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Psychopathy and Ratings of Persuasiveness: Examining Their Relations in

Weaker and Stronger Contexts

Article  in  Clinical Psychological Science · August 2018

DOI: 10.1177/2167702618783733


2 158

3 authors:

Brandon Weiss Donald R Lynam

University of Georgia Purdue University


Joshua D Miller
University of Georgia


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Hunting for the true TriPM View project

Psychometrics and Personality Psychology View project

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CPXXXX10.1177/2167702618783733Weiss et al.Psychopathy and Persuasion

Clinical Psychological Science

Psychopathy and Ratings of Persuasiveness: 1­–9

© The Author(s) 2018
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Examining Their Relations in Weaker and
DOI: 10.1177/2167702618783733

Stronger Contexts

Brandon M. Weiss1, Donald R. Lynam 2

and Joshua D. Miller1
Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, and 2Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University

Previous work has demonstrated mostly null to small associations between boldness and externalizing behaviors
associated with psychopathy. The present study replicated this finding and examined an alternate manner in which
boldness may be relevant to the construct of psychopathy, namely by enhancing psychopathic individuals’ capacity
for interpersonal manipulation. Using data collected from a Mechanical Turk sample, we measured persuasiveness
using ratings of video-recorded product pitches and examined the relations between psychopathic and general traits
and persuasiveness across weaker (improvised) and stronger (scripted) conditions. Boldness exhibited a small, positive
relation with perceived persuasiveness in the improvised condition only; conversely, psychopathic traits related to
antagonism/meanness and disinhibition exhibited small negative associations with persuasiveness and trust in the
scripted condition. The results suggest that boldness may help individuals persuade others so as to achieve desired
outcomes, although the effect was quite small in nature, whereas psychopathic individuals who are not high on
boldness may need to use other tactics (e.g., intimidation, coercion) to manipulate others.

psychopathy, fearless dominance, boldness, persuasiveness, manipulation, open materials

Received 12/8/17; Revision accepted 5/3/18

Psychopathy is one of the most studied and well- Miller & Lynam, 2012). However, boldness appears in
validated personality disorders; yet considerable debate many non–PCL-R measures of psychopathy (Lilienfeld
remains regarding its underlying structure and the cen- et al., 2016) and classic descriptions of psychopathy in
trality of certain elements within it (e.g., Lilienfeld et al., which psychopathic individuals are described as being
2012; Lilienfeld, Watts, Francis Smith, Berg, & Latzman, callous, egocentric, impulsive, and irresponsible while
2015; Lynam & Miller, 2012; Miller & Lynam, 2012). One also appearing well mannered, charming, and agentic
of the most debated aspects of psychopathy is boldness (e.g., Cleckley, 1941; Crego & Widiger, 2016; Miller,
(Patrick, Fowles, & Krueger, 2009), also known as fear- Lynam, Widiger, & Leukefeld, 2001).
less dominance in some inventories (e.g., Psychopathic Those who dispute boldness’ relevance to psychopa-
Personality Inventory–Revised; Lilienfeld & Widows, thy regard evidence of null to weak relations with
2005), which is characterized by resilience to stress,
fearlessness, and social influence. Boldness’ relevance
Corresponding Authors:
to psychopathy has been debated in view of its null to
Brandon M. Weiss, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia,
small correlations with maladaptive outcomes histori- 125 Baldwin St., Athens, GA 30602
cally linked to psychopathy (e.g., antisocial behavior, E-mail:
aggression, substance use), as well as its divergence Joshua D. Miller, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia,
from measures of psychopathy that are based on the 125 Baldwin St., Athens, GA 30602
Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 2003; E-mail:
2 Weiss et al.

externalizing behaviors (e.g., antisocial behavior [ASB], individuals more persuasive, allowing such individuals
aggression) as problematic on the basis of the premise to penetrate deeper into social networks before their
that antisociality is the critical criterion that defines psy- more clearly aversive traits (i.e., antagonism, disinhibi-
chopathy and is responsible for the tremendous interest tion) are detected. One study found that boldness
in this construct across a number of scientific disciplines exhibited a curvilinear relation with sales performance,
(DeLisi, 2009; Hare & Neumann, 2010; Karpman, 1948; such that increases in boldness until –.39 standard
Lykken, 1995; Lynam & Miller, 2012; Miller & Lynam, deviations were associated with increased sales perfor-
2012). Others disagree, however, arguing that ASB mance, after which point, boldness was associated with
should not be considered central to psychopathy but, decreased performance (Titze, Blickle, & Wihler, 2017).
rather, represents an irregular behavioral manifestation Although there is little research available on the relation
arising from it (Lilienfeld, 1998; Skeem & Cooke, 2010), of boldness and persuasiveness per se, there is some
a view that is consistent with certain prominent clinical research available, particularly within the industrial-
theorists for whom ASB may have been of secondary organizational psychology literature, linking the main
importance. For instance, Cleckley (1941) focused on personality correlates of boldness—extraversion and
ASB that was “inadequately motivated,” although “long (low) neuroticism (Miller & Lynam, 2012). For instance,
histories of ASB appeared in all 15 of Cleckley’s cases” extraversion has a generally positive relation to sales
(p. 342; Lynam & Miller, 2012). performance, sales figures, and supervisor ratings of
Although boldness may be only weakly linked to sales success (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Donovan,
overt antisocial behavior, it may exert effects via more 2000; Vinchur, Schippmann, Switzer, & Roth, 1998).
subtle forms of interpersonal behavior. In addition to It bears noting that persuasiveness does not in itself
the explicit and overt antisocial behaviors typically imply manipulativeness and/or antisociality in that indi-
associated with psychopathy (e.g., Hare & Neumann, viduals can persuade others to behave in more proso-
2008), prominent conceptualizations suggest that psy- cial ways (e.g., using famous individuals to encourage
chopathic traits are associated with manipulation—the others to vote or get vaccinated). If boldness evinces a
willingness and ability to deceive others for personal substantive relation to persuasiveness, it is possible that
gain (Cleckley, 1941). Most models and measures of bold individuals use persuasiveness in the service of
psychopathy have explicit representations of such con- prosocial motives in their interpersonal relationships
tent. Facet 1 of the PCL-R (i.e., Interpersonal; Hare, (e.g., persuading a loved one to make a positive life
2003) includes items related to manipulativeness and change), given findings linking boldness/fearless domi-
superficial charm, as do self-report measures derived nance to some prosocial qualities including empathy,
from this assessment (e.g., Self-Report Psychopathy emotion recognition, and sociability (Gatner, Douglas,
Scale; Paulhus, Neumann, & Hare, 2009). Other mea- & Hart, 2016) as well as altruism under conditions of
sures such as the Psychopathic Personality Inventory– physical or social risk (e.g., heroism; Smith, Lilienfeld,
Revised (Lilienfeld & Widows, 2005) and the Elemental Coffey, & Dabbs, 2013).
Psychopathy Assessment (EPA; Lynam et al., 2011) also
include relevant scales titled “Machiavellian Egocentric- Examining Persuasiveness in Weak
ity” and “Manipulation,” respectively. Most of these
scales load on a domain that is both theoretically and
and Strong Situations
empirically linked with trait disagreeableness/antago- To study an individual difference like persuasiveness,
nism (Lynam & Miller, 2015). There is also some evi- it is important to consider the extent to which the situ-
dence to suggest that boldness may be linked to charm ation may affect the degree to which the trait is
and manipulativeness, given small to moderate relations observed. Theory and research on the expression of
with the PCL-R Interpersonal facet (Venables, Hall, & individual differences in weak versus strong situations
Patrick, 2014); weak to moderate relations with manipu- (Mischel, 1977; Snyder & Ickes, 1985) are useful for
lativeness, as indexed by clinical self-report and inter- designing studies that optimize the likelihood of observ-
view measures (e.g., Strickland, Drislane, Lucy, Krueger, ing individual differences. Situations that are relatively
& Patrick, 2013); and small to moderate inverse rela- ambiguous and fail to specify behavioral norms are
tions with five-factor model Straightforwardness (e.g., considered weak because no particular response is dic-
Miller, Lamkin, Maples-Keller, & Lynam, 2016). tated by the situation. Conversely, situations that pro-
vide individuals with salient cues for a circumscribed
set of behaviors are considered strong (e.g., how to
Boldness and Persuasiveness behave during a standardized test). Previous research
Boldness-related traits may be relevant to interpersonal has suggested that traits are typically more predictive
manipulativeness if such traits make psychopathic of behavior in weak situations (e.g., Meyer, Dalal, &
Psychopathy and Persuasion 3

Bonaccio, 2009) because they are more conducive to traits, Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) meanness,
variable expression of dispositional traits (e.g., Monson, d = −0.64; TriPM disinhibition, d = −0.56; EPA antago-
Hesley, & Chernick, 1982). nism, d = −0.54; EPA disinhibition, d = −0.43; EPA narcis-
sism, d = −0.26; BFI agreeableness, d = 0.38; BFI
conscientiousness, d = 0.23; BFI openness, d = −0.60. It
Present Study
is important that the groups did not differ on traits
The present study examined the associations among related to boldness (i.e., boldness, emotional stability,
psychopathic traits, general traits, and persuasiveness extraversion, neuroticism), except for EPA narcissism.
on the basis of ratings of video-recorded product Institutional review board approval was obtained for all
pitches, in which participants were incentivized to per- aspects of the study.
suade raters to buy a specific product. We examined
this association across two conditions: a weak condition,
Video-recording persuasive pitch
in which participants were asked to video-record them-
selves giving an improvised pitch for a new smartphone, procedure
and a strong condition, in which participants were asked Participants were asked to video-record themselves giv-
to video-record themselves giving a scripted pitch of a ing two 30-s to 2-min presentations of a consumer
photo editing smartphone app. We expected that the product. In the first condition (improvised; i.e., weak
improvised condition would yield stronger effect sizes condition), participants were asked to improvise a “per-
for psychopathy than the scripted condition. suasive pitch for a new smartphone” using elements
Our first aim was to replicate previous findings on from a list of eight pros (e.g., “good low light perfor-
the relations among psychopathic traits and self-reports mance”) and six cons (e.g., “heavier than chief competi-
of externalizing behaviors; we expected traits related tor”). Participants were asked to use at least two cons
to antagonism/meanness and disinhibition to show (for the list, see the Supplemental Material available
stronger associations with externalizing outcomes than online). In the second condition (scripted; i.e., strong
traits related to boldness. Second, we examined rela- condition), participants were asked to recite a script
tions between psychopathic and general personality detailing the attributes of a new mobile app (for the
traits and ratings of persuasiveness across improvised script, see the Supplemental Material). Participants were
and scripted conditions. As a third aim, we examined directed to read from the script to reduce variation in
relations between psychopathic traits and ratings of persuasiveness due to possible effects of reciting from
trust in an exploratory fashion to investigate whether memory. To incentivize performance, participants were
trust building may be another manner in which bold- told that the five most persuasive participants in each
ness aids psychopathic individuals. 1 condition would receive a bonus of $20.00. Participants
uploaded their videos to a digital storage database
using a file transfer link.
A power analysis indicated that a sample of at least 300
Predictor measures
would be sufficiently powered (at .95) to detect correla- Triarchic Psychopathy Measure.  The TriPM (Patrick,
tions as small as .20 using a p ≤ .01 threshold for signifi- 2010) is a 58-item self-report measure of psychopathy
cance. Six hundred thirty-three participants were composed of three scales: boldness (19 items; α = .88),
recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, of which 139 meanness (19 items; α = .88), and disinhibition (20 items;
were excluded because of invariant responding to more α = .87). Scale intercorrelations are reported in Table S1
than 85% of EPA items or Big Five Inventory (BFI) items in the Supplemental Material. TriPM data were available
and/or invalid responding based on EPA validity scales. for 307 participants.
One hundred eighty-seven participants were excluded
because of failure to submit at least one video, leaving Elemental Psychopathy Assessment–Short Form. The
a final sample of 307 (165 women and 145 men; age: EPA–Short Form (EPA-SF) is an 88-item version of the EPA
M = 31.39 years, SD = 9.19; 74% White, 11% Black, 6% (Lynam et al., 2013). It assesses 18 subscales of psychopa-
Asian, and 10% Hispanic). Independent-samples t-test thy as well as two validity scales (Infrequency and Virtue).
analyses were conducted to test for differences between The EPA can be aggregated into four higher order factors
validly responding participants who did and did not (Few, Miller, & Lynam, 2013): antagonism (α = .90), emo-
submit videos. Participants who submitted videos exhib- tional stability (α = .90), disinhibition (α = .90), and nar-
ited lower levels of antagonism- and disinhibition-related cissism (α = .76). Intercorrelations are reported in Table
4 Weiss et al.

S1 in the Supplemental Material. EPA data were available frame picture of each participant using a 10-point scale
for 306 participants. ranging from very unattractive (1) to very attractive (10).2
Each still frame picture was edited to conceal distinctive
Big Five Inventory.  The Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, features of the environment. IRR ICCs were calculated,
Donahue, & Kentle, 1991) is a 44-item scale that mea- specifying a two-way model, absolute agreement, and an
sures each Big Five domain of personality. Alphas ranged average unit of analysis, using the irr package in the R
from .81 to .89. Correlations are reported in Table S1 in programming environment (IRR ICC = .78; Gamer et al.,
the Supplemental Material. BFI data were available for 2012).
307 participants.
Crime and Analogous Behavior Scale–BRIEF. The
International Cognitive Ability Resource.  The Inter- Crime and Analogous Behavior Scale–BRIEF (CAB-BRIEF;
national Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR; Condon & Miller & Lynam, 2003) is a 25-item self-report inventory
Revelle, 2014) is a measure of cognitive ability. Eight items that assesses a variety of externalizing behaviors. An anti-
from the ICAR Sample Test were used to assess cognitive social behavior count was created by giving partici-
ability, including items related to Verbal Reasoning (four pants a 1 for every antisocial act they endorsed using
items) and Letter Number Sequence (four items; α = .60). (10 items; M = 1.52, SD = 1.14). An intimate partner
ICAR data were available for 303 participants. violence variety count was created by giving partici-
pants a 1 for every act of interpersonal violence they
endorsed using (six items; M = 0.89, SD = 1.51). A sub-
Criterion measures stance use variety count was created by giving partici-
Persuasiveness and trust ratings. Six research pants a 1 for every substance they endorsed using (five
assistants served as raters and rated one video from items; M = 1.81, SD = 1.35).
each participant on seven bipolar characteristics (i.e.,
unpersuasive-persuasive, dishonest-honest, unintelligent- Results
intelligent, immoral-moral, phony-genuine, untrustworthy-
trustworthy, doesn’t care–cares about me) using a 7-point Examining relations between
Likert-type scale. Raters were blind to participants’ psy- psychopathic traits and externalizing
chopathy scores as well as the purpose of the study. behavior
Items were adapted from McCroskey and Teven’s (1999)
scale measuring goodwill. Exploratory factor analysis Given the number of tests of statistical significance
using the parallel analysis method of Horn (1965) and the conducted, an alpha level of p ≤ .01 was set for all
minimum average partial method of Velicer (1976) of the analyses. The correlations between psychopathic and
latter six items suggested a one-factor solution that general traits, as well as gender, IQ scores, and attrac-
accounted for 94% of the variance in the improvised con- tiveness, with ASB, intimate partner violence, and sub-
dition and 95% of the variance in the scripted condition. stance use, were examined (see Table 1). 3 Gender was
Thus, the latter six characteristics were averaged to create significantly related only to intimate partner violence,
a composite for each video condition to capture the per- with women reporting higher levels. IQ scores and
ceived trustworthiness of each participant. Raters judged attractiveness ratings were not related to any of the
only one video from each participant (i.e., scripted or three externalizing behaviors. Five of seven psycho-
unscripted) to ensure that ratings were not biased by pathic traits were significantly associated with ASB
exposure to the other video; three raters rated each (exceptions: TriPM boldness, EPA emotional stability),
video. Interrater reliability (IRR) analyses were conducted as were Big Five agreeableness and conscientiousness.
(Hallgren, 2012). IRR intraclass correlations (ICCs) were In relation to intimate partner violence, only TriPM and
calculated, specifying a one-way model, absolute agree- EPA disinhibition as well as EPA narcissism were sig-
ment, and an average unit of analysis, using the irr pack- nificantly positively related. Finally, with regard to sub-
age in the R programming environment (Gamer, Lemon, stance use, only TriPM and EPA disinhibition as well as
& Singh, 2012). IRR results for persuasiveness indicated openness were significantly related.
ICCs of .56 (for improvised video condition) and .64 (for
scripted video condition). Aggregation of the Trust com- Correlations between psychopathic
ponent ratings resulted in a linear-composite reliability of and general traits and persuasiveness
.86 (for improvised video condition) and .87 (for scripted
video condition; Nunnally, 1978).
and trust
Improvised video condition. Ratings of persuasiveness
Attractiveness ratings.  Three separate undergraduate were significantly positively related to IQ, attrac­
research assistants rated the attractiveness of one still and ratings of trust (see Table 2).4 From the perspective of
Psychopathy and Persuasion 5

Table 1.  Bivariate Relations Between Trait and Externalizing Behaviors

Antisocial Intimate partner Substance

Trait behavior violence use
Gendera .12 –.21* .00
IQ .02 .00 .10
Attractiveness –.11 .01 .00
Triarchic Psychopathy Measure  
 Boldness .12 .11 .13
 Disinhibition .44* .19* .21*
 Meanness .25* .06 .03
Elemental Psychopathy Assessment  
 Antagonism .28* .12 .00
 Disinhibition .37* .19* .19*
  Emotional stability .07 –.06 .00
 Narcissism .23* .23* .10
Big Five Inventory  
 Neuroticism –.03 .12 .00
 Extraversion .03 .06 .15
 Openness .00 .02 .19*
 Agreeableness –.21* –.13 .00
 Conscientiousness –.17* –.07 .00
Male = 1; female = 0.
*p ≤ .01.

psychopathic and general traits, persuasiveness was signifi- were positively related to ratings of persuasiveness (r = .60)
cantly predicted only by boldness (r = .17) and extraversion but not significantly related to gender, IQ, attractiveness, or
(r = .16); both effects were small in nature. Ratings of trust any of the psychopathic or general personality traits.

Table 2.  Bivariate Relations Between Traits and Persuasiveness and Trust

  Improvised condition Scripted condition

Trait Persuasive Trust Persuasive Trust

Gendera .00 –.14 –.18* –.21*
IQ .16* .10 .24* .15*
Attractiveness .18* .13 .10 .14
Video length .11 .07 –.16* –.16*
Triarchic Psychopathy Measure
 Boldness .17* .11 .07 –.04
 Disinhibition –.06 –.09 –.22* –.16*
 Meanness –.06 –.03 –.26* –.22*
Elemental Psychopathy Assessment
 Antagonism –.06 –.05 –.21* –.19*
 Disinhibition –.01 –.04 –.20* –.20*
  Emotional stability .04 .02 –.08 –.13
 Narcissism .14 .06 –.05 –.07
Big Five Inventory
 Neuroticism –.02 .02 .10 .14
 Extraversion .16* .07 .11 .07
 Openness .07 –.02 .12 .06
 Agreeableness –.02 –.03 .09 .04
 Conscientiousness .00 .06 .11 .07

Note: IQ = International Cognitive Ability Resource score.

Male = 1; female = 0.
*p < .01.
6 Weiss et al.

Scripted video condition. Persuasiveness was nega- social interactions, and/or greater practice or skill in
tively correlated with male gender and video length and social interactions and persuasion. Boldness’ relation
positively correlated with IQ scores and ratings of trust. with persuasiveness may support the claims of contem-
Two of three TriPM scales (i.e., meanness, disinhibition) porary scholars that boldness underlies Cleckley’s
and two of four EPA factors (i.e., antagonism, disinhibi- “mask” of sanity (e.g., Edens, Poythress, Lilienfeld,
tion) were significantly negatively related to ratings of Patrick, & Test, 2008), although the null linear effect on
persuasiveness in the scripted condition. None of the trust as well as null moderational results (see Note 1
general personality traits were significantly related to rat- and the Supplemental Material) suggest that boldness
ings of persuasiveness. Ratings of trust were positively does not underlie trustworthiness or buffer the effects
related to ratings of persuasiveness (r = .70) and IQ of meanness or disinhibition on perceived persuasive-
scores and negatively related to male gender and video ness or trust. These results may provide some tentative
length. Ratings of trust were significantly negatively evidence against the mask hypothesis, but more
related to two of three TriPM scales (i.e., meanness, dis- research is needed under conditions designed to elicit
inhibition) and two of four EPA scales (i.e., antagonism, trustworthiness rather than persuasiveness more nar-
disinhibition); all effect sizes were small in nature. None rowly and where power is optimized to interpret a null
of the general traits was significantly related to ratings of finding. The present findings may also provide one
trustworthiness. possible avenue for understanding the successful (or
noncriminal) psychopathic individual. Boldness has
been linked to effective leadership, at least in the short
Discussion term (e.g., Boddy, Ladyshewsky, & Galvin, 2010), and
There is substantial debate surrounding the relevance perceptions of good communication and strategic
of boldness to the broader psychopathy construct (e.g., thinking in the workplace (Babiak, Neumann, & Hare,
Lilienfeld et al., 2012; Lynam & Miller, 2012; Miller & 2010). More research is needed to determine to what
Lynam, 2012) due, in part, to its null to small relations degree some of these adaptive characteristics may be
with externalizing behaviors, as replicated here. Given mediated by persuasiveness.
this, we tested an alternate manner in which boldness Second, psychopathic traits related to antagonism/
may be relevant to outcomes typically associated with meanness and disinhibition exhibited small negative
psychopathy, namely, by enhancing psychopathic indi- associations with persuasiveness and trust in the
viduals’ capacity for interpersonal manipulation. We scripted condition, where we generally expected fewer
investigated this question using a unique methodology effects, suggesting that being disinhibited and antago-
with a number of strengths. First, we measured persua- nistic may actually impair individuals from manipulat-
siveness and trust using ratings of video-recorded prod- ing others in a socially appropriate way or gaining
uct pitches. Second, we examined the relation between access to social networks. These findings suggest that
boldness and persuasiveness across weaker and stron- some psychopathic traits may be related to a different
ger contexts. Third, we collected a sample that was style of interpersonal manipulation from that generally
large enough to detect reasonably small effect sizes and considered. Psychopathic individuals’ ability to manipu-
incentivized performance by compensating top late others may not always involve the use of charm,
performers. ingratiation, or trust inducement in a socially appropri-
Our analysis yielded two key findings, each with ate way but, rather, may involve the concealment of
implications for the conceptualization of psychopathy. intentions or the use of coercion and intimidation.
First, boldness bore a small association with perceived antagonism/disinhibition may be associated with some
persuasiveness in the weaker context (i.e., improvised styles of speech underlying persuasiveness and trust
condition), suggesting that boldness may enhance an but not with others (e.g., not associated with persua-
individual’s ability to persuade (or manipulate) others siveness via diction and syntax, negatively associated
to make decisions that may not be in their interest or with persuasiveness via tone/intonation).
persuade others with prosocial motives (e.g., to behave
kindly or charitably). The relation for TriPM boldness
Limitations and Future Directions
was found only in the improvised (weak) condition.
Extraversion exhibited a similarly sized association with Despite the study’s many strengths, some limitations
persuasiveness, consistent with the robust correlation must be acknowledged. First, recruiting from Mechani-
between the two constructs (r = .62 in the current cal Turk was associated with some challenges because
sample). It is possible that both boldness and extraver- of invalid responding and failures to upload videos;
sion are connected to persuasiveness via a desire to our final sample exhibited lower mean levels of antago-
obtain social and monetary rewards, greater ease at nism and disinhibition than non-video-submitting
Psychopathy and Persuasion 7

participants, which may have resulted in some range manipulation may be found in the service of both anti-
restriction and attenuation of effect sizes for those traits. social and prosocial goals.
The reasons for attrition are not clear, but we suspect
that it was due, in part, to the novelty of our request Author Contributions
for video-recording (vs. the more typical task of com- All the authors contributed to the study design. Data collec-
pleting questionnaires), the onerousness of complying tion and data analysis were performed by B. M. Weiss under
with technologically detailed instructions, and the atyp- the supervision of J. D. Miller and D. R. Lynam. B. M. Weiss
icality of our request to expose the participants’ faces drafted the manuscript, and J. D. Miller and D. R. Lynam
and bodies, which may have deterred some participants provided critical revisions. All the authors approved the final
from following through with the video task. It is impor- manuscript for submission.
tant, however, that the sample was not lower on
boldness-related traits, which was the construct of ORCID iD
greatest interest in this study. Future studies should Donald R. Lynam
examine these questions in samples that have higher
mean levels of psychopathic traits and greater diversity Declaration of Conflicting Interests
in terms of age, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic sta- The authors declared that there were no conflicts of interest
tus. In addition, a substantial proportion of participants with respect to the authorship or the publication of this
(~30%) was excluded because of invariant or invalid article.
responding. Although Mechanical Turk workers are
generally thought to provide data of equal or higher Supplemental Material
quality than many other samples (e.g., Chandler &
Additional supporting information can be found at http://
Shapiro, 2016; Miller, Crowe, Weiss, Maples-Keller, &
Lynam, 2017), in this case there was a significant minor-
ity of participants whose data were of questionable Open Practices
validity and thus were excluded. Second, our observa-
tions of psychopathic traits were derived from self-
report data; future studies should compare self-report
data on these scales with data collected from other All materials have been made publicly available via the Open
modalities (e.g., informant reports, interviews), although Science Framework and can be accessed at
self- and informant reports of psychopathy in research gk3zb/. The complete Open Practices Disclosure for this
settings tend to converge at reasonably high levels (e.g., article can be found at
suppl/10.1177/2167702618783733. This article has received
Miller, Jones, & Lynam, 2011). Third, we were not pow-
the badge for Open Materials. More information about the
ered in this study to detect correlations below .20 with Open Practices badges can be found at https://www
a reasonable level of confidence, although we wonder
about the importance of trait-behavior correlations
smaller than .20, which would indicate that they shared Notes
less than 4% of their variance. Fourth, interrater reli-
1. Results from three additional aims are provided in the
ability was not optimal in the case of one of our primary
Supplemental Material available online. First, we examined sev-
outcomes of interest (i.e., persuasiveness) in the impro- eral possible confounding variables including gender, intelli-
vised condition. According to Cicchetti’s (1994) bench- gence, attractiveness, and video length. Second, we examined
marks, the associated ICC was considered only fair, the association between psychopathic traits and the use of pre-
although persuasiveness in the scripted condition was specified pros and cons in product pitches as well as additional
considered good. This lower reliability likely attenuated pros (i.e., pros that were not specified by the experimental pro-
the size of the relations reported here. To counter this, tocol) that participants chose to present in the improvised con-
we reported these associations disattenuated for unreli- dition. We conceptualized these outcomes as possible indices
ability in Table S5 in the Supplemental Material. of deception. Third, given ongoing debates, we also examined
In closing, the current study replicated previous whether levels of boldness moderated the association between
work demonstrating that boldness is not a robust cor- other psychopathic traits and criteria.
2. Still frame pictures were selected on the basis of exhibiting
relate of the externalizing behaviors often associated
neutral affective expressions from participants.
with psychopathy. However, boldness did manifest a 3. Table 1 reports correlations in which original TriPM scales
small positive relation with perceived persuasiveness were used. To address issues of criterion contamination in
in the nonscripted condition, suggesting that boldness which shared items were included for the predictor and out-
may allow psychopathic individuals to manipulate come variables, we also examined correlations using shortened
others, although it is important to note that this TriPM scales. For correlations with CAB Antisocial behavior,
8 Weiss et al.

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