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cd lel ind dh ead is a 2 = nm Mini Mealloael ‘Construction Manual Jul. 25, 2001 ‘Machine Room Less Elevator ELENESSA (FG 1. Goneral precautions ++ 1.1 Precautions fr stay 1.2 Precautions of bake release operation 1.8 Precautions of closing the contol panel dor 1.4 Procedures of change elec wire in case of measuing the current che motor 2. Standard process of construction =~ = ', Preparation for ajusiment 8.1 Tools: 82 Instruments ++++0005 sereteeceseneenee 8.3 Temporary inccaor tor the hall indicator. ay ype or the haitlanter oly) 3.4 Equipment of emiting lashmemory . 35 Others «=~ 4, Preparation for test run cee 4,1 Clearing, inspection and ubication of Equipment in shat 4.2 Remove motor wires ard BK wires =------~ sooeecenen 43 Cleaning and inspection of net 4.4 Insulation test 4.5 Slow sequence test 48 Lon-speed operaton 5. Highspeed operation - . 5.1 Insaltion and adustmen' ofthe devices 5.2 Preparation for pened pec 5:3 high-speed operation + 6 High-speed operation adustrent « 6.1 Counterbalance + ++++--os1++ 6 2Contmation of baking torque Bae sett nc, A EEC, UNE ae MEU LODE ECW, Levi, aay s.r EOP le 3 ‘a : 5 OL, CONECD, Sueciaa-rtmminon a 0.00, ee {9 Ajsinent of ed weighing deve Be 64Adjusnet og emit ize 6.5 Acjusiment for sop poston - z gag 86 Check of TSD ~ ge 8:7 Chee road acta = 3 i ge 6.8 Rewrite of Flash.memory + * gee {6.8 Magnet pole acustng operaton + oe a al StoAjwmetor 21, BG Guat deposed ae) 7. Operation check 7.2 Attention announcement basic: 7.3 MELD operation (Open) = 8 Check before handing. over % a oomurouasnsicerncconroneroy 7. Mob Op ddks sen ear : C-7.C9150.1 GB) EL >] Sep. 21,2002 ul. 26,2001 uments Installation Marval traction machinolrake) «at station door operator weighing device CONTROL PANEL EXTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL LAYOUT EXTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM {LANDING DEVICE INSTALLATION DWG TERMINAL STOPPING DEVICE ATTACHMENT OWG WEIGHING DEVICE ASSY Constcton Wangs c7.c3180.2@8) C4aza~ c1B.028.1~ C-18-49.450~ C19821~ ‘YE08C050~ “YESTTB500~ = YE4OOARNS = YE401B206 (1.cmisee) YEAO1B2S8 (1.6misec, 1.75m/sec) YAQ51A6S® (or 4 ropes) + YAQEGADOO (lor 8, 6 ropes) ee ee L RRA: C-7-03150.1 [ =| eB 26,2001 1.4, Procedures of change electric wires for measuring the cuenta the motor For measureg the motor current, remove the cables asthe flowing way. 8} emove ‘J whic she phase-Uo! motor cable {1} 0 "SPARE" +b) Connect ne ela wre (tak) for measuring carent wth “and ‘SPACE* on the terminal "NOTE": Make sue thal restore fst condon ater measuring the current of he motor Constueton Manual 07.03150.4(8) i i Cortl Panel |) Corl Panel |} i ! i i i | i sh | ala] { ‘ ase of measly | : the cure | | f | aie 3 | : | let wie or | neasuing Ine ' ae Lo Lew | LG eran rowoton 4 TORAL LKUROTA eo de ll ll ell rr ane sw See ety: c7.001501 @ Lee 5 Sep. 21, 2002 Construction Manual Dee. 4, 2001 7€3150. 38) @ Wd, 26.2001 Fe. 20,2009, 1. Geneal precautions “This Construction manuals othe cecal system of Misubihi Machine Room Less Elevator (Contol name: VFGL), 111, Precautions for safety 1) Even ator the power source is shut of! and the LED (OCV) onthe PCB (Printed Cult Board)(KCR-910K) i tumed of, The lect charge of he main creutcapactor save fora whe (1 to 2 minutes) and the high voltage pars remain in each pat ‘Thertore do not touch he main cuit othe inverter. itis necessary to do so, check DC vllage at te DC side of main converter dade madule using the digital votneter after te DOCV is tumed of io enaure that the cutis not ave. Even MCB is shut of, do nal touch carelessly because the common cuit is stil alive when the gtoup cont is possessed (ACB having) 2) Keep the folowing matters when working inthe pit «) Putthis work into operaton afer change HAND (INSPECTION) mode athe HIP (Hal Inspection Pane) orth cat station 1) Tur off the pit wich. 3) When you work atthe car top, you must construct the balustrade (You cannot INSPECTION operation al he car top, you dont ‘const the balustrade), 4) Except when rewrng Flsh-memory using MC card, do rot pace the RALMNT-FWR toggle switch in FR poston. (When rewring parameter, set to AIM and MIT postion. 1.2. Procauton of brake release operation, Fer some reason, you need move theca by bake release operation, do the followin prosedure 8) Open te window fo check he govemor ropes in the HIP (ocind the hal button athe tp oor, 'b) Tum on fe LIGHT (EMRIMIP) switch and turn onthe emereny ah inthe shat, ©) Tummof he RSO switch. 1d) The brake releases while pushing the BKD switch, {fhe ASQ switch i tun on, the FDYN coniactr for dyamic brake tuns on, andi BKD button is pushed, the #SKD min contacto for brake conte is tuned on. ifthe car speed is toa sow fneary BL), tach the weights nthe po the compensating cain in order to make the car nbalonee. * Note: When pushing the BKP switch, itpushes inermitteny, (ess than 2 sec continuously) . Iti because when the unbalanced torque is larger than dynamic brake forqu, there is no eect al a dynamic brake * 1.3, Precautions of csing te contol pane door ‘When cosing the contol panel dor, be caetul so as not to bite the electric wires, \Wmen 420-Ine is pinched by the contrl panel door, the circuit protector “CRY vips. Bu if 420-ne which isnot via “CR is funched, then the condition of shor ccut remains. Itleave this condtion alone, te E2-Card (DC-DC converter) may be broken. ‘Alter power cn you notice thatthe LED "220" of remote operating device sn ghd, you must power of and check euch. al > re _ a ee ee lk 2 x ® g 3 e = B = z Sep. 24, 2002 dul 26,2001 2, Standard process of constuction (Construction Manual o7-ca1505(&) (10) Check betorehanding-over “Workiien Detailtem Eniypage | {iy Cleaning, inspection and ibicabon ol Equipment sat 0 | | ptt | ore noe aes " we | ryan gence sro i (4) tnsulation test wz | r {iy Choa of power Source and conrlvoage we thence s | 2) tetnn ion a | (4) Check of safety circuit 4B (Geiger edi 2 Sea tinea 3 seen | ee etn ° Pies anodemetaumin amass | Tormey a arava? | (sm nme geen 4 (3) High-speed operation 8 | (cae ° ‘ ‘Adjustment of high- | (5) Confirmation of braking torque | $8 speed {6) Adjusiment of load weighing device 6 Shatetareegtaoneymngettonin (hase cco a (ected een s a marbmeti I: C-7-C91501 @ LI ] Se Sep.21, 2002 Jul 26,2001 3, Poparai 34. Taos fr adjustment Use of improper tools may cause danger of fatal accident. Always make sure that prope tools are used 1) Wrenches One each ot S5%7, 7%8, 30x12, 10%19, 19% I7and 14x 17 Two 1926 2) Screndivers ‘colo corontive Ms and MT BOX sorondtivers ‘Mos diver for acusing the rotary switches on PCB, Minus dver or fnger protec terminal 5) Plors Raciophers and oer plans 4) Shor circuit wires Two or more wires wth aligaorcppers at both ends 5) Minicippers (tobe used for touble shooting) <=] ‘Mini dinner 6) DYNA conta pe an pin ere bw alta] 7) Scale 150mm Meta ruler 35m Convexmeasure Consucton Marva creaisoe@®) RRBREPERRERREREERETrEBD Constution Mapua! Sep, 21,2008 Cra1508@) sins lio pax sHiepony houses, war rts ope nae i Teaayine EROS cemented sn cn tt : Pane z Nt & ® ry | Hall lanier : A ‘ea fj v — OTST paiees Oa wien ome & Vat date ‘Cae Ri] Ye ay cower ‘The cable ofthe temporary dicate & | (coer | ole [eer ] | HESS ee : S| oe Ses B (oer OM RO a peas 2) Se 5 & 2) pee eee zi E | cee | cee [ees (| wet (a | Eee eas | : o§ EES {Jos SSS ae > Wa @mae eS = nim ma ae se He ses ae es Sk le -7-031507(B) Sep 21, 2002 Wd. 26,2001 1) Digital volmeter ot tester 1 Bots, tobe measurable to he urito 10 mV Digital vtmeter: Minimum input imped Tester Minimum intemal resistance 200k fs. 2) AC ammeter ‘AG 100 (A) ange, cass 25 or above Recommended tol HIOKI-926¢ (Noe: Measure he current in FAST mode) 3) AC volmeter ‘AC 300 (V ange: The indice o be used shal have minimum input impedance $00 K ohms. Recommended oot Yokogawa 73303181 Dont use the folowing ons. Yokogawa 2013.SPFB (mobie ten ype): Because nputimpedanc 0 fw. ‘Yokogawa 2062-07 (mobile itensia type) = Because the infuence of inducon nis is oo high 4) Megger Fichvolage megger S00V batery contained, minimum internal resistance 200 K ohms. Do not use manval ting type, Lowsoltage megger 15 Vbatary contained. 200 K ohms may be subsisted as low-voltage megget. ‘tester with minimum internal resist £5) Fier fr measuring motor trminal vollage Use ths fite when measuring the votage atthe terminals “WoteT™ Tr must not Be used fr non-nwerte elevators suchas AC-2. If itis use for them, twit cause the inicated value to be kawer | than actual vokage by several percent Note2": The installation of his iter onthe moto side must be at only measuring, remove the fier alr the measurement. Moreover, the measurement must not extend for a longtime, _ eS ‘othe voltmeter Motor voltage measuring fier (YK400C 646-02) To the motor aman crcra@®eme | 6) Maintenance computer Tobe used for updating parameters ofthe Fash-nemory, in case af design changes, andor tovble shoot. 7) Mes miter T Watanabe sokki WTR-7 or an equltom, ad for rouble shooting ‘TAUBOTA sop. 21, 208 creatsa io) 25,201 4, Preparation for test nn you wark onthe eat op you must constut he balustrade, 4-1. Gieaning nspecton and lubrication of Equipment in shaft (1) Check whether cust, motor, : When do his lst atthe group conto continues and mult-arconigutaon, dot touch the commen power terminal (Red) andthe cicu- protector “GBE* because poner supply tothe ‘common power lin continues (1) Bele the insulation est, shutoff he main swt anda the creat breakers inthe contol panel and clsconnet the comectrs APL on l-Catd, Then dezonnect he Eannocors “PC2’, "POS, “POS, "MOP", "ZO", "20F, "20M", "ZJKon the PCBS (when the cables are coneced) the pons shown by mark "in ine fgue heh. ‘connected, the yellow-green colored earth wie to the terminal 25 ('LG4AY) must be discomeced. Inamult-car configuration, the earth wif of ama! ea? Aenea ance uc omain connected “he oop conto ol the other car canbe contrued, f dsconeet he cametor"PO3" ater iain power of (2) Measure the vale of insulation resistance between the ea and the secondary terminals ol he ctu breakers except GBP in the conta panel and inverter ouput lerminals UN.W sig the low vlage insulation tester (betow 15V). Incase ofa mult car system the GBP circu breakor canbe found in each ofthe control anal, the secondary terminal ol the GBP-ccut breakers connected to the auxilary panel (9) Ater performing the above low voltage insulation test, measure the value of rsuation ‘resistance between the earh and all the above mantionedteminas, using he high votage Jatin tester (500) Construction 7.03180, 2) a | yes ven OD) Ol zm [he L esemecere-eeremeneneet Fit dla CO) cco Cle w Ti Trew rew(]|<— 8 me] (4) After the insulation test, check the votage between oarth and terminal ot 400" cn the R1-Card below 10V and then connect the connectors “RPL, "APW"belore reconnecting comecors which were remove forte insulation et. Manne %: C-7-09150.1 GE) EL PB) TSUBOTA ERPRBPBRETPTB EVA BRREE TB ‘Construction Manual sp. 21,2002 er-catsa i @) 26,2001 418. lesring and napecton of ear suroundings 1) Clean the above and inside ofthe ca. (2) Ens at he ue shoes are instaed {3) Ensure thatthe gover rope andthe pull od are secure engage. (4) Ensure that he car statin, caropeatng panel and ar related component are propery Wied. “The connectors ae nol desgnd lo provert wrong isan Special cates requted to ise thin comet positons muptteti ne: -7-ca1501 ®) ee | ia 2S eae e—e a Ss = 8S 2 a ee SOU Construction Manual sep, 2002 7.031903) ul 26,2001 48, Slow sequence fest Set the all AUTO/HAND switches to HAND side 45-1, Prepaaton for sequence est, 1) Setthe AUTOHAND swichos in he ca staon and cat operating panel to HAND ste 2) Tumon te switches POWER in theca station and st the switch RUNISTOP fo RUN, 45.2 Volage checks 1) Measurement of power supply volages ‘Make sue hat votage ofeach phase is witin the tolerance o 5% of he rated and ference between each two phases (unbalance rate is within 3%, 2)Measutement of each votages of contol panels Ensure tha the folowing standard voltages are applied othe respective pons on the contol pane wih th car stopped. Gicittype Measuring point ‘Standard voltage Tolerance os at Contact receiver. (420:Brock No.52) ell a. cy ees Finger-pctect terminal Ui -Lc2 {UGt:Beoek No.07) Light (UG2rock No.08} AC 100 Ac 100 -110V Fagan OY 10 ching sso | (On 107 ihn syst) UGIA-LG2A (UG4:B:0ckNo.07) (G2:B-ock No.08) ‘Circuit protecor axcvessa | Ostomy se Batley charge cet ey ‘ect preecor ELD secondary side boa | Finger protect eminal 400 (400:80ck No 3) ELENESSA ELENESSAW Note: Measure he volagesbelore connectbatres. | ELENESSAW PB] manna: 07-00150.1 BB) LIME | >B Construction anus DB Sep. 21,200 ena Jul 26, 2001 bea 4.5.2. Prnad retbowrd confgurton antes 1) ited cic bar coir BLENESSA Fed cra PiCard | AtCard | R2-Cad ” Z1-Card_| intorphone | S1-Card - EtCard | E2Card | E3-Card | Mt-Card Konsex repanx | xcasrr | xorsis | wana | xonete | nosis | vena | MAS | xccowe | xczo1o ELENESSAAY Pied crtowd PiCard | RI-Card | R2-Card BY ‘Zi-Card_ | interphone EiCad | E2Cad | E3Cand | MiCad | Ci-Cad li roan | rcnan | kone | xenswo | vcnaie | xonaw | ronson | xoune | MAS | oecex iad cbr sxcue | tester StCard | interace czow | xczse0 2) Peteieatbond types Pca Zeca [peas [pe rene | —aieaion ; KcA20 _| Fateonponenis mouried ee (Common SW installed) ponents mounte KoDSiT _ | Fatcamponeris mnt Kons | Netting cok and enensn UF ‘Not having GG connector | Not faving clock and exension UF 00-912 | CLovtside ROM cannot apply | Meta! tansmisson from ca: tear SLC cate ROM caret apy Konsce | ratat Sete tanensson sgn ton falleeret poss RCA __| Net tn cock aioa Pied cut bart ephone ‘Sperene | —agieaion Spenane | spoieaion CASIO | Falconpoens mowed KCE260 | 8 srglession mulesitors | The releeing fision Be ee rosa | Re ee a6 [av $ep.21, 002 ul 26,200 El: ms 3] [a me | a oe | k or aly D Wl a wa Fal Ore a ie Lal g | a ind #3 5 a Mounting craving of KCA-92X (21-Card) MMT: C-7-02150.1 BE) IL PB PrFereeETEFT 2S 22 2 eee eo oe ee eee ae i a Kl a la Sep. 2, 2002 Jul 26,2001 meacrena@®emt | a >B (a) BRERHERE __Meuning crawing of KOR-919 (E-Card) 67-03180. ie We pe] | We 16 opwo We es er Bllaije| |sll§ 88 st a MPT Mounting daning of KCR-800(MI-Card) TKUBOTA oO} BERLBRREKR BRR BRK RE HBR R KR BD HS oa 7 Es ‘TKUBOTA aueseeaaae| ~ | Mounting drawing o KCR.-910, KCR-840 (E-Card) a ee op Eo CE Gots) Ga ed ‘nae @ vosieat-o -ewpea tome & gq C723:5017@) CConctuotion Manual acu ew PD ACN ) [mes] [rev =| Ga 3 gy 2 RCH #\ fe | [es 3 = ee & 2 g g ay AOA z 30 g 8 2 20 FOF ROS = a0 2 g| & : fa ror Re ii, HE FOL ACE aa PB Sep. 21, 2002 ul 26, 2001 i a a a ee en ee ‘Mal? () vosicot:9 ese Ne al eee eer ee eee Sop. 21,2002 7.316015 @) Jul 26, 2001 45-4. Check for ight emiting diodes on PCB 4) Check for open pase indicator sure that he LED for open phase (PIVFH) on Pi-Card lights up when powers supe. ote” For locations ofthe LED'S mentioned nt) 2) and) on PGB see Section 4-5-5 2) Check of WOT (watch dog timer) ‘Make sure hat the LEDs, CWOT, MWOT and SWOT, on Pt-Card ight up when power are supped, “Note” WOT checks i CPU correcty executes the programmed operations. It WOT activates (tum of he above LEDS), it moans CPU is ou of order. the LED ighls of even only once, make a thorough check on CPU. In this case, check forthe power suppl of SV and pooty connected termina 9) Chack fr charging condition indealor LED Ensure thal the charging contion indicator LED (DCV) on Et-Card lights up when power is supplied and lghis of when shuting cf takes time totum of LED of DCV trom theelevalor fo VFDLA. (For about 10 seconds) “Note If he LED (OCW) does not o fight up when apeing power is considered to be due to shorted inverter, open or damaged charging cut, closed or damaged rageneraing cuit feed LED, etc, Check them to locate the case. Checking shall be done ater measuring DC vekage (votage at the elecolye capacitor terminal) with @ ® 8 S fe a = R CConstvcton Manual Sp.21, 202 Crease 22 @) Jul. 26, 2001 Ba 2) Ste cons P08 Seach Fenelon Terasaki SWIAISWiW" | Funcon entol wich Testa SHRAISWAT __| Fein T3EG nation wich Neal DOOR pe: sored te dor a DOORAST FST owe reseis the CPU. pati 18 (appa cess dot ; ec! SPA lower no use (pr) Man RIM (upper): enable RIM alarm. al ding eet, | maura | eee Ne ae pane) WR ort erabls Fash menor updaing ser | Faction elect sch o sen LEE [res Eee wore) lan oto : tor detail, see Section 4). Funct cnet sich Hot fo; detail see Section 6) 7 swt Funcion set vith Neal s-enx Sota a ‘SETT Function select switch. o pectin pane) | psy ioe : =| Same a Swiaiswiy | Fonctonconclewich Neal SWeAiSWe~ | FancionTEG indication sich esa SHGARWON | Nowe Nesta uiticoxa ert | Function sect owch, 0 (aot) SET0__ | Fron sect 3 now Fanctan conto oth — {tor detail, see Section 4) s Faneion ool wich oN {tor detail, see Section 6) : } eporatng pane “1: These switches are same function as switch (SW (only), SET1, SETO) of maintenance switches PCB (LHS-420X) inthe ca the positon of RM or MNT, ‘Shut of the power supply and eset the CPU ala positon which is upper (F/M) or neutral (MNT). “Note: Dent setthe switch FUAA RINT / FWR to the lower postion (FW) excep the program rewiling, Do the parameter change at ‘TUBOTA Sep.21, 2002 ul 26,2001 2) Checks for LED (ight ering dade) uncions Functions ofthe respective LEDS ight emiting ios) are shown belo. Functions othe respeative LED: ensteton Maa ccs1021 rca | a | ee = ia 7 = a kaaaale x ‘capacitor being charged. charged. vd eS eo 106 Gna [Ltn i nd nt eterna cz | Grnearbe | inex ean oi Ty ec weer eT Cwor This up dung nocaloperaion of CC-CPU (Car Pt-Card_ Control CPU). | et a on WF Te ween Lights up during normal operation of SLC (Speed er Limit Checker). fet eed aka ipo a ose [ete isnot ave. voter: Even after the power source is dsconnected and DCVis turned of, donot touch he main excut of he inverter, itis necessary do so, check DC wots a the OC ste ofthe dade made using digital wotmeter after DCV i tuned of to ensure that the cei amrnnemsse: €-7-00150.1 GE) Ena =] Teainar 41 Chast anotion be ual Sep. 21, 2002 Dee. 4, 200% uh 26, 2001 ol VEEL Conan Marat or.c30.24 @t) Whan SET! switch set wih select the austmentuncin with SETO and fxest wih SW For check of SETIO vales inthe car, the status vale and necessary informatio foreach function are indicate tothe car nScator and he hal indcator and 7SEG LED o! PCB. 786 LED ae] .X _ Basic nication Aduetment mode is desided and sch status value is indicated wih SWI operation Car and hal nicator:[-}-s]AJ-ASETO valuel-s[-}s1Al-(SETO vale] are repeated twice, ‘SEG LED: (AY{SETO value is indicated at 7SEG2/. SET [ae non ina at car andi Sunda eng Tae rea 0 | am, [ssciaatorinkerssnersintints, | SSnganeoxro son Tiorbase Becton Fier Base neaon 1 | Gafni | spac baking ret)-1- repeated | Stop. Sa aking tae va Run : Indicates supervisory tloor No, Run : => Indicates floot No. Basic indcaton-> (-J-{A}—fe-a-}> we repeated | Ba indican 2 | Nisehelndweh| eng ring cpr nxn spicy far, |» ates for Noy ae wing NL ter witing operation wil be completed, ‘operation wil b completed. vse ade | B® weston [THAIS ps [ Base an a | Niele |p ingopwtin nice zion rN, | => Iss too Noy at icy Ar wriog operate wilt comple operon competes a ee Basic indication=> [-]}s{A]15]-2[-]-+ is repeated | Basic indication | Nexto ne | rpg ope nis getty rN, | > Inala too No ar wg fering opetaton we comps Sporto wt compe ase cian ARBPECTIN | natin P9-sAsaaie inl Sor Se dates const for No} | yaaa | Sa estn-> Mises cont! nr No-H| ngn rin of eapct eps installation vases detected, [H] indicates as repeating [H) mal . FuS | Base weicaion= (-}IA 7-1 or repented | Basndcaten 7 | er etoe |g wir ewan nats sipercryNo, | => Indes Toor No, afer wing esata) | Aeron peta wb conseed Spero be core Tanda beg Bask raion | © | Sa [ese cairns nevson to, | Peet gin | 8 i Base ndaten-> Retmto superior foarindeaon | Base caon=> nets ter Na [a | BASRA eacacatrinasnperny tert | Base ain sett Ne Slop: Basie adcalon=> [brake set valve] 1-1 | Stop: Basic ndcaton=> Indicates brake 2 B | Confimsthe brake | ar repeated. set value & ae Run: Basic indication=> Indicates supervisory loor No. _| lun: Basic indicalion-=>indicates floor No. 5 @ || c | Meigs [cincinnati | i er eatt 3 ~~) Wits the magnetic a 8 || 0 | MREEIRO [inchs spamiengeey ted ner rose | [Te] rekecks TSO margn_| Basie iniatn-» Retum to supenisery foorindaton. | Basi indcaton— indats foo No 3 F | Checks TSD running | Basic ncication—+ Retum to supervisory for indication. | Basic indication» indicates floor No. | & = ® i ie i ee | 1 a co te as Se wee eS as 28k oe ee sop. 21, 2002 ul 26,2001 SSET¥SETO snitch fanetion 6-7-03150 231 rome HAA] | sent | seve Fuvcton Funeton seectindeaton FaLSET iD wiches and Push SWTW evkeh Then te mode | 0 | oe | Mist tncion be equa to |i ind Oe:applcabie | | MONO of VFEL “The signa fr each mode is indcaed to theca iniator ad | oer nol aprcable tha hal indicat, See "1 [1 [Oe | Barronman eet | Sa Eri nth ar PhS sh Ten pe isidcated othe car indcalor and the hal inca. 2 | o~F | onsH wc select function | Reptton of -lVa of SET!}-Present data (0): bt F ‘srepaced by G and indicated} | a Set SETO switch and Push SW1'V_swich again. Then select 3. | O~F | WGHG swich select function | vue wih SETO is indicated to the car indicator andthe hall st icicato. _— 4 | oF | wGHO switch seectfuncton | Repetton of -sVaue of SET1}-s[Vaue of SETO (OF: bat Fisrephcedby G andindcated) a Moreove, when door close bution inthe car changes fom 5 | O~F | Adusttuncion of BKG' | winking int turing of itis set completion (Wren Flash Memon). See 2 6 | O~F | Adjust ncn of BKG2 ‘Sel SETIN ewches and Push ST sith. Than the mode ‘sted, 7 Jom | saindeatetcion | Then yp sali indatd 1 fe crear ana | SPH ballin. See" taoh edi se: €-7.03150.1 GE) EARIE | mre tise: C7-0915901 @Eme | Consirucion Manual Sop. 24.2002 C7.c18025 @) Ju 26, 20 ‘Seting method ot SETWO switches ae te owing processes © Condon of usual oor No. nation @ SETOis setinan abba vabe @ SWI is pushed (Fined at 0.25 second) © SETOisfted mode i id), and ese vaeo SET sinccted othe nS ice © Necessary nfrmaton reach function fo the indicators indicated “Lon whe, WOH, an or thc Th air tpn bygone nacre + tnt Fs nor) ‘beim be Seat abc. ead carol end EEG LED PR lon sb a eG ed et cn um aid cc Adjust value is rem at double action of check —+ Decision by SW1'V operation. Rew he Flash Memory) ‘The adjustment value to the set value ol the SET! switch indicated by he ret operating SW1 V_(cuent contrmato), [+}-svalue of SET1}-fva of SETO)-+ +s inicated repeatedly atthe indicator. [Nalue of SET1}{value of SETO}isincicated in 7SEG2/1 of 7SEG. LED. ‘SETO is rot presen! value of SETO switch, but value before recognized by S/W. ‘nian isindicated lr 05 seconds, inca a blank fr 0Ssecond, and updated as flows, ‘The ajustment vale ol he SETO switch is updated and ncaed by the second operating SW1 (SETHI0 Fat. ‘SETO reaches the vale of present SETO swith hough he meth of ho indication is siriar tothe fist tme. “The door lose baton Binks 4 seconds when fing he value ‘The method of sting the SET!/0 swich depends on the folowing procedures. © Condon of foor No. ination 7 1 © Set the SETV0 attra. E 1 © Push the SWI switch, ined at 0.25 second). An od set value i indicted by he fst SWI operation @ Indicaion is stated, and th value cla present Flash Memory is indicated. -— © Pushthe SW1V switch Fted at 0.25 second). +A new establishment value isindcated bythe frst SW. operon, 1 © Present ETO sted, he Flast- Memory is rewten, andthe door close buttons binked. 1 © Theval Re of rote Flash-Momoris indicated, J mb BR A: C-7-C9150.1 BH Lae Sep.21, 2002 Jul 26,2001 “3 {Signalneiaten turn} Construction Manual Crcats026 \Winen SET! is set wth'7, The sina indication function is seleces with SETO (OF), and nes wih SW1, ‘To confi the SET1)0 st value wah cay, he sel value is indicated in car and hall cial, and 7SEG LED ol PCB, ‘Aer the sel value is indated, necessary information for each inc nis indicated in car and hall inca, and 7SEG LED of PCB. ‘SETO “Tidicaton, ‘Indicated method ‘Notes. © alas N Banden Foe No] Soros hor 79 oar | Ex. 13th floor *: Distance with the level of =H. beta er 1 _| Indicates an err code Basic indcation—|Etror code), Eror code & came VFEL Bat er te 18 se ples 9 bacnse sein camo ts, 7 [indeaies Nc wei witen Fa | Base cain Te weit fear sad memory — [NL weight value (Dec)}, See “4 Ex aH680) 1. 16) 151. 3 nets BL weit wir FI | Bast neon Te weiter Sra memory *IBL weight value (Dec)] , See “4 ex rar) St emia. 1 eo caer Base rain Tae ‘—[eurent oad value (%)) enim 1 eit. [3 indicates car speed (peak vale) | Basic rekcan—lear speed) ‘mining | x 2ninin (Et 2)—10)1. 6 | Indicates car speed (realtime) Basic incication—|car speed) Omiminidigit 2m i ee Tonina ‘bme) Ex. 75m/min m Te Toa ae aden oN] Spas toa 1 Ze x fan tor hance wheel! I =L Pt-19~I. > ote for '& | Tneicaton of Car positon ir ending | Basic indcation=[Floo}] 6 ore Tanding swith Gaius ame as oc) x Wine! ver 4 ‘A | Indication of “car position “(lor | Basic indication—[Fioor] 0-8 or E “Terminal switch stalus is same tema wc) x Win DSR! of. nvr (2) TS [Bake Tee urng —dtaee | eas ndeatan Toate Beery Rane) | ToT ineaon sen | 1-8-1. © [Tadeaton” of car poston ( Ws | Base ndeaion este he centalposon| | Sema | dance. of certal poston of| x s00mm abr fom cl pesten toe |__| hasta eal ine i { ‘0 | Indication “of “car ‘position ("the | Basic indication—distance ol the central postion] | 256mmidigi. | distance of cental postion of | Ex 200mm betw fom central pasion Indicates from ~19 019 hoy) =i. )(I-t- se | E | indicates car postion (the distance | Basic indication—~[distance of the bottom floor) Inidgit ‘of bottom floor) Ex. 22m Sheet FES Pel | BEBE RRR BRR aaa aeaarerre” Sep, 21,2002 Ju 28, 2001 4 Inccats the load weight) “The metro of inicatng he load weight to 7SEG on and hal ndeatornicate one dig ai fhe do 25 US (7se92.11 Ee 309 ot tu on Upper part the load weet “The Upper par andthe lower ceil munremge: c-7.031801 @E a ne PCB ischanged soar beau te nad mig Youe Deans out SAN The car datum of ey Lower pat of he load weit pata the oad weight are iericated teat ever #0 mnmema-crcaiss @ em PB] Sep. 21,2002 ‘on. 4, 2002 ‘ul 26,2001 4) Functions ofthe switch MOND I set SETH0 to 00 008, change indicator by MONTH. ‘Constucton Maral C7-C3180.28| ® MONO | Function [ te0 incicator Incase of LHH-22XA . Tren 0 _| Indes an ero | See) Tne he ea pston Teas Indicator anges tom 11 Indcaes te caosion. | 0 argo repesenisne middle point val, | SPADE 7 2s6mn id 2 Indicates floor No. eats whi to bake released 2 [eae te sis Wai ym oar span ote, nl | ata Saaee (Om id) chopped and inate ‘(S00 6-2) 4 Inet oot No appteale 5 Inais floor Na Door open tne & erended 7 | Bom cee Inates foo Na tat appleale 7 InialesfeorN. ee Incas Teor No aeplzabe 2 Inales for Ne “AX eles wie shakedown TBR. A | ake shakedown “BX nl wie shaedonn of BZ “70 the numberof shakedown ses nol appcable Biake nolan chock 8 Irate oo: No {Both brates) c tials fear ‘SWeAheual SHOT D | Indeatesteloadweont | he weigh ved weightnon) FL weight (OEC) | apctcabe E Inia foo No. F Inicates tor No ee ee ee ee | | ~ ?<~ i a al a eee ee ea ea fe ee al lm ‘Sep. 21,2002 su, 26, 2001 +1-ymen thre ae wo oF more errs, the ear codes wil appe 7sEG ar fo 2 seconds or eathalenately, Content To erorthere no error relevant codes 110 F) ‘SWIGBL Abnormally low-speed detecton SWTGBH _Overspeed detection. SWTGBR Rverse-un dtecton, SWAST —_Anistal timer z 'SSIOGFOLIOCH) Overcurrent detection. SSCOVH _Overvltage detection 'SSLVIT Low-voltage detection. SWORE FLBOFF iaiue SWOFS KG OFF faire 'SWOFBK _On tlle oc OFF fare of brake contact ‘STSTSCE _ Ero cvialvansisson to he ca. ‘STSTSHE Evora sei vansnission to the hal. STSYER System ont 'SODNAS Unable to re-start. Fer Orve) ‘SWNAS Unable tore-sia, (For Conta) sane: 07-c0150.1 SERIE PB CGonstuaton Maral Crense296@) mata %-C-7.03180.1 DEAL >B] Sep. 21, 2002 Consructen Manuat oes aor Cress Sita at ® my ey ie Dot tuming off ‘Do ckering "Normally the (Floor indication is shown. With the folowing operation, its tanslerred tothe [Condicn ination. 24 hous ater pert, the sgna is retuned to the [Foor ination, [The des on the (Fcc ineaton) andthe {Conon indication are escrbed in another item) © Duxng operation of MON, 1 ® When maintenance computer (personal computes inked ® During instatation @ When CPU has beon reset Inder fo distnguth between the [Foor inieaon) and the [Condon indicator), the Dot cf the 7SEGS indicator & usualy extinguished during “lor indication, and ts flashed during [Condition indcation, To increase the visbity ofthe rotary switch seting postion, the value of the rolary switch is transmied to the 7SEGS indicator to ‘make 2-seconds fick dung te operation fhe rotary switch. (MONO and MON! are inicaedin the 7SEGS eicate) TxveOA ‘Sep, 21,2002 Consturtion Manual cet ee “nda te sn cure nd VFKA — vr-cat at fe owen 8 PH riceras vowncot crete) Lr co peers Zsa eee “ce We tn vena nad at nt “nner ene ese eh nd S524 fs ed oi ng ote nines rg innbe nen ‘There’ an erorn 7SEG, t see dell or iter 4) 3 Indicates contents of TSEGS below. a Name ‘Function ® [oocyte 3 ; rer vg AND, NSPECTON at) 3 ce er ea ATO ot 7 Foran [Open mints. 5 a |owcaasions : Beran a oo 7 aA sicsors ‘Construction Manual | sep. 21,2002 c7csisaat @) a | 16] Funchon of “indication of state ofthe elevator” (Tunction of rotary switch) ci oe ‘hase Tama “1 "TV Trdicates state of elevator and function as tke 2 ball and = } £ VEDA l eae Stepan’ Si akan POT [ he roman en FF 7 [ea afl an armed th <7 Tseseadre ctir [REE FLED Bee OTA aa a [eames Saiareneaars SS Seer ae TT aa [es ane : : : i 7 [basa a ae i ; = = i = = j “ 2 = D = a applicable E = : j | en ES snewtn Gans Non ond aloe hn psy ot eae EH d — maobean se: 6-7-03150.1 (GE) EMAL | Pal

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