferens and the testicular vessels traveling extraperi-
mon in intra-abdominal and high inguinal cryptorchid testis. toneally and then entering the testis through a short mesorch-
Whether this is the cause of the cryptorchidism or merely sec- ium. Such intra-abdominal testes were often difficult to find
ondary to decreased androgen production in utero occurring through extraperitoneal exploration through the inguinal
simultaneously is not known. Experimental evidence in canal but are now relatively easy to identify at laparoscopy.
rodents treated with antiandrogens suggests that in-utero A canalicular testis is one that lies within the inguinal canal
androgen deficiency causes epididymal deficiency.42 Abnor- but may be difficult or impossible to palpate because of the
malities of the vas deferens occur commonly in boys with overlying musculature. Such gonads may be squeezed out
cryptorchid testes. The impalpable intracanalicular testis of the inguinal canal and become palpable at the external
may have a vas deferens forming a loop, which protrudes dis- inguinal ring, so-called emergent testes.
tally through the external inguinal ring. On the basis of an Undescended testes beyond the external ring may lie near
examination of the blood supply of such a long-loop vas, the neck of the scrotum or may be lateral and a little above the
Fowler and Stephens proposed transection of the main testic- external inguinal ring in the superficial inguinal pouch, orig-
ular vessels to the high undescended testis to permit orchido- inally described by Browne (see Fig. 77-2).45 The latter loca-
pexy with testis viability maintained by the redundant vas tion is rarely an indication of aberrant gubernacular migration
deferens with its collateral blood supply.43 Although this because at surgery the gubernacular attachment is nearly
operation is less commonly performed as an open one-stage always at or near the neck of the scrotum.39,46 Essentially,
procedure because of the high incidence of atrophy, it the superficial inguinal pouch is the space created by the
is now commonly performed laparoscopically as a one- or tunica vaginalis in the groin and is limited superficially by
two-stage procedure.44 Scarpa’s fascia and its deep attachment to the fascia lata just




ectopia Femoral
Superficial inguinal

FIGURE 77-2 The range of positions that may be adopted by undescended testes. A, In the line of normal descent (including the controversial superficial
inguinal pouch, note that the gubernaculum is attached near the neck of the scrotum in most instances). B, True ectopic sites, which are rare. (From Hutson
JM, Beasley SW: Descent of the Testis. London, Edward Arnold, 1992.)

caudad to the inguinal ligament. Whether testes in the super- Acquired cryptorchidism is caused by failure of the sper-
ficial inguinal pouch should be labeled as ectopic is controver- matic cord to elongate in proportion to body growth. Such
sial, but because the gubernaculum is attached at or near the testes appear to ascend out of the scrotum with increasing
neck of the scrotum, they seem to be better classified as testes age, but measurements of the cord length suggest that this
arrested in the line of normal descent.47 Truly ectopic testes ascent is more apparent than real because the scrotum is far-
may be located in the perineum, femoral region, pubopenile ther from the groin in older boys. This is certainly true in
region, or contralateral hemiscrotum secondary to transverse patients with cerebral palsy, in whom acquired cryptorchi-
ectopia. dism approaches 50% in postpubertal boys with severe spastic
Ascending testes may be caused by persistence of the
processus vaginalis either as a patent hernia or an obliterated
Transient retraction of the testis out of the scrotum is a nor- remnant, which is likely to inhibit elongation of the adjacent
mal reflex caused by contraction of the cremaster muscle. This vas deferens and testicular vessels.55,58 In cases in which the
muscle functions to regulate the temperature of the testis and testis migrated to the scrotum prenatally and was present
to protect it from extrinsic trauma.48 Retraction occurs as a within the scrotum in infancy, but the position is too high later
result of low temperature or stimulation of the cutaneous in childhood, orchidopexy is often successful through a
branch of the genitofemoral nerve (inner thigh). scrotal approach.59,60
The normal retractile reflex is weak or absent at birth, and
the scrotum is often pendulous. Later in childhood, when
androgen levels are low, cremasteric contractility is signifi-
cantly increased and the cremasteric reflex more pronounced. In 1964 Scorer found the incidence of undescended testes was
After 10 years of age, the reflex becomes less pronounced as 4.3% in infants,61 but by 1 year of age, the incidence had fallen
androgen levels rise with the onset of puberty. The cremasteric to 0.96%. In 1986 the incidence of cryptorchidism at 1 year of
reflex and normal retractile testis have been studied by age was 1.58% in British children. The John Radcliffe Hospital
Farrington, who found a high incidence of retractility in the Cryptorchidism Study Group found that spontaneous descent
middle of childhood.49 occurred postnatally in the first 3 months; beyond that time, it
At present, there is no consensus about what constitutes a was rare.53,62 The rate for orchidopexy in England and Wales
retractile testis.50 Most clinicians agree that a retractile testis is effectively doubled over several decades.63 Although this
a descended testis, although careful follow-up is required difference between the incidence of cryptorchidism and fre-
because it does not always remain descended. The retractile quency of orchidopexy suggested that some orchidopexies
testis probably reflects a normal physiologic response to con- may be unnecessary, it has been suggested that the apparent
traction of the cremaster muscle related to age. Goh and Hutson doubling of orchidopexy rates may be related to acquired
suggest that so-called retractile testes are, in fact, testes with ascending or retractile testes.50 Because the recommended
acquired maldescent.51 As the distance between the external age for surgery for congenital undescended testes has
inguinal ring and the bottom of the scrotum increases with decreased to 6 months of age, those children with acquired
age (from 5 cm in an infant to 10 cm by 10 years of age), it is undescended testes are now more readily distinguishable
necessary for the spermatic cord to lengthen for the testis to from those children with congenital failure of gubernacular
remain located in the scrotum. Retractile testes may represent migration.56
acquired maldescent secondary to failure of the spermatic cord The frequency of undescended testes is significantly
to elongate with age, which may be a sequel of excessive contrac- increased in premature infants.64 When birth weight is less
tility of the cremaster muscle in some boys, as in those with than 1500 g, the incidence of cryptorchidism reaches 60%
cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia.52 to 70%.65 The cause of this high frequency of cryptorchidism
is that normal descent is not completed until about 35 weeks’
gestation. Most undescended testes in premature infants con-
tinue to descend postnatally, so if such children are examined
A newly described variant of the retractile testis is the ascend- at 12 weeks beyond their expected normal delivery date, the
ing testis.50,53,54 In many of these children, long-term follow- incidence of cryptorchidism has fallen to more normal levels.
up studies have demonstrated that subsequent ascent out of
the scrotum later in childhood is often related to delayed
descent into the scrotum within the first 3 months after birth.
Ascending testes are now being documented by a number of Controversy persists about whether the testis is primarily
authors.50,55 The difference between ascending and retractile abnormal, leading to maldescent, or alternatively is unde-
testes is otherwise not clear, and it may be that they are scended, leading to a secondary abnormality. Evidence now
different names for developing acquired cryptorchidism. suggests that abnormalities seen postnatally in undescended
testes are secondary. Occasional primary abnormalities in
the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, however, lead to
inadequate hormone secretion, maldescent, and primary
Not all undescended testes are present from birth. Many testicular abnormalities.
children with cryptorchidism present later in childhood Species differences have made investigative studies regard-
despite attempts at screening in infancy.56 In addition, on ing the effects of undescended testes difficult to evaluate.
careful questioning of such families, there is often no history Many studies concerning cryptorchidism have been carried
of an anomaly at birth or in early childhood.57 out on rodents, in which the important developmental aspects

of gubernacular migration are complete by the 10th day after In a study of premature infants born with a mean gestational
birth. The testis, however, does not descend into the scrotum age of 30 weeks, there was a persistently high incidence (19%)
until 2 to 3 weeks in mice or 3 to 4 weeks in rats, at the time of of undescended testes at 18 months despite some testes des-
pubertal sexual maturation.66 Human gubernacular migration cending postnatally.75 The normal rise in testosterone seen in
and testicular descent occur simultaneously and are normally the second and third month postnatally failed to develop in
complete before birth. The effects of undescended testes in the these premature infants with cryptorchidism. The authors con-
rat, therefore, do not become evident until after puberty. cluded that inadequate stimulation of testosterone by human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in utero may contribute to the
pathogenesis of undescended testes in this special group. Both
Temperature Effects plasma testosterone and LH levels were decreased in cryptor-
The scrotal testis resides in a specialized low-temperature chid infants between 1 and 4 months of age.40 Although andro-
environment with the pampiniform plexus, scrotal pig- gen levels may be deficient, androgen receptor levels in scrotal
mentation, absence of subcutaneous fat, and regulation by skin fibroblasts and testicular biopsy specimens taken at orch-
temperature-sensitive muscles such as the cremaster and dar- idopexy are normal in infants with bilateral cryptorchidism.76
tos muscle, all ensuring decreased temperature of the epidid- Serum levels of müllerian-inhibiting substance are normally
ymis and gonad. The scrotal testis in the human is maintained elevated between 4 and 12 months of age, but in children
at 33 C compared with 34 C to 35 C in the inguinal region with cryptorchidism this postnatal rise was inhibited.77
and 37 C intra-abdominally (Fig. 77-3).67,68 The physiology
Germ Cell Development
of the testis is well adapted to this lower temperature; there-
fore in the undescended testis where the ambient temperature Germ cell deficiency in cryptorchidism was previously regarded
is increased, the testis undergoes progressive alteration.1 as congenital.48 It has been observed, however, that the histol-
ogy of the testes is initially normal and becomes progressively
abnormal with age.78 Leydig cell development is impaired
Endocrine Effects
in undescended testes in the first 2 to 6 months, whereas the
Steroid pathways in rat testes made cryptorchid by surgical Sertoli and germ cells appeared normal.79,80 By the end of
fixation before puberty show no gross abnormalities, indicat- the second year of life, nearly 40% of undescended testes have
ing that Leydig cells are still functional with cryptorchidism in completely lost their germ cells.81 It is now well established that
this model. Measurement of testicular testosterone content in the transformation of neonatal gonocytes to type A spermatogo-
rats made cryptorchid at birth shows no abnormality up to 2 to nia, an early postnatal step in development of the germ cells, is
3 weeks of age but decreased testosterone production com- deficient in infants with cryptorchidism.82–84
pared with controls after puberty.69 Gonadotropic regulation Moreover, there is now good evidence that type A spermato-
of both Leydig and Sertoli cells is abnormal after puberty.70 gonia are the stem cells for subsequent spermatogenesis.85
The number of Sertoli and Leydig cells, however, remains rel- Some authors have proposed that these early stages in germ
atively normal.71 Functional derangements in Sertoli cells cell development are controlled by androgens and are hence
with cryptorchidism have been well documented by de Kret- deficient because of postnatal androgen deficiency.82 There
ser and Risbridger.72 is some contrary evidence to suggest, however, that müller-
Plasma gonadotropin and testosterone levels have been ian-inhibiting substance may be controlling early postnatal
measured in infants with undescended testes, and the normal germ cell development.86,87 Certainly, androgen blockade or
postnatal rise in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and deficiency does not prevent gonocytes transforming to type
testosterone were found to be significantly lower than nor- A spermatogonia in neonatal rodents.88
mal.73,74 It is difficult to determine conclusively whether this
postnatal androgen deficiency is a primary abnormality or
secondary to nondescent. Fertility is lower in men with a past history of cryptorchidism.
In previous generations, it was believed that the undescended
testis suffered no adverse changes until after puberty and sur-
39 gical intervention was not necessary until 12 to 15 years of
age.48 The evidence that germ cell maturation is already
abnormal after 6 months of age has led clinicians to appreciate
37 that not only is postnatal degeneration an important issue but
Temperature 0 °C

36 also that early intervention may prevent it. In animal studies, it

35 is relatively easy to demonstrate that surgically induced or
congenital cryptorchidism causes decreased fertility because
of germ cell deficiency after puberty.89 Paternity rates are
not deficient in unilateral cryptorchidism in both animals
32 and humans; but with bilateral cryptorchidism, fertility is
31 significantly impaired.7,90 Data attempting to correlate ferti-
5 lity rates with timing of surgery are not yet available because
Scrotum Groin External Inguinal Abdomen there are no long-term studies of children undergoing orchi-
ring canal dopexy in the first year of life. Fertility in men with a history
FIGURE 77-3 The temperature (mean  standard deviation) of the testis of retractile testes remains quite controversial, with some
at different levels. (From Hutson JM, Beasley SW: Descent of the Testis. authors describing abnormalities on sperm counts that are
London, Edward Arnold, 1992.) not reflected in paternity rates.91–93 In a recent prospective,

randomized trial, children had orchidopexy at 9 months or In these children, an inguinal testis may be compressed by the
3 years, with follow-up to 4 years of age with testicular ultra- straps of the wheelchair.
sound. Those having earlier surgery had significantly greater
Psychologic Factors
testicular volumes at 4 years old, which is promising for
improved fertility in the future.94 Cryptorchidism is a major psychologic problem because
the obvious physical abnormality of the genitalia promotes
parental anxiety about subsequent fertility.
Testicular-Epididymal Fusion Abnormality
The risk of a testis tumor occurring in men with a past history
of cryptorchidism was at one time believed to be 35 to Abnormal connection between the testis and the epididymis is
50 times greater than normal.95 By using different methods common in cryptorchidism.40,41 The risk of abnormal fusion
of calculating the relative risk, Woodhouse96 suggested the is greater with testes inside the canal or the abdomen than in
actual risk is 5- to 10-fold. When looking at all men with inguinal testes or those lying at the neck of the scrotum. These
testis tumors, a relative risk for those with a history of unilat- abnormalities may be related to underlying androgen defi-
eral cryptorchidism is 15-fold or 33-fold for bilateral unde- ciency in utero, and in a percentage of these the abnormality
scended testes, with the risk of cancer being highest with may be sufficient to interfere with fertility.
intra-abdominal testes.97–99
The progressive degeneration of germ cells and dysplasia
seen in cryptorchid testes is thought to be related to an increased
risk of malignancy.100 Testis tumors are not common in child- The aim of the clinical examination is to identify the presence
hood, and they usually occur at the same age as testis tumors or absence of a palpable gonad and to determine the lowest
in normally descended testes (i.e., 20 to 40 years). Giwercman position that it will sit comfortably without undue tension.104
and colleagues101 have speculated that testis tumors may be The lowest limit of testicular position without tension proba-
caused by an intrinsic abnormality in the testis rather than bly corresponds to the caudal limit of the tunica vaginalis.
secondary dysplasia. They suggest that carcinoma in situ germ Examination should be conducted in warm surroundings
cells are the forerunner of invasive tumors and are, in fact, and with the child relaxed. With the child recumbent on
malignant gonocytes. Such germ cells displaying histologic the examination table, the genitalia should be inspected for
characteristics of carcinoma in situ can be identified in neonates the appearance of the scrotum and any inguinal swelling sug-
with dysgenetic testes and ambiguous genitalia. Skakkabaek and gesting a high testis or an associated hernia. It is important to
colleagues102 have described the histologic features of carci- observe the scrotum before palpation because the testis may
noma in situ and provided strong evidence that these abnormal be seen in the scrotum only to retract briskly into the inguinal
cells are a prerequisite to invasive testis tumors. They recom- space on palpation, which may prove difficult to bring down
mend that young men with a past history of cryptorchidism into the scrotum, confusing the diagnosis. Cranial traction on
should be offered testicular biopsy to exclude this condition the suprapubic skin to expose the scrotum often makes testes
before malignancy occurs. that are retracted to the upper part of the scrotum conspicu-
ous. The appearance of the scrotum varies dramatically with
Inguinal Hernia age, with the neonatal scrotum being thin, pendulous, and
The processus vaginalis normally obliterates after descent of the flabby compared with the middle of childhood, when the
testis in the perinatal period. Undescended testes are associated scrotum is small and puckered. If the testis is lying within
with a higher incidence of patent processus vaginalis and ingui- the scrotum, it is usually visible through the thin scrotal skin.
nal hernia, in many cases leading to early surgical intervention Hypoplasia of the hemiscrotum suggests that the testis has
because of the risk of incarcerated hernia. A clinically evident never been within it. A hemiscrotum of normal size is more
hernia present with a cryptorchid testis is an indication for im- likely if the testis is retractile or ascending.
mediate intervention. Most surgeons elect to perform a hernia The key to locating a suprascrotal testis is to remember that
repair and orchidopexy simultaneously. the testis is contained within the tunica vaginalis and is there-
fore mobile. In addition, the bony landmarks of the inguinal
ligament should be identified. It is helpful to begin the exam-
Torsion of a Cryptorchid Testis
ination by blocking the internal inguinal ring with one hand
There is a high incidence of up to 20% for torsion in unoper- and milk down toward the external ring to prevent the testis
ated undescended testes48; however, the trend to early orch- from being displaced cephalad into the inguinal canal on
idopexy has meant that most pediatric surgeons rarely see palpation. To locate a testis in the superficial inguinal pouch,
torsion in an undescended testis. The mobility of a testis light palpation with the flat of the hand is most effective. If
within the tunica vaginalis in the superficial inguinal pouch palpation is too hard, this often displaces the testis from under
may predispose to torsion, but the exact frequency is now the fingers, so it may be missed. At least 80% to 90% of testes
difficult to determine.103 are palpable in the inguinal region or can be squeezed out of
the inguinal canal and felt at the external ring by pressing
Trauma firmly on the abdominal wall laterally near the anterosuperior
Inguinal testes are at a slightly increased risk of direct trauma, iliac spine and pressing downward and medially toward the
although as with testicular torsion, early surgical intervention scrotum. Intra-abdominal or intracanalicular testes that can-
has made this a less common problem.65 The most common not be delivered outside the external ring are uncommon.
clinical cause of trauma in an undescended testis I have seen is Once the mobile testis has been identified in the groin, one
in children with cerebral palsy requiring wheelchair restraint. hand of the examiner attempts to push the testis toward the

scrotum while the other hand attempts to grasp it through the TREATMENT
thin scrotal skin. The aim of this maneuver is to determine the
lowest level to which the testis can be manipulated without Hormone Treatment
undue tension. A normally retractile testis should be able to Hormone therapy is based on the premise that the unde-
be brought right to the bottom of the scrotum and remain scended testis is caused by deficiency of the hypothalamic-
there. The position of the testis at physical examination can pituitary-gonadal axis and that postnatal treatment can induce
be documented by measurement from the pubic tubercle as the required migration of the gubernaculum.116 Therapy has
described by Scorer,61 although this degree of documentation been tried with testosterone, hCG, and luteinizing hormone-
is usually unnecessary. releasing hormone (LHRH). Direct androgen therapy was
The most useful clinical observation is whether the testis abandoned many years ago because excessive doses caused
can reside in the scrotum spontaneously. Examination of the precocious puberty. In the past 10 to 20 years, hCG has been
scrotum in the newborn is easy because the testes are readily used commonly in Europe but less commonly elsewhere.
visible and palpable when in the scrotum. If the testes can More recently, LHRH has been tried.
be felt above the scrotum, the child should be reexamined The results of hormone therapy have been mixed and
at 3 months of age to see whether there has been delayed depend on a number of factors. Success rates for treatment
descent. If the testis remains out of the scrotum at age 3 months, range from 10% to 50%.117–119 Children older than 4 years
a confident diagnosis of congenital undescended testis can now and those with bilateral undescended testes near the scrotal
be made. If the testis has descended within the first 12 weeks, entrance or retractile testes respond most favorably to hCG.
there is a risk that it may reascend out of the scrotum later in Testes in the superficial inguinal pouch, the most common
childhood, and such children are best kept under close variant of the anomaly, have a low success rate. It has been sug-
observation. gested that the successful cases are due to the fact that most
Determining the exact testicular position may be difficult if were retractile testes.119 In unilateral undescended testis,
there is an associated incarcerated inguinal hernia. Once the which is statistically much more likely to be of congenital
hernia has been reduced by manual compression, the position origin, only 14% of boys have successful hormonal therapy.
of the testis can usually be identified. In a randomized, double-blind study comparing hCG and
The clinical distinction between a normally retractile testis LHRH, Rajfer and colleagues found 6% of boys treated with
and an undescended testis can be difficult. Useful criteria for hCG responded with testicular descent compared with a
distinguishing normally retractile testes are as follows: 19% success rate for LHRH.119 They concluded that neither
1. The testis can be brought fully to the bottom of the scrotum hCG nor LHRH was effective in promoting descent of truly
without difficulty. undescended testes. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study
2. The testis remains in the scrotum after manipulation of LHRH nasal spray in boys with cryptorchid testis showed a
without immediate retraction. 9% success rate with LHRH compared with 8% with placebo
3. The testis is normal in size. treatment.117,120 A second course of LHRH therapy increased
4. There is a history that the testis resides spontaneously in the descent rate to 18%. Young children had the lowest
the scrotum some of the time. response rate, and LHRH was not useful for impalpable testes.
If the testis cannot be palpated in the usual position in the There have been recent suggestions that hormone therapy
groin near the external inguinal ring, the sites for an ectopic may be useful for germ cell development as an adjunct to
testis should be examined, such as the femoral region and surgery,121 but this remains extremely controversial.122
perineum. Truly impalpable testes are relatively uncommon, Some clinicians suggest that hormone therapy diagnoses a
being variously reported in 5% to 28% of boys with unde- retractile testis (which has a high success rate) and thereby
scended testes.105–108 If the testis cannot be palpated, this avoids surgery. Acquired undescended testes with severe
implies that it is either intra-abdominal (45%) or within the retraction or secondary ascent may respond to hCG treatment
inguinal canal (up to 25%), which is likely if the external ring at levels of 100 IU/kg intramuscularly twice a week for 3 to
is palpably open (personal observation). Alternatively, it 4 weeks. Alternatively, LHRH can be given as a nasal spray at
may be absent (45%). This is known as the vanishing 100 mg in each nostril six times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. In
testis and is likely the result of intrauterine torsion of the my surgical department, hormonal therapy is used rarely, and
spermatic cord during migration of the gubernaculum to the nearly all children with congenital or acquired cryptorchidism
scrotum.84,109,110 This leads to secondary atrophy of the testis, are offered orchidopexy.
and the contralateral testis is commonly enlarged, which is a
useful physical sign.83,111
Surgical Treatment
Blind inguinal exploration for the impalpable undescended
testis is unlikely to be successful. Numerous imaging tech- Treatment of cryptorchidism is based on the assumption that
niques have been recommended to identify the position of early intervention will prevent secondary degeneration of the
such a testis.112 These include abdominal and inguinal ultra- testes caused by high temperature.1 The scrotal testis is 3 C to
sonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance 4 C cooler than the intra-abdominal core temperature, which
imaging (MRI), and spermatic venography and arteriography. is essential for normal postnatal testicular development.67 The
Laparoscopy recently has become the most common way to timing of surgery remains controversial, with some studies
identify the position of an intra-abdominal testis and to suggesting that delayed orchidopexy late in childhood is
exclude the possibility of secondary atrophy.113–115 Laparos- associated with good results, whereas others show poor
copy offers the additional benefit of ligation of the testicular results. Studies showing early degeneration of the germ cells
vessels should a two-stage Fowler-Stephens operation be in the first 6 to 12 months through to macroscopic atrophy
contemplated.113 in school-age children all suggest that undescended testes

undergo progressive degeneration after birth.82,123 Although Once the cord structures have been separated from
the evidence that early surgery prevents this degeneration the sac, safely identified, and protected, the sac is divided
sequence is not yet available in humans, it is shown in all (see Fig. 77-4, E). Dissection is continued proximally up to
animal studies.124 the internal ring, where external peritoneal fat and divergence
Orchidopexy is recommended at 6 to 9 months. This is of the testicular vessels laterally from the vas medially indi-
because the first signs of damage to the testes are identified cates the retroperitoneum (see Fig. 77-4, F). The processus
at about 6 months of age.82 Orchidopexy in such young chil- vaginalis is then transfixed and ligated at the internal inguinal
dren, however, can be challenging. In pediatric surgical ring (see Fig. 77-4, G).
centers, orchidopexy is safe in the second 6 months of life; Further mobilization of the testicular vessels in the retro-
however, in centers with less experience in small children, sur- peritoneal space may be achieved by dividing small fibrous
gery between 12 and 18 months may be safer. When orchido- bands laterally that hold the testicular vessels and prevent
pexy is done in a pediatric surgical center, a younger age does them from being gently stretched to allow the testis to reach
not increase the risk of complications.125 the scrotum (see Fig. 77-4, H). In older children, straightening
Routine examination of all boys should be done at birth the curved path taken by the testicular vessels may effectively
with repeat examination at 3 months in those children in lengthen the spermatic cord (see Fig. 77-4, I), but this advan-
whom one or both testes were not descended at birth. If the tage is much less evident in small children. Since the advent of
testis remains undescended at 3 months, the child is best laparoscopy, it can be seen that the testicular vessels actually
referred for orchidopexy around 6 months of life. When the take a straight path from the abdominal aorta toward the
testis has descended spontaneously in the first 12 weeks, such internal inguinal ring and that retroperitoneal dissection is
children are best observed every few years to ensure that they more likely to gain length by allowing greater traction and
do not develop acquired undescended testes later in child- stretching of the testicular artery rather than by straightening
hood. Children presenting with a concomitant inguinal hernia the path taken.
should have the orchidopexy done together with the inguinal The vas deferens usually has sufficient length to reach the
herniotomy. This is much safer than delaying the orchidopexy scrotum without any special maneuvers. In difficult cases,
after the herniotomy because reexploration has a higher risk of however, the inferior epigastric vessels can be divided or
damage to the vas and vessels. In older boys presenting with the posterior wall of the inguinal canal can be opened medial
acquired maldescent, I recommend surgery once the testis to the inferior epigastric vessels and the testis taken medially
no longer resides spontaneously in the scrotum. This is a to them (Prentiss maneuver). This may give an extra centime-
controversial recommendation to some. ter or so of length to the vas deferens. The method of fixation
Orchidopexy is performed as an ambulatory procedure of the testis in the scrotum is shown in Figure 77-4, J to N.
with the child entering the hospital or clinic an hour or so An alternative operation, which is particularly suitable for
before operation and discharged a few hours later.126 Topical boys with acquired maldescent, is the transscrotal operation
anesthetic cream is applied to the back of the hand so that described by Bianchi and Squire59 and Russinko and col-
induction of anesthesia by injection is not painful. Under leagues.60 A transverse incision is made at the neck of scro-
general anesthesia, a regional or local anesthetic block is tum, and the tunica vaginalis is exposed, delivered through
performed to provide pain relief for the first few hours the wound, and placed under tension. Loose connective tissue
postoperatively. attachments to the spermatic cord are divided to expose the
For inguinal undescended testes, a skin crease incision spermatic cord itself. Commonly, there is a residual fibrous
is made over the external ring and extending a little later- strand of the processus vaginalis that has not disappeared.
ally (Fig. 77-4, A). The remaining details are shown in Once this fibrous strand has been divided, the vas and vessels
Figure 77-4, B to N. stretch out to reach the bottom of the scrotum without diffi-
A widely patent processus vaginalis is common (up to 70%) culty.58 The testis can be anchored by closing the neck of the
and needs to be separated from the vas deferens and the tes- scrotum or by suture of the testis to the scrotal septum.
ticular vessels (see Fig. 77-4, D). The hernia sac is wrapped When the testis is located within the inguinal canal or the
around the vessels anteriorly with the vas deferens posterome- abdomen, the spermatic cord may have insufficient length to
dial and the vessels posterolateral. In high undescended testes, reach the scrotum despite the maneuvers described previ-
particularly those found in the inguinal canal, the hernia sac ously. In this circumstance the surgeon has a number of
completely envelops the testis so that the vas and vessels are choices available. If there is necessary expertise and back-
inside the sac within a mesorchium. The method of separation up support, microvascular anastomosis can be performed,
of the hernia sac is that used during routine hernia repair: the with transection of the testicular vessels and reanastomosis
sac is stretched over the index finger while round-ended, non- to the inferior epigastric artery and vein.127 This technique
toothed dissecting forceps gently sweep off the other cord requires a high level of experience and skill with the operating
structures, taking care not to damage the testicular vessels microscope, so it is not often used. More commonly, if the tes-
and vas deferens. En masse separation of the vas deferens tis has been dissected but does not reach the scrotum, it can be
and vessels is easier if the sac remains intact. If an opening sutured in the groin at the lowermost point where it reaches
is made inadvertently, the edges of the peritoneum should comfortably as a first-stage procedure, and a second attempt
be picked up with forceps to maintain extensile exposure. is made 6 to 12 months later. Success rates for this two-stage
The vas deferens is adherent to the back of the hernia sac, orchidopexy have been quoted to be 70% to 90%.128
so it must be positively identified before the sac is divided. An alternative approach is the Fowler-Stephens procedure
It is important to remember that the processus vaginalis in which the testicular vessels are ligated intra-abdominally
may encompass the entire spermatic cord because its lateral and the testis swung down on a long-loop vas supplied by
edges can be fused posteriorly by the external spermatic fascia. collateral circulation from the artery to the vas and some



FIGURE 77-4 A, Skin crease incision over external ring and extending laterally. B, After dividing the Scarpa fascia, the external oblique aponeurosis
is exposed and opened with a scalpel and extended medially toward the external inguinal ring with scissors. Application of mosquito forceps to the
edges may facilitate subsequent identification and closure. C, A testis in the superficial inguinal pouch or pubic region is easily seen at this point, and it
can be picked up so that traction on the spermatic cord can permit the distal attachment of the gubernaculum to be identified and divided. In most
instances the gubernaculum is attached just lateral or above the neck of the scrotum. D, With traction on the tunica vaginalis, the cremaster muscle
fibers are stripped off and any residual processus vaginalis is dissected off the vas and vessels, beginning posteriorly where the free edges of the sac are
found. E, The vas and vessels are identified separate from the hernial sac and are protected by a small retractor while the sac is clamped and divided.
F, The anteromedial processus vaginalis is dissected from the posterolateral gonadal vessels up to the internal inguinal ring, where the vas deferens
diverges medially. G, Transfixion and ligation of the processus vaginalis at the internal ring. Twisting the sac first ensures that the needle does not catch
any intraperitoneal structures inadvertently. H, Extra length may be achieved by freeing up the lateral side of the gonadal vessels in the retroperitoneal



FIGURE 77-4, CONT’D I, Straightening of the path taken by the gonadal vessels may allow the testis to reach the scrotum. J, Incising the scrotal skin after
blunt finger dissection has created a path to the scrotum from the inguinal incision. Either midline or transverse incisions may be used to gain entrance to
the subdartos space; I prefer the latter because there is less bleeding. K, A subcutaneous pouch is made in the scrotum by undermining the incision with
scissors or artery forceps. Careful attention must be given to hemostasis to avoid a postoperative hematoma. L, A fine artery forceps is pushed through the
inguinoscrotal fascia, guided by the retreating finger, to connect the two incisions by a small buttonhole. M, The forceps grasps the testis, being careful
not to twist the cord structures and pulls the testis down to the scrotal incision through the fascial buttonhole into the subdartos pouch. N, There may not
be tension on the testis, and anchoring is optional. The testis may be sutured to the scrotal septum by a fine suture through the tunica albuginea, or
alternatively the opening in the fascial buttonhole can be narrowed with one or two sutures, particularly if there is any tension on the cord structures,
so the testis does not retract upward. The scrotal and inguinal incisions are closed in routine fashion. (From Spitz L, Coran AG: Pediatric surgery.
In Rob and Smith’s Operative Surgery, 5th ed. London, Chapman & Hall, 1995.)

cremasteric vessels (see Fig. 77-7, A and B).43 Radical dissec- operation as a two-stage procedure with initial ligation of
tion of the inguinal canal before making the decision to per- the testicular vessels without disturbance to the collateral
form a Fowler-Stephens operation may jeopardize its blood supply; the subsequent second-stage operation then
success by damaging the collateral blood supply. This compli- allows the testis to be mobilized on the enlarged collateral
cation can be overcome by performing the Fowler-Stephens vessels from the vas deferens, which then usually reach the

scrotum. In follow-up studies of this two-stage procedure, but important complication caused by inadequate mobiliza-
researchers report 70% to 90% scrotal position without tion of the cord or inadequate fixation of the testis within
atrophy.129,130 the scrotal pouch. Postoperative lymphedema and vascular
Many surgeons now use laparoscopy for impalpable testes congestion of the testis after orchidopexy is a common finding
in the inguinal canal and abdomen.106,115 An immediate that resolves spontaneously over the first month or two.
orchidopexy should be successful if the testis can be pulled After orchidopexy, the child is usually reexamined 1 to
to the opposite internal inguinal ring. A staged Fowler- 2 weeks later to remove the dressing and assess the short-term
Stephens operation is also relatively straightforward, and outcome. A further follow-up examination is performed 6 to
results are promising. In the first stage, laparoscopic localization 12 months later to determine whether there has been any
of the testis allows a decision to be made about orchidopexy significant atrophy or secondary malposition of the testis.
versus orchidectomy, which should be considered if the testis The end result and appearance are satisfactory in the majority
is small or dysgenetic. If orchidopexy is believed warranted, of instances.
simple ligation of the testicular vessels above the testes can Success rates are higher for those testes that have passed
be performed with an endosurgical tie or a clip.113 Six months through the external inguinal ring, whereas intracanalicular
later, the testis can then be mobilized on a flap of perito- or abdominal testes have a higher incidence of persisting
neum containing the collateral blood supply and swung abnormality after orchidopexy. The intra-abdominal testis
down through the medial edge of inguinal canal to reach the may fail to reach the scrotum, at least after a single-stage pro-
scrotum. At present, I perform both stages laparoscopically.103 cedure, or it may be an inadequate gonad subsequently and
atrophy. Total infarction of the testis is rare and is reported
in 3% of patients with an impalpable testis. A further 15%
Complications of Surgery to 20% have some atrophy after orchidopexy.131 The risk
In the hands of experienced surgeons and particularly with the of atrophy is probably increased if a second operation is
routine use of magnification, the risk of complications after required to bring the testis to the scrotum. Exact figures in this
orchidopexy should be less than 5% (Table 77-1).20 Damage subgroup, however, are not available.
to the testicular vessels leading to atrophy is the most feared The risk of atrophy after orchidopexy is increased if a
complication, but this is relatively rare. More subtle damage simultaneous inguinal hernia is performed for incarcerated or
to the vas deferens leading to occlusion of its lumen and sub- strangulated hernia. It is difficult to determine whether the
sequent interference with fertility is a theoretic problem, but increased rate of atrophy is secondary to compromise of the
its exact frequency is difficult to determine. Hemorrhage in testicular vessels caused by compression or to the greater dis-
the wound secondary to poor hemostasis occurs occasionally. section required with a large hernia sac. The timing for orchi-
The most common complication after orchidopexy, partic- dopexy has therefore been a compromise between the
ularly now that many are done in infants, is wound infection. potentially increasing risk of testicular dysplasia with age
Both the inguinal and scrotal incisions are at risk for infection compared with the potentially increased risk of postoperative
at any age, but, in my experience, scrotal infection is more atrophy in younger children. Wilson-Storey and colleagues125
common in infants. Usually this is of no serious consequence compared 100 infants younger than 2 years of age with 100
and responds to simple antibiotic treatment or drainage. Sec- toddlers or older children undergoing orchidopexy after age
ondary ascent of the testis after orchidopexy is an uncommon 2 years. They found an incidence of testicular atrophy of 5%
in both groups, suggesting that the risk of postoperative atrophy
is not directly related to age in pediatric surgical centers.
TABLE 77-1
Complications of Orchidopexy
Failure of testis to reach scrotum
Secondary atrophy of the testis A significant number of studies have evaluated fertility in men
Retraction of testis out of scrotum after orchidopexy (Table 77-2).7,132–137 Testes initially located
Occlusion of vas deferens beyond the inguinal canal have a good prognosis for fertility,
Hemorrhage although location does not change outcome for unilateral
Wound infection cases.90 Interpretation of results is difficult, however, because
in most current fertility studies of men the operations were

TABLE 77-2
Fertility After Orchidopexy
Authors No. of Patients Average Age at Operation Fertility Tests Unilateral Bilateral
Puri et al., 1985 142 7-13 Semen analysis 74 30
Singer et al., 1988 25 6.2 Semen analysis 70 40
Cendron et al., 1989 40 7.0 Paternity 87 33
Kumar et al., 1989 56 7-18þ Paternity 84 60
Okuyama et al., 1989 167 2-5 Semen analysis 95 24
Mandat et al., 1994 135 8.9 Semen analysis 53 26
Lee et al., 2001 51 7.1 Paternity 90 —

between 6 and 13 of years of age, suggesting that this group

includes many acquired variants such as ascending and
retractile testes. These latter patients are far less likely to have
abnormal fertility because early germ cell maturation would
have occurred normally when the testis was in the scrotum dur-
ing infancy. The histology of ascending testis is reported to be
similar to congenitally cryptorchid testes, and histopathology
correlates with future fertility potential.138,139
An extensive review of the literature has failed to demonstrate
any significant improvement in fertility with early operation
within the range of 4 to 14 years.137 Although 27 papers were
reviewed, only four reports were recently published and we
can no longer extrapolate data from operations done on adoles-
cent patients before the 1950s and 1960s. With advances in
knowledge and changes in clinical management in the past
25 years (i.e., earlier surgical intervention), it is inappropriate
to compare these older historical studies with the results of cur-
rent treatment. Whether orchidopexy in infancy ultimately
achieves a significantly improved rate of fertility remains to be
seen, but as described earlier, surgery at 9 months shows early
promise for improved testicular volume.94

Malignancy FIGURE 77-5 Mechanical causes of the acute scrotum present as pain,
swelling, and redness confined to the hemiscrotum, as shown in this
At present, there are no accurate data available as to whether 1-year-old infant, because the inflammatory reaction is limited by the
orchidopexy in early infancy reduces the risk of subsequent ipsilateral tunica vaginalis.
testicular cancer. However, Cortes reports that the risk of
malignancy for acquired undescended testes is low.140 There within the tunica vaginalis but prevents complete torsion.
will be a lag time between the current trend of orchidopexy in The pendulous testis associated with a high investment of
infancy and convincing evidence that this change in the man- the cord has a horizontal lie and allows the testis to be readily
agement alters outcome for congenital undescended testes. twisted by leg movement or cremasteric contractions. A rare
At this time, all clinicians can do is define those features that variant of intratunical torsion is one in which there is separa-
appear to affect prognosis. Good prognostic signs include the tion between the testis and the epididymis, allowing torsion
testis near the neck of the scrotum, ascending or retractile between these structures. This is likely to be more common
testes, and possibly operation in early infancy. Poor prognosis in undescended testes.
is associated with primary dysplasia of the testis or epididy- Extratunical or extravaginal torsion is less common and is
mis, intra-abdominal or intracanalicular testes, an associated confined to the perinatal period. During descent of the guber-
strangulated inguinal hernia, and possibly operation delayed naculum and testis into the scrotum, there is a loose areolar
until late childhood or adolescence. plane around these moving structures, which allows the entire
tunica vaginalis and spermatic cord to twist.
Beyond the newborn period, testicular torsion is almost
Torsion of the testis always associated with the bell-clapper variant. Trauma and
physical activity may be important, as may action of the cre-
Torsion of the testis was first described in 1840 by master muscle.145 Cremasteric contraction may be either the
Delasiauve.141 The condition was first reported in the new- cause or the effect of torsion. The high incidence of testicular
born by Taylor in 1897,142 and torsion of a testicular append- torsion at puberty suggests that recent enlargement of the
age was first described by Colt in 1922.143 Ombredanne,144 testis associated with increased serum testosterone levels is
in 1913, described a lesion that was probably a testicular a predisposing factor.
appendage, although he did not recognize its true nature. Torsion of the testis does not always cause necrosis if the
Twisting or torsion of the testis results in occlusion of number of twists is small or the testis untwists spontaneously.
the gonadal blood supply, which, if unrelieved, leads to necro- In an experimental dog model, four complete turns of the
sis. Although it is not the most common cause of the acute spermatic cord caused necrosis within 2 hours, whereas one
scrotum in childhood, it is certainly the most important complete turn produced no ischemia in up to 12 hours.146
(Fig. 77-5). Torsion of the testis is a surgical emergency In adolescent boys, necrosis is likely after 24 hours of
because of the high incidence of gonadal necrosis. symptoms but may occur after as little as 2 hours.147,148
Intratunical or intravaginal torsion occurs most commonly In 1761 Morgagni described the appendix testis, now
and is predisposed to by an abnormally high investment of the known as the hydatid of Morgagni.104 This is believed to be
spermatic cord by the tunica vaginalis. The long narrow an embryologic remnant of the cranial end of the müllerian
mesorchium allows the testis to lie horizontally within its peri- or paramesonephric duct. It is present in more than 90% of
toneal sac (tunica vaginalis), the so-called bell-clapper anomaly. males and varies in size from 1 to 10 mm in diameter. It is
In the normal testis, the short mesorchium attaches to the full the most frequently twisted of the four testicular appendages.
length of the epididymis and allows testicular movement The others are the appendix epididymis, which is a remnant of

the Wolffian duct, the paradidymis, and the vas aberrans. age of 16 presenting with acute scrotum, 58% had torsion
These vestigial structures have a similar histology, being com- of the testicular appendage and 29% had torsion of the testes.
posed of gelatinous and vascular connective tissue covered Epididymitis had been diagnosed in 13%, although a signifi-
with a columnar epithelium. The hydatid of Morgagni is cant number of these subsequently turned out to have torsion
usually pedunculated, which predisposes to torsion. The of a testicular appendage that had not been recognized.149
most frequent time for torsion of the testicular appendix is Clinical presentation of testicular torsion is usually her-
at about 11 years of age. This peak, just before the onset of alded by the sudden onset of pain in the testis, lower
puberty, may be related to early pubertal stimulation by abdomen, or groin, associated with nausea and vomiting.
estrogens.149–151 Occasionally the onset is more gradual without severe pain,
Inflammatory conditions of the scrotum are often called leading to delayed diagnosis. A previous history of short-lived,
epididymo-orchitis, even though the epididymis alone is similar pains suggests prior incomplete torsion with spontane-
usually affected before puberty. Epididymitis is rare after ous resolution. A horizontal lie of the testis when the boy
puberty, whereas epididymo-orchitis is more common after stands indicates a long mesorchium. Unless the testis and
puberty. The mumps virus has a predilection for the postpu- the epididymis are necrotic, local palpation is exquisitely
bertal but not the prepubertal testis. Epididymitis is seen painful. The hemiscrotum rapidly becomes red and edema-
between birth and 6 months, and thereafter is rare until after tous, and, if untreated, infarction of the testis may give the
puberty. It is usually caused by infection reaching the epidid- hemiscrotum a bluish discoloration. The inflammatory signs
ymis by retrograde spread along the vas deferens from the usually end abruptly at the edge of the hemiscrotum because
urinary tract. Escherichia coli is the common organism, and this coincides with the limits of the peritoneum, tunica
infections are predisposed to by urinary tract abnormalities vaginalis. A reactive hydrocele from effusion of edema fluid
or urethral instrumentation. The most common group now into the tunica may make the physical signs more difficult
suffering epididymo-orchitis in childhood are boys with spina to interpret (see Fig. 77-5).
bifida having intermittent catheterization. This is occasionally Torsion of a testicular appendage presents with an almost
seen in infants with imperforate anus and rectourethral fistula similar history, although often the degree of pain is less severe.
or may be seen in the bladder exstrophy population after closure. A bluish black spot (blue-dot) may be seen through the skin at
Idiopathic scrotal edema is occasionally confused with the upper pole of the testis, but this may not be apparent for
torsion of the testis or its appendages. In this condition, there 24 to 48 hours after the development of symptoms, and
is rapidly developing edema of the scrotum with spread to or palpation of this area causes extreme pain but usually in point
from the inguinal region, penis, or perineum. The cause of this tenderness fashion, whereas palpation of the testis itself causes
edema is not always apparent but may be bacterial cellulitis or little discomfort. The degree of inflammation of the epidi-
a topical allergy. dymis is variable with testicular appendage torsion. Once sec-
A rare cause of the acute scrotum, which may be confused ondary inflammation and edema of the scrotum occur, it may
with testicular torsion, is fat necrosis. It is characterized by the be impossible to distinguish between testicular torsion and
sudden appearance of tender, often bilateral small lumps torsion of a testicular appendage.
within the scrotal skin. The affected boys are often obese, Investigations such as radioisotope scans and Doppler
and there may be a history of swimming in cold water. ultrasound have been used to determine whether there is
Henoch Schönlein purpura may present with signs of acute blood flow to the testes in acute scrotum.152,153 In adolescents
scrotal swelling either before or after other systemic signs and beyond pubertal age, such tests may be more useful because
symptoms. It is most commonly bilateral and rarely painful. the volume of the testis is large enough to allow a reasonably
high level of accuracy. Before puberty, however, when the tes-
tis is less than 1 or 2 mL in volume, such tests are of lower
accuracy and have limited clinical usefulness. I do not usually
Torsion of the testis is common in adolescence, but before perform these studies but immediately explore the scrotum
puberty torsion of a testicular appendage is more common through a small midline scrotal incision.
(Table 77-3). There are two peaks of incidence for torsion
of the testis: in the early neonatal period and in adolescent TREATMENT
boys aged 13 to 16. In a review of 771 children up to the
Treatment of the acute scrotum and possible torsion of the tes-
TABLE 77-3 tis is immediate operative exploration of the scrotum. A mid-
Causes of Acute Scrotum line incision is made in the scrotum, and the hemiscrotum is
Pathology Frequency Age at Presentation
opened with diathermy. The edema in the scrotal wall may
make identification of the tunica vaginalis difficult. It is easy
Extravaginal torsion of testis Uncommon Perinatal to recognize once this has been opened by the efflux of hydro-
Intravaginal torsion of testis Common Anytime, peak cele fluid. The testis is delivered through the incision if there is
at 13-16 yr
evidence of torsion of the gonad itself. Where the testis
Testicular appendage Very Anytime, peak
torsion common at 11 yr
appears normally viable, its upper pole is manipulated into
Epididymitis Rare 0-6 mo
the wound and the twisted hydatid is delivered through the
Mumps orchitis Uncommon Only after puberty
incision and excised. Usually this is a black pea after hemor-
Idiopathic scrotal Uncommon 0-5 yr
rhagic infarction. A significant number of hydatids, however,
edema undergo torsion without secondary hemorrhage and appear
Fat necrosis of scrotum Rare 5-15 yr pale at surgery. These should always be excised and sent for
pathologic confirmation of necrosis.

If the testis is twisted, this is untwisted and the viability and scrotum. The abnormally high temperature can be detected
assessed. In a prepubertal child, this maneuver is usually by thermography and causes progressive dysfunction of the
relatively easy and circulation returns within a few minutes. testis and epididymis.1,162 This may lead to subsequent testic-
In the postpubertal testis, particularly when there has been ular atrophy and infertility, as first proposed by Tulloch.163
some secondary hemorrhage, viability may be difficult to Testicular atrophy may be significant in adult life but may
determine. In this circumstance, it may be better to observe become evident quite early in adolescence.164 The incidence
the testis for several minutes while exploring the contralateral of varicocele is 15% among men in general and rises to 20%
scrotum. The use of a Doppler probe may be helpful to to 40% in men presenting to infertility clinics. In children youn-
determine if there is testicular blood flow. ger than age 10 years, varicocele is rare, but by the end of
The contralateral hemiscrotum should always be explored adolescence the incidence has risen to that seen in the adult
when torsion of the testis has been found because the anomaly population.165 Varicocele may occur in small children with
is usually bilateral. It is not sufficient to place a few absorbable Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma, or hydronephrotic kidney that
sutures between the testis and the scrotal wall. The best causes obstruction of venous return from the testis. Although
technique is to create a window of tunica vaginalis by excising most cases of varicocele occur on the left, varicocele on the right
a segment of the tunica and suturing the edges of the defect to side is suggestive of a retroperitoneal tumor.
the tunica albuginea with nonabsorbable sutures.154 This
creates permanent fusion of the testicular surface with the
connective tissues of the scrotum and creates a second, ante-
rior mesorchium. Inadequate fixation with absorbable sutures Varicocele presents as a soft, distensible mass in the upper
may result in recurrent torsion.155,156 part of the scrotum (Fig. 77-6). In 80% to 90% of cases they
It is controversial whether testes of doubtful viability present on the left side, with bilateral lesions reported as
should be excised or left in situ to see whether they will occurring between 2% and 20% and right-sided lesions
recover any hormonal function. There is now good evidence between 1% and 7%.166 In the supine position, a redundant
that testicular ischemia damages the blood-testis barrier and left hemiscrotum and horizontal lie of the left testis may be
exposes the child older than 10 years of age to the potential noted.167 On standing, the varicocele fills with blood to pro-
risk of autoimmunization against his own spermatogonia.136 duce the typical “bag of worms” appearance. The lesion is not
This potentially serious complication has been recognized usually painful; however, the boy may complain of a dragging
because spermatogenesis later in life is poor in men who sensation.
underwent fixation of ischemic testes in adolescence. The risk Varicoceles may be classified by size into grades I to III or
of autoimmunization related to ischemia is low in children small, medium, and large. Small varicocele (grade I) may be
younger than age 10 because there is no blood-testis barrier evident only during Valsalva maneuver.168,169 Medium-size
before spermatogenesis commences.157,158 It is my practice,
therefore, to leave doubtful testes in situ in children younger
than 10. In children older than 10 with an ischemic gonad,
I recommend orchidectomy.
Another controversial issue is whether neonates presenting
with a dead testis, apparently caused by perinatal torsion,
should have the contralateral testis fixed.159,160 As mentioned
previously, perinatal torsion is usually caused by torsion of
the spermatic cord during testicular descent. A significant
percentage of such children, however, also have an unfixed
or bell-clapper testis and are therefore at risk of having
contralateral torsion. A firm recommendation is difficult to
give on this issue, but a strong case can be made for explora-
tion of the contralateral testis and fixation as described for
adolescent torsion, especially in an infant younger than a
few weeks old. After 3 months of age, secondary adherence
of the gubernaculum to the scrotum should have occurred
and exploration is less useful.
In adolescents presenting with intermittent recurrent
testicular pain, bilateral orchidopexy may be justified, espe-
cially if there is a horizontal lie of the testes on clinical exam-
ination. Almost one third of adolescents who undergo acute
torsion have a history of previous intermittent pain.


Dilation of the testicular veins in the pampiniform venous

FIGURE 77-6 A grade III varicocele in a 14-year-old boy is visible as
plexus causes a varicocele.161 The countercurrent heat a space-occupying lesion of the left hemiscrotum even in the supine
exchange mechanism in the spermatic cord vessels is dis- position before surgery. On standing, the dilated vessels fill to produce
rupted, which leads to an increased temperature of the testis a “bag of worms.”

varicoceles (grade II) are palpable without Valsalva maneuver, accompanying the testicular artery. Above the internal ingui-
and large varicoceles are visible as a scrotal space-occupying nal ring, the number of venous channels decreases to one
lesion.170 or two and finally coalesces into a single testicular vein enter-
ing either the inferior vena cava on the right or the left renal
ETIOLOGY vein; the latter join at a right angle. Retrograde flow in the
veins is prevented by the presence of valves. Anastomoses
Lack of valves in the left testicular vein is one of the primary with subsidiary veins occur along the vas deferens to the base
factors in the etiology of varicocele. In postmortem exami- of the bladder through the cremasteric and scrotal veins to the
nations, the left testicular vein contains no valves in 40% of saphenous vein (see Fig. 77-7, B).
specimens compared with absence of valves in only 23% of
right spermatic veins, and the right-angle entry of the left sper-
matic vein into the high-pressure venous system of the left
renal vein may predispose to varicocele.171 When upright, Varicocele leads to testicular atrophy and subsequent infertility
the long pressure column generated in the pampiniform in adult life, probably secondary to abnormally high tempera-
plexus results in poor venous return and varicose distention ture.174 How the excessive temperature actually produces
of the veins. There are a number of other etiologic theories testicular dysfunction, however, is not so clear. A number of
including disruption of the venous pump created by the cov- abnormalities have been documented in hormonal function
erings of the spermatic cord, compression of the left renal vein and other physiologic parameters of the testis, but whether
between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta, extrinsic these are primary or secondary abnormalities is uncertain. This
pressure on the left testicular vein by a full sigmoid colon, and is particularly true for a proposed defect in the hypothalamic-
vascular spasm at the origin of the left testicular vein caused pituitary-gonadal axis. Serum testosterone levels are usually
by adrenaline coming from the left adrenal gland. In a series normal, although a subclinical defect in the androgen axis is
of 659 patients undergoing spermatic venography, absence of possible.175 Leydig cell hypoplasia with high serum follicle-
the valves in the left testicular veins was documented in 484 stimulating hormone levels has mostly been reported in
patients.172 In addition, a further 172 patients with varicocele adults with established testicular atrophy. Inhibited testicular
had valves intact but had reflux of blood into the testicular development during puberty is seen in association with histo-
vein through collaterals draining the left kidney. Renal vein logic changes that are similar to those seen in adults with
stenosis was identified in 103 patients. The external spermatic infertility caused by varicocele.135,176,177 Where testicular
vein (cremasteric vein) has also been implicated because it atrophy is recognizable, an abnormal production of pituitary
may be dilated in up to 50% of varicoceles.173 hormones occurs in response to a gonadotropin-releasing
Because the testis is supplied by three separate arteries, so is hormone stimulation test.
the venous drainage formed by more than one set of veins.
Blood reaches the testis via the testicular (or internal sper-
matic) artery from the abdominal aorta, the deferential artery
supplying the vas deferens, and the cremasteric (or external The criteria for treatment are controversial, with common
spermatic) artery arising from the external iliac artery and in- indications including symptoms such as chronic pain or dis-
ferior epigastric vessels (Fig. 77-7, A). These three vessels form comfort, demonstrable atrophy of the testis in adolescence,
an anastomosis around the caudal epididymis. Blood drains and subfertility in adults. When there is greater than a 10%
from the testis and epididymis into the pampiniform plexus difference in gonadal volume on orchidometry, Parrott and

Deferential A. veins
Testicular A.
(internal spermatic)


Cremasteric A. Varicocele
(external spermatic) Cremasteric

Anastomosis around Scrotal

A cauda epididymis B anastomoses
FIGURE 77-7 A, Arterial supply to the testis, epididymis, and vas deferens, with anastomoses around the cauda epididymis. B, Venous drainage of the
testis, showing the anastomoses with the varicocele. (From Hutson JM: Varicocele and its treatment. Pediatr Surg Int 1995;10:509.)

Hewatt178 advocate operation. Nagar and Levran168 have blood within the testicular veins. One might predict a high
recommended screening of school boys by physical examina- frequency of recurrence, although this is not currently known.
tion to identify varicoceles at any early stage of development Laparoscopic ligation of the testicular vein proximal to
and found varicoceles were present but asymptomatic in the internal ring has gained popularity.115 Some authors have
10% of nearly 800 boys examined. They propose that screen- recommended selective ligation of the venous channels pre-
ing enabled the diagnosis to be made at an earlier age and a serving the artery, whereas others have recommended mass
lower stage of disease. They speculated that this should pro- ligation of the artery and the veins. Many publications attest
duce improved future fertility in adults, but this will not to the feasibility of laparoscopic ligation, but long-term
be proven for some time. Doppler ultrasound is currently a follow-up is not available.183,189
popular test used in adult infertility clinics to identify subclin- Palomo first proposed mass ligation of the testicular vessels
ical varicoceles.179 In early adolescence, however, when the including both artery and veins in the retroperitoneum above
testicular volume and blood flow is much less than in adults, the internal inguinal ring.190 The technique has a high success
the role of Doppler ultrasound is less reliable. Diagnostic rate with a surprisingly low risk of testicular atrophy as long
or therapeutic testicular venography is currently popular for as the collateral vessels have been preserved.178,189,191,192
men with a varicocele.180,181 In young adolescents, general The operation has been available for a long time but has only
anesthesia is usually required for such a procedure, although recently gained popularity. Fear of devascularizing the testis
a study using therapeutic testicular venography with insertion has made many surgeons cautious. As stated in Palomo’s
of spring coils has been described using only local anesthesia. publication, however, the blood supply of the testis should
be maintained if any two of the three vessels are preserved.
Because the cremasteric and deferential vessels are preserved,
the collateral arterial supply of the testis should be intact and
The multiple theories of etiology of varicocele have led to no venous channels are accidentally excluded by being
a wide range of surgical options (Fig. 77-8). Inguinal explo- mistaken for the testicular artery itself.
ration has been a standard procedure for many years, with Laparoscopic mass ligation as described by Palomo is my
careful ligation of all the venous channels as described by personal choice, although I offer the family the option of
Ivanissevich182 and by Sayfan and colleagues.181 Historically, having the procedure done laparoscopically or by a small open
this technique has been associated with a high incidence of retroperitoneal approach. The laparoscopic method is similar
secondary hydrocele, accidental ligation of the testicular artery to that described elsewhere in this book, with a 5-mm tele-
leading to testicular atrophy, and recurrence of the varico- scope port through the umbilicus and two 4-mm ports, one
cele.183,184 Poor results in some hands have led to a search in the left abdomen level with the umbilicus and the other
for alternative approaches including microsurgical dissection in the hypogastrium. With the surgeon standing on the right
of the testicular veins, preserving the testicular artery and side of the operating table and the assistant on the left, the
lymphatics within the spermatic cord. Some authors have video screen is placed near the left foot. The colon can be dis-
suggested identifying the artery or veins intraoperatively so placed readily by tilting the patient. The peritoneum is opened
that the artery can be preserved. For this purpose, both several centimeters away from the internal inguinal ring, and
Doppler ultrasonography and venography have been used, the entire vascular pedicle including artery and all venous
but the role of these intraoperative investigations remains channels is ligated in continuity with a 3-0 absorbable suture.
uncertain.184–186 Antegrade sclerotherapy is also being used Lymphatic channels may be preserved if identified.
in some units.187 The open procedure is also straightforward and may be
Shafik and colleagues188 have suggested plication of the done on an ambulatory basis. Under a short general anes-
external spermatic fascia to cause external compression of thetic, an incision is made in the left iliac fossa medial and just
the pampiniform vessels. This is a simple procedure but does a little below the left anterosuperior iliac spine. This is usually
not address the persisting problem of retrograde flow of several centimeters away from the internal inguinal ring. The
oblique muscles are divided along the line of their fibers just
lateral to the rectus abdominis muscle. Once the peritoneum is
Embolization of
testicular veins visualized, it is mobilized medially by pledget and blunt
dissection. Using this site of access, the peritoneal cavity is
shallow and medial displacement of the peritoneum immedi-
• vein ligation
ately exposes the testicular pedicle well below the level of the
Retroperitoneal ligation
• mass ligation
of veins/all vessels
ureter entering the pelvis. The vascular pedicle is isolated from
the overlying peritoneum with a right-angle forceps, and two
Plication of varicose 3-0 absorbable ligatures are placed in continuity around the
pampiniform plexus High ligation above pedicle. It is not necessary to divide the testicular pedicle,
internal ring although this is an option. On removal of the retractors, the
peritoneum immediately resumes its normal position and a
Inguinal ligation (low) few tacking sutures can be placed in the muscle layers and
the skin closed with subcuticular sutures in the normal man-
Ligation of
ner. Because the Palomo operation does not disturb all the
scrotal collaterals lymphatic drainage of the inguinoscrotal region and leaves
FIGURE 77-8 The large range of approaches to correction of a varicocele.
collaterals to the cremasteric and deferential vessels intact,
(From Hutson JM: Varicocele and its treatment. Pediatr Surg Int the postoperative risk of an acute hydrocele is lower than with
1995;10:509.) other procedures.

RESULTS Ilioinguinal nerve damage has been reported after inguinal

approaches, and genitofemoral nerve injuries have been
The recognized complications of varicocele repair are shown reported after laparoscopy and injury to the vas. Ligation of
in Table 77-4. The risk of recurrence or persistence of the var- the veins within the inguinal canal using a modified Ivanisse-
icocele is quoted as 5% to 45%.184 Risk of reactive hydrocele vich procedure has a 16% recurrence, compared with high
varies between 7% and 39%. The incidence of testicular atro- retroperitoneal selective vein ligation, which has a reported
phy, which is one of the most important outcome measures recurrence rate of 11%. In a study of 32 boys treated with
related to this surgery, is rarely reported, so accurate figures mass ligation through the Palomo procedure, no failures
are unknown. and no testicular atrophy were found after any of the opera-
tions. I concur from my own experience that the Palomo
TABLE 77-4 operation is the preferred technique. The surgical manage-
Complications of Varicocele Repair ment of varicocele continues to evolve, but at present the
Recurrence/persistence 5%-45% laparoscopic Palomo operation holds reasonable promise as
Reactive hydrocele 7%-39% having higher success and lower complication rates than
Testicular atrophy Not known previous procedures.
Ilioinguinal nerve injury Not known
Injury to vas deferens Not known The complete reference list is available online at www.

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