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Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Research Little or no evidence 2.1 Use research to 2.1 Use research to 2.1 Use research to
presented or information support the development support the development support the development
• Primary & secondary does not relate sufficiently of a creative media of a creative media of a creative media
• Evaluated to task production project to a production project to a production project to a
• Infographics satisfactory standard. high standard. very high standard.
2.2 Use analytical and 2.2 Use analytical and 2.2 Use analytical and
evaluative skills to evaluative skills to evaluative skills to
develop creative solutions develop creative solutions develop creative solutions
to realise a media to realise a media to realise a media
production project to a production project to a production project to a
satisfactory standard high standard. very high standard

Feedback Date:19th
My research work this week started of a bit slowly and has had to be run parallel to a lot of the model making which will take months to compete so I
have started earlier than would be usual. This week I have also been a bit slow to complete work, I have had to go back on last weeks research and add
more information such as each film use of frame rates which has set me back a couple of days. This week I also researched ‘First Man’ which is live action
rather than stop motion, I did this because I felt that the stop motion films, I had been researched did not reflect the tone or realistic look I was going for
and looking at how ‘First Man’ tried to make its film as realistic as possible would give me better ideas about how to make my film look as realistic as
possible beyond just having photorealistic effects. One of First mans main technique for creating realistic effects was to have the lighting be as realistic as
possible, by only having one light source in a scene which would represent the sun. This is a different technique than what is used in Wallace and Gromit
and Shaun the Sheep which had quite flat and unrealistic lighting, this should allow my film to be associated with a more realistic genre so when the final
cartoony joke is introduced at the end of the film it should be even more funny as it completly contracts the serious tone at the start of the film. To help
sell the realistic and serious tone of my film I will also try and have the camera placed in realistic places in my miniature sets so the audience feel like they
are actually in the ship with the crew allowing the film feel even more realistic.

I think I am a bit behind as I still need to analyses another film, do topic research, camera settings, movements of models and target audience which I
worry my take longer than a week and may be more like 1 and a half weeks’ worth of work. I think I will make up for this time later though as I have
completed a fair amount of the model making process which I had originally scheduled 1 week for, this now allows me to spend that week expanding my
research or allow me to start filming early. I also did my first technical test this week of my spaceman jumping and running, I have done it this early to
allow me time to buy and construct rigs to easily hold the miniatures. I have also worked on the 3D models to be printed and contacted a Theatre rental
company to hire out 2 lights and a colour scroller this should allow me a larger window to film in as it doesn’t need to be as dark when I start filming as
the lights are so bright.

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