Edukasyonsapagpapakatao 3:50-4:20: I. Layunin Ii. Paksang Aralin Sanggunian Kagamitan Iii. Pamamaraan Alaminnatin

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I. LAYUNIN  Nakasusunodsamgapamantayan/tuntunin ng mag-anak

II. PAKSANG ARALIN Kapayapaan/Kaayusan

Sanggunian TG pp. 27-28
Kagamitan 4 bond paper, karton para sapaggawa ng orasan at placard


Magbalik-araltungkolsapagpapanatili ng pagkakaisa at pagkakasundo-sundo ng
bawatkasapi ng pamilya.

TalakayinangmgatanongsaAlaminNatin at PaunangSalita.
Pasagutanangmgatanong. Itanongsamga mag-aaral kung
laginilangnaaalalaangkanilanggawainaraw-araw. Ipaintindisakanilanangmabutiang
may talatakdaan ng gawain.

Gawain 1
1. Ipagawasamga mag-aaralang Clock Time Organizer (CTO) kung

Gawain 2
1. IpasagotangMalakingTandangPananongna Gawain.
2. Talakayinsamga mag-aaralangkahalagahan ng pagtitipidsapagkain, gamit, tubig,
at kuryente. Ipaalalanaugaliinangpagkuha ng pagkainnakayangubusindahilito ay
isa ring paraan ng pagtitipidnalubhangmahalaga.

IpabasaangTandaanNatin at sabihinnamaghanda ng

IV. PAGTATAYA IsabuhayNatin

1. Ipagawasamga mag-aaralangisangpangakotungkolsapaksa ng
aralinnamaaaringtula, rap, awit, o kung anongibignila.

2. Ipasulatang Para saIyongMagulang. Iuwiito at ipasagot at

3. Sabihinsamga mag-aaralnaumisip ng ilangkasabihantungkolsapagtupad ng


1. Ipabasaangkaugaliansaplacard. Ipasagotangtanongsakanilangkuwaderno.
2. Tumawag ng ilang mag-aaralupangbasahinangkanilangsagot o reaksiyon.

I. OBJECTIVE *Use verbs in their simple present and past tense

*Decode words with long vowel words ending in silent e long u as in cube.
II. SUBJECT MATTER Using verbs in their present and past tense
Decoding words with long vowel words ending in silent e long u as in cube.
Reference/s TG p.231 LM pp.219-220
Materials Li8D4 Worksheet 1 LM page—for the poem ‘Cock-a-doodle doo
L18D4 Worksheet LM page---


Word drill and exercises on words with long vowel words ending in silent e long u
as in cube.
Introduction /Presentation
Read Cock=a=doodle doo and use the sentences in the poem to start lesson.
Modeling /Teaching-
Discuss how Present and Past Form of verb are used with time expression.
Refer to LM Activity 192 on page 220 for the reading exercises on more words
with long /u/ sound like cube.
IV. EVALUATION Read the story Muley Mule and the Duke in page 221 and answer questions that
1. Have you seen a mule ?
2. Who owns Muley, the Mule?
3. Where did the duke and Muley, the mule go ?
4. Why did they go there ?
5. What did the muse give the king and Muley+

V. ASSIGNMENT -Write the following phrases in your notebook. Practice reading

A huge cube to put in tubes a cute mule a bottle of perfume

I. LAYUNIN  Nailalarawanangmgapangunahinglikas-yamannamatatagpuansalalawigan o

II. PAKSANG ARALIN AngMgaPangunahingLikasnaYamansamgaLalawigan/Rehiyon

Sanggunian Modyul 1, Aralin 12
K to 12 – AP3LAR-lh-12
Kagamitan mgalarawan ng mgalikasnayaman, manila paper, krayola, lapis


1. Ipakitaangmgalarawan ng iba’tibangmgalikasnayaman ng sarilinglalawigan at

2. Simulanangpaksang-aralinsapamamagitan ng mgasusingtanongsaAlamin Mo.


B. Paglinang
1. Talakayinangkaugnayan ng pangkabuhayan at anglikasnayaman ng lugar.

2. Iugnayitosapaksangtatalakayin, MgaLikasnaYamansamgaLalawigan.
IpabasaangnasaSangguniangAklat ng Rehiyontungkolsamgalikas-yaman.

3. IpabasaangTuklasin Mo sa LM tungkolsamgalikas-yaman ng iba’tibangrehiyon

at pasagutanangmgasumusunodnatanong.

4. IpagawaangmgagawainsaGawin Mo sa LM.

Gawain A
Alaminnilaangmgapangunahinglikasnayaman ng sarilinglalawigan at ng
Bilangisangpangkat, palagyan ng kaukulangimpormasyonangvenn diagram.

Gawain B
Itakdasabawatpangkatangkanilangsasaliksikinsabawatlalawigan ng
Pangkat I – YamangLupa
Pangkat II – YamangTubig
Pangkat III – Yamang Mineral
Pangkat IV – YamangGubat

Gawain C
Magkaroon ng duladulaansawastongpaggamit ng likasnayaman ng lalawigan.
Itanong kung
anoangkanilangmungkahinggawinupangmapanatiliangkasaganahan ng
mgaLikasnaYaman ng Rehiyon. Ipasulatitosasarilingsagutangpapel.

5. Gabayanangmga mag-
aaralnamailahadangsumusuodnakaisipanbilangpaglalahat ng aralin.
Angpangunahinglikasnayaman ng bawatlalawigan o rehiyon ay
kaugnaysaanyong-lupa at anyhong-tubignanakapaligiddito.
Mailalarawannatinangmgaitoayonsayamang-lupa, yamang-tubig, yamang-
gubat at yamang-mineral.

IV. PAGTATAYA PasagutanangNatutuhanKosa LM.

V. GAWAING BAHAY Gumupit o gumuhit ng mgalarawan ng mgalikasnayaman at

pangkatinitoayonsauri. Ilagaysasobre at pangngalanayonsauri.

I. OBJECTIVE  Subtract 3- to 4-digit numbers without regrouping

II. SUBJECT MATTER 1. Addition basic facts

2. Place value of whole numbers
3. Writing numbers in expanded form
4. Subtraction basic facts
5. Subtraction as the process of taking away
6. Subtraction as the inverse of addition
7. Subtraction as getting/finding the difference/comparing
Reference/s TG pp. 92-99
Materials flats, longs, ones, story and word problem charts, flash cards, place value chart

III. LEARNING TASK/S A. Preliminary Activities

Use flash cards of basic subtraction facts.

Name the place value of underlined digit.

1. 9 475
2. 298
3. 53
4. 61
5. 7 428

Ask the pupils their favorite story books. Have some volunteers tell how many of
these books have they finished reading.
Ask: Why do you love reading books? Do you learn by reading books? How? What
benefits do you get from reading books?

B. Developmental Activities
Ask a good reader to read the problem situation. Refer to TG p. 94

Ask the following comprehension questions:

What does Mercy love to do? How many pages does the book have?
How many pages was she able to read after a week?
What is asked in the problem? Refer to TG pp. 94-97
Ask: Why is it important in subtraction to know which number is the minuend and

Group Work Activity

Provide each group with a set of number cards. Refer to TG pp. 97-98

How do we subtract 3- to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit numbers without


Let pupils do Activity 3 in the LM by group.

Have the pupils do Activity 4 individually in their notebook.
Arrange the numbers in column. Then find the difference.
Check your answer using addition.

IV. EVALUATION Let the pupils copy Activity 5 and do it at home.

Mother Tongue

I. OBJECTIVE  Tell/retell familiar stories and short conversations by using appropriate gestures
and expressions in complete sentences

II. SUBJECT MATTER Retelling familiar stories and short conversations

Reference/s Teacher’s Guide pp.229-230
Learning Material pp.191-192
Materials Pictures,/illustration, tables/charts. stories
Unlocking of Difficult Words
A. Priming Activity
(Board work)
Fiil in the correct pronouns in the sentences.
B. Presentation
Call selected pupils to read the following dialogue.
(written in the chart )
Comprehension Chech:
1.Who are the characters in the dialogue?
2.Where are Vincent and Sandara going ?
3. Wht is a fonda ?
4.What did Margie think about the fonda ?
5.What is Margie planning to do ?
6.How did Vincent and Sandara encourage Margie to go to the fonda?
Activity : Guessing Game
Class, what do you notice with the activity we had just done ? Did yiou like it ? Did
you learn something ? What have you learned?
IV. EVALUATION Retell story using gestures and expression.
V. ASSIGNMENT Read another stories and ready to present in the class by telling using gestures
and expression

I. OBJECTIVE At the end of each lesson, the pupils should be able to:
 Infer that plants produce plants of the same kind, and
 Infer that some physical traits are common or shared within the same group of
II. SUBJECT MATTER Plants Reproduction and Heredity
Reference/s TG pp. 91, 92, 93, 94 LM pp. 101, 102 103
Materials -enlarged picture of a tomato plant and a mature mongo bean plant, rel tomato
fruit, Activity 4-enlarged picture of katakataka and a gave plant


Ask the class:: What did you learn from our lesson ?
B. Motivation/Presentation
Post an enlarged picture/drawing of a tomato plant.
-Call pupils to label all the plant parts on the board.
-Ask the class; What part of the tomato plant develops into fruits?
-What do you see inside the fruit?
-What would happen if we plant the tomato seed in the ground?
C. Lesson Proper
-Let the pupils work individually for Activity 4. Distribute the activity sheet.
-Give the class seven minutes to do the activity.
-Post the enlarged picture of the katakataka plant on the board.
-Post the enlarged picture of the gave plant on the board.
-Ask the questions in the activity sheet for the discussion.
Many plants grow from seeds but they also grow from other plant parts like
The stem, leaf, and root.
IV. EVALUATION Name five different plants that can produce plants of their own kind.-

V. ASSIGNMENT Have the pupils copy this letter for their parents nd tell them to have their parents
sign it.Tell them also to fill in the missing information Refer to pp.


I. LAYUNIN  Nasasagotangmgatanongtungkolsanapakinggangteksto
 Naiuulatangmganasaksihangpangyayarisapamayanan

II. PAKSANG ARALIN Pag-unawasaNapakinggangTeksto

Sanggunian TG pp. 54-56
Kagamitan -


Maghanda ng mgalarawan ng mgagawainsabahay, paaralan at pamayanan.
Ipakitaitosamgabata. Pag-usapanangbawatlarawan.

Ipatalasamgabataangginagawanilasabahay, paaralan at sapamayanan, p. 54 sa TG.

Pagtalakay at Pagpapahalaga
Basahinnangmalakassamgabata. May mgatungkulinnadapatgampanansapaaralan,
tahanan at pamayanan.
Itanong: Anoangibigsabihin ng salitangtungkulin?

Pagpapayaman ng Gawain
Maghanda ng mgaistrip ng papelna may nakasulatnamgakarapatan ng mgabata.
Pabunutinangbawatpangkat ng isang strip ng papel.
Ipatanghalsabawatpangkatangtungkulinnakatapat ng karapatangnabunot.

Anoangdapattandaansapag-uulat ng isangpangyayaringnaobserbahan?

IV. PAGTATAYA Ipaisipsakanilaangmgapangyayaringnaobserbahansakanilangpaglalakad o

habangpatungosilasapaaralan. Sundansa p. 56 sa TG.



I. OBJECTIVE  Clap rhythmic patterns using stick notations

II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Rhythmic Pattern (Stick Notation)

B. Songs: “Araw at Buwan” C, so, mi
C. Values: Appreciate God’s Creation
D. Concept/s for the Teacher
Reference/s Music Time Teacher’s Manual (Lower Primary) p. 50, 197
Materials chart of rhythmic patterns, CD/CD Player
III. LEARNING TASK/S A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Echo Clap

2. Review
Divide the class into two groups.
Group A will stomp the pulse.
Group B will clap the rhythm.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Present a picture showing day and night time and ask the children to tell
something about it.

2. Presentation
Let the children recite the song “Araw at Buwan” TG p. 12

3. Discussion
Let the pupils do the following activities:
Clap the steady beats (pulse) only.
Clap the rhythmic pattern.
Divide the class into 2 groups. Group A will clap the steady beats (pulse) only.
Group B will clap the rhythmic pattern only.

Which group clapped the beats? (Group A)

How did group B clap the rhythmic pattern? (They clapped according to the
syllables of the song.)

4. Generalization
What is rhythmic pattern?

5. Application
Group the class into five, TG p. 14

IV. EVALUATION Put a check on the appropriate box. TG p 15

V. ASSIGNMENT Create three rhythmic patterns using stick notation in 4s.

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