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What form of production do you intend on producing? (short film, music video, stop motion
animation, documentary)
Music video
Based on the performances in your previous units, what areas do you need to improve on this time
In this production I need to really work on my sound quality and do different camera angles that will
really capture the characters emotions via lighting methods and camera angles.

Why have you chosen this production? What visual based skills do you feel it will help you to
I have chosen this production is because I loved to watch music videos as a kid and would watch them
all the time. Since I have already made a music video before it will be a chance for me to use my
skills from before and prove myself. However, I think it will be hard to find the right location and
props/costumes. It will be fun to play with the different camera angles, colours scheme and themes to
match the song.

Will you be working individually or as part of a 2 person team? Why have you chosen this?
I will be working individually due to the condition as it will be easier to film my idea the way I want.
This gives me more freedom for production and allows my creativity to flow more.

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