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PsyCh Journal (2020)

DOI: 10.1002/pchj.328

Set-shifting ability is specifically linked to high-school science

and math achievement in Chinese adolescents

Jingguang Li ,1 Yajun Zhao,2 Shan Zhou,1 Yuling Pu,1 Hongyu He,1 and Ming Zhao1
College of Education, Dali University, Dali, China, 2School of Sociology and Psychology, Southwest
Minzu University, Chengdu, China

Abstract: Previous meta-analytic studies have revealed that set-shifting ability contributes to achievement in math and reading equally
during childhood, but less is known about whether set-shifting ability plays an equally important role in achievement in different school
subjects during high-school learning. To fill this research gap, the current study examined the association between set-shifting ability and
academic achievement among 10th-grade Chinese adolescents who attended high school (N = 221). Meanwhile, we further explored the
possible mechanisms underlying this association by testing the mediating role of math abilities (i.e., arithmetic and algebraic ability). Set-
shifting ability was measured through a task-switching task in which participants continuously change task rules based on color and shape
sets. Academic achievement was indexed by curriculum-based examination scores. Based on exploratory factor analyses, the achievement
scores could be classified into two categories: (a) science and math achievement, including math, physics, chemistry, biology, and geogra-
phy scores; and (b) humanities achievement, comprising Chinese, English, history, and politics scores. Arithmetic ability and algebraic
ability were measured by participants’ ability to perform calculations and solve algebraic equations, respectively. Correlation and regres-
sion analyses found that set-shifting ability was related to science and math achievement, but not to humanities achievement. Further-
more, the association between set-shifting ability and science and math achievement is partly mediated by algebraic ability. Together,
these results suggest that set-shifting ability plays a domain-specific role in achievement. That is, set-shifting ability is specifically linked
to science and math achievement in Chinese adolescents, and this specific link may be partly mediated by algebraic ability.

Keywords: achievement; algebraic ability; math; science; set-shifting

Correspondence Dr. Jingguang Li, Dali University, Hongsheng Street #2, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China. Email:
Received 14 October 2018. Accepted 24 October 2019.

Identifying the individual psychological factors that influ- Set-shifting ability and academic achievement
ence academic achievement is a critical task for psycho-
logical science that may help researchers and teachers Set-shifting (also known as “cognitive flexibility” and “task
develop pedagogical methods that improve students’ switching”) is one of the executive functions, which com-
learning outcomes. Previous studies have established prise cognitive processes underlying the cognitive control
numerous individual factors that predict academic of thought and behavior (Miyake et al., 2000). Set-shifting
achievement, such as general intelligence (Rohde & refers to “changing perspectives or approaches to a prob-
Thompson, 2007), working memory (Jacob & Parkinson, lem, flexibly adjusting to new demands, rules, or priorities
2015), Big-Five personalities (Poropat, 2009), and self- (as in switching between tasks)” (Diamond, 2013). In set-
regulation (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, shifting tasks, such as the well-known Wisconsin Card
2007; Duckworth & Seligman, 2005). In the current study, Sorting Task (Berg, 1948), participants develop rules in
we examine the role of a specific cognitive function – set- working memory and then switch to perform different tasks
shifting ability – in academic achievement. based on different rules (Garon, Bryson, & Smith, 2008).

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
2 Set-shifting and academic achievement

Students often have to shift between different mental sets ability. If the domain-general hypothesis is correct, educa-
during learning and testing; therefore, a number of previous tors should not differentiate the role of set-shifting in learn-
studies have examined the role of set-shifting ability in ing among different school subjects. The extant literature
predicting academic achievement. Several studies have appears to support a domain-general view on the relation-
reported a lack of an association between set-shifting abil- ship between set-shifting ability and academic achievement.
ity and academic performance (e.g., Cragg, Keeble, Rich- That is, two meta-analyses—the most compelling method
ardson, Roome, & Gilmore, 2017; Espy et al., 2004; Lee, for aggregating empirical data—have both revealed that
Ng, & Ng, 2009; Monette, Bigras, & Guay, 2011) whereas set-shifting ability equally correlated with math and reading
other studies have reported positive correlations between achievement (Jacob & Parkinson, 2015; Yeniad et al.,
set-shifting ability and academic performance (e.g., Bull, 2013). However, we argue that it is necessary to test the
Espy, & Wiebe, 2008; Bull & Scerif, 2001; Cantin, generality of the domain-general hypothesis in the follow-
Gnaedinger, Gallaway, Hesson-McInnis, & Hund, 2016; ing two ways.
Clark, Pritchard, & Woodward, 2010; Filippetti & Richaud, First, students generally learn many more subjects than
2017; Gerst, Cirino, Fletcher, & Yoshida, 2017). Critically, math and reading, such as humanities and science. Differ-
two meta-analyses have confirmed the positive association ent subjects generally have different cognitive demands;
between set-shifting ability and academic achievement. thus, it is unclear whether set-shifting ability contributes
First, Yeniad, Malda, Mesman, van IJzendoorn, and Pieper equally to achievement in all school subjects. Conse-
(2013) reported that shifting was positively and equally cor- quently, it is necessary to examine the association by
related achievement in both math, k = 18, r = .26, 95% expanding to a broader category of school subjects.
confidence interval (CI) [.15, .35], and reading, k = 16, Second, and more important, most previous studies have
r = .21, 95% CI [.11, .31]. Second, Jacob and Parkinson examined the association between set-shifting ability and
(2015) reported similar meta-analysis results, but with a academic achievement in samples of children. Seventeen of
slightly higher estimation of effect sizes. That is, set- 18 of Yeniad et al.’s (2013) meta-analyses included empiri-
shifting ability was positively and equally correlated with cal studies that tested this association for children from kin-
achievement in both math, k = 17, r = .34, 95% CI [.24, dergarten and primary school. In Jacob and Parkinson’s
.44], and reading, k = 11, r = .32, 95% CI [.30, .54]. In (2015) meta-analyses, 80% of all included studies tested
summary, set-shifting ability may be positively correlated the association in children from kindergarten and primary
with academic achievement, and the association does not school. We argue that the results based on children might
differ between math and reading. differ from those for older participants (e.g., high-school
An important question regarding the association between students). First, the developmental trajectories of set-
set-shifting ability and academic achievement is whether shifting ability across childhood and adolescence might be
this link is domain-general or domain-specific. That is, different (Lee, Bull, & Ho, 2013). Moreover, even for the
does set-shifting ability play an equally important role in same subject, knowledge and skill learning differ in differ-
all school subjects (referred to as the domain-general ent learning phases. For example, high-school math may
hypothesis) or does it have a stronger impact on certain require much more cognitive processing (including set-
subjects than on others (referred to as the domain-specific shifting) than may kindergarten math because the former is
hypothesis)? Critically, these two contradictory hypotheses much more difficult than is the latter. Thus, it is necessary
have different educational implications. If the domain- to replicate the findings for children with older participants
specific hypothesis is correct, educators in different school such as high-school students.
subjects should develop different pedagogical methods In brief, to evaluate the domain-general versus domain-
based on the specific influence of set-shifting ability on specific hypotheses, it is necessary to conduct investiga-
achievement in certain subjects. For example, if set-shifting tions with diverse school subjects and populations other
ability has higher predictive power for achievement in math than children (e.g., adolescents). Only four studies have
than in other subjects, math teachers should pay special tested the relationship between set-shifting ability, as mea-
attention to students’ constraints in set-shifting ability. In sured by the card-sorting paradigm, and academic achieve-
addition, it is appropriate to design intervention programs ment in adolescent or adult populations (Au et al., 2011;
to improve math achievement by training set-shifting Boschloo, Krabbendam, Aben, de Groot, & Jolles, 2014;

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
PsyCh Journal 3

Cragg et al., 2017; Latzman, Elkovitch, Young, & Clark, across participants from the United States and China (Lan,
2010). Au et al. (2011) observed that set-shifting ability Legare, Ponitz, Li, & Morrison, 2011). Chinese adoles-
significantly contributed to overall academic rank in 12- to cents’ school learning differs from that of their Western
17-year-old Chinese Hong Kong adolescents, but they did counterparts in two critical aspects. First, cross-country
not examine different school subjects in detail. Cragg et al. comparison studies consistently have shown that Chinese
(2017) observed a lack of correlation between set-shifting adolescents generally outperform Western adolescents in
ability and performance on standard math achievement test science and math achievement (see Hau & Ho, 2010).
in both adolescents (11–14 years of age) and young adults Thus, the observed association between set-shifting ability
(college students) in the United Kingdom. Because these and academic achievement in Western students may be dif-
two studies did not examine the correlation with different ferent in another higher performing group, Chinese adoles-
school subjects, they do not provide enough evidence to cents (e.g., Boschloo et al., 2014). Second, there are
examine the domain-general versus domain-specific significant differences in the goals, contents, and strategies
hypotheses. However, the other two studies have examined of learning, teaching, and testing between the Chinese and
the association between set-shifting ability and academic Western educational systems for adolescents (e.g., Silver,
achievement with different school subjects. First, Latzman 2009; Zhu & Fan, 2006). Consequently, learning the same
et al. (2010) found that sorting task performance was sig- school subject may require different cognitive demands
nificantly correlated with achievement in reading, math, (including the use of shifting ability) between Chinese and
social studies, and science in male adolescent students Western adolescents. For example, Chinese students rely
(11–16 years of age). However, after controlling for general more heavily on memorization in school learning relative
intelligence, sorting task performance only predicted read- to their Western counterparts (Kember, 2016). Thus, set-
ing and science achievement, but not math and social stud- shifting ability may play a less important role in Chinese
ies achievement. Thus, Latzman et al.’s data support the students’ learning outcomes, given that memory ability
domain-specific hypothesis. Second, Boschloo et al. (2014) may make a greater contribution to academic achievement.
observed almost no correlation between sorting task perfor- In summary, concerning these two differences
mance and academic achievement in Dutch, r = .01, (i.e., relatively higher performance and potentially different
English, r = −.06, and math, r = −.02, in adolescents cognitive demands for learning in Chinese adolescents),
(12–18 year olds) who participated in a pre-university edu- set-shifting ability might have a different impact on aca-
cational track. However, as suggested by Boschloo et al. demic achievement across the Chinese and Western educa-
themselves, the lack of correlation might be due to the tional contexts. Consequently, the current study aims to test
high-performing nature of the sample (top 20% of Dutch the domain-general versus domain-specific debate with
students), which may limit the range of correlation. Chinese adolescents.
Second, all previous studies in adolescent populations
used the card-sorting task paradigm to measure set-shifting
The current study ability. In the extant literature, the card-sorting paradigm
has often been used when studying individual differences
Based on the previous literature review, more evidence is (e.g., neuropsychology) whereas the task-switching para-
needed to resolve the domain-general versus domain-specific digm has often been used in the field of experimental psy-
debate with diverse school subjects and populations other than chology. When analyzing the correlation between set-
children. Moreover, in the current study, we aimed to alter shifting ability and academic achievement, most researchers
past research designs in three vital ways. have used the card-sorting paradigm. However, many
First, both Latzman et al. (2010) and Boschloo et al. researchers have argued that the card-sorting task is not a
(2014) tested the association between set-shifting and aca- pure task for measuring set-shifting ability (e.g., Anderson,
demic achievement in Western participants. Therefore, it is Damasio, Jones, & Tranel, 1991; Buchsbaum, Greer,
worth examining this association in other populations. For Chang, & Berman, 2005; Miyake et al., 2000). Lange et al.
example, a previous study has demonstrated that other (2018) recently noted a critical difference between these
components of executive function (e.g., working memory) task paradigms is rule uncertainty. That is, the card-sorting
may have different influences on academic achievement paradigm requires participants to seek undefined and

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
4 Set-shifting and academic achievement

changing task rules whereas the task rules are predefined in used to test the mediating role of arithmetic and algebraic
the task-switching paradigm. For example, manipulating ability in this association.
the rule uncertainty significantly affects the task perfor-
mance in card-sorting tasks (Lange et al., 2018). Therefore,
the card-sorting task may not only measure individuals’ set-
shifting ability but also measure individuals’ ability to cope
Participants and procedures
with abstract uncertain rules such as abstract reasoning
Participants were 221 10th-grade students who were rec-
ability (Boschloo et al., 2014; Delis, Squire, Bihrle, &
ruited from four classes of one local public high school in
Massman, 1992; Latzman & Markon, 2010). Therefore, the
Dali, China. The mean age of the participants was
current study aims to examine the relationship between set-
16.1 years (SD = 0.5); 65.8% of the participants were girls.
shifting ability and academic achievement by using a rela-
The Medical Ethics Committee of Dali University approved
tively purer measure of set-shifting ability: the task-
the study, and we obtained written informed consent from
switching paradigm.
all participants and their parents.
Third, less is known about the possible mechanisms
Participants completed several paper-based tests in their
underlying the association between set-shifting ability and
own classroom with all their own classmates: a computa-
academic achievement. We hypothesize that two categories
tion fluency test, an algebraic ability test, self-reported
of domain-specific cognitive abilities—basic mathematical
reading ability, and a short form of Raven’s Advanced Pro-
abilities (i.e., the abilities to solve arithmetic and algebraic
gressive Matrices (APM; Bors & Stokes, 1998). In addi-
problems) and reading abilities—might be candidate medi-
tion, they completed the task-switching task individually on
ators of the association. First, previous studies have rev-
a separate day than the paper-based tasks. Three students
ealed that set-shifting ability is positively correlated with
did not participate in the task-switching task due to school
both basic mathematical ability and reading ability (Yeniad
et al., 2013). Second, science and math subjects (i.e., math,
physics, chemistry, biology, and geography) rely heavily on
the ability to solve mathematical problems, including both Measures
arithmetic and algebra, whereas humanities subjects (lan- Task-switching task
guage, history, and politics) rely heavily on the ability to In this study, we used unmodified versions of the task-
read and understand. Therefore, the current study also aims switching task from the well-validated Executive Abilities:
to test whether basic mathematical ability (including arith- Measures and Instruments for Neurobehavioral Evaluation
metic and algebraic ability) mediates the association and Research (NIH-EXAMINER;
between set-shifting ability and math and science achieve- examiner) test battery to measure set-shifting ability
ment and whether reading ability mediates the association (Kramer et al., 2014). In this task, participants match a fig-
between set-shifting ability and humanities achievement. ure on the top of the screen to one of two figures in the
To achieve these goals, we examined the association lower corners of the screen. In the beginning of each trial,
between set-shifting ability and academic achievement in a visually presented verbal cue indicates the dimension on
different subjects among Chinese 10th-grade students. Set- which to match (color vs. shape). In task-homogeneous
shifting ability was assessed by a task-switching task in blocks, participants performed either color matching or
which participants had to continuously switch from color shape matching. In task-heterogeneous blocks, participants
discrimination to shape discrimination. Academic achieve- alternated randomly between the two matching tasks. There
ment was assessed from examination scores from all sub- were two homogenous blocks (one for color matching, one
jects. Meanwhile, algebraic ability was indexed by for shape matching) that each consisted of 20 trials. There
participants’ fluency in solving algebraic equations. Arith- was only one heterogeneous block that consisted of 64 trials
metic ability was measured by participants’ fluency in solv- (32 trials for color matching, 32 trials for shape matching).
ing simple arithmetic problems (i.e., addition, subtraction, To comprehensively evaluate participants’ performances,
and multiplication). Correlation and regression analyses in accordance with the NIH-EXAMINER (Kramer et al.,
were used to test the association between set-shifting ability 2014) and the NIH toolbox for cognition assessment
and academic achievement, and mediation analyses were (Weintraub et al., 2013), we used the single score of set-

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
PsyCh Journal 5

shifting ability directly generated by the NIH-EXAMINER performed a parallel analysis, which compares the eigen-
computerized program. This score combined both accuracy, values of real data to those of the permutations of the real
Cronbach’s α = .58, and reaction time (RT), Cronbach’s data (O’connor, 2000). Specifically, the first three eigen-
α = .96, performance in the heterogeneous block (correct values for simulation data (times of permutation = 1,000)
rate = 92.98%). This scoring method generates accuracy were 1.32, 1.21, and 1.13, respectively, and for real data,
and RT subscales that range from 0 and 5, and the final they were 4.20, 1.26, and 0.85, respectively. The point
composite score ranges from 0 to 10. The accuracy score is where the eigenvalues of real data dropped below the simu-
the correct rate multiplied by 5. The RT score is based on lation data came after the second factor. Thus, the data
the median RT with log (Base 10) transform and exclusion demonstrated a two-factor model. Finally, the PCA with a
of outliers (low cutoff = 400 ms, high cutoff = 2800 ms). Promax rotation revealed the following factor structure
Specifically, RT score = 5 – {5 * [log (RT) – log (400)]/ accounting for 50% of the total eigenvalues: Factor
[log (2800) – log (400)]}. The total set-shifting score is the 1 (which refers to science and math) included math, chem-
sum of the accuracy and RT scores. Note that the single istry, physics, geography, and biology, eigenvalue = 4.20;
shifting score was correlated with traditional shift cost indi- Factor 2 (which refers to humanities subjects) included
cators of the set-shifting paradigm, measured by the perfor- items related to politics, history, English, and Chinese,
mance differences between the task-heterogeneous and the eigenvalue = 1.26. These two standardized factor scores
task-homogeneous blocks, with RT cost, r = .78, p < .01; have been used to index science and math achievement in
with accuracy cost, r = .33, p < .01, demonstrating the and humanities achievement in subsequent analyses,
validity of the single shifting measure. respectively.

Arithmetic test
Academic achievement
The Calculation Fluency Test (CFT) was used to index the
Academic achievement was indexed by the scores of the
participants’ arithmetic ability (Douglas & LeFevre, 2018).
final examination for the first semester, which reflect stu-
The CFT consists of three subtests involving two-term
dents’ learning progress in the first half of the 10th-grade
arithmetic problems on three separate A4 pages, and each
year. The exams were administered by the school teachers,
subtest contains 60 problems. The first subtest consists of
and all participants took the same examination. Test sub-
double-digit addition problems (e.g., 52 + 19), the second
jects included Chinese (M = 94.38, SD = 8.94), math
subtest consists of double-digit subtraction problems
(M = 94.51, SD = 19.10), English (M = 87.90, SD = 15.03),
(e.g., 84–47), and the third subtest consists of single-digit
physics (M = 76.33, SD = 13.10), chemistry (M = 73.80,
multiplication problems (e.g., 67 × 4). For each test, partic-
SD = 12.78), biology (M = 64.12, SD = 12.58), geography
ipants are given 1 min and are instructed to solve the prob-
(M = 61.58, SD = 10.82), history (M = 67.09, SD = 8.50),
lems quickly and accurately. Given that all the arithmetic
and politics (M = 62.52, SD = 6.62). The full scores were
questions were easy for high-school students, the CFT was
150 for Chinese, math, and English and 100 for the
considered to be a fluency-based test. On average, partici-
remaining subjects.
pants completed 21.95 (SD = 5.00), 17.03 (SD = 3.96), and
To further explore the underlying structure of the
16.25 (SD = 3.92) problems in the addition, subtraction,
achievement data, we performed exploratory factor analy-
and multiplication subtests, respectively. In this study,
sis. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling ade-
Cronbach’s αs for the addition, subtraction, and multiplica-
quacy was 0.86, indicating the possibility of common
tion subtests were .95, .97, and .97, respectively. To sim-
factor(s). Bartlett’s tests of sphericity were statistically sig-
plify the subsequent analyses, the sum of the three subtests
nificant, χ2(36) = 778.30, p < .001, indicating adequate
was used as a measure of arithmetic calculation ability
sampling and significant correlations among the observed
(e.g., Douglas & LeFevre, 2018).
variables. In summary, these analyses indicated that the
data set was suitable for factor analysis. Using the principal
components analysis (PCA), we found that the first three Algebraic test
eigenvalues for the data set were 4.20, 1.26, and 0.85, Following the CFT test format, we developed one algebraic
respectively. To determine the number of factors, we equation-solving test to assess participants’ algebraic

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
6 Set-shifting and academic achievement

ability. In this test, participants solved pure linear algebra worth than peers) to 5 (far better than peers). This single-
equations with only one unknown (e.g., “X−12 = 74; X =? item measure was revised from an overall rating item
”). The test included 60 questions on two A4 sheets (i.e., “How would you compare your reading skill to that of
(30 questions on each sheet). Participants were given 2 min others in your elementary classes?”) from the Adult Read-
and instructed to solve the problems quickly and accurately. ing History Questionnaire (Lefly & Pennington, 2000).
Before the formal test, participants solved three sample
practice problems. Because all the algebraic questions were
easy for high-school students, this test was also considered Raven’s APM
a fluency-based test. In this study, Cronbach’s α for this test Raven’s APM, in which participants must identify a miss-
was .89. ing figure required to complete a larger pattern, is a widely
used tool to measure nonverbal general intelligence. To
shorten the test time, an abbreviated form of Raven’s APM
Reading ability was used. This test involves only 12 selected items from
We used a single-item self-reported measure to index read- the original 36-item Raven’s APM, but it has been shown
ing ability. Participants were asked to indicate “How would to retain the difficulties and validity of the original test
you compare your reading skill to that of others in your (Bors & Stokes, 1998). Given the limited number of items,
grade in this school” with a 5-point Likert scale of 1 (far Cronbach’s α of Raven’s APM scores for this study was

Figure 1. The histograms (middle panel), scatterplots of correlations (left panel), and correlation coefficients (right panel) for major study variables.
Shifting = shifting ability; Science_Math = Science and math achievement; Humanities = humanities achievement; Arithmetic = arithmetic performance;
Algebraic = algebraic performance; Reading = self-reported reading ability; IQ = Raven performance. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001. [Color figure can
be viewed at]

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
PsyCh Journal 7

Table 1 not perform separate analyses for each gender in the

Hierarchical Regression Model to Predict Science and Math Achievement
remainder of this study. In summary, stronger set-shifting
B (SE) β 4R2 ability is associated with higher science and math achieve-
Step 1 6.70%** ment, but not higher humanities academic achievement.
Age .05 (.12) .03
Gender .26 (.13) .13 Furthermore, to test whether the correlation between the
General intelligence .09 (.03) .20 set-shifting ability and science and math achievement held
Step 2 11.07%***
when controlling for the possible third variables (i.e., age,
Age .09 (.11) .05
Gender .26 (.13) .13 gender, and general intelligence), we performed a hierarchi-
General intelligence .07 (.03) .17 cal regression analysis. The regression model included age,
Set-shifting ability .32 (.10) .20
gender, and general intelligence—measured by Raven’s
**p < .01. ***p < .001.
APM—in Step 1 and set-shifting ability in Step 2. Regres-
only .57. Although the reliability score was concerning, we sion analyses revealed that the set-shifting ability explained
still included Raven’s APM scores in the subsequent ana- additional variance, ΔR2 = 4.37%, in science and math
lyses for research purposes. achievement beyond the variance explained by age, gender,
and general intelligence (Table 1). Therefore, set-shifting
ability has incremental power for predicting science and
Data analysis
math achievement beyond age, gender, and general
All statistical analyses were performed using R 3.4.3
(R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).
Even after establishing the aforementioned positive asso-
Specifically, the factor analysis and mediation analyses
ciation between set-shifting ability and science and math
were performed using the “psych” package (Revelle, 2017).
achievement, a further question remains unknown: whether
set-shifting ability is specifically associated with achieve-
Results ment in particular science and math subjects or is generally
associated with achievement in all science and math sub-
The histograms, scatterplots of correlations, and correlation jects. Thus, we performed further correlational analyses
coefficients for major study variables are presented in and found that set-shifting ability is positively correlated
Figure 1. Critically, set-shifting ability is positively associ- with achievement in all science and math subjects: math,
ated with adolescents’ science and math achievement, r = .19, p < .01; physics, r = .21, p < .05; chemistry,
r = .24, p < .01. However, no statistically significant corre- r = .21, p < .05; biology, r = .17, p = .01; geography,
lation was found between set-shifting ability and adoles- r = .20, p < .01. In contrast, set-shifting ability is not statis-
cents’ humanities achievement, r = .11, p = .09. Critically, tically correlated with achievement in all humanities sub-
the difference between these two correlation coefficients jects: English, r = .04, p = .56; politics, r = −.02, p = .78;
was also statistically significant, Steiger’s Z = 2.61, p < .01. Chinese, r = .12, p = .08; history, r = .02, p = .72. Overall,
Next, we performed separate tests for boys (n = 76) and the association between set-shifting ability and science and
girls (n = 145), and revealed a similar pattern of associa- math subject achievement is not restricted to particular
tions. That is, the association between set-shifting ability subjects.
and science and math achievement was statistically signifi- A further research question addresses how set-shifting
cant for both boys, r = .35, p < .01, and girls, r = .16, ability is linked to science and math achievement. Given
p < .01. By contrast, the association between set-shifting the important role of basic mathematical ability
ability and humanities achievement did not reach statistical (i.e., abilities in solving arithmetic and algebraic problems)
significance in either boys, r = .21, p = .08, or girls, in science and math subjects, we tested the possible mediat-
r = .05, p = .55. The differences between these two types ing role of basic mathematical ability in the association
of correlation coefficients were also statistically significant between set-shifting ability and science and math achieve-
for both boys, Steiger’s Z = 1.85, p < .05, and girls, ment. Arithmetic and algebraic ability were indexed by par-
Steiger’s Z = 1.79, p < .05, at the one-tailed significance ticipants’ ability to solve arithmetic problems
level. Given that similar correlations were observed in both (i.e., addition, subtraction, and multiplication) and algebraic
boys and girls and the small sample size of boys, we did problems (i.e., linear algebraic equations) (Note that the

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
8 Set-shifting and academic achievement

geography achievement as dependent variables, respec-

tively. As illustrated in Table 2, a similar pattern of media-
tion effects could be observed for all of these school
subjects, although the mediation relationships were only
marginally statistically significant for biology and
Finally, even no significant correlation was found between
set-shifting ability and humanities achievement, we tested
Figure 2. Algebraic ability mediates the association between set-shifting whether self-reported reading ability could mediate this rela-
ability and science and math achievement. Path a represents the effect of
tionship. Although self-reported reading ability positively cor-
set-shifting ability on algebraic ability, Path b represents the effect of alge-
braic ability on science and math achievement, Path c represents the effect related with humanities achievement, r = .23, p < .001, no
of set-shifting ability on science and math achievement, and Path c’ repre- mediation effect was observed, indirect effect = .00, 95%
sents the effect of set-shifting ability on science and math achievement,
after adjusting for algebraic ability. The indirect effects are equivalent to CI [−.01, .01], 5,000 times bootstrapping.
a × b or c – c’. Standardized regression coefficients are displayed for all In summary, the study established that set-shifting ability
is specifically linked to science and math achievement, and
further revealed that algebraic ability partly mediates the
correlation between math achievement and mathematical positive association between set-shifting ability and science
abilities was not high: arithmetic ability, r = .12, p > .05; and math achievement.
algebraic ability, r = .37, p < .001; thus, math achievement
and these two math abilities are indeed separate constructs Discussion
even though they all involve solving of math problems.)
After including arithmetic ability as an intermediate vari- In this study, we assessed the association between set-
able, the associations between set-shifting ability and sci- shifting ability and academic achievement among Chinese
ence and math achievement were almost unchanged, from adolescents. Set-shifting ability was positively correlated
.24 to .23; indirect effect = .02, 95% CI [−.01, .05], 5,000 with science and math achievement, but not with humani-
times bootstrapping. By contrast, after including algebraic ties achievement. Furthermore, the association between set-
ability as an intermediate variable, the associations between shifting ability and science and math achievement was
set-shifting ability and science and math achievement were mediated by algebraic ability, but not by arithmetic ability.
weaker, but still significant (Figure 2). The 5,000 bootstrap Together, these results suggest that set-shifting ability may
simulations further revealed that algebraic ability partly specifically boost adolescents’ science and math learning,
mediated the associations between set-shifting ability and which may be caused partly by the mediating role of alge-
science and math achievement, indirect effect = .06, 95% braic ability.
CI [.01, .12]. Furthermore, we tested whether this mediat- These findings differ from those in previous studies on
ing role of algebraic ability holds for each science and children that reported a domain-general link between set-
math subject. Thus, we performed five similar mediation shifting ability and academic achievement (Jacob &
tests, but with math, physics, chemistry, biology, and Parkinson, 2015; Yeniad et al., 2013). However, our results

Table 2
Summary of the Effect of Set-Shifting Ability on Science and Math Achievement Through Algebraic Ability (5,000 Bootstraps)
Indirect effect
Dependent variables Total effect Direct effect Point estimate 95% CI
Math .19** .13* .06 [.01, .12]
Physics .21** .15* .06 [.01, .11]
Chemistry .22*** .15* .07 [.01, .13]
Biology .17* .14* .03 [.00, .07]
Geography .20** .18* .02 [.00, .06]
Note. Standardized regression coefficients are displayed for all paths. CI = confidence interval.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
PsyCh Journal 9

are partly consistent with Latzman et al. (2010), who also switch among different computation rules. For example,
found that set-shifting ability had different impacts on dif- when solving the equation 2X + 3 = 5, students typically
ferent school subjects among U.S. male adolescents. How- perform the following three mental operations:
ever, the pattern of influence was somewhat different from (a) transformation, 2X = 5–3; (b) subtraction, 5–3 = 2; and
that in our study: Latzman et al. (2010) found that set- (c) division, 2/2 = 1. Students with stronger set-shifting
shifting predicts achievement in reading and science, but ability could have an additional advantage when switching
not math and social studies. There are several possible rea- between these mental operations. Furthermore, the ability
sons of the discrepancies in results between our study and to solve algebraic equations is widely used in high-school
the extant literature (including both studies on children and science and math courses. For example, much of the core
adolescents), such as (a) differences in age (children knowledge within high-school science courses is expressed
vs. adolescent), (b) differences in ethnicity (Western as algebraic knowledge, such as Newton’s second law of
vs. Chinese), (c) different measures of set-shifting ability (task physics, the balancing of chemical equations in chemistry,
switching vs. the card-sorting paradigm), and (d) differences the photosynthesis equation in biology, and the map scale
in the content and difficulty of each country’s academic in geography. Together, stronger set-shifting ability is
achievement test. Currently, there is not enough information linked to better algebraic performance, which in turn leads
to determine which is the major reason underlying the dis- to an advantage in science and math performance.
crepancies. Nevertheless, our study provides the first evidence The current study invites a broad investigation to explore
that not all school subjects are equally influenced by set- how set-shifting ability promotes science and math learning.
shifting ability in a Chinese context. Moreover, together with First, given the partial mediation relationship found in the cur-
Latzman et al.’s study (2010), our investigation provides addi- rent study, algebraic ability is definitely not the only mediator
tional evidence supporting the hypothesis that set-shifting abil- of this association. For example, several studies have found a
ity has a domain-specific influence on different school positive link between set-shifting ability and creativity
subjects in the adolescent population. (Madjar & Shalley, 2008; Nusbaum & Silvia, 2011; Pan &
Furthermore, what are the underlying cognitive mecha- Yu, 2016), which implies that creativity might also be a medi-
nisms of the observed specific association between set-shifting ator. Future studies are needed to find other new mediators,
ability and science and math achievement in Chinese adoles- which may help to elucidate the mechanism underlying the
cents? First, set-shifting ability may directly contribute to sci- association between set-shifting and achievement. Second,
ence and math academic achievement. High-school science set-shifting may also directly influence participants’ ability to
and math tasks require students to switch frequently between solve science and math problems. A direction for future in-
different conceptual representations (i.e., goals, rules, or strate- depth investigations is to find the specific areas of science and
gies for problem-solving). Thus, stronger set-shifting ability math that are closely related to set-shifting ability.
would help students gain an additional advantage in solving Furthermore, a critical question is whether the associa-
science and math problems. Admittedly, humanities subjects tion between set-shifting ability and science and math
may also require set-shifting processing; however, perfor- achievement is practically significant. In our study, set-
mance in humanities subjects may rely heavily on semantic shifting ability only explained a portion (~4%) of the total
memory capacity and writing ability. For example, Chinese variance of math achievement. However, we argue that such
high-school students have to memorize a large amount of an effect size is still meaningful for two reasons. First,
facts and opinions for Chinese, history, and politics courses. because academic achievement is influenced by many other
Moreover, when completing essay questions in humanities cognitive (e.g., general intelligence and working memory)
subjects, writing ability is indispensable. Together, the differ- and noncognitive factors (motivation and personality traits),
ences in the cognitive demands of certain school subjects 4% accountability from a single cognitive factor is not
determine whether set-shifting ability contributes to academic small. For example, meta-analytic studies have demon-
achievement in a specific subject. strated that the correlations between academic achievement
Second, our study suggests that set-shifting ability may and other well-known contribution factors are close to or
indirectly contribute to science and math academic achieve- even less than 4%, including grit, r = .18 (Credé, Tynan, &
ment, through the mediating role of algebraic ability. When Harms, 2017), growth mind-set, r = .10 (Sisk, Burgoyne,
solving algebraic equations, students need to continuously Sun, Butler, & Macnamara, 2018), number sense, r = .20

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
10 Set-shifting and academic achievement

(Chen & Li, 2014), and inhibition control, r = .27) (Allan, equally contributes to achievement in math and reading
Hume, Allan, Farrington, & Lonigan, 2014). Second, during childhood, but less is known about whether set-
because of the attenuating effect of measurement error shifting ability plays an equally important role in achieve-
(i.e., imperfect reliability), the real effect size of the associa- ment in different school subjects during high-school learn-
tion is underestimated (Schmidt & Hunter, 1999). ing. In this study, we provided the first evidence that
Consequently, the finding of a link between set-shifting Chinese high-school students’ set-shifting ability is specifi-
ability and science and math achievement may shed light cally linked to their science and math achievement, but not
on the pedagogy of these courses. First, educators may to humanities achievement. Moreover, the association
improve science and math learning by developing training between set-shifting ability and science and math achieve-
programs on set-shifting ability. Currently, researchers have ment is mediated by algebraic ability. Together, these
begun to improve math learning outcomes by cognitive results suggest that set-shifting ability may specifically
training in another executive function—updating boost Chinese adolescents’ science and math learning,
(e.g., Kroesbergen, Van’t Noordende, & Kolkman, 2014; which may be caused partly by the mediating role of alge-
St Clair-Thompson, Stevens, Hunt, & Bolder, 2010). The braic ability. Future studies should explore the causality,
current study suggests that set-shifting ability may be underlying mechanisms, and generalizability of these
another promising candidate for cognitive training to relationships.
improve math learning. Second, high-school teachers may
teach students to master strategies (or simply improve their
Disclosure of conflict of interest
awareness) to be flexible in solving science and math prob-
lems, which may further allow them to perform better in
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
learning and testing in science and math courses.
Finally, the current investigation has several limitations
that deserve consideration. First, we did not provide evi- Acknowledgments
dence supporting a causal relationship between set-shifting
ability and academic performance. Future studies may con- The authors thank Yongsheng Wang, Hongbin Yang, Jin
sider using training or longitudinal designs to explore the Huang, Shuai Yin, and Rui Jiang for their assistance in
causal direction of this association. Second, we based our data collection. This work was supported by National Natu-
study solely on 10th-grade Chinese adolescents from Main- ral Science Foundation of China Grant 31500884, the Fund
land China, which constrains the generalizability of the cur- for Educational Sciences from the Philosophy and Social
rent findings to other Chinese populations and to other Sciences Projects of Yunnan Province Grant AFSZ18030,
Eastern and Western adolescents. Thus, there is a need to and the Innovation Team of Dali University Grant
replicate the findings detected in our study with other sam- SKPY2019303.
ples. Third, we did not consecutively examine the role of
two other executive functions (i.e., updating and inhibition) References
in the relationship between set-shifting ability and aca-
demic performance. Some authors have argued that Allan, N. P., Hume, L. E., Allan, D. M., Farrington, A. L., &
updating and inhibition act as parts of the basic cognitive Lonigan, C. J. (2014). Relations between inhibitory control and
the development of academic skills in preschool and kindergar-
processes of set-shifting (Bull & Lee, 2014; Diamond, ten: A meta-analysis. Developmental Psychology, 50(10),
2013); therefore, future studies could investigate how set- 2368–2379.
shifting ability, jointly with other executive functions, pre- Anderson, S. W., Damasio, H., Jones, R. D., & Tranel, D. (1991).
dicts high-school science and math achievement. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance as a measure of
frontal lobe damage. Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Neuropsychology, 13(6), 909–922.
Conclusion Au, A. M., Lam, R., Teng, Y., Lau, K. M., Lai, M. K.,
Chan, C. C., & Leung, P. (2011). The relevance of executive
functioning to academic performance in Hong Kong adoles-
Previous meta-analytic studies (Jacob & Parkinson, 2015; cents. International Journal on Disability and Human Develop-
Yeniad et al., 2013) have revealed that set-shifting ability ment, 10(3), 179–185.

© 2020 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
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