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Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala

Tutorial 1
B. E. (Fourth Year): Semester-I (2020) Course Code: UEE804
Name of Faculty: SKA Course Name: Power System Operation
and Control

Q1. Explain the following terms: (i) Characteristics of steam plant (ii) Input output
curve of a generating unit (iii) Heat rate curve (iv) Incremental cost curve

Q2. Consider a power system with two generating stations. The incremental production
cost characteristics for the two stations are:
= (27.5 + 0.15P1) Rs / MwHr
= (19.5 + 0.26P2) Rs / MwHr
Given that the minimum and maximum powers are 10 MW and 100 MW at each
plant schedule the generation at each plant to supply a system load given by the
load curve shown in figure –

Q3. Incremental fuel costs in rupees per MWh for a plant consisting of two units are:
= (40 + 0.20P1) Rs / MwHr
= (30 + 0.25P2) Rs / MwHr
Assume that both units are operating at all times, and total load varies from 40 MW
to 250 MW, and the maximum and minimum loads on each unit are to be I25 and
20 MW, respectively. How will the load be shared between the two units as the
system load vanes over the full range? Plot unit vs plant output curve.

Q4 The fuel input characteristics for two thermal plants are given by –
F1 = (8P1 + 0.024P12 + 80) 106 Kcal/hr
F2 = (6P2 + 0.004P12 + 120) 106 Kcal/hr
Where P1 and P2 are in megawatts
(i) plot the input-output characteristic for each plant
(ii) plot the heat rate characteristic for each plant
Q5 For the plants with condition –
= (220 + 1.32P1) Rs / MwHr
= (132 + 1.762P2) Rs / MwHr
obtain the optimal generation and calculate the total fuel cost for each period for
each plant and both plants. The load curve is given as –

*Assume min. and max. generation to be 10MW and 100MW.

Plot fuel cost vs power curve.

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