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Grace Wilhelm

1. Touching Your Toes

2. Sources

“Stroke - Symptoms and Causes - Mayo Clinic.” Mayo Clinic, 9 Feb. 2021,

“How to Touch Your Toes (4 Stretches to Improve Flexibility) | Nerd Fitness.” Nerd Fitness, 1 Dec.

Hersh, Erica. “Ischemic Stroke: Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery, and More.” Healthline,
Healthline Media, 22 Sept. 2017,

3. Equipment needed:
a. No equipment needed
b. A space/area to reach down and touch your feet.
4. Activity Description –
a. First stand up in a space/area where you have room
b. Next look at the ground
c. Then reach your arms down to your knees
d. Finally reach your arms down to your toes
e. To come back up from this position
f. First, reach back to the knees
g. then , reach back to a standing position
h. Then tilt the head back to forward position
5. Primary social interaction pattern(s) (activity analysis) – The action was directed by a
person to another person. It is intra individual because it is involving the person only.
The person is thinking through the steps of the motion they are taking. It involves
cognitive skills and motor skills of the person only. The action is not directed toward
the other person, so an interaction between participants is not required.
6. Adaptation: A Stroke or a CVA (cerebrovascular accident) is what happens when
there is an interruption of blood supply to the brain. This interruption causes damage
to the brain. The symptoms of a stroke are trouble walking, speaking and
understanding, paralysis and or numbness of the face, arm, or leg. There are two
main causes of a stroke, a blocked artery or a bursting of a blood vessel. Or another
cause is a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain. There are three categories
of stroke: ischemic, hemorrhagic, and transient ischemic attack. A Ischemic stroke is
when the brain's blood vessels are blocked, this is the most common type of stroke.
It can be caused by fatty deposits or blood clots that are traveling through the
bloodstream. A hemorrhagic stroke is when the brain's blood vessels burst or leak,
this can be caused by many conditions that affect one's blood vessels. A transient
ischemic attack (TIA) is also known as a mini stroke. It is a temporary period of
symptoms caused by a temporary shortage of blood supply to the brain. It occurs
when a clot or debris blocks blood flow to only part of the nervous system. A
participant with an Ischemic stroke, would be mainly affected in their motor,
cognitive, and sensory functions. Motor impairments being more of a common factor,
touching of the toes may be a simple activity that can challenge a barrier for this
participant. An adaptation that can be made for a participant engaging in this activity
can be using a chair to sit in. Sitting down in the chair and then reaching for the toes
can help the person keep balance. Their weight is on the chair so they do not lose
balance and complete the stretching motion without failure. Another adaptation could
be sitting down on the ground, against a wall, and then reaching for their toes. This
can aid the participant effectively stretch and move their body again without losing
7. 45 year-old woman who experienced a traumatic brain injury – Ischemic Stroke

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