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Name : Jenita Tambunan

NIM : 4193351026

Course : Element and Compound

Acids and Bases Assignment

Having understand the Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis Acids and

Bases concepts, you are assign to make a table consists of the differences
among the three concepts. Use the following table as example. You are welcome
to extend or add or modify the table if you consider it necessary. The aim of
this assignment is for you to be able to distinguish the acids and bases among
the three concepts.

Parameter Arrhenius Bronsted-Lowry Lewis

In water Acids : Release H+ Water does not act as an Acids : Partially release
Bases: Produce OH- H+
acid in an acid medium and
Base : Binding OH-
does not act as a base in a
basic medium. Thus, the
medium which a molecule
is placed in has an effect
on the properties of that
molecule. Other molecules
can also act as either an
acid or a base (amfoter).
Organic/inorga Mainly inorganic Mainly inorganic Some reactions in organic
nic chemistry.
Electron lone Acid is a substance which Acid is a substance An acid is a substance
pair when dissolved in water (species) that can give or (species) that acts as a
ionizes releasing release H + (proton) ions to receiver (acceptor) pair
Hydrogen ions (H +). other substances or called of free electrons from
A base is a substance proton donors. other substances to form
which, when dissolved in A base is a substance that a coordination bond.
water, ionizes to release receives or captures H + A base is a substance
hydroxide ions (OH-). ions which are released by that acts as a donor
other substances (acids) or (donor) pair of free
are called proton acceptors. electrons to form
coordination covalent
Weakness - Acid-base reactions are The Bronsted-Lowry Lewis's theory has the
limited to aqueous theory has the disadvantage of only
solutions (aqueus, aq) and disadvantage of being being able to explain
acid-bases are substances unable to explain the acid-bases which have 8
that only produce H + and reason an acid-base ions or octets.
OH-. reaction can occur without
- Arrhenius theory can the transfer of protons
only explain reactions that from the acidic to the basic
occur in water alone, ones.
cannot explain reactions
with water solvents.
- Arrhenius's theory is
unable to explain the
reason some compounds
containing H or hydrogen
which have bilox or
oxidation numbers +1 (for
example: HCl) that
dissolve in water solvents
to form acidic solutions,
whereas others such as
CH4 do not.
- Arrhenius's Acid Base
Theory has the
disadvantage that it cannot
explain the reason why a
compound that does not
have OH ions, for
example Na2CO3 has
basic characteristics and
Advantages Able to perfect the acid The theory of acids and allows acid-base
theory put forward by bases put forward by classification to be used
Justus Von Liebig. Liebig Bronsted-Lowry is broader in reactions where
states that every acid has than Arrhenius's because it neither H + nor OH- is
hydrogen (hydrogen-based includes reactions in present.
acid). This statement is various types of solvents,
incorrect, because bases not just water
also have hydrogen.


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