Smart Artsnow Exemplary Lesson

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Lesson Title: Hot Seat History Grade Level: 5

Teacher Name: Jen Edris School Name: Marshpoint Elementary

Lesson Description Learning Targets

(Describe in a brief paragraph what the lesson (Consider Bloom’s Taxonomy higher order thinking
entails.) skills when creating these “I Can” statements.)

In this lesson, students will research a historical “I Can…”

figure from World War II and create a monologue I can explain the role of important leaders in World
of their figure to show understanding of their War II.
figures role in World War II.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) (These are the open-ended deepening questions that guide instruction in this
particular lesson. Consider 21st Century Skills and higher order thinking skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy.)

● What role did important leaders and key historical figures play in World War II?


Curriculum Standards (Spell out the complete Arts Standards (Spell out the complete standard,
standard, not just the code.) not just the code. Refer to GA DOE Fine Arts

● SS5H4 Explain America’s involvement in ● TA5.PR.2 Execute artistic and technical

World War II. elements of theatre.
● (d) Identify Roosevelt, Stalin, Hirohito,
Truman, Hitler, Churchill, Mussolini
● (e) Identify the changing role of women
and African Americans; Rosie the Riveter,
Tuskegee Airmen


Content Vocabulary (bulleted list of content Arts Vocabulary (bulleted list of words, refer to
specific vocabulary words) ArtsNOW Vocab sheets)

● Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Hirohito, ● Monologue, dictation, character, costume,

Truman, Mussolini, Hitler, Tuskegee facial expressions, gestures
Airmen, Eleanor Roosevelt, Holocaust,
Atomic Bomb, Pearl Harbor


Formative (bulleted list of strategies for Summative (finished product from the project,
formatively assessing students throughout lesson) rubric or specific writing task/assignment)
Lesson Title: Hot Seat History Grade Level: 5
Teacher Name: Jen Edris School Name: Marshpoint Elementary

● Hot Seat History research ● Presentation of monologue

● Typed monologue ● Rubric assessment of project
● Feedback online
● Questions in class

MATERIALS (include bulleted list of all materials needed, including websites, vendors, quantities)

● Hot Seat History assignment

● List of historical figures with websites for research
● Example video of monologue
● Props, costumes, etc for monologue presentations
● Hot Seat History rubric

Activating Strategy (5- 10 min)

Students will activate prior knowledge and engage in learning by participating in a live quizizz about
World War II leaders.

Main Activity (bulleted list of one step directions for lesson)

• Introduce Hot Seat History Lesson- show assignment with research and monologue slides
• Define Monologue and discuss expectations for the presentation of this lesson
• Show students example monologue- Rosie the Riveter
• Review list of historical figures from World War II and allow time to consider who they would like
to research and portray in this monologue
• Create class list of characters for monologue (student choice)
• Day 1- Students complete slide 2 of Hot Seat History assignment (Research) of their historical
figure today
• Day 2- Students create monologue for their character
• Day 3- Students create a video monologue presentation or present live to class via zoom
• Day 3- Discuss Theatre vocabulary with students and present monologues


Reflection Questions (Include a bulleted list of open-ended reflection questions that you will ask
students to respond to, either through class discussion or written activity. This reflection should help
students synthesize their understanding of how the arts helped them understand the concept being

● What role did your character play in World War II?

● How did World War II effect your character’s life?
● Compare and contrast your character to your own life? How are you similar? How are you

DIFFERENTIATION (Describe how the main activity could be differentiated for the different sub-groups,
Lesson Title: Hot Seat History Grade Level: 5
Teacher Name: Jen Edris School Name: Marshpoint Elementary

include bulleted lists of modified steps.)

● Research website given to students for each of their historical figures to help kickstart their
● Research website included audio for students to listen about their historical figure
● Small group aide in research


● Use at least 2 reliable sources on the internet to research historical figure
● Independently worked on assignment

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