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- Breathless -

[ My Candy Love Secret Santa - Christmas 2019 ]

> To :: ShadowsGirl98 <
> From :: LSKam <
{ A/N : As someone who cannot do art to save her life, I immediately jumped on the
opportunity to write a short story as my Secret Santa gift. I’m sure it might not be as
exciting as an artistic gift, but I really do hope you enjoy the read! I’ve never written
something vampire-themed like this, so it was a blast to write this (even though I
definitely rushed it more than I should have due to having zero concept of time LOL, so
ignore all the clichés and plot holes). This is the vibe I got from your likes and interests,
so hopefully it aligns with your taste in literature. The boys were chosen based on your
listed favorites, and I put a focus on Lysander mostly because he fit the vampire role so
well! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you the best in 2020! }
Staring up at the dreary castle walls, you almost began to regret your decision.
But, as your hands began to shake, making it difficult to even make out the words on
the handwritten invitation in between your fingers, you realized that your sense of
"nothing to lose" was stronger than your fear.
When the beautiful invitation had appeared in the mail two days before, you had
suspected a prank from your friends, but you were beginning to feel less confident. The
elegant, flowing cursive on the card had read:
Annual Christmas Eve
Masquerade Ball
Rosethorn Manor, 1763 Delirium Court
We anticipate your arrival promptly at 6 pm.
Red attire expected.

While the handwriting and gorgeous stationary were certainly out of your
friends' league, they were easy to overlook knowing that your friend had Ruby gushed
on and on for years about throwing a masquerade ball. And what better time than
Christmas, when the entire friend group was home from college? However, staring up
at the antique stone castle with its sloping towers and heavy iron gate, you began to
realize that even your friend Rosalina and her rich parents likely wouldn't have been
able to help Ruby afford renting a place like this for a night. Shooting a "hey, where are
you?" text to Rosalina, you pulled your mask from your head onto your eyes. If this
truly was a masquerade ball planned by strangers, perhaps keeping your identity secret
was a wise choice.
"At home, why?" came the speedy response, and your stomach dropped.
Rosalina was a notoriously bad liar, and none of her telltale "covering up a secret"
idiosyncrasies came through in her text. And if Rosalina wasn't a part of this scheme, it
wasn't a scheme. This was beginning to feel a lot more real.
You typed a quick excuse, noting the time in the corner of your screen. 5:53 pm.
It was now or never. Placing your phone back in your clutch, you pressed hesitantly on
the iron gate. It creaked open with some resistance and immediately clicked shut after
you stepped through the threshold. A chill went down your spine as the realization hit
that you were truly alone now. In fact, it actually seemed strange that there was not
another soul in sight, especially if the party was expected to start in a few minutes.
Maybe you were late.
The driveway was both serene and unsettling at the same time, and it gave you a
weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. The clicking of your heels against the
pavement was rhythmic, but the light breeze that swept through the series of parallel
oak trees lining the path made you pull your coat tight against your body. There was a
sense of cold in the night air that you just couldn't shake.
A closer look at Rosethorn Manor revealed several gargoyles and other gothic
architectural features, and you couldn't help but admire how beautiful it all was.
However, the only sign of life were the four sleek, black vehicles at the top of the
driveway, and even those looked as if they'd been neglected for many months. The
neglect didn’t continue to the front lawn, though, as all of the bushes looked neatly
pruned, and there was not a single crack in the stone path leading up to the doors. The
set of double doors were absolutely gorgeous as well, with an intricate silver door
knocker and engravings of roses lining the door frame.
After a quick glance over your shoulder-- searching once more for any sign of
life, you gave three solid knocks. Luckily, you were always one to jump into new
adventures, so even though your heart was pounding from the strangeness of the whole
situation, the adrenaline filled your whole body with nervous energy.
One, two, three seconds passed before the door lurched open suddenly, causing
you to jump. Tentatively, you stepped into the foyer and searched for the doorman. For
the door to open that quickly after knocking, someone must have been waiting for her.
However, there was not a soul in sight, and you winced as the door mysteriously
creaked shut behind you. No going back now.
The inside of the manor exuded the same eerie energy as its exterior, and the
inside was just as well-maintained. Decorations were limited, but the dark gray
wallpaper with little white designs was enough to give the hallway an elegant touch. At
the end of the hallway, you found three oak doors and nearly groaned in frustration.
For organizing a party, these hosts were certainly not very clear in their instructions.
Fortunately, the sounds of loud waltz music crept through the cracks of the door on the
left, so you decided that was the next best step. Before opening the door, you paused,
realizing that you hadn’t checked your appearance since you left your car. You didn’t
know what to expect from this “ball,” so you dug through your clutch to find a
handheld mirror for a quick check. The dark red mask looked even better against your
complexion and make-up than you anticipated, and the matching shade of lipstick only
completed the look. Unable to hide your grin, you smoothed down your dress and
tucked your hair behind your ears. If looks could kill, you were about to be the cause of
a massacre.
As soon as you turned the doorknob and peeked into the room, your jaw dropped
involuntarily. The ballroom was stunning. The sight in front of you was nothing
compared to all of the ballrooms you'd seen in the movies. The high ceiling and
chandeliers made you feel tiny in the best way, and the marble floor sparkled under
your heels. All around you, the sounds of the orchestra floated in the air, combined
with the chatter of guests. For this manor to have seemed so empty before, it was
baffling that there could be so much "life" in this room.
Beautiful women in dazzling dresses hung on the arms of regal men, and
suddenly you no longer felt so sure about your own attire. Your old prom dress was
nothing compared to the riches of everyone in the room. Swallowing, you slunk to the
side of the room, trying not to get swept up in the sway of the music and the dancers.
Unfortunately, you weren't able to sneak away unnoticed, and your path was stopped by
a tall man with a black mask and a sneer.
"Why, hello there, beautiful," he cooed, reaching out as if to touch your arm.
You shrugged away the acknowledgement, trying not to make eye contact, but the man
was not dissuaded. "Care to dance?"
"Um, no thanks!" It came out as a squeak, and you winced at your sudden social
unease. Where was your confidence now that you needed it?
"What a shame, pretty girl." The man flashed a smile and looked directly into
your eyes before vanishing into the crowd, and you shuddered. Though his face was
charming, his smile and eyes had made you feel immediately unsafe.
Finally, as you kept a careful eye on the ring of dancers, you found yourself at
what seemed to be the refreshment table and allowed yourself to relax a bit. Your brain
was swirling with all the sounds and sights around you, preventing you from paying
attention to anything other than the moment. The confusion of the invitation and the
reality of the situation slipped away as you couldn't help but get caught up in the
energy radiating from the center of the room.
"Would you like some punch, miss?" The sound of a masculine voice right next
to your ear made you jump. Right by your side stood a good-looking man with neat
blond hair and a dark blue mask, holding out a champagne glass filled with a dark red,
frothy liquid with his own drink by his side. Without thinking, you accepted the drink,
looking down at the mysterious "punch" curiously.
"Try it," the blond said calmly, taking a sip of his own glass. The smile he
offered you was tinged red from the dark drink. "I promise it's delicious."
Still staring down at the liquid, you glanced back up at him, analyzing the man.
His blue eyes stared patiently back, and you couldn't help but admire the cool and
collected vibe he gave off. His suit was crisp and fit him perfectly, with an elegant smile
resting on his lips. Despite the friendly face, there was something peculiar about his
smile that you couldn't place.
You finally decided to ask the question that had been on your mind since the
start of the evening. "Do you happen to know who organized this ball?"
"That's a very good question, darling." The man took a step closer. "But
unfortunately, it is also a question I do not know the answer to." He glanced down at
your full cup, cocking his head slightly to the side. "Are you not going to take--?"
His question was cut off abruptly by a loud "Nathaniel!" that caused the man to
snap his head in the direction of the voice. When the source of the voice came into
sight, the man broke into a wide grin.
"Nice of you to join the party, Castiel." He gave the second man a pat on the
back, knocking the red-haired man slightly off-balance. Whereas Nathaniel made you
think of a put-together businessman, this new, gray-masked man had a rebellious edge
to his look. It took him a few moments to notice you, but when he did, he gave you a
quick look up and down.
"Who's she?" He asked, speaking as if you couldn't hear him.
"I'm not sure yet," Nathaniel answered, smiling at you. Castiel tugged on
Nathaniel's arm, turning him to face him.
Awkward, you decided to take a sip of the punch and immediately regretted it.
Your nose wrinkled as soon as the first bitter taste touched your tongue. The texture
was strange and creamy-- almost like that of a milkshake. You managed to swallow
down your first sip, but you knew you wouldn't be able to take any more. You wobbly
placed the glass back down on the table, feeling suddenly dizzy.
The room spun around you, and you grabbed onto the table, trying to steady
yourself. In front of you, the two men continued their conversation, but both of them
now looked strange. You blinked once and looked again, eyes suddenly focusing on
their smiles. On both men, their top canines were sharp and pointy-- almost sharp
enough to draw blood.
It all came rushing back to you. Rosethorn Manor. Masquerade ball. Red
clothing. The dark liquid. Blood... Blood. Vampires.
Your legs gave out, causing you to crash down onto the table, knocking the glass
onto the ground. It shattered into little pieces, and through fuzzy vision, you watched
all heads turn towards you. Gasps filled the room. The music cut off without warning.
In the silence, your head throbbed more, and you forced your eyes shut, begging
the strange feeling to disappear. Instead, the room seemed darker when you opened
your eyes, and your whole body felt as if it was floating. Slowly, the room grew
completely dark, and all your senses vanished as you left your own body.
With a dull thud, your body fell to the floor, glass shards cutting into your tights
and dress. The pain barely registered in your consciousness, and voices phased in and
out as everything finally disappeared.

The next thing you were aware of was the thousands of stinging sensations in
your legs. After that, it was the aching sensation throughout your entire body that
made you want to curl up into a ball and fall asleep. With a groan, you blinked open
your eyes, feeling around to learn your surroundings. To your surprise, your hands met
soft blankets, and you snuggled up closer to the sensation. It was so nice to be back in a
bed after feeling so miserable, and your bed felt even cozier than you remembered.
You sighed, pulling the sheets closer to your chin. It all felt incredibly normal
until you rolled onto your side and were struck with sudden pain all over. With a short
cry of pain, your eyes slammed open, and your whole world turned upside down. This
canopy bed was a far cry from your simple twin bed, and the gray walls were definitely
not your bubblegum pink walls from back home.
And the white-haired man staring at you from the corner was certainly not a
normal sight on your own room.
Unable to form words yet, you let out a panicked noise. The white-haired man
looked up from his notebook in surprise.
"How are you feeling?" He blurted out, shutting his notebook gently and getting
to his feet. "I hope you don't mind that I bandaged your legs and took your mask off."
He left the notebook on his chair before walking towards the bed, making it easier for
your brain to process his appearance. He looked soft, unlike the angular features of the
other men you'd run into, but the telltale vampire fangs were still there in his kind
You just stared up at him, speechless. With all that had happened in the last few
hours, you still weren't sure what to think.
"The good news is that no one marked you," he continued, seemingly unaware of
your confusion, and you noticed his different colored eyes-- one was blue, and the other
was brown. "That's what I was worried about."
He gingerly lowered himself onto the bed next to you, making sure to leave
plenty of room. He seemed to notice your lack of responses, so he went quiet. The room
drifted into silence until you could gather your thoughts.
"What?" After such a night, that was the only word that seemed fitting. The
young man frowned.
"I'm sorry; I forgot how confused you probably are." He stuck out a hand. "My
name is Lysander. I'm a member of the Rosethorn family of vampires, and you were
lucky enough to be chosen as one of our mortal guests to our masquerade ball."
You simply stared at his hand, barely registering his words.
"You received the invitation, right?" Lysander pulled a sheet of cardstock from
his pocket, revealing a black invitation just like the one sitting in your own clutch. You
"Usually, the mortal guests never go home; many of them become feeding
victims to some of the lower class vampires. You, on the other hand, are the first guest
to drink our rabbit blood punch, and it was no wonder you had a bad reaction. That
stuff's not meant for mortal consumption." Noticing the panic on your face, he
backtracked. "Oh, you'll be okay, don't worry. You're just lucky I took care of you
instead of Nathaniel and Castiel. They have a soft spot for mortal girls."
The way he said it made you shiver, but it brought up another concern. "How do
I know I can trust you?"
"You don't," Lysander responded calmly. "But I did just escape the party to
bandage your legs." His eyes flicked down to his handiwork, and you studied your legs
for the first time since regaining consciousness. He wasn't lying; several bandaid lined
your legs, falling perfectly in line with the marching rips all up your tights. You
frowned. Those had been brand new tights too, and now they were tattered and covered
in splotches that you suspected were blood. The bandaids continued along your arms,
and you cringed at the amount of damage you must have done to yourself-- and the
party atmosphere.
"It's not as bad as it looks."
"I'm more concerned about how I've just embarrassed myself in front of
hundreds of people." You gently sat up, throwing your legs over the side of the bed.
"Not even people-- vampires."
If Lysander was offended by your tone of voice, he didn't show it. "They've been
alive for thousands of years. Trust me, they've seen almost everything before. If
anything, they admire you. You're the only mortal who's captured the attention of a
member of the Rosethorn family."
You stared up at him blankly, placing your hands in your lap.
"Would you care to rejoin the party? It's only a quarter 'til midnight, and you
won't want to miss the show." He offered his arm, and you glared at him.
"Looking like this?" You couldn't hide the annoyance in your voice. Nevermind
the fact that this "vampire party" was a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity that many
Twilight fanatics would kill for, your tights were ripped and you were miserable and
ready to go home. Even though your family was dysfunctional and did absolutely
nothing but fight for Christmas and Christmas Eve, it was better than blacking out in
front of a crowd of well-dressed, bloodthirsty vampires.
"Of course not, dear." Lysander was unbothered. "Check the closet, and I'll see
you in ten minutes." With those words, he vanished into a puff of smoke, leaving you
standing alone with your mouth ajar. Surely, this all had to be a dream. Remembering
all of the scenes in the movies, you squeezed your eyes shut and pinched yourself. Hard.
But when you opened your eyes, you were still alone in an empty room. The
canopy bed, solitary chair, and large wardrobe in the corner were your only company.
Curious, you approached the wardrobe and tugged it open. Hanging neatly from a
metal hanger was a beautiful emerald dress. You scoffed. There was no way they could
have had such a beautiful dress just lying around. It was all so surreal that you pinched
yourself again. Nothing changed.
You weren't sure if you truly believed this all to be real, but for now, you figured
the only thing you could do was to enjoy yourself. So, after briefly checking the room
for any sneaky vampire eyes, you peeled off your torn garments and traded them for the
fresh outfit. To your surprise, the dress fit perfectly. It was something you'd have
skipped over in the store, with its velvety material and plunging V-neck, but you had to
admit, it seemed to hug your body in all the right places. It was the perfect dress for a
vampire ball.
You wished you had a mirror to check your reflection, but you weren't surprised
not to see one. Oh well. If vampires could go through their whole lives without seeing
themselves in the mirror, you could go for one night.
You were thankful for the dress's long sleeves, and the new, thicker pair of
stockings at the bottom of the wardrobe because, together, they hid your bandages
perfectly. Almost ready to meet Lysander again, you turned and immediately realized
what you were missing.
Sitting atop the chair, right where Lysander's notebook had been, was a
matching green mask. With a grin, you pulled it over your eyes, silently applauding
Lysander for his attention to detail. Whether this all was real or just a dream, you
might as well treat this like a party. And admittedly, you were a big fan of parties.
Lysander was waiting for you as soon as you opened the door. He stood against
the wall, scrolling through his phone. He glanced up for a second then looked back
down at his phone before doing a double-take.
He quickly played off his surprise, sticking his phone in a pocket and regaining
composure. "You certainly clean up nicely."
You reached out and looped your arm through his. "I'll take that as a
compliment, Mister Lysander."
His eyebrows raised. "I see your personality has recovered as well."
You answered with a shrug. "I have no idea if this is reality or a figment of my
imagination, but I've never been one to turn down a party."
Lysander chuckled, tilting his head towards the end of the long hallway. "Well
then, let's party."
Hanging on his arm, you were almost giddy with excitement: a far cry from how
you'd felt just a few minutes ago.
"You look much better without the red," Lysander mused, guiding you past
several doors on either side of you. "Only the mortals usually wear red. It marks them."
You turned up your nose, imagining what might have happened if Lysander
hadn't come to your rescue. He noticed you growing tense and patted your arm softly.
"Don't worry. I've ensured that you're no longer an easy target." He cleared his
throat, directing you to turn down another hallway. The size of this manor was baffling,
and you wondered how these vampires didn't get lost. "However," he continued
hesitantly, "I must warn you." His voice grew quiet, and his hand rested on your arm
for reassurance. "In a few minutes, after the midnight show ends and Christmas
begins, we vampires become rather... strange."
You pulled away from him. "What do you mean?"
"I'm sure it's nothing like what you're picturing," Lysander insisted. "But we do
become quite different people. Not dangerous. Simply different."
He offered his arm again, but you turned your head. Though you crossed your
arms in front of your chest, you didn't stop walking along with him. "You'll see," he
said finally, allowing the two of you to drift into silence.
It wasn't even long enough for the silence to grow awkward before Lysander
stopped in front of a wide door, much like the one you found upon your entrance. "The
show's begun, so watch your volume." He pulled a dark purple mask from his pocket,
placing it over his eyes, and then pushed open the door.
Entering the ballroom from the back of the room allowed you to sneak into the
enthralled crowd without being noticed. You noticed that Lysander chose a place next
to Nathaniel and Castiel, but they both only offered you a courteous nod. They didn't
seem to have any idea that you were the girl who had collapsed in front of them.
As the vampires on the stage began to play a new, lilting melody, you gazed
around the room. The spot where you had spilled your drink and broken your glass was
almost unrecognizable, restored back to its former, glimmering glory. Otherwise, the
room seemed unchanged, but you couldn't help but notice the red clothing in the
audience. Each person in red was hung onto a vampire's arm, and every single one of
them was swaying to the music, seeming to enjoy themselves. You wondered if they
had any idea of how they were being marked and how their red masks stood out like
sore thumbs in a room full of a rainbow of colors.
From beside you, Lysander grabbed your hand and squeezed, drawing your
attention back to the stage. In front of the vampire orchestra, beautiful dancers bent
into dazzling shapes, moving in time with the music. As the show continued, the music
became more aggressive and intense. Though they remained graceful, the dancers'
movements also became erratic, keeping time with the music.
Before you knew it, a clock dinged, causing you to swivel your head in search of
it. To the left of the stage, an antique clock hung on the wall, its hands pointing
towards the twelve. At each chime of the clock's bell, the dancers struck dramatic
poses, melting away into the background of the stage.
Around you, the crowd stirred with anticipation, murmuring after each chime.
You held your breath, waiting for chaos after the final, twelfth chime. However,
other than the loud cheering that erupted and the large swelling finale by the
orchestra, nothing seemed to change. The regular music resumed, and the crowd
dispersed in all directions.
Lysander's grip on your hand tightened, reminding you that you two had been so
fascinated by the show that you never let go of each other's hands. "Would you like to
dance?" He whispered, leaning so close to your ear that chills ran down your spine.
You nodded, still slightly uneasy about Lysander's strange warning, and
Lysander placed his free hand on your waist. Guiding your every step, he dragged you
into the music, whirling you around his body. You almost forgot where you were
entirely when he dipped you backwards, sending a buzz of electricity down your spine.
Breathless, you placed both hands on his chest to stop him after the first song.
"Lysander," you managed. "What did you mean when you said vampires changed
at midnight?" He ignored the question and instead offered you a contagious smile,
hugging your body closer to his.
"Oh, nothing." His smile turned soft, melting your heart. "We just get a bit
more..." He leaned into your ear. "...outgoing."
Without another word, he twirled you out from his body, sending you into a
dizzy fog. Throughout the room, there was a new electricity surrounding the vampires.
Their movements were bold and confident, and they didn't hold back. It was as if the
entire room had become inhibitionless, like how you were supposed to feel after a few
shots of alcohol.
Lysander noticed your lack of attention and turned your chin back to him.
"Focus on me and the music," he instructed, staring directly into your eyes. You obeyed
and immediately felt the electricity that the rest of the room had been experiencing. It
drove you closer to Lysander, causing the rest of the room to disappear as you locked
eyes. He leaned forward, his lips hovering just before yours. The tension in the air was
palpable, and you could feel his warm breath tickling your face. Without another
thought, you grabbed his collar, closing the distance between your lips.
Lysander reacted almost immediately, tilting his head to the side and drawing
you close. The kiss was like nothing you'd ever felt before, likely due in part to the
strange presence of his fangs. However, though the sensation was peculiar, it wasn't
unpleasant, and you smiled against his lips. He chuckled softly, pulling away from you
for a second.
"Follow me." His voice was deeper than before, filled with a mischievous
undertone. Pulling you along behind him, he led you out of the ballroom and down a
hallway, disappearing into a random door. You followed, still enchanted by him,
despite the sudden silence.
Without the music, it was easy to hear the mixed sound of their heavy breathing,
making your heart pound even faster.
"Did you know this would happen?" You asked, pulling the door shut behind the
two of you and shutting you into the small closet.
"I had a slight suspicion," Lysander admitted, appearing suddenly sheepish. "At
the Christmas ball, anything can happen; it's almost customary." His shyness was
endearing, and it made you smile.
"I never said I was complaining." You leaned forward, pressing your lips hard
against his. You were prepared to pull away, but he caught your arm and kept you close.
His entire body smelled like expensive cologne and you breathed in his scent, trying to
prolong the moment. Finding your mouth again, he nudged open your lips, sending his
tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. He tasted of sugar and copper-- a strange
combination that you couldn't decide if you liked. You didn't have the time to decide
before his lips moved slowly down your chin to your neck, fangs poking slightly against
your vulnerable skin. His touches were gentle, like a butterfly's wing, and in that
moment, you knew he didn't intend to hurt you, despite the accidental prodding of his
"What happens in the morning?" Though you didn't exactly want the answer,
the question couldn't be left unasked. "I don't want to--"
He stopped the sentence with a kiss. "It'll be okay; we'll find out as it happens."
Lightly, he pulled away your mask, letting it float to the floor. "Is this all okay with
You nodded, reaching towards his mask to reveal his face. His lips curved into a
small smile, and you let out an amused huff as his mask joined yours on the floor.
With nothing left to say, your lips met again, stinging with a mysterious
electricity. Soon, everything drifted away but you and him, and you sighed into the
moment, letting yourself be swept away.
In the corner of your mind, a small part of you worried about what would happen
in the morning and how surreal this entire experience was, but the rest of your brain
pushed that away, focusing instead on the sturdy body in front of you. Breathless with a
pounding heart, you decided that an opportunity like this only came once in a lifetime,
and you were going to take advantage of it. No matter how crazy the logistics sounded.
It was your Christmas gift to yourself.
And what a marvelous gift it was.

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