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all the way down and manifests itself But if you’re Black, no matter how

deeply and thoroughly in religious life. A light your skin, you’ll always still be con-
parallel book could be written—and sidered Black. That is, unless you desire
many have been—about the conserva- to walk on the side of life where privilege
tive activists of various faiths engaged prevails—and you’re able to “pass.”
with every major moral-political issue of Passing as White means you don’t get
our time in wholehearted opposition to followed around just because of your
the vision of the religious left. In red and presumed race. It means your work
blue America, we live in parallel moral- choices are not limited to cooking and
religious universes. One side’s holy cause cleaning for White people—one step
is the other’s abomination. It is intense to removed from slavery.
live in such times, and Jenkins’s lively So one of the twins does just that.
prose captures this intensity. One won- When Stella moves to a new town and
ders when the fever will break. her fair skin is mistaken for white, she
Second, the Democratic Party has a The Vanishing Half: A Novel realizes she can get a job in an office
problem with religion because its own By Brit Bennett instead of cleaning or doing laundry. So
soul is divided into what Jenkins sug- Riverhead, 352 pp., $27.00 she decides to pass. She develops a new
gests are three groups. Hard secularists life as a White woman, marries, and has a

don’t want their party investing in reli- uring a recent vacation, I picked daughter.
gious outreach or religious people, up The Vanishing Half and start- But she does so at a great cost. She
whom they believe to be destructive. ed reading. I couldn’t put the relinquishes all ties to her family, includ-
Interfaith advocates believe Democrats book down. When I told my family what ing Desiree and their mother. She tries to
should be the party of loving, construc- was happening inside the literary world forget the trauma of the racially motivat-
tive, liberal religious faith—which means Brit Bennett creates, my ten-year-old ed tragedy that killed her father when
it must represent the vast diversity of daughter decided that she wanted to she was young—a death that continues
religious beliefs that America now read it, too. There are many reasons this to haunt the family.
embodies. More traditional Christian novel isn’t for children. But I promised
believers (like black Baptists and I’d save it for her to read when she gets
Methodists, Rust Belt Catholics such as older—and I will. It’s that riveting. THE UPPER ROOM
Joe Biden, and some churchgoing main- Bennett paints a realistic picture of
line suburbanites who vote Democratic)
do not want Christianity entirely ban-
some of the harrowing circumstances
African Americans have had to over-
ished from the Democratic repertoire. come. Stella and Desiree are identical A BOOK OF
The stark differences in vision between twins who grow up in an all-Black town
these three factions of the party are very in Louisiana in the mid-20th century. 2021
hard to reconcile. Louisiana, my native state, has long been
Finally, the religious left seems more known for producing a large number of
comfortable in the streets than in the light-skinned Black people—those
halls of power. The legacy of the civil who’ve inherited the melanin levels of
rights movement looms large. Certainly, their White slaveholding ancestors.
the Trump years have given us many rea- In the town of Mallard, where Desiree
sons for street protest. But if the and Stella live, all of the residents are
Democrats do win in November and the light-skinned Black people. After being
religious left gets a place at the table in freed from slavery and inheriting his
Washington, it will need people who White father’s land, the town’s founder
know how to work the levers of power, (who was the twins’ great-great-great-
Let Your
get laws passed, and change public policy.
It will need analysts, lobbyists, and legis-
lators as well as street protesters. Jenkins
grandfather) had “married a mulatto
even lighter than himself. She was preg-
nant then with their first child, and he
Be Shaped By
tells us about a few religious left leaders imagined his children’s children’s chil-
like this, but the energy of the book and
of the religious left seems mainly in the
dren, lighter still, like a cup of coffee
steadily diluted with cream. A more per-
fect Negro. Each generation lighter than
I, for one, hope that January 2021 will the one before.” UpperRoomBooks.com/Disciplines
give our nation the chance to find out
whether the religious left can be as effec- Reviewed by CENTURY community engagement edi-
tive in Washington as in the streets. tor Katara Patton.

39 Christian Century October 7, 2020

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