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ID NUMBER: 2007597

1.0 Background Of The Study

Information Technology has revolutionized the life of human beings’ and has made the lives

easier by the various kinds of applications. In the light of the rapid changes with the use of

IT, there are many tools, technologies and systems have been produced and invented.

In the modern world, time is short so if there are many processes taken place at same time

within a place there is a need for integration of all the processes, creation of paperless

environment also ensures efficient task management.

Currently, we have a rich repertoire of modeling techniques that allow for quick view and

updates to the world of data and information at different levels of complexity and proximity.

In response to this computerized age, most organizations and institutions are adopting latest

technique to have quick access to information at the first point of call to their facility. Some

organizations could retrieve detailed records and reports on their staffs and further query

them for their usage. Another way is just to ask for short information that can give you a fair

idea of where you are and what you could access at a point in time.

In recent times, all the businesses are shifting to computer based system. The purpose to

having a computer based system is, it helps to increase the market share and it’s very easy for

customers to use. It is increasing the demand among the users. This project is concerned with

developing a Computer Based Library System for GIMPA using Object Oriented

Programming. In this system the library management becomes more efficient and easier to

handle with its reliable system components.

A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is

housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private

individual. In the more traditional sense, in other words, a library is a collection of books.

An integrated library system (ILS), also known as a library management system (LMS), is an

enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, orders made,

bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

An ILS usually comprises a relational database, software to interact with that database, and

two graphical user interfaces (one for patrons, one for staff). Most ILS separate software

functions into discrete programs called modules, each of them integrated with a unified

interface. Examples of modules might include:

 acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials)

 cataloging (classifying and indexing materials)

 circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving them back)

 serials (tracking magazine and newspaper holdings)

 the OPAC (public interface for users)

Each patron and item has a unique ID in the database that allows the ILS to track its activity.

Larger libraries use an ILS to order and acquire, receive and invoice, catalog, circulate, track

and shelve materials. Smaller libraries, such as those in private homes or non-profit
organizations (like churches or synagogues, for instance), often forgo the expense and

maintenance required to run an ILS, and instead use a library computer system.

2.0 Organizational Background

GIMPA is a tertiary institution that offers tertiary education to young and matured students.

The institution is made up of the School of Technology, Law school, Business School,

School of Hospitality. Students from these entire departments visit the GIMPA library for

different educational purposes. The investigation carried out showed that the patronage of the

library is in three parts;

• Borrowing of books from the library

• Researching and referencing

• Reading

The library policy and procedure shows that every patron registers with the library and is

issued a card before borrowing of books commences. The card indicates the name and

records of a patron. Borrowers are strictly GIMPA students.

A book, once borrowed, can last for two weeks with the patron and when returned, the patron

signs and the card are given back to him.

Patrons are allowed to read, make references and also carry out researches in the library.
1.2 Statement of Problem

Many library systems are operated manually by group of people. In such situations many

people involved in the process of managing the library such as to keep records regarding the

books and students (borrowers), check the books manually, and keep records on content

handling is also a problem. On the other hand keeping large amount of maintenance workers

may cost a lot and it will not be efficient for a library. Manual record keeping is also not a

reliable method as people tend to forget things.

On the borrower’s point of view, in manual system borrower cannot find a book exactly at

once as they are not ordered well. Sometimes users might be searching for a book that is not

available in the library in such situations people get annoyed or depressed. Therefore there

should be a reliable way to manage the library system right from taking stock making

inventory etc.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

This project seeks to develop an electronic Library Management System (eLib) for GIMPA,

where students, lecturers and patrons can have access to learning material without going

through any form of difficulties.

The aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle and manage the actives

involved in a library in an efficient and reliable way. Less managing personnel and easy

searching availability and user profile managing are major goals in this project.

The project also looks at creating the atmosphere where reports could be generated either

monthly, quarterly or per semester basis, or also information capturing feature for registration

purposes and a quick view feature.

1.3.1 Objectives

 Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system

 Develop a database which stores users detail and book details

 Give reliable search facility for the users

 Administrator, Librarian and users have separate login with different privilege

 Develop the system documentation with detailed Unified Modeling Language (UML)


 Create an easy to understand user friendly interface

1.4 Methodology:
A systematic approach to information gathering will be used for data collection. Our sources of

data will be the internet, articles on the subject matter also our primary sources of data are from

the questionnaires, interviews and research granted to students lecturers and librarians.

1.4.1 Questionnaires

Questionnaires will be sent out to students, lecturers and librarians who volunteered to give out

their ideas and opinions on the need for Computer Base Library System on the campuses


1.4.2 Interviews

To supplement data obtained from questionnaires and existing documents, face to face

interviews will be held with a representative sample of people at the university and the students’

representative council, students and all the Librarians in the school.

1.4.3 Existing Documents

Other existing document which has in-depth information on Library Management System will be

considered, during the analysis for further knowledge on the latest trend in the act of information

management. Other sources, such as the Internet, magazines, journals, articles and periodicals

will also be consulted.

1.4.4 Analysis and consolidation of data

Data that will obtain will be consolidated and analyzed to determine lapses in current manual

Library systems and based on those deductions other functional ideas will be adapted to aid in

designing a very good information system.

1.4.5 Limitations of the Study

This study used Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) as a case

study. Secondly, the researcher had limited funds available for purchasing new complete

software so the project was limited to use the enterprise editions. Finally, the researcher had

problems with time. Thus, the research will be done while in school and a combination of

academic work and project work will be very difficult. Also, it will tedious for the researcher to

frequently visit or contact all the stakeholders involve in the project especially those outside

campus due to time constraint. This will limit the scope of the study which will affect the

authenticity of the generalizations of recommendations.

1.4.6 Participating Organization

The first participating organization is Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration,

Accra (GIMPA).

This organization is used as a case study of this project. Also questionnaires and interviews were

granted in this institution. University of Ghana Legon (UG) and Wisconsin International

University College will also used to test the project.

1.4.7 Organization of the Study

The project will be divided into five chapters. Chapter one comprises the background of the

study, the objectives of the study, methodology used. Chapter two reviewed existing literature on

Computer Based Library Systems, while Chapter three will focus on the methodology and design

of the project. Chapter four will includes the implementation process. Finally Chapter five which

is the concluding chapter talks about summary, recommendation and conclusion. Appendices,

abbreviation and references are included.

1.4.8 Definition of terms

 The Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia definition to A library computer system is the

software used to catalog, track circulation (where appropriate) and inventory a library's


 A digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed

to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content

may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks

 A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that

an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives

 An integrated library system (ILS), also known as a library management system (LMS),

is an enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, orders

made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

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