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PART I: Content questions

Breakout Room 1-3

Question 1. Some East African countries (e.g., Kenya) have introduced fines of up
to $40,000 or 4 years of prison when entering the country with a plastic bag. Under
which circumstances is this punishment effective? Argue based on the 4 factors
determining the efficacy of punishments as well as additional information in this
week’s literature/lecture.

Breakout Room 4-6

Question 2. Choose a behavior you would like to change yourself. How would you
stimulate this new behavior? Would you punish or reward yourself? Explain why and
propose how you could implement this strategy based on the 4 factors determining
the efficacy of punishments.

Breakout Room 1-6

Question 3: Find an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement,
positive punishment, negative punishment.

PART II: In-class assignment—Debate

Statement: Naming and shaming is an effective, moral, and legitimate punishment


• 2 groups Yes vs. No

• 3 judges
• 10 min (breakout rooms): build arguments based on this statement

o The factors affecting punishment efficacy

o The consequences (emotional/social) of naming and shaming o The legal
implications of naming and shaming for harassment

• 2 min (plenum): present arguments

• 5 min (breakout rooms): counterarguments • 1 min (plenum): final statement
• 2 min: judgment


STEP 1: Clearly define/describe the desired behavior

STEP 2: Brainstorming about predictors

• Take a look at the literature: What are predictors (e.g., intention, attitude, norms,

efficacy, environmental factors, skills/abilities) of your desired/undesired behavior? •

Take a look at your interviews:
o Compare notes, are there similarities?
o What are the overarching themes? Anything surprising?
o What are the predictors of the desired/undesired behavior?

STEP 3: Separate the predictors into ...

STEP 4: Build (and visualize) your own model

• Example: Fishbein‘s model
• But your model will be less extensive ...
• You do not need to use and explain Fishbein’s model as in the example

STEP 5: Brainstorming and select influence techniques

• How can the predictors in your model be changed via (at least) 3 influence

techniques and/or heuristics from the course and literature?

• Describe the 3 influence techniques. Why did you choose those strategies? Why
do you think they are better than the ones you did not choose (based on literature)?
• Describe why you think those influence techniques are useful and effective (based
on literature) at changing the predictors and thus the desired behavior?
STEP 6: Brainstorming of interventions in which the 3 influence strategies can be
applied • Only start step 6, if you can fill in the following table.

• Keep your target group in mind

• Be creative.

o Escape room app: amro-werft-

o Bad news game:;

o Blue Planet II Netflix documentary:

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