BKEH Bill Track 2.25.11

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Sorted by Folder Name
Bills relating to Business & Economic Development
Relating to Trust Funds/Sustainable and Renewable Energy Policy Trust
HB 0221 Rehwinkel Vasilinda
Fund/Florida Energy Office/DEP
Trust Funds/Sustainable and Renewable Energy Policy Trust Fund/Florida Energy Office/DEP: Creates
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Policy Trust Fund within Florida Energy Office of DEP; provides for sources
of funds, purposes, & annual carryforward of funds; provides for future review & termination or re-creation of
trust fund; provides for contingent effective date. Effective Date: on the same date that House Bill 219 or similar
legislation takes effect, if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and
becomes law
Current Committee of Reference: Energy & Utilities Subcommittee
1/14/201 HOUSE Filed
2/1/2011 HOUSE Referred to Energy & Utilities Subcommittee; Finance & Tax Committee; Appropriations Committee;
State Affairs Committee
2/1/2011 HOUSE Now in Energy & Utilities Subcommittee
SB 0282 Relating to Renewable Energy (Bennett)
Relating to Sustainable & Renewable Energy Policy Trust Fund
SB 0284
HB 0219 Relating to Renewable Energy (Rehwinkel Vasilinda)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0728 Relating to Unemployment Compensation Detert

Unemployment Compensation; Increases the number of employer payroll service providers who qualify for
access to unemployment tax information by filing a memorandum of understanding. Requires that an individual
claiming benefits report certain information and participate in an initial skills review. Disqualifies an individual for
benefits for any week he or she is incarcerated. Requires claims to be submitted by electronic means, etc.
EFFECTIVE DATE: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided
Current Committee of Reference: Judiciary
2/23/2011 Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/25/11, 9:00 a.m.,
117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
2/24/2011 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
2/25/2011 SENATE Now in Judiciary
SB 1058 Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Hill)
Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Economic Development &
HB 7005
Tourism Subcommittee)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0762 Relating to Florida Climate Protection Act Hays

Florida Climate Protection Act; Repeals provisions relating to a cap-and-trade regulatory program to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities. Conforms a cross-reference. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Communications, Energy and Public Utilities
2/2/201 SENATE Filed
2/9/2011 SENATE Referred to Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Environmental Preservation and
Conservation; Budget
HB 4117 Relating to Florida Climate Protection Act (Plakon)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.

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Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0774 Relating to Economic Development Ring

Economic Development; Creates the Commercialization Credit Transfer Program. Provides legislative findings
that it is in the state's interest to promote the commercialization of products and services developed by
technology companies. Authorizes the Department of Revenue to share certain confidential information with the
Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development (OTTED). Requires the OTTED to certify eligible
companies for the transfer of corporate income tax net operating loss amounts as certified credits, etc.
APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Commerce and Tourism
2/3/201 SENATE Filed
2/9/2011 SENATE Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Banking and Insurance; Budget
SB 0264 Relating to Economic Development (Ring)
HB 0397 Relating to Economic Development (Ray)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 0775 Relating to Economic Development Bernard

Economic Development: Establishes Economic Gardening Business Loan Program & Economic Gardening
Technical Assistance Program as permanent programs; revises conditions under which loan agreements may
provide borrowers with flexibility in meeting projected number of jobs; revises method for calculating servicing
fee payable to loan administrator; deletes requirement that certain funds be deposited in General Revenue
Fund; provides for use of funds; deletes obsolete provision authorizing adoption of initial emergency rules;
deletes provision prohibiting award of new loans after specified date; deletes provision for reversion of certain
unexpended appropriations; deletes provisions for future repeal of loan program; revises date upon which Office
of Tourism, Trade, & Economic Development must begin to submit annual reports to Governor & Legislature on
loan program & technical assistance program; provides for retroactive application of provisions revising loan
program. Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/16/201 HOUSE Filed
SB 1184 Relating to Economic Development (Siplin)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 1102 Relating to Energy Detert

Energy; Requires that electric utilities meet or exceed specified standards for the production or purchase of
clean energy. Requires that the Solar Energy Center charge testing fees. Imposes a fee on alternative fuel
containing alcohol. Requires that the Florida Energy and Climate Commission prepare a report identifying ways
to increase the energy-efficiency practices of low-income households, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/15/201 SENATE Filed

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 1184 Relating to Economic Development Siplin

Economic Development; Establishes the Economic Gardening Business Loan Program and the Economic
Gardening Technical Assistance Program as permanent programs. Revises conditions under which loan
agreements may provide borrowers with flexibility in meeting the projected number of jobs. Deletes a

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requirement that certain funds be deposited in the General Revenue Fund. Revises the date upon which the
Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development must begin to submit annual reports to the Governor and
Legislature on the loan program and technical assistance program, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/17/201 SENATE Filed
HB 0775 Relating to Economic Development (Bernard)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 1222 Relating to Corporate Income Tax/Reduction & Future Repeal Norman

Corporate Income Tax/Reduction & Future Repeal; Provides for incremental reductions of the corporate income
tax effective on specified dates. Provides for future repeal of part I of chapter 220, F.S., relating to the chapter
title, legislative intent, and definitions, and part II of chapter 220, F.S., relating to the imposition and
apportionment of the corporate income tax. Provides legislative findings, intent, and application, etc.
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/18/201 SENATE Filed
SB 1236 Relating to State Revenues (Richter)
Relating to Incremental Reduction and Future Repeal of the
HB 0503
Corporate Income Tax (Harrison)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 4117 Relating to Florida Climate Protection Act Plakon

Florida Climate Protection Act: Repeals provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions from electric utilities. Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee
1/31/201 HOUSE Filed
2/16/2011 HOUSE Referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
2/16/2011 HOUSE Now in Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee
SB 0762 Relating to Florida Climate Protection Act (Hays)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Economic Development & Tourism

HB 7005 Relating to Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment Compensation: Increases number of employer payroll service providers who qualify for access
to unemployment tax information; revises provisions relating to statutory construction; requires that applicant for
benefits participate in initial skills review; provides exceptions; clarifies "good cause" for voluntarily leaving
employment; disqualifies certain person for benefits; reduces amount & revises calculation of number of weeks
of claimant's benefit eligibility; revises employer's unemployment compensation contribution rate by certain
factors; revises application to conform to changes made by this act; provides employer payment schedule for
2012, 2013, & 2014 contributions; revises allowable forms of evidence in benefit appeals; revises judicial venue
for reviewing commission orders; specifies that evidence of mailing agency document is based on date stated
on document; revives, readopts, & amends provision relating to temporary extended benefits; provides for
retroactive application; establishes temporary state extended benefits for weeks of unemployment; provides for
state extended benefits for certain weeks & for periods of high unemployment; provides applicability; provides
appropriations for purposes of implementation; provides that act fulfills important state interest. Effective Date:
upon becoming a law

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Current Committee of Reference: Economic Affairs Committee
2/18/2011 HOUSE Now in Economic Affairs Committee
2/18/2011 HOUSE On Committee agenda - Economic Affairs Committee, 02/25/11, 9:00 am, 102 H
2/18/2011 Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/22/11, 10:00am,
117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
SB 0728 Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Detert)

Bills relating to
Business &
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Bills relating to Education Reform

SB 0736 Relating to Education Personnel Wise
Education Personnel; Cites this act as the "Race to the Top for Student Success Act." Revises provisions
related to the evaluation of instructional personnel and school administrators. Requires that the Department of
Education approve school district evaluation systems. Provides requirements for the evaluation systems.
Requires the Commissioner of Education to select formulas for school districts to use in measuring growth in
learning by students. Requires the State Board of Education to adopt formulas, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: upon
becoming a law, except as otherwise provided
Current Committee of Reference: Budget
2/24/2011 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C2) Filed
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on second reading
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar for 03/09/11

Bills relating to
Education Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Position not specified.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 7019 Relating to Education Personnel K-20 Competitiveness Subcommittee

Education Personnel: Cites act as "Student Success Act"; revises provisions relating to evaluation of
instructional personnel & school administrators; requires DOE to approve school district's evaluation systems;
requires Commissioner of Education to approve or select formulas for use in measuring student learning
growth; revises provisions relating to compensation & salary schedules; provides criteria for employment
contracts for newly hired instructional personnel; authorizes certain exemption from requirements for
performance evaluation systems & compensation & salary schedules; provides for repeal of certain special acts
or general laws of local application relating to instructional personnel or school administrator contracts. Effective
Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/24/201 HOUSE Filed (Formerly PCB KCO1)
SB 0736 Relating to Education Personnel (Wise)

Bills relating to
Education Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Position not specified.
Public Comments
Establishes a merit pay system which we support, although the bill may not go far enough.

Bills relating to Good Government

HB 0001 Relating to Health Care Services Plakon
Health Care Services: Proposes creation of s. 28, Art. I of State Constitution to prohibit laws or rules from
compelling any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system, permit person
or employer to purchase lawful health care services directly from health care provider, permit health care
provider to accept direct payment from person or employer for lawful health care services, exempt persons,
employers, & health care providers from penalties & fines for paying or accepting direct payment for lawful
health care services, & permit purchase or sale of health insurance in private health care systems; specifies
what amendment does not affect or prohibit. Effective Date: Not Specified
Current Committee of Reference: Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee
11/16/201 HOUSE Filed
1/10/2011 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee; Health &
Human Services Committee
1/10/2011 HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee

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SB 0002 Relating to Health Care Services (Haridopolos)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / High Importance. / Support.
Public Comments
Constitutional amendment preventing healthcare mandates from the federal government

SB 0002 Relating to Health Care Services Haridopolos

Health Care Services; Proposes an amendment to the State Constitution to prohibit laws or rules from
compelling any person or employer to purchase, obtain, or otherwise provide for health care coverage; permits
a person or an employer to purchase lawful health care services directly from a health care provider; permits a
health care provider to accept direct payment from a person or an employer for lawful health care services; etc.
Current Committee of Reference: Budget
2/24/2011 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on second reading
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar for 03/08/11
HB 0001 Relating to Health Care Services (Plakon)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / High Importance. / Support.
Public Comments
Constitutional amendment preventing healthcare mandates from the federal government

SB 0078 Relating to Environmental Surcharge On Bottled Water Lynn

Environmental Surcharge On Bottled Water; Establishes a surcharge on bottled water sold at retail in this state.
Provides an exception. Requires that moneys collected from the surcharge be deposited into the Ecosystem
Management and Restoration Trust Fund. EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Environmental Preservation and Conservation
11/23/201 SENATE Filed
11/29/2010 SENATE Referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; Commerce and Tourism; Budget
Relating to Environmental Surcharge on Bottled Water (Rehwinkel
HB 0453

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / High Importance. / Oppose.
Public Comments
Implements a new tax on bottled water

HB 0107 Relating to Local Government Accountability Smith (J)

Local Government Accountability: Revises provisions relating to procedures for declaring special districts
inactive; specifies level of detail required for local governmental entity's proposed budget; revises provisions for
local governmental entity's audit & annual financial reports; requires local governmental entity's budget to be
posted online; revises budgetary guidelines for district school boards. Effective Date: October 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Government Operations Subcommittee
2/2/2011 HOUSE On Committee agenda - Community & Military Affairs, 02/09/11, 1:00 pm, 17 H
2/9/2011 HOUSE Favorable by Community & Military Affairs Subcommittee; 15 Yeas, 0 Nays
2/10/2011 HOUSE Now in Government Operations Subcommittee
SB 0224 Relating to Local Government Accountability (Dean)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 0115 Relating to Creation of the Department of Health and Human Services Adkins

Creation of the Department of Health and Human Services: Creates Department of Health & Human Services
(DHHS); provides for appointment of Secretary of Health & Human Services by Governor; provides guidelines

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for procurement of health services; establishes Central Office of Investigative Services & Office of Inspector
General; directs Board of Governors to establish regional policy development & research exchange centers at
specified state universities for certain purposes; repeals provisions relating to DCFS, AHCA, DOH, & related
trust funds; provides for transfer of related functions & responsibilities to DHHS. Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee
1/3/201 HOUSE Filed
1/25/2011 HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee;
Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
1/25/2011 HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee
Relating to Creation Of The Department Of Health And Human
SB 0528
Services (Oelrich)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / High Importance. / Support.
Public Comments
Creates a new Department of Health and Human Services, merging the current Agency for Health Care
Administration, Department of Health, Department of Children & Families, and Agency for Persons with

HB 0285 Relating to Public Meetings Eisnaugle

Public Meetings: Provides right for members of public to be heard at meetings of certain governmental boards &
commissions; prescribes conditions qualifying, & exceptions to, such right; provides for adoption of rules
governing conduct of, & behavior at, such meetings. Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Government Operations Subcommittee
1/20/201 HOUSE Filed
2/1/2011 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Rulemaking & Regulation Subcommittee; State
Affairs Committee
2/1/2011 HOUSE Now in Government Operations Subcommittee
SB 0310 Relating to Public Meetings (Negron)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0310 Relating to Public Meetings Negron

Public Meetings; Provides a right for members of the public to be heard at meetings of certain governmental
boards and commissions. Prescribes conditions qualifying, and exceptions to, the right. Provides for the
adoption of rules governing the conduct of, and behavior at, the meetings. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Governmental Oversight and Accountability
12/22/201 SENATE Filed
1/5/2011 SENATE Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Community Affairs; Rules
HB 0285 Relating to Public Meetings (Eisnaugle)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 0453 Relating to Environmental Surcharge on Bottled Water Rehwinkel Vasilinda

Environmental Surcharge on Bottled Water: Establishes surcharge on bottled water sold at retail in this state;
provides exception; requires that moneys collected from surcharge be deposited into Ecosystem Management
and Restoration Trust Fund. Effective Date: October 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee
1/25/201 HOUSE Filed
2/7/2011 HOUSE Referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee; Finance & Tax Committee; Agriculture &
Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
2/7/2011 HOUSE Now in Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee
SB 0078 Relating to Environmental Surcharge On Bottled Water (Lynn)

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Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
Implements new tax on bottled water

Relating to Incremental Reduction and Future Repeal of the Corporate Income

HB 0503 Harrison
Incremental Reduction and Future Repeal of the Corporate Income Tax: Provides for incremental reduction of
corporate income tax & for its future repeal; provides legislative findings & intent & provides for application;
provides for future application to franchise tax of specified parts & sections of ch. 220 as those parts & sections
existed before their repeal; provides direction to Division of Statutory Revision to assist legislative committee
staff in preparation of conforming legislation for submission to specified future regular sessions. Effective Date:
July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Finance & Tax Committee
1/25/201 HOUSE Filed
2/7/2011 HOUSE Referred to Finance & Tax Committee; Economic Affairs Committee; Appropriations Committee
2/7/2011 HOUSE Now in Finance & Tax Committee
SB 1236 Relating to State Revenues (Richter)
Relating to Corporate Income Tax/Reduction & Future Repeal
SB 1222

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0528 Relating to Creation Of The Department Of Health And Human Services Oelrich
Creation of Dept. of Health and Human Services; Creates the Department of Health and Human Services.
Provides for appointment of a Secretary of Health and Human Services by the Governor. Establishes regions
for the administration of program services. Establishes program divisions within each region. Establishes the
Central Office of Investigative Services. Repeals provisions relating to the Department of Children and Family
Services, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Agency for Health Care Administration, and Department of
Health, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Health Regulation
1/21/201 SENATE Filed
2/9/2011 SENATE Referred to Health Regulation; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Governmental Oversight and
Accountability; Budget
Relating to Creation of the Department of Health and Human Services
HB 0115

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 0577 Relating to Scope and Exercise of Federal Power to Regulate Commerce Caldwell
Scope and Exercise of Federal Power to Regulate Commerce: Urges Congress to honor provisions of U.S.
Constitution that limit scope & exercise of federal power to regulate commerce. Effective Date: Not Specified
Current Committee of Reference: Federal Affairs Subcommittee
2/1/201 HOUSE Filed
2/16/2011 HOUSE Referred to Federal Affairs Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee
2/16/2011 HOUSE Now in Federal Affairs Subcommittee

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0728 Relating to Unemployment Compensation Detert

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Unemployment Compensation; Increases the number of employer payroll service providers who qualify for
access to unemployment tax information by filing a memorandum of understanding. Requires that an individual
claiming benefits report certain information and participate in an initial skills review. Disqualifies an individual for
benefits for any week he or she is incarcerated. Requires claims to be submitted by electronic means, etc.
EFFECTIVE DATE: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided
Current Committee of Reference: Judiciary
2/23/2011 Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/25/11, 9:00 a.m.,
117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
2/24/2011 SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
2/25/2011 SENATE Now in Judiciary
SB 1058 Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Hill)
Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Economic Development &
HB 7005
Tourism Subcommittee)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 0774 Relating to Economic Development Ring

Economic Development; Creates the Commercialization Credit Transfer Program. Provides legislative findings
that it is in the state's interest to promote the commercialization of products and services developed by
technology companies. Authorizes the Department of Revenue to share certain confidential information with the
Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development (OTTED). Requires the OTTED to certify eligible
companies for the transfer of corporate income tax net operating loss amounts as certified credits, etc.
APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Commerce and Tourism
2/3/201 SENATE Filed
2/9/2011 SENATE Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Banking and Insurance; Budget
SB 0264 Relating to Economic Development (Ring)
HB 0397 Relating to Economic Development (Ray)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

HB 0775 Relating to Economic Development Bernard

Economic Development: Establishes Economic Gardening Business Loan Program & Economic Gardening
Technical Assistance Program as permanent programs; revises conditions under which loan agreements may
provide borrowers with flexibility in meeting projected number of jobs; revises method for calculating servicing
fee payable to loan administrator; deletes requirement that certain funds be deposited in General Revenue
Fund; provides for use of funds; deletes obsolete provision authorizing adoption of initial emergency rules;
deletes provision prohibiting award of new loans after specified date; deletes provision for reversion of certain
unexpended appropriations; deletes provisions for future repeal of loan program; revises date upon which Office
of Tourism, Trade, & Economic Development must begin to submit annual reports to Governor & Legislature on
loan program & technical assistance program; provides for retroactive application of provisions revising loan
program. Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/16/201 HOUSE Filed
SB 1184 Relating to Economic Development (Siplin)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Relating to Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of the Cabinet,

HB 0785 Kriseman
or Legislator
Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of the Cabinet, or Legislator: Proposes creation of s. 8, Art.
VI of State Constitution to provide for recall of Governor, Lt. Governor, member of Cabinet, or legislator;

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provides how process is initiated; establishes requisite number & distribution of signatures; provides for
simultaneous election of successor to remainder of term; provides that if elected official is not recalled, then
additional effort to recall elected official may not be initiated during remainder of term; provides for
reimbursement of certain expenses. Effective Date: Not Specified
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/16/201 HOUSE Filed
HB 0787 Relating to Recall (Kriseman)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Budget Subcommittee on Finance and

SB 0958 Relating to State Revenue Limitation
State Revenue Limitation; Proposes amendments to the State Constitution to replace the existing state revenue
limitation with a new state revenue limitation based on inflation and population changes.
Current Committee of Reference: Rules
2/24/2011 SENATE Favorable by Rules; 8 Yeas, 3 Nays
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Calendar, on second reading
2/24/2011 SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar for 03/10/11

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 1128 Relating to Public Retirement Plans Ring

Public Retirement Plans; Provides that a local governmental entity may not offer a defined benefit retirement
plan to a plan member hired on or after a certain date. Provides that local plans must use at least 5 years to
determine a plan member's average final compensation for calculating retirement benefits for members hired on
or after a certain date. Directs the Department of Financial Services to rate the financial strength of local
government defined benefit plans. Creates the Task Force on Public Employee Disability Presumptions, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: Governmental Oversight and Accountability
2/22/2011 SENATE Workshopped by Governmental Oversight and Accountability
2/22/2011 SENATE On Committee agenda - Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/24/11, 3:30 pm, 412 K
2/24/2011 SENATE Not considered by Governmental Oversight and Accountability
HB 0303 Relating to Public Retirement Plans (Costello)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Neutral.
Public Comments
We are waiting to see what the bills look like before supporting, although we full support pension reform.

SB 1130 Relating to Retirement Ring

Retirement: Requires employee and employer contributions to the retirement system by a certain date. Clarifies
that employer-paid employee contributions are subject to certain taxes. Amends provisions relating to the
membership class of elected officers. Amends provisions relating to the optional retirement program for the
State University System. Changes the name of the Public Employee Optional Retirement Program to the Florida
Retirement System Investment Plan, etc. Effective Date: 06/30/2011 except as otherwise provided
Current Committee of Reference: Governmental Oversight and Accountability
2/22/2011 SENATE Not considered by Governmental Oversight and Accountability
2/22/2011 SENATE On Committee agenda - Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/24/11, 3:30 pm, 412 K
2/24/2011 SENATE Workshopped by Governmental Oversight and Accountability
HB 0303 Relating to Public Retirement Plans (Costello)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.

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Public Comments
This bill is part of the Senate's public pension reform package.

SB 1184 Relating to Economic Development Siplin

Economic Development; Establishes the Economic Gardening Business Loan Program and the Economic
Gardening Technical Assistance Program as permanent programs. Revises conditions under which loan
agreements may provide borrowers with flexibility in meeting the projected number of jobs. Deletes a
requirement that certain funds be deposited in the General Revenue Fund. Revises the date upon which the
Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development must begin to submit annual reports to the Governor and
Legislature on the loan program and technical assistance program, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/17/201 SENATE Filed
HB 0775 Relating to Economic Development (Bernard)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Oppose.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

SB 1260 Relating to Clean Air Act Bennett

Clean Air Act; Opposes the plan by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse
gases under the Clean Air Act.
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
2/21/201 SENATE Filed

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Economic Development & Tourism

HB 7005 Relating to Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment Compensation: Increases number of employer payroll service providers who qualify for access
to unemployment tax information; revises provisions relating to statutory construction; requires that applicant for
benefits participate in initial skills review; provides exceptions; clarifies "good cause" for voluntarily leaving
employment; disqualifies certain person for benefits; reduces amount & revises calculation of number of weeks
of claimant's benefit eligibility; revises employer's unemployment compensation contribution rate by certain
factors; revises application to conform to changes made by this act; provides employer payment schedule for
2012, 2013, & 2014 contributions; revises allowable forms of evidence in benefit appeals; revises judicial venue
for reviewing commission orders; specifies that evidence of mailing agency document is based on date stated
on document; revives, readopts, & amends provision relating to temporary extended benefits; provides for
retroactive application; establishes temporary state extended benefits for weeks of unemployment; provides for
state extended benefits for certain weeks & for periods of high unemployment; provides applicability; provides
appropriations for purposes of implementation; provides that act fulfills important state interest. Effective Date:
upon becoming a law
Current Committee of Reference: Economic Affairs Committee
2/18/2011 HOUSE Now in Economic Affairs Committee
2/18/2011 HOUSE On Committee agenda - Economic Affairs Committee, 02/25/11, 9:00 am, 102 H
2/18/2011 Bill to Be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Revenue Estimating Impact Conference; 02/22/11, 10:00am,
117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
SB 0728 Relating to Unemployment Compensation (Detert)

Bills relating to
Good Priority/Importance/Position
Top Priority. / Importance not specified. / Support.
Public Comments
No comments exist.

Generated 34 rows in 1.781 seconds on Fri Feb 25 14:28:07 2011

http://reports.lobbytools.com/cgi-bin/build_bill_reports.plx?id=26509&aid=2009 2/25/2011

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