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Abilities Attributes
Talents Skills Knowledges Select Priority 0
Select Priority 0 Select Priority 0 Select Priority 0 Strength

Alertness Animal Ken Academics Dexterity
Athletics Crafts Computer Stamina
Primal-Urge Drive Enigma
Brawl Etiquette Investigation Select Priority 0
Empathy Firearms Law Charisma

Expression Larceny Medicine Manipulation
Intimidation Melee Occult Appearance
Leadership Performance Rituals
Streetwise Stealth Science Select Priority 0
Subterfuge Survival Technology Perception

Willpower Wits

Power Description - Choose Below
Fomori Powers Fiery Discharge
The fomor can spew a fiery fluid from one of its existing orifices or a new
one created through mutation. The fluid could be any variant of a natural
discharge. Whatever form the discharge assumes, it burns. An additional
mutated gland secretes and forcefully expresses this fluid, but readying it
before each burst takes time.

System: This attack requires a Wits + Athletics roll, and normal modifiers

from Firearms attacks apply. The attack can be made once every other
round; the Berserker power does not allow additional attacks with the
discharge. Each success on the attack roll not only increases the chance to
hit, but also defines the range of the attack in yards/meters. Damage is
aggravated, but it can be mitigated by Gifts like Resist Toxin.
Suggested lvl of power: Ussually = power points
Nature: Power Points
Power: Gafflimg 9 to 18
Power Points Jaggling 19 to 30

Specialty Charms Common Charms Bane Charms Weaver Charms
Airt Sense
Realm Sense
Ussually = power points Essence

Weaver Charms Wyld Charms

Charm Description - Choose Below
Brother Against Brother
The Flame War almost never fights its own battles. It instead convinces its enemies to fight
each other. The Storyteller makes a Rage roll for the spirit (the difficulty is each target’s
Willpower). On a success, the Charm has the following effect until the end of the scene:
Successes Effect
The target refuses to take orders from any of the other targets and becomes argumentative if
anyone bosses him around. If forced to obey, the target does so sulkily and behaves passive-
The target argues with the other targets and refuses to cooperate with them. Werewolves gain
one point of Rage and make a Rage roll to resist frenzy.
The target hurls insults and makes threats directed at other targets in an attempt to provoke
them into attacking her. Werewolves subjected to this treatment make a Rage roll to resist
frenzy. Other sentient beings are likely to respond in kind and may escalate the situation
The target starts something — throws a punch, draws a weapon, kicks in a door, etc. This
certainly turns into a brawl, but the target’s rage turns to panic as soon as he suffers bashing
damage equal to his Stamina or even one point of lethal or aggravated damage. If this happens,
the target flees the scene. If the target is a werewolf, she makes a Rage roll to resist frenzy, and
the difficulty of the roll is decreased by two (minimum 2).
The target goes berserk and attacks all the other targets. Werewolves frenzy and make a Rage
roll with the difficulty of the roll reduced by two (minimum 2). Those who score any successes
on this frenzy enter the thrall of the Wyrm. Other creatures fight until they are incapacitated,
or no other targets remain on the scene.
The target goes berserk as above, but his fury is not limited to fellow victims. He attacks
innocent bystanders and friends, unable to distinguish between friend and foe. If the target is a
werewolf, he must enter a berserk frenzy. Fox frenzy is not an option even if he is not in the
thrall of the Wyrm.
Pre-Generated Banes, Weaver and Wyld spirits Wilpower 10
Type: Gaia Dream Makers <--Specific Gnosis 10
When the Triat was young and the universe was still whole, these Banes served to create the world, working as servants of both the Weaver and the Wyld. What exists now Rage 10
is but a faint echo of the power these dark spirits once represented, the power to shape an entire universe at the whims of their masters. They still serve today, but the
masters they serve are somewhat different than the ones they were created to please. Essence 50-300

Airt Sense Freeze
Armor Frozen Breath
Warp Reality Healing
Break Reality Ice Shards
Blighted Touch Blast
Calcify Materialize
Cleanse the Blight Reform
Corruption Shapeshift
Create Fires Solidify Reality
Create Wind Tracking
Disorient Umbraquake
Flood Updraft

Image: Storytelling Notes:

They can appear as the Hollywood image of the genie, complete with earrings, These are bad Banes to encounter, at least if you aren’t their master. A Dream Maker is the traditional djinn, the demon who grants every wish, no matter
turban and pointy slippers, or as a perfectly normal person. Most recently, there’s how petty. They cannot accomplish anything without their chosen master’s wishes, which is what has stopped them from destroying everything. Each is
been something of a trend among Dream Makers to appear as angels — if you bound to a master until that master dies or is foolish enough to wish them into the Gaia Realm — a feat that has not yet been accomplished, though several
can’t trust an angel, whom can you trust? have come dangerously close before being stopped. The Dream Makers are capable of virtually anything, though some requests might take a great deal of
time to accomplish. Most terrible of all, they choose masters they know are capable of almost anything: the morally dead and the emotionally warped.
Charm: Airt Sense Charm: Armor Charm: Warp Reality
The spirit has a natural sense of the "airts" (directions) of the spirit By spending two points of Essence, the spirit gains a soak pool equal to its As beasts of raw entropy, Nexus Crawlers may alter reality with a successful
world, and can travel about without much difficulty. The spirit can create Gnosis for the remainder of the scene. Willpower roll (difficulty 7). One success allows fairly minor alterations: it
or find spirit tracks at will. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis if it has may create a hazy, blurry illusion, light a small fire, change an individual’s
to locate a particular place or individual in the Umbra. Even spirits aren't facial features, or drop the temperature in a small area. With three
infallible, and a botch can lead them to an unforgiving Realm. successes, a Crawler can cause more drastic changes to the environments or
specific targets. These changes include turning a stone floor into a viscous
liquid, transforming any steel object into silver, changing a foe’s sweat into a
corrosive acid, creating an illusion that affects any two senses, or darkening a
city block completely. The Crawler may also hurl bolts of raw entropic energy
that inflict three dice of aggravated damage. (Roll Willpower to attack, and
use normal ranged combat complications.) If the Crawler gains five successes,
it may cause truly spectacular effects. It can turn a person’s bones into
swamp muck or rotten wood, change the air into carbon monoxide or
mustard gas, remove a target’s entire face (and all sensory organs), create a
full-sensory illusion, or turn everything in a room-sized area into silver.
Entropic bolts of this power level inflict six dice of aggravated damage.

Charm: Calcify Charm: Create Fires Charm: Create Wind

The spirit binds a character into the Pattern Web. The Storyteller rolls The spirit can create fires. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis (difficulty 3 The spirit can create or quell winds. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis
Willpower, contested by the target's Rage. Each success subtracts one for a torch-sized flame, 6 for a bonfire, or 9 for an inferno). Without a source (difficulty 3 for a strong breeze, 6 for a storm, or 9 for a tornado).
dot from a Physical Attribute of the spirit's choice (or Essence in the case of fuel, the fire only burns for one turn.
of spirits). When the target's Essence or Attributes drop to zero, the
target is held in the Pattern Web. Werewolves must be freed by their
packmates, while Wyld energy can disrupt the Pattern Web to free

Charm: Freeze Charm: Frozen Breath Charm: Healing

The spirit drastically lowers the temperature of its immediate area. The spirit can heal physical beings. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis (6
Reduce the spirit's Rage by one for the remainder of the scene. Everyone to heal lethal damage, 8 for aggravated). The target heals a number of health
in the area suffers the spirit's new Rage in dice of aggravated damage. levels equal to the spirit's Gnosis. A spirit can only use this Charm once per
Using this Charm may have additional effects, at the Storyteller's scene per target.
Charm: Materialize Charm: Reform Charm: Shapeshift
The spirit takes physical form on Earth. The spirit's Gnosis must be equal The spirit can dissolve its body in order to travel through the Umbra to their The spirit can look like anything it desires. This Charm only changes the
to or greater than the area's Gauntlet rating. The spirit appears the same home Domains. It takes a spirit a full turn to try to re-form. The Storyteller spirit's form, not its abilities or powers. The Storyteller must roll the spirit's
in the material world as it does in the Umbra. The spirit uses its Traits in must roll the spirit's Gnosis successfully for this Charm to succeed. Spirits use Willpower if it tries to appear as a specific being.
the same way as it would in the Umbra, rather than having Attributes this Charm to flee their enemies.
and Abilities. Materialized spirits do possess health levels like other
corporeal beings. If a spirit dies in the material world, it returns to the
Umbra and enters Slumber, just as if the spirit had lost all of its Essence
in the Umbra. Most spirits won't use this Charm except in extraordinary
circumstances; the modern world is far from welcoming to their kind.

Charm: Umbraquake Charm: Updraft

The Umbra shakes with such force that everyone standing is thrown to The spirit can lift a man-sized creature into the air with a gust of wind. The
the ground. Everyone in the area suffers half the spirit's Rage in dice of Storyteller rolls the spirit's Willpower (difficulty 6).
bashing damage.
What better way to win converts than to give them what they want? Dream Makers have always been around, although their names have varied. By
whatever title they choose, these Banes exist to corrupt the bitter and the angry, granting them their desires and aiding their quest for achieving
power. There are complications, of course. The Dream Makers are bound outside of Gaia’s Realm, forbidden by their very nature to enter the physical
plane unless invited in. These Banes are very powerful and capable of incredible malice, though they can only act on the desires of humans. Once a
“master” is chosen, the Dream Makers act to fulfill their every whim, but all the while they have their own agenda. Each one works to wheedle a
special wish from its ruler, a wish for the permission to Materialize in the Gaian Realm. If the remaining Dream Makers are ever freed, the power they
still wield would be great enough to cause incredible disasters. There are ancient legends among the Garou which state that these very Banes are
destined to destroy all that they created.
Charm: Break Reality Charm: Blighted Touch
The spirit can change something's Umbral form: Turning water into acid, If the spirit deals damage on an attack (including using the Blast Charm), the
turning part of a wall into a door, or even changing a couch into a steak target must make a reflexive Willpower roll. If she fails, her negative
dinner. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis (difficulty depends on degree characteristics dominate her personality for the next few hours. If she
of change), with one element of the target changing with each success. On a botches, the change is permanent.
failure, the spirit loses a point of Essence. On a botch, it loses a point of
Gnosis as well.

Charm: Disorient Charm: Flood

The spirit can alter landmarks and directions. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's The spirit can raise the natural water level in an area. The spirit spends a
Gnosis (difficulty 6 or the Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher). point of Essence to flood an area. The size depends on the power of the spirit
-- a Jaggling using this Charm could flood several blocks or a small town,
while a Gaffling could flood a building or a city block. Flooding a larger area
could require the spirit to expend more Essence.

Charm: Ice Shards Charm: Blast

The spirit can attack from a distance -- breathing fire, unleashing ear-splitting
sound, hurling shards of glass, or spitting razor-blades. The Storyteller spends
a point of Essence and rolls the spirit's Rage as a damage dice pool, dealing
aggravated damage. The spirit does not need to roll to hit, and the attack
cannot be dodged.
Charm: Solidify Reality Charm: Tracking
The spirit extends and strengthens the Pattern Web. The Storyteller rolls the The spirit can follow its prey unerringly, though it must spend a point of
spirit's Gnosis. Each success increases the target's Essence (or effective Essence to do so.
health levels) by one per success. The effects last for a day. A target can only
benefit from one use of this Charm at a time; all further uses before the
effects wear off automatically fail.
Pre-Generated Fomori, Choose here -------> Image:


Strength Abilities Power




Power Power
Roleplaying Notes:


Power Power

Power Power


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