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Feedback & Grading Criteria

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Context Limited understanding of 1.1 Use critical and 1.1 Use critical and 1.1 Use critical and
subject context, lacking contextual perspectives contextual perspectives contextual perspectives
clarity in aims and to initiate a creative to initiate a creative to initiate a creative
purpose media production project media production project media production project
proposal to a satisfactory proposal to a high proposal to a very high
standard. standard. standard.
1.2 Use analysis and 1.2 Use analysis and 1.2 Use analysis and
evaluation to clarify and evaluation to clarify and evaluation to clarify and
develop ideas for a develop ideas for a develop ideas for a
creative media creative media creative media
production project production project production project
proposal to a satisfactory proposal to a high proposal to a very high
standard. standard. standard.

Feedback Date: 5th Feb 2021

One of the first pieces of work I did was create a proposal which included a Rationale, Project concept and Evaluation. I found this work surprisingly
difficult at first as I hadn’t done much written work in a while and still had a lot of ideas floating around my head when it came to the Project concept, I
realised I had to limited these ideas to at least 3 rough ideas. As I worked through the proposal, I got a better idea of the kind of film I should be making
and how it should best be made to not only get the best grades but also appeal to universities and employers by being more unusual as this should catch
their attention.

The production schedule ended up taking a lot longer than planned as I spent to long initially on each week, originally the first week had about ¾ of a
page full. I later realised if I wanted to get it done in time, I would have to strip down what I had written and be a bit vaguer especially as I’m not totally
sure long each section should take especially the modelling phase which I left a bit vague. Planning for theatrical problems was quite easy and I could
straight away put something in about my experience with Covid and how I plan on working around it by doing a stop motion. I started my bibliography
and could also straight away put down some of the research I have done into the style of humour, animation and theme that I plan on basing my film on,
Robot chicken was my main inspiration straight away as its Stop motion but is also tailored closely to my target age demographic.

My Client section was pretty difficult as I struggled to find either a client or competition that was specifically around animation that wasn’t either
cancelled because of Covid or was designed more for children. In the end my tutor helped find me an old commissioning job provided by the BBC and BFI,
Feedback & Grading Criteria

it didn’t quite fit what I needed as it wasn’t a client or a competition as it didn’t have a winner but was after 13 different films and did show they at a film
festival. In the end I left it quite vague about whether it was a client or a competition.

Over the last couple of weeks, I had been considering possible ideas that I could do for my final project, I did however have to think about ideas that
would be possible in lockdown, this led me to think about what I could do with stop motion as I would be able to shoot it by myself, with my own
equipment and at home. This does however mean I had to come up with stories that can be easily done with models rather than real people the 3 ideas I
decided that were the easiest to do was a stop motion documentary about the V2 rocket and a stop motion comedy based on the space race. I also had a
3rd idea about a music video to Pink Floyds comfortably numb in a survey this was the most popular in a survey I did. I decided however that due to the
possibility of lockdown and the complexity of making sets for it that this would eb too hard to do and that the moon landing comedy would not only be
easier to do but would also appeal more to my target demographic.

I found it quite difficult to talk about why my production should be made as it doesn’t really serve much moral purpose and is designed more as light
entertainment that a project that will change someone’s opinion or view on life. In the end I decided its main purpose is to help get me into university or
job opportunity and that by being more light hearted and funny I will stand out from other students work which is usually more depressing and serious.
When it came to working out the social context of my piece, I ran into some problems due to the sheer nature of comedy I knew that I would never make
anything that was completely politically correct, the space race especially was a very serious political race between nations to prove their way of politics
was better and I was essentially reducing that and the people died making it happen into a quick gag. The answer was to just openly admit that my
production will not be politically correct and that it will be on purposely tailored away from individuals that would like it to be. I also felt that later on in
the writing phase I would have more control to make jokes that might have been taken the wrong way if tailored to people who like politically correct

The brief felt a bit vague as I wasn’t total sure what I was exactly supposed to include I expect that at a later date I will have to go back and add more
content either when I have it available or just to include stuff, I had left out originally. The presentation of the brief was also quite difficult as I wasn’t
quite sure what I should include, in the end I added a moon background to add a bit of background detail.

I didn’t complete this week as quickly as I would have liked and kept working all the way up to Sunday evening however I have got all the work complete
so I do not have anything else left to do unless my tutor determines that I have not done enough work.
Feedback & Grading Criteria

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