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Name: ____________________________

Canada Map Activity: Instructions

Complete the following instructions using the map provided:

1. Write and color neatly.

2. Label the following provinces and territories (color it the color listed):

 Newfoundland & Labrador (white)  Saskatchewan (Pink)

 Nova Scotia (Purple)  Alberta (white)
 New Brunswick (Orange  British Columbia (Orange)
 Prince Edward Island (Yellow)  Yukon Territory (Pink)
 Quebec (Pink)  Northwest Territories (Yellow)
 Ontario (Yellow)  Nunavut (Orange)
 Manitoba (Purple)

3. Draw, using a blue colored pencil, and label the following rivers:

 St. Lawrence River

 Mackenzie River
 Saskatchewan River

4. Label the United States and color it red.

5. Label Greenland and color it green.

6. Label the following oceans:

 Atlantic Ocean
 Arctic Ocean
 Pacific Ocean

7. Label the following bodies of water:

 Hudson Bay  Lake Erie

 Baffin Bay  Lake Ontario
 Lake Superior  Lake Winnipeg
 Lake Michigan  Great Bear Lake
 Lake Huron  Great Slave Lake

8. Draw, using brown colored pencil, and label:

 Coast Mountains
 Rocky Mountains

9. Label all of the provincial/territories’ capitals.

10. Label the national capital: Ottawa

11. Label these major cities: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Iqaluit, Halifax
Answer the following questions:

12. Which oceans border Canada?

13. What is Canada’s westernmost territory?

14. Which Canadian provinces and territories do not border and part of the United States?

15. Which provincial capital is closest to the national capital of Canada?

16. The Great Lakes make up a large portion of the southern border of which Canadian province?
Answer the following questions:

12. Which oceans border Canada?

Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean

13. What is Canada’s westernmost territory?

Yukon Territory

14. Which Canadian provinces and territories do not border and part of the United States?

Northwest Territories, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Nunavut

15. Which provincial capital is closest to the national capital of Canada?


16. The Great Lakes make up a large portion of the southern border of which Canadian province?


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