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GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade level

 DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area
  Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
A. Content Standard The students demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in practicing
occupational health and safety procedures
B. Performance Standard The students shall be able to practice occupational health and safety procedures
according to industry requirements and procedures
C. Essential Learning Competency Control hazards and risks
D. Objectives 1. Follow OHS procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace;
2. Follow procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire, and
emergencies in accordance with organization OHS policies;
3. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with organization
OHS procedure and practices.
A. Topic Contingency measures and procedures
B. Key Concepts
C .Pre-requisite skills Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


A. References K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning
Module, Animal Production Exploratory Course Grade 7 and 8
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources
1.Websites https;/

2. Books/Journal
C. Materials
A. Motivation Group Activity 1
Motivational activity entitled, “Word Hunt”

Teacher: Good morning to everyone.

Learners: Good morning ma’am.
Teacher: We are done with our last topic on “Evaluate hazards and risks”
Congratulations! 90% of you got a highest score in summative assessment. It
means that you truly understand our lesson last meeting.
Teacher: Can we move now to our next lesson?
Learners: Yes ma’am.
Teacher: Before we continue to our lesson proper, let’s have first our first
activity entitled, “Word Hunt”.
I’m going to give a worksheet to all of you, what’s your going to
do is to find the hidden words. The hidden word can be positioned
in all directions, written from left to right from right to left,
horizontally, vertically and diagonally, but is always on one straight
line. There are fifteen words hidden, you can write your answer in
the right side of the worksheets. Are you ready?

Learners: Yes ma’am.

…..Start of activity, the teacher will distribute the worksheet and let the students begin
their activity. The allotment time for the activity is only five minutes.
B. Presentation of the topic and Teacher. Time is up! Are you done with your activity?
the learning objectives Learner: Yes ma’am.
Teacher: Alright then, we will check your activity.

Teacher: Who among you got the perfect score?

Learner 1: None of us ma’am.
Teacher: It’s alright. You can do it next time and please be time conscious.
Learners: Yes ma’am!
Teacher: Based on your activity, what do you think is our lesson for
Learner2: Based on our activity, I’m sure we will be talking about control hazards and
Teacher: Excellent. What else class?
Learner3: Based on our activity ma’am we will also tackling about different
Personal Protective Equipment ma’am.
Teacher: You figured it out, good thinking!
Teacher: Today, we will be discussing about follow OHS procedures for
controlling hazards/risks in workplace and use of Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with organization OHS
procedures and practices with the following objectives:

 Ask one (1) to two (2) the students to read the learning
 After reading the objectives….
Teacher: Thank you.
C. Activity Teacher: This time, Lets have our second activity “Watching video clips”
entitled “How to Handle a Workplace Emergency”
As you watch the video, Try to ponder the following guide
questions for you to answer. Are you ready?
Learners: Yes we are.., ma’am.
D. Analysis Teacher: Based on the viewed video clip, who among you wants to answer question
number 1.
 1. What is the video all about?
Learner 1: The video is all about how to handle a workplace emergency.
Teacher: Exactly right, very Good. How about next question?
 2. Why is it important to have an emergency plan?
Learner2: It is important to have an emergency plan because to minimize
the impact of potential threat to a workplace.
Teacher: Very well said. How about question number 3?
 3. Give examples of common workplace emergencies.
Learner3: Equipment malfunction, ma’am.
Teacher: Very Good! Some more..?
Learner 4: Natural disaster like earthquake, ma’am.
Teacher: Correct, very good. Some more…?
Learner 5: Fire
Teacher: Very Good. Keep it up.
E. Abstraction Teacher: Having fun with your activity?
Learners: Yes ma’am.
Teacher: I’m happy to see that you’re interested with our lesson. Are you
ready class to our lesson proper?

 Unlocking of difficulties
 Discussion of contingency measures and procedures and different Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with organization OHS procedures and
practices using power point presentation.
F. Application Teacher: Have you learned our lesson?
Learners: Yes ma’am.
Teacher: Wow, you all certainly did well today. Keep it up.
Anymore questions class before we proceed?
Learners: None ma’am.
Teacher: Alright, since there is no more questions get ½ crosswise and
answer these questions.

1. Why should a workplace implement hazard control?

2. Enumerate and give the functions of different Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. id the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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